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Messages - JacquesAttie

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / RE: Custom Portraits
« on: May 08, 2006, 02:50:09 pm »
Hello for all.
Initially, I am Brazilian and still I am learning English.  If my text not to be clearly, forgives me.
I have a question.
When I entered in the game, I used portrait as if he sees to the side.
After to arrive at the fifth level, my character died.  :(
Since then, portrait of character moved for a skull.
My doubt is that I do not know if is permanent or if another problem had some.
I read the rules and I did not find no commentary on this problem.
That the problem has been caused had to be one portrait that the Layonara does not possess. How I can make use protrait to the too much players?
The link to the archive goes below together.
Thank you to all for the attention.  Jacques - Noah Gilgamesh - Brazil.

The link is ( - 357.89kb)

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