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Messages - Mykah

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Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Mykah's Journal -
« on: June 30, 2008, 02:49:49 pm »
Entry Three:

Today was... as the other days...  interesting.  I ran into my friend Niloc (Who happens to be a fellow Ranger) and he explained that he was going to the crafting hall to work on his tailoring skills.  Wanting to try my hand a bit myself, I agreed to go with him.  We made our way toward Hempstead and that's where I ran into my "friend" as I have refered to her before.  

Her name is Ami.  She is a beautiful, Elven Lady of immense grace... and power I've come to find out. As I have written I've spent a great deal of time with her over the passed few days and I find myself getting closer to her. There she was... breath taking.. elegant.. and she has a certain mysteriousness to her as well.  As we began conversing we were surprised by her friend G'ork.  A very Protective, and extremely large and battleworthy Half-Orc.  I've heard a great deal about this creature.. and while most of the companions that I have are afraid of him, I see something else.  I can't say that I wasn't intimidated, but I know that he only has Ami's best interest at heart, which makes me rather fond of him myself.   G'ork and I later sat at the Inn in Wayfare and talked, after dispactching of a few spiders that he needed to the venom sacks from, but I'll speak of that in just a bit... for now I'll get back on topic.   As we were discussing random conversation Ami gestured for me to follow her as Niloc was heading to town, and G'ork was waiting for his customer, so I did.  

Walking into Hempstead fields I saw her there.. basked in sunlight picking what seemed to be harvested vegetation, for what I can only assume will later be used for crafting of some type.   Approaching her, I tapped her shoulder receiving a great smile as I did.  She greeted me with the usual warm and tender manner that she normally does, gesturing me to walk with her.  As we walked we came upon a few Gnolls.  (obvious replacements for the ones we had taken care of the day before.  It would seem they have plans in this area, as to what I'm not sure yet)   We took care of the reinforcements as we did the day prior and continued walking until we reached a rather large hill to climb.  I scaled the hill easily, and offered Ami my hand when reaching the top, aiding her in her climb. As we reached the summit of this hill we came upon a beautiful landscape, encompassed by beautiful waterfalls and a large pond.. it was majestic in the least. A true Gem of Nature.. as most things are.

 This brings me to a quirk, that I find not only humbling, but "cute" at the same time.  Ami, has a natural distaste for chickens!  Chickens!  These are WILD chickens however, so I guess they are not for everyone to love.  As we approached one I noticed that it was meagerly searching for food, and as it was preoccupied I began speaking to it.. immediately calling it over.  Ami then exclaimed her distaste for them and I told his to stay behind as we made our descent up a rather large set of stairs that over looked the waterfalls.   This view was even more majestic.. more beautiful and grand then almost any landscape I had ever seen.. and in my travels I have seen a lot of landscapes.

As we reached the top, I sat at the northern most corner of the peak, taking it the scenery in all it's glory.. the beautiful waterfalls, the magnificent pond.. and the gorgeous Elven woman beside me.  I hadn't noticed that I was bleeding.. and Ami kneeled beside me placing a bandage on my arm.  Her touch was soothing.. soft.. I couldn't help but want to touch her hands with my own, and so I did.  Staring back at her she paused with a warm smile, allowing me to get lost in the moment.. as I believe she did as well.  My heart was pounding like never before, not even in battle have I felt such a feeling.  It was exciting... soothing and peaceful all at the same time.  A confusing, yet very clear feeling, if that makes any sense at all.  After a Short time we decided to continue our walk, this was after a rather heavy conversation that consisted of commitment and other things.  Lets leave it at we decided that we both enjoyed each others company immensely and that it would continue to be that way.. and in time things may develop further, but at this time.. we still needed to get to know each other more.  She continued to show me the landscapes around the area that I hadn't seen.. and I was more then impressed.  This place was turning out to be more then I expected.. it's turning out to be.. "home".  

After a while Ami explained that she needed to do a few things and needed to get back to town and as such, I needed to meet back up with Niloc to receive my lessons in crafting.  With a slightly saddened heart I said my goodbye for now.. and started towards hempstead.

