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Messages - Miasma Hemlock

Pages: [1]
Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Evil/Lawful Rofireinite vs Good/Lawful Rofireinite
« on: October 21, 2011, 06:36:40 pm »
I'd think things like compassion would come into it.. Say a family is illegally squatting on private property, a LE might kick them out and say "it's your problem", where LG would also force them to leave but would go out of their way to find them somewhere else to live.

Or LG might punish with compassion and try to give criminals a chance at redemption after the fact where LE would be more about strict sentencing and "eye for an eye." In this case LE Rolf types may be more popular with the public who tend to want to see harsh justice instead of a soft heart and second chances.

Also the religion is an organization with ranks and leaders and followers and here is also where you'd see good and evil come to play. LE could be someone who has their eye on rising to the top of the ranks as quickly as possible and will climb over everyone else to do it (in a way that doesn't actually break laws, but is still very selfish.) Where maybe LG doesn't seek power at all and always works as part of a team and puts others before them.

I could actually see the Rolf. church having more LE leaders than LG, because LE tends to be the kind who seeks out power and is willing to do what it takes to get it, where the LG might be more inclined to go out into the world and do good deeds instead.

Or not.. Just some thoughts.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Question by a thinking of returning player
« on: September 05, 2011, 08:39:29 pm »
Sure, why not, that sounds easiest if you let me. Do I need to do anything to let you know? Is there a better place in the forum? Thanks

General Discussion / Nwn
« on: September 06, 2011, 07:02:22 pm »
Just a question because I've been away and I'm trying to access my old character account.

There used to be a place on the Neverwinter Nights page where you could log in to your Neverwinter Nights account. I know I used it once to have my password mailed to me, which I'm trying to do again.

Did that move or get taken away, does anyone know? Is there another way?

Thank you so much - K.

Ask A Gamemaster / Question by a thinking of returning player
« on: September 05, 2011, 06:54:56 pm »
Hi, I played on Layonara a while back and I have a hankering lately to play my favorite character again. (LORE: Falon)

I don't have the passwords for my old accounts unfortunately since that was two computers ago and I long since deleted the game. I have to beg my friend to reinstall it if I'm able to return.

But since I can't access my neverwinter nights account do I have any options for playing her again? Rebuild or remake with a new account, etc?

(I don't want to start a new character honestly, this is more or less a whim, so feel free to say no)

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