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Messages - Shiokara

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Firstly, Layonara's servers will be renewed again for a year. Yay! So you can rest easy that as long as there are volunteers to keep the cogs greased the world will continue to run.

Secondly, there are about to be some significant changes to the sites. Every Layonara site and feature has been rolled into one all new site. That includes LORE, the forums, the gallery, the calendar, the character pages, the personal messages, the downloads, the devlog etc.

Let me say the new site is awesome. I can't begin to describe how many features exist. I think players will love the ability to tag anything with your character and then your character's page aggregates all this information. Whether it's a forum topic, a gallery image, maybe quest participation each "node" can be associated with as many characters as you wish.

Here's a current screenshot of the front page to give you an idea of the look and feel of the site.

Anyway, it's getting pretty darn close to being ready so I hope you share in my excitement for its new launch. I'm sure some of you will be a bit concerned with transitioning to a new system but we've tried to keep every single feature that exists already into the new site.

I'll be happy to answer any questions about the new site and we'll go through a period of adjustment I'm sure but moving forward to have the entire codebase in one place is a real benefit to everyone's end.

Also as you may already know, the servers are being paid for their annual renewal again and every dollar you can help to donate will ease my expenses. I've included the links to donate once again for your convenience.

Donate to Layonara in AUD

Donate to Layonara in CAD

Donate to Layonara in EUR

Donate to Layonara in USD

Thank you,
The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

Rumour Has It / Hauntings?
« on: November 26, 2012, 08:59:19 pm »
Citizens of Layonara in random locations around the globe have been noticing...ghosts? Visages that come and go at random? What is it the cause?

// Spontaneous GM activity anytime between now and 11pm EST/8pm PST/4am GMT (Nov. 27th)
The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

General Discussion / The time has come...
« on: November 11, 2012, 10:06:39 pm »
Greetings Layonara Community,
 It is with mixed feelings that I announce my retirement from the develoment of NWN-based Layonara after doing this for seven years and some change.  This is a move I have planned for some time (and almost did several times), and which has been needed for some time, but I am only just now making it a reality.  My development focus is now shifting completely to the MMO effort and Layonara's long-term future.
To keep NWN Layonara going in a development sense, I now officially pass the torch to the capable hands of Script Wrecked, who will now be responsible for all future fixes and updates.
 I know you've all heard this plenty of times, but...this is not a “good-bye” letter. I am still very committed to and invested in Layonara and its long-term future. I still like to play here even (when the stars align properly), GM here and participate in this community. I do not see these things changing.  My presence will remain, but my fingerprints will no longer be on the updates.
 There's not a lot more to say here, so join with me in congratulating Script Wrecked on his new position.
The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

Layonara Server / Version 3.31 is online!
« on: November 03, 2012, 10:38:22 pm »
[SIZE=24]Version 3.31 is online![/SIZE]

 I'm going to start this one out by thanking all the people who contributed first, because without them, this update would be a lot smaller...and a lot less cool.  So in no particular order, I'd like to give my personal thanks so Alatriel, Guardian 452, Script Wrecked, Honora, Xaltotun and mixafix for their specific contributions and/or initiatives. Specific contributions will be detailed below.  Similar thanks go to the members of the Project Team and GM Team who contributed to various efforts with input and perspective.  Lastly, a fair amount of this content comes from the community as a whole.  While some things may not seem like direct requests and suggestions, the original motivations for some come from the community at-large, so thanks go to you all for bringing forth your ideas, even if we've managed to twist them from their original forms.
As I mentioned within the last few days, there is an updated HAK and TLK file required for this update. If you haven't downloaded them yet, please do so now.

