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Messages - Mormoop

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Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Lasting Inspiration
« on: January 07, 2011, 07:46:36 pm »
And although you can get the perform ranks as a class skill, Lasting Inspiration should not show up as a standard choice at level 21 or 24 on the duelist or bard feat list.

I may very well be wrong about this but don't bonus feats show up as options you can take at any epic level? I thought the difference was that levels that gave you bonus feats only let you choose bonus feats, where epic levels 21, 24 etc gave you a list of regular feats, cross class epic feats AND class specific bonus feats.

Which would mean there shouldn't be anything wrong with taking it at 24, like you seem to imply.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Wizard/Sorcerer
« on: November 08, 2010, 03:53:00 am »
Think about it though.. You'll have a character who is pretty ineffective, really.

You can cast double the amount of low level spells, yes, but their durations will be half as long as they would have been so you'll generally have to cast more often.

Plus damage will be halved for damage spells, summons will be too weak to help much at the level you'll be at, etc. And if you're boosting both int and cha your DCs and bonus spells will suffer as well. A caster really needs to focus on one stat, especially if they're casting any spell that will ever require a saving throw.

I'd say it's a nice thought, but you won't be doing yourself any favors if it's a character you really want to spend a lot of time with. Your spells will be woefully ineffective at the levels where you really need them.

Finally if you think you'll be getting tons more spells by doubling up.. Do the math. At level 10 a sorcerer gets a total of 26 spells castable per day (not including cantrips, not including bonus spells for Charisma.) A level 20 gets 54 total castable per day. They're all much more effective too, even the lowest level ones, and of course you'll have access to the high level spells you'll sorely need at the level you're at just to survive. So by doing this you'll have LESS spells than sticking to one class or the other.

If you're looking to make an intentionally weak and dare I say almost useless character for role playing sake of course, have fun with it. Just know what you're getting into. If it's casting lower level spells more often that you're after, I'd say get all the metamagics instead as they open up more slots where you can cast the same spells at different levels.

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