After arriving at Hempstead, Niloc informed me that we needed to head to Silkwood forest to obtain some spider silk to make thread.  (a crucial component when learning tailoring)  So I quickly  agreed and we set off.  Much to my avail I found myself in the middle of 20 monstrous spiders, fending them off as best I could I managed to slay nineteen of the beasts.. after thinking the fight was over I was suprised by a straggler and fell to his bite.. Niloc had arrived just as the bite occurred as he was fighting another group on his own.  Niloc, Met me back in town and another adventurer by the name of Marec was strolling through.  Noticing I looked a bit "Under the weather" Marec offered his help in returning me to my grave site to reflect on my passing..  Here comes another set of interesting events.  Skully, the Dwarf that I had mentioned early was approaching our group in the streets of Hlint.  As I approached to greet him I was received with not only an animosity, but hostility.  He said something to the effect of "I'm sick of your human kind and your elf Kind too."  Shrugging it off a bit I figured his anger would pass, turns out I was wrong.  Niloc returned from smelting the ingots he was carrying and was leading me to a woman that needed an amulet that I had found in the Wild Surge Inn and as I entered I witnessed Skully senselessly murdering the hostess and someone that was coming to her Aid.  He quickly dodged out of the inn and when we got outside he threatened the entire group with the same fate.  Running off shortly after.    Another adventurer (I forget his name as I had not had much contact with him) reported him to the guards and Myself, Marec and Niloc set out to my grave site.  We quickly made our way through the woods to where I had fallen and I sat at my grave.. no combat necessary.  Seems the spiders aren't so quick to repopulate an area after they have been destroyed.  Filthy Spiders.  

As we Left the woods, we stopped upon a hilltop as I had thought that I saw Ami run by.  Must have been my imagination I said to myself.  I see her everywhere...that elf is even causing figments of my imagination!!!  

Turns out I was right... or at least I think I was.  Shortly after Niloc realized Tod was there, he stepped out of the shadows, and we were all approached by another adventurer, Ell.  We all needed a good rest so we headed to a nearby camp ground and much to my suprise... and delight.. there was Ami, sitting beside the fire reading her book.  Smiling happily I took a seat, more or less as close to Ami as I could.  Niloc began cooking some eggs on an ingot (which may I say was a rather creative idea) and Ami asked if he had anymore.  Nodding in assurance he exclaimed that he hand an entire box full.  I offered to pay for half which was a total of 1500 true, but she had already made the bank note out and didn't want to write out another one.  As the transaction was happening, G'ork showed up.  Now again, my friends were a bit on the frightened side, I however see G'ork as a very well behaved, and rather intelligent Half-Orc, sometime after they left I met up with him as he was on his way to kill the spiders I was talking about earlier.  I did what I could to aid him.. but it seems the brute not only didn't need my help, but I perished in a hastily ill-timed attack on one of them.  G'ork slayed the rest of the cave by himself.. and then proceeded to raise me.. telling me to thank Ami for it.  As pained as I was by the untimely death.. I was in a way.. happy.. obviously Ami had said some good things about me, if G'ork took it upon himself to bring me back.. he could have just as well left me for dead.

On our way back to town I approached G'ork and told him that I wanted to speak with him.. in regards to Ami.  I made it known that I had feelings for her, and also made it aware to him that his approval meant a great deal to me for the fact that he and Ami were as close as they were, and his approval meant a great deal to her.  G'ork responded by telling me (More or less) That he didn't see any harm coming to her from me.. and that if he did.. I would be beaten to a bloody.. senseless pulp.  I again assured him, that the last thing I wanted was for Ami to get hurt.  

On that note G'ork started telling me how they had met.. (G'ork and Ami that is) and told me that they had actually met at the inn in wayfare.  So in return I asked if he wanted to get a drink there, it would be my treat.  With a simple Grunt, he turned and agreed, heading in that direction.  

At first the topic was about Ami, and how they had met, and how I had met her and visa versa.  Then we started talking about G'ork.  I was indeed right.. This Creature was misunderstood.. (as Ami would say, that's my explination for everything) he has endured hardship beyond anything I have ever heard.. he also has a pretty significant past with dragons.. and on my request he even agreed to show me one some time soon.  This creature is honorable.. though he is intimidating.. it seems he has a good heart.  Even if he won't admit it.  He's rather intelligent to, He knows how to speak Orc..  Write and Speak Dwarven and he's working on learning Elven.  I couldn't believe it.. and I informed him that I would be happy to help him with his Elven if he ever were to need my assistance.  To make a long story short..  I kinda like the big guy.   Hopefully I see more of them both.