  • Fix Find Traps skill bonus     calculation
  • Fix heal kit static drop in Swamp     of Sorrows cave to be the correct version
  • Fix spelling and grammar issues on     discarded papers in Tomb of the Emerald Skull
[SIZE=16]Area updates:[/SIZE]
  • Updated –     Hallowlight Forest (A path! A path!) {1}
  • Updated –     Fieroz City, formerly Fort of Last Hope (now matches the description     in established lore) {2}
  • New – Siphe     Castle (interior) {2}
  • Updated –     Partial Great Forest facelift (adjusted spawns, new layouts and a     new cave...somewhere)
  • Updated –     Silkwood Spider Cave (adjusted spawns for density)
  • Updated –     Leringard, main city and docks (now more closely matches approved     description) {2}
  • New –     Leringard undercity (Yep! New mid-level adventuring areas with a     progressive difficulty) {2}
  • Edge tile fix     in a quest area {3}
  • Some extra     CNR scattered around in a few places
  • Added trash     barrel to Center
  • Vale and     Clover reflect recent attacks and destruction
  • Magic     returned to the Great Rift following several CDQs by Storold and     crew
  • Change start     point in Center to be away from the portal
  • More grouped     under another heading (below)
[SIZE=16]Armor Crafting updates:[/SIZE]
 There are some pretty significant changes to Armor Crafting, specifically for the metal armors, helmets and shields. This project was spearheaded by Guardian 452 and ultimately most of the heavy lifting was done by him, but it was definitely a group effort with significant input coming from members of the Project and GM Teams. In terms of specifics...
  • Metal helmets     reduced to one type per metal. Since each helmet variant differed     only in appearance, they were wasting valuable palette space.      Helmets can be customized to any of the other appearances. Recipes     are likewise reduced to one helmet type per metal.
  • Metal shields     reduced to one type per metal and size factor (small, large and     tower) for the same reasons as the helmets.  Recipes are likewise     reduced as above.
  • Redundant     Platinum Chain Shirt removed from palette
  • Added a     craftable breastplate for each metal type as a step between     chainmail and splint mail
  • Added     Platinum and Cobalt shields
  • Completely     reworked the properties of all armors across all metals.  Armors,     helmets and shields are designed to complement each other and work     as a set.  There is a more consistent progression between armor     types within each metal and upward through the metal types. If     anyone wishes to take advantage of the new properties, old metal     armors can be “oxed”. Anyone wishing to keep the old properties     may do so.
  • Tower shield     recipe ingot requirements reduced by 1
Specifications on the new armors, shields and helmets will be posted elsewhere.  They would make this post far too long.
[SIZE=16]Thrown Weapons:[/SIZE]
  • Weight     and cost significantly     reduced on throwing     axes
  • Crafting     yield increased on throwing axes
  • Stack size     for throwing axes increased to 100
  • Elemental     rods can now be applied to throwing axes, darts and shuriken
  • Loot drops     updated with over 100 fresh items lovingly designed and created by     the Layonara Project Team.  These items replace a similar set of     100+ unique items you've all come to know and love over the last few     years. Special thanks to Guardian 452 for taking the time to create     the final items.
[SIZE=16]Shifter PrC forms:[/SIZE]
 A while back, we disallowed two Epic Shifter feats from being used due to some serious lore violations with the forms. Particularly, these were the Construct Shape and the Undead Shape feats.  It doesn't take much imagination to understand why constructs and undead are somewhat the antithesis of Layonara's Druids as we have represented them in lore.  Anyway, at the motivation of Xaltotun and mixafix, we started an effort to replace these forms with something more compliant with lore.  While the end result differs quite a bit from their initial proposal, proper credit is due to them for getting the ball rolling.  
The Undead Shape feat is now Nature Entity Shape, and the Construct Shape feat is now Manifestation Shape.
  • Nature Entity     Shape – The Shifter can take the form of one of three nature     entities: Nature's Warrior, Nature's Vengeance and Nature's Wrath.      These forms have new properties associated with them that are around     the same power level as the undead forms but more appropriate for     the forms that are represented.
