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Messages - Yamada

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General Discussion / Re: Messenger of bad news.
« on: March 30, 2007, 06:05:06 am »
Quote from: Serissa
This whole thing is false.  Zelda1, Larissa's player, is just fine.

Well if that's true Serissa, then Allies boyfriend has been playing one VERY sick joke with me; What makes you say she's fine?

Fixed Bugs / Re: Player Movie links
« on: March 18, 2007, 08:20:55 pm »
Okay, so I attempted the right click and save option, but it just made me download a huge .php file (around 28mbs) which doesn't do anything...

No worries... I managed to download it using 'DownloadThemAll'

General Discussion / Re: Server Status?
« on: March 15, 2007, 06:42:58 pm »
...Click on 'Layonara Links' along the top menu, then second one down in that list, 'Server Status', should take you straight to it. *winks*

General Discussion / RE: THE ULTIMATE WEAPON
« on: February 17, 2007, 03:50:42 pm »
In my experience parry doesn't always actually work. I found that usually it only works on 3-4 attacks per round and the rest usually hit no matter how high the parry, although it may be due to problems with the game not being unable to keep up with it or something...

The pure white for Sa'kura' wedding dress was there because I used the base item called 'wedding dress' or what not, which I found in the Freelancers store room, so I bought it from the guild to make it. It had the pure white set as its base colour.

General Discussion / RE: Now its her turn :)
« on: January 22, 2007, 05:11:47 pm »
It's 1:10am here in England, so for me it's already the 23rd...

General Discussion / RE: Now its her turn :)
« on: January 22, 2007, 05:07:03 pm »

General Discussion / RE: New Video from Tanman-Halfling Bashings
« on: January 15, 2007, 03:22:40 pm »
Larissa' in it  :p That instantly makes it the best video I've ever seen.  ;)
  Can't say I've ever seen the other two around.

General Discussion / RE: House Query
« on: January 05, 2007, 01:54:46 pm »
In my experience you're only paying for the exterior.
  I know that's true for all the houses in Pranzt anyways. The biggest and the smallest homes there all have the same interior.

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Seeking Nyyana and Wren
« on: November 28, 2006, 11:24:49 pm »
*she hums in passing as she waits for Storold to arrive, and notices her name.*
  "...hmm... b..better ask around to s..see if I can find out who she is..."
  *and with that she signs her name on the bottom of the notice to let Tyrian know she's seen the note before turning and smiling, giving Storold a wave before heading to the kitchen as Storold drags along some branches and sawdust*
  "C..Come on Storold! Told you're getting old!"

Roleplaying / RE: Elves
« on: November 15, 2006, 11:25:19 am »
ah, okay *smiles* many thanks for clearing that up.

Roleplaying / RE: Elves
« on: November 14, 2006, 02:16:04 am »
Heh... is there any chance Ed or L can clear this up so I can end my little debate with Akata.
  Thanks.  :)

General Discussion / RE: Question on custom heads
« on: October 05, 2006, 03:23:41 pm »
ah... but apart from the custom heads I downloaded from the layonara forum, they're all original heads that are NWN standard... sooo... *blinks* ...I'll have to check out my override folder then...
  edit - just realised... could be the CEP heads that are causing it...

Wild Surge Inn / RE: Garent is evil and should be removed!!!
« on: August 30, 2006, 03:06:29 am »
// *laughs* Actually, there was a DM on who did take control of Garent... all that happened with Garent under the control of a DM.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / RE: Let's set up camp.
« on: August 03, 2006, 03:01:41 pm »
Ah yeah, I remember that module... It was an interesting aspect because it made you have to try and think who should carry what, and resting without a tent or bed mat gave a small penalty or something didn't it? It was a good idea, could be fun if introduced.

The Silver Buckle / RE: Looking for a teacher.
« on: August 03, 2006, 11:10:29 am »
*she walks into the bar and notices the new notice on the wall, giving a quick smile before saying to herself*
  hmm, st..strange thing to ask for... b..but if it's to help w..with their knowledge of the weave... I w..wish them all the luck...
  *she hums to herself as she straightens the note and goes about her duties*

Roleplaying / RE: how to rp a double life
« on: August 03, 2006, 08:08:05 am »
There's afew things, some Philosopher mentioned... but an obvious one is make sure you don't walk around with the same clothes... I'd assume you'd have to hide your double life from your husband and you'll need to make sure you're either good at illusion, or you have a nice helmet or mask over your head. Make sure you don't talk about information Sonya might know but your double life wouldn't know, like what's for dinner or who ate the last pie in the cupboard or they might just catch on that it's Sonya...
  Oh, and if anyone runs up to you saying 'Hey Sonya!' while you're in your secret identity, just blank them or tell them that if they call you that again you'll do something nasty... depends on what your second life will act like. Though make sure her secret identity doesn't take over her life too much or she may start acting pretty messed up...
  Hope that helps... if it even makes sense.  ;)

