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Messages - Blackboot

Pages: [1]
Rumour Has It / Re: Nightmares in Krandor
« on: January 08, 2009, 04:50:39 am »
*Leon Tysmus, Paladin of Toran, after hearing about this, is offering to help where he can and would like to meet with a few of the parents and concerned higher ups to hear more about this*

((Will either try to catch you IG or at a assigned time, whatever fits you better :)

p.S...those smilies are creepy :-P

Introduce Yourself / Re: You and your Role-Play
« on: January 05, 2009, 07:48:47 am »
Forum Name: Blackboot
Login Name: Blackboot
Age: 22
Sex: M
Location: Germany
Timezone: GMT +1
NwN Experience: 3 years now: A Land of Dark Dreams, Dragondreams, Age of Empires: Zarelle, Dragonlance, Gallow Birds, Myth Drannor, Dragoncoast: Erithorns Might and NWN II Dragoncoast: Shores of Haldun
PnP Experience: 6 years
Occupation: Student
Characters Played: Leon Tysmus

What I like to see IG: Half naked elven girls selling cheeseburgers :D

What I dislike to see IG: Half naked orcs selling cheeseburgers ;)

Seriously though: Everything causing fun for everyone and into the trashbin with everything that does not. Oh...and I absolutely HATE people who think their rp is so much betters than everyone elses. We all started at some point.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hey ho (lets go :-P)
« on: January 05, 2009, 07:33:31 am »
I don't mind if people think they know me, makes me feel all the more welcome :D

That said, if anything BAD is connected with me....wasn't me <.<  >.>

Rumour Has It / Re: An Angry Paladin
« on: January 02, 2009, 06:31:25 pm »
*Leon Tysmus, Paladin of Toran, is seen frowning and asking the woman to keep her silence in Torans halls when she is shouting in the temple in Fort Llast*

Introduce Yourself / Hey ho (lets go :-P)
« on: January 03, 2009, 06:35:45 am »
Hello everyone!

Just wanted to post a quick hello to everyone playing and dming here. So far I really enjoy this server and hope this will last.

I am currently playing Leon Tysmus, hope to see you all soon for some interesting RP.


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