Speaking of friends.. and seeing them again.. I'm rather disappointed that I didn't run into Layl today.. perhaps I'll go looking for her tomorrow.  She was probably just busy.  

On another note entirely.. I'm almost torn between my combat with a Bow and My Scimitars.. I enjoy the different full frontal combat with my blades.. but it seems that my uncanny nac with the bow is getting the better of me.  It seems that the use of my blades is falling behind.. and the use of my bow is .. well to put it simply.. My main form of combat.  I feel I am growing stronger with the bow even as I put focus on my scimitars.  My Elven Traits are getting the better of me for now.  I even noticed that I fired a shot without looking today simply on reflex and delivered a death blow directly in the head of a goblin. I wasn't expecting that. (//critical hit)

I guess I should probably focus on my strengths and hone my weaknesses when I have the chance.   Well, that's the it for today.  Perhaps I will seek out a more experienced Archer and practice some skills I do not yet possess and see how far this can take me.


Development Journals and Discussion /
« on: June 28, 2008, 10:24:02 pm »
Entry Two:

*The Entry is written in a colorful mix of Elven and Common, although the parts with the most excitement seem to be emphasized in Elven.*

There is Much to write about this evening.. I'm not certain I will be able to fit all that has happened today in this entry but I will surely try.  Where to start..?  I guess the most fitting thing to do is start from the beginning.  

After Waking and trying to forget the recent passing that my soul had been forced to endure I was greeted by my "friend" once again.  I still do not wish to mention her name even now, as I am unclear if her intentions... and where we stand.  I've spent a great deal of time with her however, and the mourning began with us meeting in a town called Hlint where I was making a deposit at the local bank.  After talking with her and revealing that I had taken it upon myself to learn of her "Goddess" we decided it would be a good idea to take a long walk.  At first it seemed like we were going adventuring.. we came across a few tribes of some nomadic elves that have seemed to have lost their way, meaning we had no choice but to dispatch of them.  Mourning for them, and their decisions, Myself and My friend quickly did what needed to be done, even if it was with a saddened heart.  As we moved further into our walk, it became just that.. a walk.  She led me toward my home in White Horn Forest.  A place that I haven't seen in a while.. and just seeing it seemed to make me feel nostalgic.  The Mourning Rondevous ended with us sitting around a fire and talking to one another.  I'm getting rather close to this one... It seems I can't help it.   After a while she announced that she had things that needed to be done and in return so did I.  Casting a few various spells, my friend made the trip back a bit quicker.. I felt lighter on my feet.  With a not so simple goodbye, we agreed that we would see each other again very soon. I find myself thinking about it a lot.

After getting some rest, I woke up once again staring into the sky from my back.  I lied here a while... and even though it wasn't intentional.. for the first time in a long time... I found myself smiling without the intention of doing so.  I feel... comfortable here..

Brushing Myself off I stood up to find that Tod (That interesting little Halfling that I talked about before)  had wandered into town.  He admitted that he was going to work on a new helmet that he had constructed and so I followed him to the workshop, bumping into that Ranger Niloc along the way, he followed us for a bit, and then let us know that he had some chores he needed to do in Hlint.   We agreed that we would meet up there shortly and perhaps plan another attack on the Goblin Caves... Those things seem to call for reinforcements every time we go in there to get rid of them.

We got some help from a few people that happened to be nearbye at the time when we were deciding what we were going to do.  A Sorceress.. or Wizard.. (at least a Caster of some sort) named Amanda was there and offered her help.  In addition, Tod had sent out a Bird to a Dwarf named Buddy.  Let me elaborate on this..  Dwarves in my experience aren't the most intelligent.. and often times are down right disgusting creatures.. but they most certainly can be handy in times of war although I would never openly admit such a thing.  

Moving into the caves we thoroughly cut down the number of goblins inhabiting this place... more then likely it's only to find that a new tribe will have moved in by tomorrow... or sooner.  These creatures are incredibly resourceful for their intelligence.   On our Way out of the caves however, I was shot in the back four or five times...  their arrows sting... and penetrate.   After the massive loss of blood I could feel myself slipping from consciousness .  I once again awoke to find myself standing in the center of Hempstead.  A bit confused at the situation at first I was startled and then I had realized what had happened.  Again I felt thin... almost as if a part of me was missing.. I felt heavy at the same time... burdened is probably the correct term.  