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nyyana's cute diary
« on: August 01, 2006, 06:56:47 am »
Entry 44
  I don’t know what this feeling is that floods my veins… it grips my bones and strikes at my heart… It’s a feeling that has been with me for years… and will probably be with me till the day I die…
    Do you ever get that thought; that wish deep inside you where you wish you still lived your childhood… My childhood at the Elebrathe Guildhall was one of the greatest times of my life…
    I just sometimes wish I was still there… or 100 years younger and living here… with Anna… hardly a worry in the world… dreams; it’s all it is really, a deep desire of wanting what I can no longer have...
    I’m just wasting my life away; I do nothing but gather stuff for the Freelancers, or for Quilus. I got to see Rhynn again; I sat with her for as long as possible… Her responses of patting me lightly on the head; although to some would maybe be annoying, made me feel comfortable and safe. Everything always feels better when I’m around Rhynn…
    I’ve gone travelling; travelled with some friends; just a walk across Dregar… I got to forget my worries for awhile…
    I spend a lot of my time within the forest of mists… a place of such beauty; such peacefulness, yet filled with great dangers… many times have I found myself in the middle of the mists grasp. The simple rule one of the rangers at Vale told me, is that when the mist envelops me I should sit quietly, preferably by a tree.
    I find it to be the most relaxing experience; to be lost within the sheet of white, the relaxing calm of the forest it creates. Nothing but peace… it’s lonely, that’s a certainty… but with nothing but silence, it places the mind into relaxation… the forest goes into a slumber as all who lie in its depths await the retreat of the mist.
    I find, what with me spending a lot of time alone lately, that I can never really think of anything to write… although I have been writing quite a lot lately, it’s just that I write them on separate scrolls… they’re for Anna, and to whoever she wishes to show…
    I wonder what my deepest fear… is; for I can feel it… I just can’t reach it…

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nyyana's cute diary
« on: July 30, 2006, 04:50:49 am »
Entry 43
    I don’t know why thoughts plague my mind so much lately… I see things as I meditate that I can only deem as….as… I don’t know…
    They only seem to occur when first starting to meditate… as soon as I’m in deep meditation they go away… but it’s hard to get that deep with those images in my head… I’m sure it’s nothing…
    M.N accepted the fact I only wished to be friends, and he said he understands. I feel even though we’re back to being friends again I’m still acting oddly around him… I suppose I just don’t want to get into that position where he continues to love me…
    Storold on the other hand… I’m not really sure where or what happened…
  All I know, is that Storold is waiting for me to send him a letter when I am ready for him to love me… but I’ll never be ready for that… If I send him the letter anyways it will hurt him… if I don’t… surely it would hurt him to… but it was his choice… I sent the letters… and they both made their choices… so I suppose it just means… I’ll never see Storold ever again…
    My diary entries have been lacking lately… I place it down to me spending all my time battling through the forest of the mists to gather fruits… but that would be a lie as I don’t shoot a single arrow, I rely on the weave to get me through… I suppose I just haven’t known what to write… I’ve been writing everything that has come into my mind onto scrolls and just given them to Anna to read… to see if she can understand me.
    I’ve continued to practise my archery, going out and training whenever I have the chance… although that isn’t really as often as it used to be now that I prefer to use all my time doing stuff for the Freelancers. My current exercise in archery is a simple one. I grab a wooden box, which is hard to sink. I then throw it as far as I can out to sea… and I simply shoot at it, trying to improve my aim and to see how many arrows it takes for me to sink it… I’ve discovered the wand Jacchri wanted me to study really helps with the aiming… I tried to learn the spell itself… but, there was no hope. I’ll just have to make sure I have some wands or gems on me…
    I prefer it to archery ranges… the waves and current give you a moving target which allows for much better practise. I’m not sure if I’d ever want to go against Jacchri though… that’d be an instant loss for me I would have thought… but then maybe one day when I get better…
    I suppose I’ll get back to the children… I promised to try and make a pie for them… wish me luck… I’ll need it…

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Nyyana's cute diary
« on: July 27, 2006, 05:32:53 am »
Entry 42
  I really don’t know what goes on in my head… I decided to write out everything my mind thinks of and just write it all down, and give it to Anna to read and try to help me…
    I just… you would have thought, since I am in control of my own body, that I’d be able to tell what in the name of Elebrathe goes on deep in my mind… but I can’t… I don’t understand me… all I hope is that by doing this at least one person understands me…
    I worked the bar almost all evening. I started at my normal start time, and finished late into the night. It’s certainly a lot of fun, and you never know what’s going to happen next… It was the busiest I’ve even seen it last night, but Anna and I managed pretty well, although we now know apple juice appears to be a favourite.
    Just before opening, while Anna was resting I travelled all over Mistone, and most of Dregar collecting fruits as we were out of non-alcoholic drinks. I managed to get most drinks in, and I was even able to get a nice batch of blueberries for the pie Anna is making Ash.
    I still don’t know what to do about Storold and M.N… I do like them and all… but I really do not love them that way… I’m not sure if any amount of time could ever change that… It’s not that I don’t want to love like that… it’s just I’m too afraid too… but even so... the one thing I've always been able to feel from my heart is when I am deeply in love...
    Ah I don’t know… I continue to practise my archery whenever I get the chance, and am still studying this wand, but I just can’t seem to learn the magic behind it… I suppose it’s the presence of necromancy about me… who knows… there’s so little I know…
    I’m just so annoyed at myself… even now, I’m too wrapped up in my own mess and loss to notice when anyone else is in pain… I know Anna… it’s not my fault… but I don’t think I’ll ever think any differently… but I’m sure you’ll help me to...

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