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Messages - dalcartis

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: bear warrior
« on: March 10, 2007, 05:50:26 am »
It is nice to get the whole story. The pure druid forms suck on AC unless you take monk, and then you have to take five level on this world, although I am not sure if the same rules apply after level 20 for shifting druid and monk levels around?

It sounds like the idea that animal forms for the bear warrior add to your stats is awsome. Now considering b ears have low ac to begin with...                       If bear warrior gave you more than your regular ac and added to all your stats. That is some powerful class. Can anyone else condifm this tough

General Discussion / bear warrior
« on: March 08, 2007, 05:52:29 pm »
Can anybody tell me about the bear warrior. How does the bear warrior compare to the druid forms? Is it more powerful (like better ac for example)

Is the bear warriors power based off total char level?

I know one is restriced to use of it during rages.

The main question is it worth it, especially if one takes some unarmed feats or side kick?

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