Hastily I started back toward the Goblin Caves and as I was approaching the encampments I ran into yet another Dwarf named of all things... Skullcracker Headbang.  I'm not certain the origin of this name.. but It's not like anything I've ever heard before.  He asked me to refer to him as Skully.   Regardless of his name, this Dwarf is strong..  I watched him take down a Treant by himself.  Also.. this Dwarf is unlike any I have ever met.  He was friendly.. concerned about MY well-being.. a Dwarf!!  He even took it upon himself to kill a few Evil Dwarves (as he called them) on our way back to town.  This Dwarf is indeed a tribue to his kind everywhere.  If all Dwarves were like him.. Elves would have no problem with them.  Skully and I went on to kill a few Willo-wisps near Hempstead on request of a man in Vehl.  Skully lead the way exclaiming that he knew where to get them.. and he was correct.  He did.  

After a while I decided I would take a nap.. it was much needed as the day was passing and I was tiring.  As I slipped in and out of consciousness I started to fall into what I believed was a dream..  I was "dreaming" that I was surrounded by a collection of forest animals.. they were surrounding me.  Though out of the group of animals I felt a strong connection with one in particular...  it was a large, beautiful brown bear.  After a moment of admiration I kneeled and began speaking with him, immediately calling him over to me.  In return the creature told me that if I ever needed him that I could call for his aid.  As I awoke.. I knew that he was right.  Sprawling my hands forward and muttering a few words in Animal Tounge under my breath, I knew he could hear me..  within seconds, Kodiak (as we agreed that's what his name would be) was walking from the woods that sat around me.  Smiling I nodded to my new friend and patted his head.  

Knowing that I was headed back into town.. and the townsfolk would never agree to a wild brown bear roaming through the streets, I had no choice but to send Kodiak home for now.  Without question, or hesitation He did just what I had asked him to do.  He is a good friend, I feel an inner connection with him as if I have known him my entire life..  perhaps I have...  perhaps there is a reason this bear has come to "me".  

As I reached town,  a group of my friends (As well as people I don't know) were collectively standing by waters edge.  Apparently the consensus at that point was to move toward the Dragon Isles..  there was a large group and we even met a few new people along the way.  I was delighted to find that Layl would be accompanying us as well.  After all she is one of, if not the best friend that I have.  I sat besides Layl on the boat and had the usual banter that we do, she made me laugh as usual, making a game out of random stuff that only she would think of.  It's a good thing we had some fun along the way because what we were about to endure was far from fun... although it was an awakening experience.  We arrived at the docks of Dragon Isles shortly after meeting a man named Elgon.. I beieve it was.  As we made our approach Layl warned me that the fables of this place spoke of great danger.
I have to admit that the lore of this place intrigued me.. I had heard of Minotaurs but I wanted to see one.  

As we made our descent into the caves we were rushed by a hulking creature with horns.. this was it.. this was a minotaur.  The beast was magnificent.. and at the same time.. terrible.  They were exactly as I had pictured them.. only more fierce.  Slowly we made our way through the caves removing the foul beasts as we did, until reaching what seemed to be the final chambers of the underground labrynth.  We all made it through.. and out safetly.  This was deffinitly a tale to tell.

I found myself utilizing my dual scimitars more often then the bow.. it seems that I am becoming very comfortable with them.  In addition I find that rather then blades in my hands.. they are becoming as if they were extensions of my arms..  I'm begining to like full frontal combat.. I'm not sure if this is a good thing.. or a bad thing.

After a hard day, We started back toward Hempstead.  I came upon a large group of adventures sitting around the fountain there.  Acacea, a full of life, halfling bard was there telling a tale of a "person" named Milara..  Apparently, this man is bent on the destruction of others.. and in his cunning and malicious deals he gets others to do his bidding without their knowledge.  A war is brewing.. that I can be sure of.  The details are still unclear to me at this point.. but something revolving around a Particular device seems to be the driving reason, or cause of this problem.  I'm particularly interested in what's to come... rather then what has happened.  It's obvious that something must be done about it.  I feel that my role in this has just begun.

I guess we'll see..

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Just wondering if...
« on: June 25, 2008, 01:06:38 pm »
So things aren't lookin good for today huh?  :(  

That's too bad.  Well, hopefully it will be soon.  I know you guys are busy, GM's ALWAYS are.

