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Messages - willhoff

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 63
NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re-Open Menace of the Deep areas
« on: September 08, 2024, 11:42:06 pm »
It would be nice to reopen the vast areas of the Menace of the Deep.  The entrance was in the runes of K'alzouris (sp) in the Spikes.  The entrance is now mechanically blocked by a rock cave in.  There were some interesting creatures in there and it included a hidden gnomish shop with epic items.

Hank Everdale returns after finding his old receipts:

Dropped off:
1 ring of diamond eagles = 5500

Lia's Chest:
Riven's Chest:
Total of all dropped = 5500

Picked Up:

Old Balance = 38,848

New Balance =  44,388

*Donated up front: 0

*Hank Everdale drops off a ring of eagles splendor.  He'll comb through his ledgers to find  his balance and get back with the store*

Trade and Market Hall / Re: orc basher shop
« on: August 12, 2024, 05:18:52 am »
*Hank gets word and collects his new armor and shield leaving the 104k in trues in the chest as requested and he leaves a nice thank you note for the quick turnaround*

Trade and Market Hall / Re: orc basher shop
« on: August 12, 2024, 05:17:20 am »
*Vanderfall pens a note to Hank Everdale*

Hank ye full plate and Shield be ready.  Leave ye 104k in de chest up front and der yers.

Tanks for de business.


Trade and Market Hall / Re: orc basher shop
« on: August 12, 2024, 05:13:50 am »
*Van sends Tipsy his receipt for 26k in trues for the helm and thanks him for his business*

Trade and Market Hall / Re: orc basher shop
« on: August 12, 2024, 03:22:29 am »
*Hank Everdale comes in and unloads various malar and lion bags full of mithril ore and ingots.  He leaves a note stating the following:*

Dear fine Sirs and Ladies at the Orc Bashers,

I Hank Everdale, Priest of Toran, wish for a set of mithril full plate and tower shield.  I have dropped off the necessary ore and ingots, 40 nuggets and 6 ingots.  I believe the Armor is 116k and the shield 92 for a total of 208k trues.  I believe you offer  discount of half when the materials are provided making the total final price 104k.  Please advise when ready and I will drop off the coin.

Yours in Toran,

H. Everdale

Rumour Has It / Re: For travellers of lands afar
« on: July 03, 2024, 12:45:21 am »
*Vrebel updates his report with the Protectorate to include the following:*  After hearing of sighting and the siege of Audira I decided to go back out to scout the Wandering Dunes.  I started at Point Dart and ventured into the desert.  Upon approaching the silver cave I began seeing signs of enemy.  Scooting up on my belly I was able to sight a massive horde besieging the walls of Audira.  Mostly primal elementals and large magma beasts.  I was able to pick off two fire giant sorceresses without alerting the rest of the horde.  I would advise any group engaging to come from the south as I did.  Just watch your back for reinforcements


Rumour Has It / Re: For travellers of lands afar
« on: June 11, 2024, 04:36:48 am »
*Vrebel walks into the Hilm Protectorate and submits a report with maps of the desert near Audira.  He reveals that he recently was in the area mining silver and gathering topaz in the caves and saw no invaders during his trip from those caves to Point Dart.  He advises the situation is obviously fluid but that he hopes his report can aid in their battle strategy and in the gathering of any resources.*

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Help, Mime cleric stuck in balcony.
« on: April 07, 2024, 11:21:30 pm »
*A friendly druid finds Alec and fly's him up some tinder and flint and they get down safely*

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« on: January 07, 2023, 02:52:42 am »
Dear Angels,

I've picked up your finely crafted Cobalt full plate and deposited my cobalt half plate along with 750 trues in the same chest.  Thank you Mistress Ferrit for your patience.  I look forward to our continuing business arrangement.

Hank Everdale, Priest of Toran

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« on: October 07, 2022, 01:30:42 am »
Hank Everdale leaves a note at the store stating he needs some cobalt full plate.  He deposits 10 ingots and a pattern upfront in the special orders chest with additional instructions that there is no rush on the order.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« on: September 23, 2022, 03:07:13 am »
Hank Everdale returns to do some official business.  He pulls out a finely made Cobalt Half Plate and a Cobalt Tower Shield leaving 13,000 trues and 8,000 trues respectively in the same chest.  As well, he drops off his old adamantium shield and platinum half plate in their respective chests.

Hank Everdale returns for more official business:

Dropped off:
1 amulet of diamond cats = 6500

Lia's Chest:
Riven's Chest:
Total of all dropped = 6500

Picked Up:

Old Balance = 32,348

New Balance =  38,848

*Donated up front: 0

Hank Everdale picks up some dexterity and charisma gear and returns the same after a short while leaving 200t up front

Hank Everdale picks up some dexterity and intel gear and returns the same after a short while leaving 200t up front

Hank Everdale picks up some wisdom and intel gear and returns the same after a short while leaving 200t up front

Hank Everdale picks up some intel and wisdom gear and returns the same after a short while leaving 200t up front

Hank Everdale picks up some intel gear and returns the same after a short while leaving 200t up front

Hank Everdale picks up some cats and intel gear and returns the same after a short while leaving 200t up front

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