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Messages - Pibemanden

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Ancients Legacy / Ancients Legacy -- Epilogue, Part I
« on: August 01, 2015, 10:23:38 pm »
With little warning, the fortress of Bloody Gate is suddenly a hub of activity. It began a short time ago with the arrival of several persons whose names would be recognizable by the stories told of them. Not long after, a brigade of soldiers bearing standards of Toran made landfall in Anger Bay. The force, numbering a thousand or more troops based on observations, began to march through the wilderness of Morholt, apparently taking pains to avoid centers of population by a wide margin, at least until reaching Bloody Gate. The troops settle into a camp just outside the walls, resting and waiting for something.The wait ends up being not long at all, and with a few more arrivals of storied (and even legendary) persons, the troops begin to mobilize. Joined by a sizable force of Voraxian troops from Bloody Gate itself and a small contingent of scouts sent by the Wolfswood Rangers, a coordinated march into the Mountains of Madness to the east of Bloody Gate begins, led by the same prominent individuals who arrived not long before. And so began the campaign into the mountains, with the mighty adventurers securing the path and the army of troops holding the lines of supply and communication.The expedition proceeded into a cave, and at that point, the details get spotty. From outward appearances, the activity and troop distribution would suggest holding position, yet only a few waypoint camps are established along the secured route, suggesting no permanence to the effort. Observations also suggest a regular rotation of troops through the lines of fortification, some going as far back as the camp outside of Bloody Gate. Rumors of an alliance with mountain giant tribes long left undisturbed since the long-expired truce with Milara circulate among the forces. As could be guessed, such rumors are met with varying degrees of acceptance.Likewise, stories circulated among troops rotating out of the caves speak of a large machine of some sort being secured and kept for study.Within a month or so of the incursion into the mountains, a half dozen gnomes arrive at Bloody Gate. After being allowed to rest and refresh from their journey overnight, the gnomes were escorted along the supply lines and into the cave. A week after the gnomes' arrival in Bloody Gate, a trio of riders bearing insignia and flags of Morholt arrive and demand audience with King Rory.Though precisely unknown at the time, the last recorded case of “Fastrot” occurs two weeks after the mountain incursion with a man who stumbles into Fort Homestead, collapses and almost immediately liquifies. (( more to come... ))
The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

Layonara Server / Coming Soon! Saved Spellbooks
« on: March 15, 2015, 10:22:16 pm »
Are you tired of constantly rearranging your spellbook depending on where you're heading or who you're with? Well I'm please to introduce a new system that saves your spellbooks to the db which you can restore at any time.Here's how it works:Get your spellbook all prepared and then use the =c sb save command and specify a name for your spellbook, for example =c sb save defaultNow say for example Plen is going to craft a bunch of raise dead scrolls so he replaces all his spells at Level 5 and Level 9 with Raise Dead (he uses Quickened Raise Dead spells so he can craft more at once). Once he's done he can restore his spellbook with =c sb restore default and all the spells he had set up before are replaced once again. Note: When using this system all spells are restored as used up, so it's best to do this right before resting.Now Plen realizes that it would make sense to actually set up a spellbook for crafting Raise Dead scrolls, so before I craft my scrolls I'll set up a spellbook for that with =c sb save craftraisedead that way before he crafts Raise Dead scrolls again he can just use =c sb restore craftraisedeadNext time Plen is out with a group of people he may want to save his spellbook once it's all set up, he may have many depending on how many people are with him or perhaps his planned role (healing/defensive/offensive). So he might do =c sb save partyof5 once he's all prepared, then he can restore that again later in the future when he's with close to or the same sized party.Other associated commands:
  • =c sb list will list all your spellbooks
  • =c sb describe bookname will show all the spells (and their metamagic if applicable) for each level in that book
  • =c sb delete bookname will remove a spellbook entry
  • =c sb replace bookname will overwrite the current entry for that book with your current spells
The system takes the first class that is a caster class with a spellbook (Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Wizard) when using the =c sb save command. If you have more than one casting class with a spellbook then you must use one of the following commands:
  • =c sb savecleric
  • =c sb savedruid
  • =c sb savepaladin
  • =c sb saveranger
  • =c sb savewizard
So for example if you had a Wizard/Druid character (Wizard being your first class), if you used =c sb save default for example then it would save your wizard's spellbook under the name default. Then you would have to use =c sb savedruid defaultdruid for the druid's spellbook. Note, all spellbook names must be different per character, even if they're for different spellcasting classes.If for some reason you have more spells memorized in a spellbook then you have slots available for restoring (maybe you were wearing more modifying jewelry when you saved) then it will just fail to populate those missing slots but everything else will work.If you just type out =c sb[/b] you will be told all the available commands.I hope you enjoy this new feature, it should be coming with the next update which won't be too long away. I'm also working on a similar system for Quickbars too. Not sure if that will be ready in the same update or will be in one down the road. 
The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