  • Manifestation     Shape – The Shifter can take the form of one of three     manifestations: Obsidian Manifestion, Hematite Manifestation and     Diamond Manifestation.  These forms are basically re-skinned and     renamed, but mechanically the same as the Construct Shape forms.
For any who are curious, a “manifestation” is a concept from our MMO work that is formed around an entity out of whatever natural materials that are available, thereby giving the formless entity a form.
Full details for these feats will be available on LORE shortly.
General Game Features:[/SIZE]  
  • Ship captain     conversations updated to be a little more descriptive about their     destinations {4}
  • New     customization system.  This is actually a system GMs have had for a     while but which was never adapted for player use. It's easier to     use, better organized, allows cloning of appearances (subject to     racial/gender/type limitations), has easier-to-use coloring and is     always successful. That's right, there's no more DCs for modifying     equipment and no more wasting potentially hundreds or thousands in     True for all those failed checks.  A small fee still applies, but     it's far more reasonable. Thanks to Script Wrecked for adapting the     system for player use.
  • Updated math     for the Save vs. Soul Mother. *listens for the sound of jaws hitting     the floor* The new progression goes like this:
    • Levels 1-3:         Automatic success – no chance of Soul Strand loss
    • Levels 4-20:         DC = level / 2
    • Levels 21+:         DC = 10 + ((level – 20) / 4)
    [/LIST]In other words, below level 20 (and above level 3), the chance of losing a soul strand from dying increases by 1% for every two (2) levels.  Above level 20, the chance of losing a soul strand from dying increases by 1% for every four (4) levels. At level 40, that chance sits at 15%. {5}
    •     New system – AutoXP.  This system allows a new mechanism for GMs     to reward good RP. Rather than a single hit with a fixed amount,     this system will grant a small amount of XP, based on the     character's level, at regular intervals over a period of time as     long as the character is logged in, not idle and not in combat. {6}
    Low-level/New player experience:
    •     Adjustments to Center crypts and undercity spawns to be more     friendly to a solo, low-level adventurer
    •     Dirty Claw Kobold spawns tweaked
    •     Adjusted combat XP curves to give a boost to characters through     level 12. Formerly, this curve flattened out at level 3.
    •     Moved a Point of Interest to make it easier for the new player as an     introduction to the system
    •     New characters get more True to spend
    • Adjusted     combat XP calculation for parties to reduce or eliminate the XP     reduction when a character is below the average party level,     especially by larger margins. This actually affects everyone, not     just low-level characters, but the effect will be more profound for     this group.
    As an important comment, any items removed from the palette have been converted to dynamic items, so if they are put onto an ox, they will not be destroyed.
     I'll be making a few more posts related to this update soon, but until then feel free to ask questions that come to mind.
     [SIZE=10]{1} Primary credit to Guardian 452[/SIZE]
     [SIZE=10]{2} Primary credit to Alatriel[/SIZE]
     [SIZE=10]{3} Primary credit to Script Wrecked[/SIZE]
     [SIZE=10]{4} Primary credit to Honora[/SIZE]
     [SIZE=10]{5} Please note, this reduction in the Save vs. Soul Mother DC is a purely OOC change. Please do not RP or acknowledge any sort of change in this mechanic in any in-character way. There is not IC reason for it.  There's no greater purpose or mysterious shift in the Cosmos, nor have your characters become “stronger” somehow or the Soul Mother gotten “weaker” or “less hungry”.  This is simply me adjusting the curve, as we have done in the past.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=10][SIZE=10]{6} This system is completely at t[SIZE=10]he discretion of the GMs, and they may[SIZE=10] enable or disable it for any character at any time for any reason. It is not an entitlement, it is a reward. Please treat it as such[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE].