Good Luck With everything and even though I haven't played yet, thanks for all the hard work that you guys do that makes this place possible.  Good to see some Life left in Nwn

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Banned and never played before?
« on: June 25, 2008, 11:09:34 am »
Oh I wasn't going to create a character or anything (until the one I submitted is approved), I just wanted to see that I can actually get IN to layonara, which I can.  :)  

That's all I needed to know.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Banned and never played before?
« on: June 25, 2008, 11:03:37 am »
Yeah I fixed the problem.  I owned two copies, diamond and platinum one was my wifes, I used the wrong keys for the wrong install so the account keys and the game keys were mismatched

Thanks for the help guys.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey everyone.
« on: June 25, 2008, 09:59:03 am »
Thanks guys for the welcoming.  I'm pretty excited to play, although I've been waitin on character creation a while..  I know that the gm's are busy as they are with any game, so I'm just waiting as patiently as possible.

Development Journals and Discussion / Mykah's Journal -
« on: June 26, 2008, 09:24:48 pm »
Entry One -

Well, I arrived at the Hempstead and much to my surprise there were many different types of people here.. I even met a Half-Orc named Rak that was not only decent.. but friendly.  Things are not as they seem here however.. I spoke with a women that lived near the sewers and she needed some rats purged from it, I can only assume that they were causing a disturbance of some kind.  Perhaps they were getting into her food.  Who knows.  

I also met a few people that I dare call friends..  odd I know considered I've known them for only a short time.. and lets just say trust isn't necessarily my thing.  A few in particular I feel a great bond growing already.  

As I started my journey I came across a young elven women (Ironically enough) By the name of Sun.. her and I quickly became friends.  This kind hearted woman showed me around most of the area that I am still unfamiliar with as of now.. but I am beginning to know my way around thanks to her.. also she saved me more then once, though I believe I've returned the favor once or twice.  

Sun had mentioned that she needed to venture to a part of the country that Goblins inhabited.. and while these creatures are mostly misunderstood sometimes there is no other choice but to put them to rest.. and with a noble and clear objective I could not refuse to help.  She also seems to have an affinity for nature.. which makes me feel better about the friendship we have.

Shortly after we dispatched of enough Goblins to fulfill the dire need of a dwarf in Hlint, we moved on to Kobolds which the Captain of Hempstead's guard asked me to retrieve a "stick" from them.. that seemed to gift them powers.  Well soon after we realized that the "stick" was some sort of magical "staff" of sorts.  Returning it to the guard he gave me a handsome reward, which was enough to purchase some decent.. not great.. but decent equipment.

On our way back into Town from the kobold camp, and after a near death encounter with one.. after the scout snuck up on me and attacked me from behind.. we ran into a few people that I again call "friends".  Marcus, which was the name of a Cleric that just happened to be near by, casted a healing spell that literally saved me from death.. and soon afterward his friend Melissa  came over and introduced herself.  I'm not completely certain but I'd say that they have a thing for one another. Regardless, we all kept the conversation going and ended up going into some caverns that spanned deep beneath the  town and inhabited MORE goblins. Tod Fellows (A VERY interesting Halfling indeed) also accompanied us.. and I don't know why but I've developed a kind of soft spot for the little guy.  He's a small guy with a lot of heart and a lot of fight in him.  I can see that we're going to become good friends, just from his demeanor and his willingness to fight.  Even if he is a bit shady.  

 *the pen strokes trail off from an obvious chuckle from the author*

On that note, I notice myself become increasingly handy with scimitars.  Maybe it's just that I've been using them more often in this one day and my time here.. then almost my entire life.

After succumbing to a massive attack deep within the caves, I felt myself slip away from the clutches of death and return back in town.  Realizing that my soul would not rest until I reached my "grave" site.. I felt torn.. almost.. thin.  I ran as fast as I could to regain contact with the group and as I arrived I overheard them talking about how myself and Tod were going to go back in and settle my spirit be seeing my body.. apparently I am not the only one this has happened to.. so I trusted their word.  After saving my life.. why wouldn't I?  Melissa placed a few enchantments on us that made us invisable to the naked eye and allowed us to move at a much more rapid rate...  moving as quickly as we could we raced to where I had fallen.. manuevering between goblins and what have you the entire way, snaking in unnoticed.  I can only assume that it's not the first time that Tod had entered some place "unnoticed" probably not the first time he had entered some place "unwanted" either.  