Layonara Server / The NWN Servers are going to be moved
« on: December 04, 2014, 06:55:48 pm »
Hello everyone,I hope you and your loved ones are all well.I've recently been able to secure a great deal for the NWN Server on a much faster machine on a Black Friday special so we're going to be moving it over there some time in the near future.I'd like to get the server up and tested this month so we can confirm that everything is okay to go and I can cancel our previous account before the end of the month. I haven't yet set an exact date and time but I'm thinking maybe late Friday or Saturday night this week.Players shouldn't notice any difference, you will still connect to (5121 or 5122).  The IP address will change if you use that but I'll inform you of the new one when the time comes.This may also mean we can revert to automatic cross-server portals without crashes which might be nice but we'll have to test that.The new server will only cost $40 a month in donations so we can hopefully extend NWN Layonara at a fairly inexpensive price for as long as folks still enjoy coming here.For those curious and in the tech know:Existing server is a 4GB RAM, Dual 2.53GHz CPU, 250GB SATA HD running Windows 2k3 Server dedicated system.New server is a 10GB RAM, 10 2.3GHz CPU, 100GB Turbo SSD HD running Windows 2k8 Server cloud server.My initial tests have the servers starting up in half the time the old ones did. I'm not sure how much this will help lag and larger groups but we'll hopefully be able to test that.All the best,-orth
The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

General Discussion / My status..
« on: May 12, 2014, 08:09:48 am »
Hey everyone, just a little status update. This week I will be out of state on business and may have limited access to my computer as IT will be taking it for upgrades for a few days. Also, things have been slow response-wise for the last week and a half or so and will continue to be so for another week or two due to obligations with my HOA as we are in the middle of about 11 civil suits and 30 lien filings... so apologies if posts and in-game actions continue to be a little slow. I'm off to the airport now and will try to stay in touch. :-)
The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

General Discussion / Storold CDQ- POSTPONED
« on: July 28, 2012, 02:22:36 pm »
My apologies for the late notice but I've got food poisoning and can hardly sit upright at the moment. Hopefully everyone can reconvene same time next week.
The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

General Discussion / The bench sits empty...
« on: July 25, 2012, 09:26:57 am »
...Pibemanden must be out celebrating his birthday!
The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

Layonara Server / Short Notice: Plot Catch-up events
« on: December 28, 2011, 03:05:50 am »

I know this is short notice, but Rowana and I will be holding a Plot catch-up event this Friday/Saturday (timezone dependent).  The purpose of this event is to discuss and answer questions regarding the plot, state of the world and so forth.

This is an OOC event, and it will be in a moderated question-and-answer format (or at least that's the plan).  Please respect the procedure (to be given during the event) so that information can be conveyed with a minimum of difficulty for everyone.  This will essentially amount to asking questions in an orderly manner rather than everyone blurting out questions all at once.

The intent is to cover the "common knowledge" information that everyone (or almost everyone) would know. As such, it will not matter which character one brings (if one has multiples), since this information would eventually filter into general knowledge in some form or the other.  It is up to you to portray the information however your various characters might.

While we may not be able to get everyone or accommodate all schedules and time zones, we have decided on three events at different times:

Event 1
Event 2
Event 3

It is not necessary to attend all sessions, though you are welcome to do so.

These events are open to all. There are no level requirements. Prior involvement with the plot is not necessary.

Our intent is to start things rolling again in January, so this information will serve as reminders for those familiar with what happened and background for everyone.
The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

Layonara Server / Bonus XP and GP Week
« on: December 22, 2011, 10:56:24 am »
Hello Layonara Community!

Between now and some time on January 2nd, 2012, everyone will receive bonus adventuring, quest and RP XP as well as bonus GP drops.  XP will be awarded at twice (2x) the normal rate and GP will drop in 50% larger quantities (1.5x) than usual.