    The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

    General Discussion / For those of us up and down the eastern seaboard
    « on: October 29, 2012, 04:08:45 pm »
    Seven Easily Avoidable Ways To Die In A Hurricane
    The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

    Layonara Server / Promotional Badges
    « on: August 23, 2012, 08:12:27 pm »
    Here are the first edition promotional badges.

    When placed in a signature or in email they are active link to the  Layonara home page.  Many of you are active on other sites and you can  use them on those forums to show your Layo spirit

    To use - copy the text as it appears into the signature section of the forums
    On these forums it is My Account/Edit Signature

    Layo Logo









    The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

    Roleplaying / Mentoring
    « on: August 14, 2012, 01:24:32 am »

    If you stay for anytime in the Bullseye Tavern you are being watched.  Rumours have it that green adventurers are being recruited by a loosely nit group of experienced individuals for purposes unknown.  Its a shady group and not much is known about their leadership or motives.  

    They watch and wait and when the time is right they appoach their target.  This group known as the Fletchers named after the Bulls Eye Tavern in which they recruit is elusive but not entirely hard to find.  They seek apprentices.  Some seek to mold young followers into their religious exploits, others to train them in the arts of war seeing their potential, others have more nefarious reasons to mentor the ones they chose, some mearly seek to make some trues or ask for favors in the form of a future a debt to be paid through blood or other means.

    The Fletchers are heard to sometimes play a game of darts to see who gets the new blood and so the story goes the apprentices are called Darts.  The Fletcher and his Dart.  A bond.  A trust.  To some a contract.  Wait long enough in the Bulls Eye and if you have what it takes you too may be approached.  Choose wisely and you will be rewarded.

    //The Fletchers is a mentoring group for new players to enter into an in game relationship with an established player to help you get familiar with Layonara's vast world.  By signing up to be a Fletcher the established player agrees to show the new player/character around the world of layonara, help him in game with quests, educate the new player regarding lore, help him to meet and rp with other characters in game.  Out of character (OOC) the established player agrees to answer tells, pms and other questions from the new player to help them adjust and learn how to get around Layonara.  New players are not required to join this mentoring program.  It is purely voluntary.  The mentoring relationship can begin at any level but will end upon the character reaching level 10 to allow the established player to take on a new recruit.  In game relationships ofcourse will endure for however long the players choose.

    New players please see the below sign up sheet for established players willing to be Mentors.  New players please pm one mentor from the below sign up sheet of their choosing to initiate the mentoring process.  You can choose whomever you like if they have an opening.  The class, race, religion, alignment and gaming schedule should be considerations for whom you choose.  Once chosen the Fletcher and his dart should make their first in game meeting at the Bully Eye Inn in Center.  

    The following Mentors offer their services below:

    Forum Name:  Willhoff
    Character name:  Vrebel
    Level of Character:  40
    Class:  Fighter, Weaponmaster, rogue
    Alignment:  Neutral Good
    Deity:  None
    Race:  Human
    Schedule:  Est times.  weeknights after 6p.m. Weekends available as well.
    Recruit Status:  Vacant

    Forum Name:  Willhoff
    Character Name:  Zigruum Frostbeard
    Level of Character:  29
    Class:  Druid
    Alignment:  Neutral Good
    Deity:  Vorax
    Race:  Dwarf
    Schedule:  See above
    Recruit Status:  Vacant
    The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

    Introduce Yourself / Hello
    « on: August 07, 2012, 07:50:54 pm »
    Well, I thought I would drop in and introduce myself since I started playing yesterday.

    My name is Nick. I am 42. I have played and GM'd RPG's since I was 10. I have played MMO's for over 10 years. The list of everything I have played is extensive.

    I like the idea of a more RP world, and G-452 has been bugging me for a while (read years) to try out Layonara. I honestly don't have a good reason for avoiding it other than just other things were going on. I have known G-452 for longer than would like to remember, and now that he is my upstairs neighbor, I figured I would get him to stop whining.

    Anyhow, hopefully I can have some fun here and contribute to the world.

