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Messages - trapman

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / RE: Evil Characters....
« on: July 28, 2006, 09:43:09 am »
I'm not exactly a PvP fan...I have played MMORPGS like EQ, WoW and SWG with very different PvP experiences in all of those...bottom line is I REALLY  hate griefing...if there is something in this world that can make me mad is some immature knucklehead that can't accept to be beaten in good faith...and starts talking about my mother...etc...I mean, I literally push the off button on my comp as soon as I read something like that...SPECIALLY...if its a Role server.
But if its done between mature and responsible people (like everybody I have met here so far) with clearly defined rules can be very funny adds the adrenalyne factor hehe .

I don't know if its technicaly possible but one way to do it..could be...some sort of item that when used would flag you for PvP combat (changing the color of the name tag perhaps)and so it would enable you to attack or be attacked by the opposing faction. That way you know that IF you use the item ANYTHING goes...if you don't like PvP or just don't feel like it at the moment...well just don't "turn it on"

Just an idea...

Trade and Market Hall / RE: Iron armour fer sale
« on: July 27, 2006, 09:48:14 am »
Price?  ;)

Layonara Server / RE: Donate to keep this server alive
« on: July 24, 2006, 07:31:42 pm »
Hey just wanted to bump this by saying I just clicked the button for a 10$ a month plan. Altough I am one of the newest players in the server, I am so happy with the community, the world and the team that I didnt even think about it twice as soon as I read this post. Hope this litle bit helps.

Hasar Everstride.

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