This is our "gift" to you for the holidays (whichever you may or may not observe) as a thanks for helping make Layonara what it is and what it will continue to be.  Please enjoy the bonus, but also remember the value of RP here.
The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

General Discussion / It's a boy!
« on: December 15, 2011, 03:21:32 pm »
At 3:05am, EST on December 13th, 2011, my wife gave birth to a beautiful 7lbs 5oz (3314g) baby boy. We are over the moon, healthy and tired. I hope to see you all soon.

The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

Rumour Has It / Zahid Al Safi - Dead
« on: August 08, 2011, 10:29:44 am »
Human lives are brief, lasting little longer than a child's writing in sand. Their legacy lies in their works, whether they are children of the flesh or children of the mind.

Zahid Al Safi, aged 69, died as he was born, wandering the Great Desert. After fighting for Sederra against the Green Dragon Cult, he ultimately succumbed to old age. He will not likely be remembered beyond the absence of an old man on a bench, or a shouting figure at the side of a Center road. Perhaps he never found the oneness he sought, but he smiled and died in peace. His journal, like his body, moulders in the desert's shifting dunes. He breaks down, and becomes one with the sands.
The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

General Discussion / Happy Birthday Pibemanden!
« on: July 25, 2011, 06:36:58 am »
*see title*

Have a great one!

The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Livestock Chatter
« on: July 16, 2011, 03:25:03 pm »
Can we do for the cows and such what was done for jukeboxes, so that milking (etc) doesn't flood everyone's chat window?
The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Yep...
« on: June 07, 2011, 10:39:13 am »
[INDENT]Given your level, you have a 25% chance of successfully crafting this recipe:

You successfully made 1 item.
Failure.  You rolled a 6.
Failure.  You rolled a 15.
Failure.  You rolled a 10.
You successfully made 1 item.
Failure.  You rolled a 15.
Failure.  You rolled a 13.
Failure.  You rolled a 8.
Failure.  You rolled a 13.
Failure.  You rolled a 10.
Failure.  You rolled a 8.
Failure.  You rolled a 6.
Failure.  You rolled a 10.
Failure.  You rolled a 4.
Failure.  You rolled a 10.
Failure.  You rolled a 10.
Failure.  You rolled a 13.
Failure.  You rolled a 10.
Failure.  You rolled a 1.
Failure.  You rolled a 6.
Failure.  You rolled a 3.
Failure.  You rolled a 6.
Failure.  You rolled a 6.
Failure.  You rolled a 6.
Failure.  You rolled a 2.
Failure.  You rolled a 12.
You successfully made 1 item.
Failure.  You rolled a 15.
Failure.  You rolled a 7.
Failure.  You rolled a 6.
Failure.  You rolled a 11.
Failure.  You rolled a 6.
Failure.  You rolled a 9.
Failure.  You rolled a 10.
You successfully made 1 item.
Failure.  You rolled a 14.
Failure.  You rolled a 7.
Failure.  You rolled a 9.
Failure.  You rolled a 5.
Failure.  You rolled a 7.

From 40 attempts, 4 successes. It should have been 10!

Maybe that should read "you have a 10% chance of successfully crafting this recipe", or, "you have a 40% chance of the reported 25% chance of actually crafting this recipe". :rolleyes:

[SIZE=10](yes, I'm having a bleat; it makes me feel better)[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

General Discussion / Resigning as GM
« on: May 31, 2011, 04:40:17 am »
It is time for me to hand my GM batch to another.

The plot is nearing its end and the remaining parts are in very capable hands. ;)

So, after more years than I care to count I am resigning from my position as GM in Layonara's amazing Team of GMs.

Before I move on to being 'just' a player I have one thing I would like to ask all you players out there:

At times on quests where you feel wronged or feel that the outcome was not fair, please try to remember why the GMs are here. They are here to make this world around your characters a living and breathing entity that provides you with entertainment and fun. That is the basic idea.

So, instead of taking the fight to the GM and/or the Team, try to consider whether the incident in question is one that your character might deal with in an IC fashion - perhaps that was the intent of the GM in the first place.

Like you, GMs are people and people will walk away if you rattle them enough. After all, they are not acting GMs for their own sake, but for the sake of others.

This was not based on a recent episode or a current situation in game. Please consider this a plea that you might consider in the future. I have seen it happen too many times over the years and it simply burns people out, which ends up making this place less colourful and alive.

Finally, I wish you all the very best of luck and hope that many of you will continue to contribute to this magical place that is Layonara. For me the time has come to move on, although I will probably be around with Kobal now and then.