*again the pen strokes dance from another chuckle from the author*

Reaching my grave site I realized that my soul had come to terms with my passing.. as a weight had been lifted from my mind.. body.. and my shoulders.  Inner peace seemed inevitable once again..  

So far the happenings within the confines of this city.. and the area are if nothing else.. exciting.  I feel more at place here then I ever did at home, although I do miss my Mother.  

Perhaps once I find what it is I'm looking for.. I will return to see her, but for now.. I think I'll stay here.

General Discussion / This place.
« on: June 26, 2008, 08:46:40 pm »
Hello again everyone, It's me Mykah again..  (Yes I like to post on these forums for some reason)  

I have to say that when I signed up to play on this server.. after reading all the rules, as much lore as I could (Which won't be enough until I've read it all) and what not..  I was expecting this server to be amazing.  I was expecting this server to be better then any server I had ever played..  I was expecting this server to be exactly what was missing out of Neverwinter Nights and every other RP game out on the market today..

Well.. I'm here to tell you.. that my expectations.. were completely blown away.  This is by far the best server and best roleplaying experience that I have ever experienced in any form.  Pen and Paper, MMO's.. All of it.  The community that consists of both Players, GMs, etc.. is the most diverse, friendly, helpful and humble atmosphere that I have ever experienced.  Not to mention that every single person that I came across asked me if there was anything that they could do to help.  I am going to be playing here, for a VERY long time.  I just want to thank you all (and I mean it, all) for finally putting to rest the long search of finding a place that just feels.. "right".  

You all make it what it is.. without the individuals and the "team" behind it.. it would be nothing more then a virtual replication of everything else out there.  Thank you again, for bringing a LONG time RPers hopes and wishes to a realization and giving me the chance to enjoy RP for what it really is.

General Discussion / I would just like to say.
« on: June 25, 2008, 05:10:30 pm »
Hello everyone, I'm rather new here, infact..  I am still waiting on a character submission to be accepted and even though I haven't played yet I would like to commend everyone and anyone that had a hand in creating Layonara.

The amount of explicit detail that you guys put in to this world is astronomical.  The systems that are/were developed are amazing.. and the fact that you have gone to such lengths to ensure that everyone has a clear image of what Layonara is.. is mind blowing.  

Kudos to every single one of you, as well as to the GM's that work hard to maintain the level playing field and the environment.  You guys obviously work very hard at what you do, and don't ask anything from anyone.

Just my two Cents.

Ask A Gamemaster / Just wondering if...
« on: June 25, 2008, 12:21:31 pm »
Hey guys I'm not trying to be impatient, I was just wondering if you thought that you might get to my character approval (or denial) today?  I only ask because today is my day off from work and I'd like to get the chance to play him and start developing him a bit.

Thanks, and sorry if I seem a bit pushy?

Ask A Gamemaster / Banned and never played before?
« on: June 25, 2008, 10:54:06 am »
To whom ever it may concern,

As a few of you may know I recently signed up here to play on Layonara, and I have submitted a character for approval.  

Well, lately I've had some problems after reinstalling my OS and my CD Key (Or something related) seems to be acting funny.  

I attempted to login to Layonara (Just to see if I could login, because every time I try to join a server through gamespy it tells me that my cd key is still in use)

well when I logged in, it said Failed to Connect: BANNED.  

I was wondering if this is something that always happens before a character is approved on your end, (Maybe something that denies all I.P.'s unless approved, or if it's just me?)

If it IS just me.. first off let me say that I would be extremely dissapointed as I was really looking forward to playing.. and also.. I would wonder why, as I have never played here.. or on any other server for QUITE some time and I would really like to have the oppertunity to do so.  

Thanks for your time,  

Introduce Yourself / Hey everyone.
« on: June 24, 2008, 10:17:19 pm »
Hello everyone, just thought I would take the time to stop by and say hello.

Been RPing most of my life and I'm 26 today actually.  So when I stumbled on this site (when I was actually looking for information/ideas on a module to build myself in the toolset Ironically enough) I was pleasantly suprised.

Well that's about all.  I look forward to playing with you all, just waiting on a character approval.

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