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Messages - ps23z

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General Discussion / Re: questions for the team
« on: August 25, 2007, 04:08:38 pm »
I will not post here ever again but did wish to offer my apologys to you and the staff , I did over re-act and I was way off my rights of speech , letting my anger get the better of me and letting it take over. It was poor taste on my part. For whats its worth I never truely ment the words of anger I spoke on the insult level that is. Too little too late but thats my apology for whats its worth to yer spirit's sake. And please let it be known my words speak for none other then my myself and myself alone. No matter what I felt was wrong , I should not have stooped to that level , yer right aragwen. and dorg was right I could have just PM'd staff to work it out.

worry not I will never post here again , but I wanted to leave that apology for my foul wording, for I truely feel bad now having heard your feelings regaurding on the incident and re-reading my own words , and cannot leave without this apology , now that it is offered I am through. Those who know me well know i'm not that kind of person.

farewell and good luck on all of your endevors

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