Kind regards,

The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

Rumour Has It / A Quiet word passes by...
« on: December 21, 2010, 10:39:06 am »
[SIZE=18]An old DragonCalled, by name of Sallaron Tempest, who seemed to hold some reknown as a carpenter, has died of old age in his house in Haft Lake.
He left behind his wife, two sons and a small fortune in his will was given to various charities.

During the funeral, friends and neighbours were astounded to see a mass of people attend, many seeming to be Ex-slaves rescued from a terrible life, whilst others appeared to be those of great rank and standing from various organisations.

Neighbours were noted to have been amazed by the massive attendance to the funeral, stating " He seemed like such an ordinary man. "[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

Layonara Server / A note on future updates
« on: November 06, 2010, 12:41:47 pm »
Hello Layonara Community,

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm trying something different with the way I've done updates.  To put it briefly, I'm going to try doing smaller, more frequent updates.  Some of them may also be "stealth" updates, meaning that I may not announce them at all.  Others may be quick-fix updates, such as those I have done since 3.30 has gone online.

So what does this mean?

Well, I'm not making any guarantees, but simple changes and quick fixes will hopefully find their way into play more quickly. Also, I'm hoping to keep better pace with plot-relevant changes as well as possibly add some unexpected variability into the world. Such things may not be frequent, as it is still subject to my rather full schedule. However, this is my intent, and I wanted to let you, the community, to know what is going on, so that when you go on your "usual" and find bugbears instead of ogres, for example, you will know why.

We'll see how it goes, I guess!
The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

General Discussion / Ideas
« on: September 01, 2010, 09:14:42 am »
Was just reading akata's post and Dorg's responses ... to be truthful, got me a little disheartened. One of Layo's longest serving players (and world leaders) obviously not happy about some things ... anyways, you can read that thread.

I really want to write a long, well-written post with lots of good ideas and an accurate, sensible summary of some of the thoughts that are in my head ... that said, I don't know where you guys get the time!

I was going to jump on tonight and had a peek at the server status .. again, only 2-3 characters on across both servers. I ended up watching TV and playing Bejewelled on Facebook. Unfortunately, that is becoming the preferred option more and more often - and it seems like not only for me?


I have my thoughts on the matter ... forgive me they aren't couched in loquacious (*nods to darkstorme*) paragraphs. Hopefully the gist is clear.

1. More scheduled quests please! I know GMs are doing it on a volunteer basis, I get it, I do. I did it for a couple of years and know sometimes you really can't be bothered or RL is busy or you'd rather jump on as a player ... but 2-3 a month is achievable, no? How can you incentivize the running of more quests for GMs? Give them XP for their chosen character for their time spent running quests? I certainly wouldn't begrudge a GM earning the same XP for one of their characters at the same rate my character does attending the quest they spend their time running. I don't know ... maybe others have got some ideas to encourage GMs to run quests?

2. Please change existing areas every now and again. Just a tweak, that's all I need. Does it take that long to shift a spawn two inches over? Add another goblin archer around the corner there, some warhounds with the hobgoblins there, a trap in the minotaur caves, a vampire in with the mummies, a treasure chest here, a carrion crawler there, whatever ... I contemplated making (another) new character the other day and had the thought if I have to run them through the same 100 areas that I have done literally hundreds of times previously with other characters I will seriously do myself in. I'd do it myself, honestly I would but ... *hugs his Mac*

3. Less rules, more fun! I have played here for over 4 years and I don't know the rules anymore. If people wanna make a goblin to join in on Lonn's gobbie night, go ahead! The will system and inter-character transfer of assets and house remodels and restricted classes and 4 CDQs to move from A to B and 2 CDQs to change from Y to Z ... I dunno, maybe it's just me but i'd rather play with 20 people, half of whom play as NG when their approved alignment is LG than play with one person who plays their alignment by the letter of the law. If someone is ridiculous with relaxed rules, kick em out ... but do the excesses and abuses of the past have to erect these impossible barriers for entry for new players?

4. More positions for characters! Ongoing responsibilities! Ability to change the world! I know this has been gone over numerous times elsewhere ... don't think there is an easy answer and I understand the lore books are to be released at some point and lore needed to be crystallized at some point and for various dramas lore has had to be re-written but it is a little demoralizing. I think Acacea has written about it elsewhere, all the challenges of the world are these new things that for whatever reason weren't a danger to everyone last week? WLDQs especially. I don't want to go into the ins and outs of all the WLDQs of the last few years but prior to Blood's fall the WLDQs run seemed to affect existing plots and people ... now it seems as if each WLDQ tackles a newly introduced foe so as to not affect existing lore? Fenrir's mithril-eating Balamti? Never heard of them prior to his WL. Daniella's unhappy God. Was it a concept that was created for her WLDQ? Alandric's child of chaos? Never read about him in lore. If other WLs agree, maybe this topic is better taken into the WL forum for dissection?

