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Trade and Market Hall / Re: Divine Scrolls and other items
« on: October 08, 2007, 08:54:04 am »
// Question about the spell Devine Favor

How many + AB and damage does this scroll give? and do you also happen to know for how many rounds it will last?

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Armours and weapons
« on: October 08, 2007, 07:38:37 am »
*Boon Loom walks by and see the list of items for sale.. He thinks for a moment and then write in the bottom of the note*

- Schamur.. I'm most intrested in the Helm of the guard. Keep it for me and next time we meet we can talk buisines.

*signed Boon Loom*

General Discussion / Re: Who is brave enough?
« on: October 08, 2007, 06:29:02 am »
// Alright.. I change this then.. since this trip will only be for those that despites healing and laughs at those that use death wards Clerics will be verbal humiliated and be throwing stones at at sight..

Kidding :D

you are right Sal. Everybody is important. Fighters, spellsingers and healers.

I was just thinking that clerics are rare and they are kind of a key person on these sort of trips. I belive that we are more likely to succed if a cleric shows up.

However Boon will go either way. Cleric or no cleric.

General Discussion / Re: Apology on thunder peaks mithril run.
« on: October 07, 2007, 07:18:14 pm »
No worries mate. We all make small mistakes sometimes. And I'm just happy to know that the mithril aren't gone forever.. :p

// Boon Loom

General Discussion / Re: a problem with the new resting...
« on: August 21, 2007, 08:09:47 am »
LoL.. I played for about 8 hours yeastarday with this new system and I didn't even noticed that the rest time have changed :D

I admitt that I spend all that time in the dead magic area zone so that might have been the reason though..:rolleyes:

First of all I wanna say thanks to Chongo who have made this place.

How cool is it not with a party of non spellcasters, Fighters, monks, rogues and so on.. can actually explore on their own whithout relying on buffs and the mages weirds, wails and claps. Up till now the frontliners much so have been cleaning up the scraps after said spells.

finally fighters in high lvls can team up whithout a spellsinger and go places that doesn't mean instant death but still are fun and a challange..

I love the mountain area with the big giants..

The pirate inspired area are cool obviosly designed for rogues :p

The spellsingers have all the rest of layo where they can do the same..

General Discussion / Re: Protection from spells
« on: August 10, 2007, 08:08:27 am »
Well Quoted Baneberry.

Another thing that camed into my mind is that how about all the nice "unik" drops that gives + to different or universal saves or gives spells, bonus feats, AB, AC and so on.. Then many should not know how to use them or what they are good for and like toss them away or atleast not using them. I don't think thats whats intended with the drops.

If I find a nice special item/drop i personaly get happy.. and my charcter gets happy too since i like to think that he knows what he have found.. Ofcourse a for example a fighter that finds a pair of greater gloves of spellcraft looks at them and either tosses them away or shout to the others that he found a funny looking pair of gloves and wonders if anybody else are intrested in them..

Anyway and to Skywatcher i am so far from upset that i can be and I'm certain that Aragwen, S0ulz and the other in this thread also arent any upset at all. Just different points of wievs and different ways to look at things.. its not always black or white. This is what the forums are here for.. give help and discuss different things.

I personaly like to see how things works and why it works like it does. I think most that have played NWN for some time do the same. you can't be a good DM if you don't understand how the game works..

Others don't care and are just here for the love for the game and couldn't care less eh.. :)

General Discussion / Re: Protection from spells
« on: August 10, 2007, 04:32:00 am »
Quote from: aragwen
The question is not whether you as player should know this, but rather would your character actually know this and be able to make decisions regarding this?
 Would a your character know the DC save for a wail for example and therefore know to avoid certain things or not? Or would your charater chance it and find out he is not affected and therefore continue to chance it.
 Just my own personal opinion but knowing what creatures use what spells, and how they affect you and what the DC to save against them, is very much metagaming.
 Granted that if you are a wizard with years of study you would know what a certain spell is and what the effects are. And you might have a good chance to guess if you can survive or not.
 I am with Soul on this, it is way more fun not knowing what to expect and always be prepared for the unexpected than to analyse every piece of the game and make it a totally known factor.

I can totaly understand and in some ways I agree in what you two are saying.

On the other hand if you as a person know this and always are unprepared for the expected isn't perhaps so fun if you got 9 DT.

