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Messages - Blades

Pages: [1]
Trade and Market Hall / Re: Need Bronze Armor
« on: September 28, 2008, 10:37:33 am »
*posted on Hektors note*

I have no problems making a trade.  I need clay and sand.  If you would like?  I will try to find you to talk to you about this.  


General Discussion / Re: gass prices
« on: May 22, 2008, 07:21:11 pm »
It has effected a lot of people.  From small bussiness owner to large bussiness.  Yes even the big ones.  I get to drive a company car becouse of how much travleing I do.  Now gas is $4.25 for the cheep stuff.  I fill up 3 time a week at an average of $80.00 a fill up.  (Mind you it is more then just myself in the car most of the time.)  That is $240.00 a week time that 6 times (For are other 6 cars in the fleet) $1440.00.  Now that is some money to be putting out.  My boss is already talking about down sizing becouse he can not afford everything with the costing going up.  He of course will pass the cost on to the companys we supply.  We does it end?

Soon it will hurt everyone.  Jobs will be down sized?  Food goes up?  Gas goes up?  Utilitys go up?  Public Transite goes up?  We made are beds and we have to lay in them.  We can get started now and do little things to help out.  I have started changing my old fashion light bulbs to more engery saving light bulbs.  I take bus more.  And I am sure there is more I can do.  Will it be enough for us all to change are ways, who knows?  Are we to late?  All we can do is try.

General Discussion / Re: More hospitals.
« on: May 16, 2008, 04:41:54 pm »
Sorry to hear that, hope she gets better soon

Just for Fun / Re: EarthBoat Race
« on: May 10, 2008, 03:24:43 pm »
I dont know but it would be cool to own.

General Discussion / Re: Done.
« on: May 10, 2008, 02:55:45 pm »
very cool, congrats

General Discussion / Re: Another year comes to an end...
« on: May 08, 2008, 11:26:28 pm »
Happy Birthday

Trade and Market Hall / Need Bronze Armor
« on: September 27, 2008, 07:38:18 pm »
Fresh out off the anvils two, bronze full plate armor, and two tower shileds.  Would like to get ride of fast since I dont have much room on my Ox.  I can make any type of Bronze armor you would like and shield you would like.

3000 for the full plate bronze  //9th lvl


Pages: [1]