5. Re-attachment of DTs. Again, it's been spoken about to death elsewhere ... but again I keep coming back to how many of those players/characters now gone due to their character perming would have remained versus those people who remained because of the existing DT system? I'd put money down that the former is more numerous than the latter. Ark is on 9 tokens, if/when he loses No 10, there (most probably) goes yet another player.

Please read this as written from the perspective of a player who wants to get excited about Layo again. Do they read as criticisms? I don't mean them to be. Read them as from a player who wants to look at the server status of a night and jump on and go for a run with a dozen others on west or a different dozen on central.

Dorg, I don't need a response from you individually addressing these points, it's cool.
The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

General Discussion / Catch 22
« on: August 30, 2010, 01:56:39 pm »
I'll start out by saying this is not a personal attack on anyone.

I normally stay well out of the team's decisions and trust them to rule fairly. Even though requests are handled on a case-to-case basis then they are still saved and used for later references. There are also some contradictions in the team's reasoning that confuses me, therefore I'll voice my concern on this particular case.

In this case the player xiaobeibi has given both IC and OOC reasons to his  request to change domains.


"New" heal kits and potions, regardless of if you're for or against them then the new healing kits have made it easier to travel without the aid of a cleric, under the 3.2 release notes=>healing supplies the changes made from the old to the new heal kits and potions can be viewed, it is even posted that "Potions and heal kits are much more powerful" stack size up to 50 and weight was lowered. Thereby enabling everyone to carry large amounts of healing without being weighted down. In my experience the better potions have diminished the need for a healer, thereby making the healing cleric less needed and the healing domain less attractive from an OOC view compared to before the changes in potions and heal kits.  




            In Galathea's request, so much of her development has gone on unrecorded and to the vast majority of the staff she has not moved far from the roll of healer, in fact moved closer to it by our measures.

It is no secret that large part of the staff are busy working on the mmo, some are busy in RL and others have simply burned out. The current activity of GM:s is at the lowest I have experienced in my 5 years here as an active player, therefore I can't help to wonder how many of the vast majority that feel that way due to only knowing Galathea through her work with the hospital and not through quests or observing her RP. The player don't keep a CDT and I can understand that it makes it hard for the team to support requests due to the lack of recorded evidence, in the cases that lack support in the form of CDT I will therefore suggest that the player be allowed to gather support in the form of not only GM: s but players in the same way as is being done for SS returns under the GP system. The people playing on a regular basis are after all more likely to give an accurate impression/view on the character. Something else I find highly troubling is that in the end a decision seem to have been made to discard the input by the single most informed GM in favour of less informed individuals.

Contradicting /confusing Information:



             To address some raised points about her other efforts, even with her actions on certain quests where she has used her divine gifts from Beryl to perform miracles and her CDQ with Dezza, the vast majority of us still feel she is more the healer now then she was the first 20 levels of her life. Her actions, her miraculous efforts still fall pretty squarely in the 'general Berylite' effort line for us. Any devout Berylite, regardless of domain, would be allowed to attempt such miracles.

What strikes me here is that the "general Berylite" has to take earth as a domain. From "2. Clerics of this deity almost always choose this domain. Clerics not selecting this domain should provide a good RP reason." For Beryl that domain is earth, it can be viewed as the majority of the staff sees Galathea as any other Berylite cleric and since they have earth then they support the claim that Galathea has moved to RP a cleric with the earth domain?



             In accompaniment to the above we are requiring two CDQs for domain change. The contents of those CDQs will be largely between yourself and your selected GM, but it should deal with the wholeness of moving away from healing all together and stepping into the earthen domain

It is my understanding that deities domains are picked because they fit the deity and gives guidance to players on how to RP the different deities on Layonara, since Beryl has healing then wouldn't an all together move from healing be moving against the wishes of her? Deities have more domains than a cleric can pick but why should picking one over the other mean a complete cut from another domain that falls under the deity?  


The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

General Discussion / Answering the Questions
« on: July 15, 2010, 05:04:17 am »
I have been asked by a lot of people to please come back over the last year. I am considering it. Recently I even received a txt and call. Thank you for the conversation and kind words. I have been asked to air a few things and this post finally made me do it...