To point fingers and telling a 9 DT character that he/she is metagaming for knowing thees things and say.. charge!! or be a bad RP and metagamer is a little harsh. ;)

Its two simple ways of avoiding that ofcourse and one thing is that just travel into complete safe areas.. Or sitting on a bench, but how fun is that?
The other is to have a "powergameparty" First of all a Cleric, 2 spellsingers, 2 fighters and perhaps a bard. Then you can just run into pretty much everything and fear nothing and just hack and slash for nice XP.

I know many that wan't set their foot on east if don't having a cleric in the party O.o

Going to dangerous places whithout for example a cleric is more dangerous, takes more planning, a good tactic and are a fun challange. Knowing different saves and having them in mind helps alot when doing so and you can so much RP it. :p

*The rogue slips in his Boots that will make him act faster and react quicker. His reflexes are now so fast that he can dodge the fire from flamethrowing giants*

-Rogoue: Bjornigar! Can you please stay behind me and don't attack the giant untill he has throwed his fire at me.. I don't wan't to see you burn like a torch eh.. *grins* :D

I don't see this as metagaming and I would be surprised if someone reacted negative to it and says... // hey! thats metagaming!

This was just an example of one save but you could do similar for everyone ofcourse.. The fighter that have an easy effected mind and always drools..

- Hey mr ringmaker.. Say can you make a ring that makes my mind stronger so I don't just stand and drools when fighting those narsty snakes eh? it seems like They always get into my head and makes me confused..
- Sure I can infuse such a ring with that sort of magic for you sir fighter..

As I said I do see why and have no problem that many, perhaps most people don't wan't to know these facts and are taking their chanses, and thinks that it adds more excitment and fun to the game.
But I also do think it would be a bit unfair to say its wrong to letting your character knowing these things and use the knowledge.

My opinion though and sofar i seem to be the only one hehe :D

General Discussion / Re: Protection from spells
« on: August 07, 2007, 06:47:30 am »
LoL.. Easy for an Epic Dwarf to say with an fort save near around 30 since I do belive that what people fear most are deathspells that only a foritude save can save from. Its different to not make a Reflex save in a storm or having a perhaps 20-50% chanse of making an fortitude save and die if failing..

I do belive it will add some extra dimension to the world/game if people in general knew more about the different saves.

-For example people would stay out of places that they don't realy have any buisiness in.

- many craftable rings/amulets and items that gives +1 upp till + 3 on different saves would be much more atractive on the market. As it is now the only jewelery people wear are +1-3 ability scores.

I think that Chongo are making good points here. Its sad to see characters that have fought the soulmother once and finally got to epic and got their 5 extra soulstrands and then a few lvls later finding themselves in the same position with 14 lost strands. :\\

The current SMD feat gives you 5 more soulstrands.. How about implement SMD II as a feat that gives an additional 3 extra soulstrands. :rolleyes:

General Discussion / Question about weapons
« on: October 08, 2007, 08:26:53 am »
I have found out that there are weapons now in game that have special properties than can be bought. I know that weapons that are special custom made here in Layo like the Mercurial longsword and dragonslayersword doesn't work with the normal feats like weapon spez for longsword and so on.

Since my character is an weapon  master its quite important that his feats and weapon of choice work with this weapon. The Scimithar i intend to buy is quite expencive so i don't wanna waste all the gold on it just to find out none of the feats and my weapon of choice are working with it.

happy for answers :rolleyes:

Forum Discussion / Can't use my old login
« on: October 08, 2007, 08:13:35 am »

My old login name is Frelinder. But i can't log in on it anymore. Perhaps its because I'm using the wrong password.

Would be great if anyone could look into this. Can either PM me at this acount or send me an e-amil to

Thanks :)

// Boon Loom / Kilkenny

General Discussion / Who is brave enough?
« on: October 08, 2007, 05:50:32 am »
...Roumors says that the fearless fighter Boon Loom are planning to go deep into the underdark. He is now looking for a crew to do this expedition possible. Everyone that have been there or have heard about this place knows that grand rewards awaits the ones that dare to go deep inside this place of darkness and evil. People talk about this at the Inns and at the market halls..

// was thinking its time for an UD trip. Main goal is Emeralds and mithril. Would be great if a cleric could come along, but if not I'm intended to give it a try anyway.. so the ones that wan't set their foot in UD without deathward are not brave enough for this expedition ;)

Edit: The Cleric is no longer guaranted an emerald.

You can post a reply here if intrested or just talk to Boon in game and say that you have heard about this roumor..

I'm intending to make this trip this weekend, saturday or sunday.. depends on who are intrested and what time people are avalable :)

// Boon Loom

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