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Messages - kesrith

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / RE: CEP
« on: November 04, 2006, 07:59:27 pm »
Well that answers that. Boy, my memory must be poorer than I thought. it wasn't that long ago... oh well old age has set in I'm afraid.

Today I ran into Tanner Swordswinger again. He asked me if I was up for a jount outside of town, and eager to see more of the country I took him up on the offer. We exited Hlint and soon encountered a hilly area sourrounded by woods. At the top of these hills many foul creatures had made camps of one type or another. Tanner blazed through the enemy, and I must admit, followed along as best I could. Despite my efforts Tanner again killed a dozen adversaries to my one. Seeing my trouble keeping up with him, he kindly offered to give me all of the loot we had taken and recommended that I invest it in a bow. Seeing this as sound advice I agreed, and upon arrival back in Hlint promptly puchased a short bow from the local vendor.
Although I keenly miss my life in Point Harbor... the bustling taverns, the late night parties, the botiques with the latest fashions, and merchants with the finest of imported wines and fabrics, I must admit life here is growing on me. Sure it is dangerous, tiring, and often dirty (and smelly), but despite it all there is a certain sense of accomplishment. Knowing that you are in some small way contributing to saving the world is a far cry from my life back home. I suppose with a little more refinement Hlint wouldn't be so bad after all, and who better to bring some refinement but me?

Yesterday I came upon a fellow by the name of Rugo Falanger, who was kind enough to introduce me to the local tax collecter. Apparently she was in need of help in retreving certain important tax documents that had been stolen by a "rat-man." Frugo then showed me the entrance to the town sewers. Judging by their smell, I was surprised I had not found them already. The stench was awful, and my nose curled at the thought. I could only imagine how my hair and clothing would smell after a trek through the murkey, filth ladden water.
Just inside the sewers we encountered a group of rats who swarmed over us, biting and clawing... disgusting creatures they were, but we made short work of them. I then bent down to examine one of the corpses and I... well, hmm... (this is really embarrasing), I, well, I stabbed Rugo on accident. Understandably perturbed Rugo gave me a brief lesson in the basics of swordmanship (after healing himslef). I appologized several times, my pride having taken a mortal blow.
Rugo then left me to my own devices (I can't blame him), where I encountered more rats. Nervous already, I dropped my sword in the muck and was forced to take them on with my slingshot. While I was searching for my blade I happened upon a group of fellow adventurers. They introduced themselves as Tyrian, Creighton, and Ma'el. With their help we made short work of the rats and spiders, soon coming upon the "rat-man" who had stolen the tax documents. These I retreived, and upon exiting the sewers I bade my new friends good bye and returned them to their rightful owner.

Over the next several days I met many fine people who began to slowly show me the ropes of day to day existance in Hlint and the sorrounding countryside. A Ranger by the name of Gel'larian Windsbreath took me on a fine adventure outside of town where we encountered an encampment of kobolds. Now, I had always believed I was a fine hand with a sword, able to hold my own against even the best, but I soon learned that this was perhaps, a fantasy of my own making. The people here, the dragon called as they refer to themselves, bring swordplay and figthing to new levels. Departing Gel'Larian's fine company after a peaceful night chatting around the campfire, I returned to Hlint.
On the way back I was besset by a band of mercenaries. No match for three powerful adversaries I was beaten, knocked unconscious, and left for dead. Waking several hours later I managed to drag myself to Hlint despite being in a great deal of pain from my wounds. I crawled into the local tavern, where seeing my obvious wounds I was healed by a helpful gentleman whose name I no longer remember.
Learning my lesson I swore off traveling the countryside by myslef, and instead have taken to joining adventureres in their quests to raid the local crypts for skeleton knuckles. It was in that way that I meet a fine halfling by the name of Tanner Swordswinger. At fisrt his strange accent was a little hard to understand, but soon I was able to clearly make out what he was saying.  We went down into the crypts together... but I wonder sometime why I was even there. Tanner was a whirling banshee of death and destruction, killing a dozen skeletons to my one. We retrieved what he came for and I thanked him for including me on such a fine quest.

General Discussion / CEP
« on: November 04, 2006, 07:49:26 pm »
Stpid question here. I haven't played in quite a while and am not surte if you guys are on Cep 1.53 or Cep 2? Anyone care to educate me? Thanks.

Where to begin? Well I suppose the beggining would be a good place to start. It all began about a week ago in the bustling city of Point Harbor. I arrived home after a late night on the town and following my usual routine was soon to bed. Climbing between my prized silk sheets I was soon asleep. Thats when things got a little, well... interesting.
I awoke from my dream, or maybe I was still asleep? Its so hard to tell, if it was a dream it was the most convincing, life-like dream I have ever had. I thought for a moment maybe I DID drink too much wine (but who can resist such a fine vintage?)  Anyway, in my dream I stood before a great dragon, an ancient, terrifying creature of awesome size and power. I trembled before him as he spoke to me... every word being burned into my memory. And what did he tell me? I, me... I have been choose to save the world! Dumbfounded, and really not wanting to argue, I agreed to become a champion of the cause. Alas! If only I had said no (perhaps I didn't have a choice!) I would still be at home, enjoying my comfortable bed and private stock... but it was not to be.
I awoke in a daze in a small village... an outpost really, smack in the middle of wild and untammed lands. Confused I wandered the village until I came upon several well armed and armored adventurers. Seeing my obvious confusion I was approched by a fine fellow who told me that I was "dragon called" and that many in Hlint (apparently the name of this village) were so blessed. I don't know if blessed is the word, but it was nice to know that I was not the only one in this prediciment. I asked what was foremost on my mind, "How am I to save the world?"
Now, I am a fair hand with a rapier, and decent with a bow, quick, and generally able to dodge out of trouble when it finds me, but saving the world? A little beyond even my talents. The answer was not what I wanted to here, "You must find your own path."
My own path? Well first and foremost I needed to get my hands on a sword. I felt naked without my trusty rapier at my side... and even worse... I was wearing leather armor, in dull green and brown! Ughh... has anyone around here seen the latest fashions? Determined to remedy this situation I asked to be shown to the local merchants.
Thankfully I did awake with some small amount of gold, so I was able to purchase a copper rapier and a custom suit of tailored purple leather. Satisfied I spent the rest of the day wandering Hlint and getting to now the local populace before turning in for the night. As I lay, trying to fall alsepp, the day's events churned and rolled through my mind...  perhaps if I was lucky I would awake back in my own bed in Point Harbor, but also, some small part of me was eager for this adventure. Perhaps this was my oppurtunity to reclaim my families fortune and reputation! Perhaps I could reclaim my position in the upper strata of society that was lost to me when my father went bankrupt! By the time I fell asleep I had convinced myself that maybe, just maybe this wasn't so bad afterall.

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