I know exactly what pimbmendan means. I miss this server and the friends I made here deeply. I miss the effects and consequences someone's actions had, both positive and negative. The ever evolving world of Layonara has always been amazing and kept so many playing coming back throughout the years.

I played from 2003 to 2010. For 7 years I enjoyed Layonara and cherished all the time I put in. Even more importantly I cherish the time others put in to make the world so special. I have the utmost respect and appreciation for the staff and the players. I have always tried to show that respect and appreciation to everyone here through both my in game and out of game actions.

However, it feels like my efforts meant absolutely nothing when it came time for my WL attempt. My WL quest is one of the single most botched things I have ever seen happen by the Staff in 7 years.  

I was failed before ever being given a chance. My WL quest was shelved for almost 2 years and once it eventually started, it then took almost a year to run the quest. It took so long to get the WL quest running, that the people who would have played in it a year prior, were simply no longer active. I couldn't find evil PCs out there anymore, ESPECIALLY dark elves. I had to relay on PCs ranging from levels 7-15 for a WL quest, because that is all we had to work with. Now this is not the staffs fault, nor is it anyone's fault. However this should have been taken into consideration when running a Dark Elf WL quest. Rather than throwing insane amounts of purple instant kills at the low level party. I was told that the level of the party would be taken into consideration.

Few know that I was actually failed at the start of the quest, due to a misunderstanding. I thought we were in a time bubble and not supposed to be active in game. Thank you Dorg for helping handle that situation as a mediator of sorts and making it possible to continue from that point. I however feel I was failed from there. Perception.

Layo staff, you got that one wrong and nothing was ever done to even come close to trying to resolve it. I know it may sound like I'm faulting the failure of the WL, but I am not trying to. I fault the failed attempt to fix the botch.
I also feel the staff has done so many things right, i guess they deserve a free pass on my WL =)

This has torn at me in many ways and I have simply avoided talking about it or coming here to explain. I didn't want to seem ungrateful for the approval and time put into my WL. I knew failure could be an option and I would have loved another shot at the WL quest knowing I could fail. I was just honored to be considered and accepted for the WL. As a player, it meant everything. It represented the 7 years I put into Layonara. Seven years is a long time to put into something.

However, as Pibmanden said, where are the consequences? I fully expect big results from the success of a WL...but absolutely nothing for the failed attempt? The only consequences for my PC's actions during the WL quest are the ooc administrative failed results.

I should have listened to everyone who warned me. So many told me that I would fail my quest because I would run out of time. Even DMs warned me from the start. I should have stayed with the first DM who took my WL and waited my turn behind Jenara. After all I waited almost a year behind Jenara before I found another DM. I knew how Rowana ran her quests and what to expect from them. I had never been on a quest ran by Minerva where I was an actually part of the quest.

Minerva, despite the way this quest was handled and the way I was treated in the end, or should I say not treated...={ I still appreciate all the time and effort you put in. You stepped up to the plate when no one else had time. You tried the best you could and I saw that and appreciated it. I take full responsibility for not having gone on any of your regular quests prior to selecting you to run my WL quest. I learned a lot from that quest, both good and bad. For your time and hard work, thank you.

I never wanted any kind of hand out. I also do not feel entitled at all. I have always felt that my entitlements (if you want to call them that) came in the form of the enjoyment of playing the game with great friends and seeing the results of those actions throughout the world of Layonara. I miss you guys and I am sorry if this offends anyone in anyway. It is how I saw the events unfold.

I miss Layonara, I miss you, and I hope I have not been forgotten.

Thank you,

Magus Del'Mar
The following users thanked this post: Pibemanden

General Discussion / Negativity
« on: July 01, 2010, 10:40:44 pm »
Sorry if I seem negative, ever.  I don't try to be negative, just realistic.  I don't think yes-men accomplish anything, so someone has to be willing to bring up differing views and point out potential problems.  

Here's the weird thing: I actually think I'm rather optimistic.  I know.  I said it was weird.  I think we humans have so much more in us than we give.  We could do so much better in every aspect of life if we'd stop being so selfish.  I'm just not idealistic.  I don't think people as a whole will do better without being more or less forced into it.  Yeah, that sucks.  I'd like to think differently, but my inner scientist constantly reminds me that the evidence is completely against it.  The people who are acting on that great potential are overshadowed by the rest of us.
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