    If you want to know more about me, just ask.
    The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

    General Discussion / Hey Nokka
    « on: May 28, 2012, 01:08:08 pm »
    Happy birthday, man.  Hope you can jump in sometime soon!
    The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

    The Silver Buckle / Presenting: A Night of Duets
    « on: November 08, 2011, 09:29:18 pm »
    [SIZE=16]The Silver Buckle Presents:[/SIZE]
    A Night of Duets


    Andrew Reid

    Gel'larian Windsbreath

    Lana Poetr


    Melody Widgeweaver

    The evening of Mulnari, Apreal 16, 1490, starting at eight o'clock in the evening, on the Silver Buckle stage.
    The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

    Layonara Server / Character Submission Process Changes - September 2011
    « on: September 19, 2011, 10:41:25 pm »
    Greetings Layonara,

     I am writing you on behalf of the Character Approvals Team and in conjunction with the changes happening server wide. Over the years we have given little (and not so little) tune-ups to the CA process, trying to find away to make the requirement of pre-approval work for the majority of people. We've taken feedback to heart and attempted to scale back certain obtrusive aspects to the process while balancing overall needs and have only met partial success. Striving to find a better version of policies, we have taken a large step back and looked at things from a different angle entirely.  

     What is outlined below is a result of that different viewpoint. The changes, in some ways aren't much, but in other places they are quite huge. All of these changes, together, are designed to return the world to a policy that promotes the focus on roleplay. While exploration, crafting and accumulation of experience are all part of our experience, the focus is returns more fully to character development through roleplay.  Lore will be the primary focus of the character application process. Rarely will mechanical detail hold up applications, but lore must be compliant. Here is an outline of the changes:
     General procedure goals and statements:

     - The CA Team's main goal will scale back to what is most important for the biographies, and indeed the world: Lore. If something does not fit with current lore, it will be held up until there is an appropriate change (or compromise in a few cases).  
     - CAs will no longer ask for justification of class, development of an alignment nor expansion on a race except for those that are listed as special (Wemic, Brownie, Ghostwise Halflings, Sea Elf, Dark Elf or Goblin). Those biographies that include details that are CONTRARY to alignment, class or race will be held up where lore becomes an issue. (No wizards gaining innate power and lacking the need for study. No humans with elf traits. No Lawful Good characters lopping off heads out of rage.)
     - Resubmissions for basic classes have a new set of rules. Any scrutiny will be lore based but there are level related restrictions (for lore reasons). For clarity, 'basic class' is any of the standard classes except cleric, paladin, druid or monk due to issue of lore or long standing multiclass restrictions.
    • Multiclassing with a basic class at level seven or below will only require a resubmission request. No CDT, no proof of training, supporting documentation. The resubmission will require only an updated biography blurb in the request. (Johanson wants to add rogue levels to his fighter class because he's been studying on how to attack more effectively. The new split will be 5/15.)
    • Multiclassing with a basic class between levels eight and fourteen, will require either a maintained CDT, a PC trainer or a CDQ. This choice is up to the requesting player but they will have to abide by the needs of their choice. If opting for a CDQ, some minimal RP/Lore justification will be needed.
    • Multiclassing for basic class at level fifteen (the last point at which anything can be added before level twenty) will require a CDQ and either a maintained CDT or a PC trainer.
    • Multiclassing after level twenty will begin to require more in depth attention from the CA team as this is much like turning over a new leaf in the life of a person. A maintained CDT or PC trainer are a must.
    • Multiclassing with a basic class from level thirty on will -not- be approved without a supporting WLDQ.
    • PrC multiclasing will remain the same.
    Other changes we are making, exclusively geared toward new players/accounts:
      New forum accounts, regardless of if they are simply alternate accounts for current players or whole new people, will be limited to the following for the first approved character:  
      -Races are restricted to basic elf, basic dwarf, basic halfling, human and basic gnome. No subraces.
      -Character class is restricted to Barbarian, Bard, Fighter, Monk, Rogue, Ranger, Sorcerer and Wizard.  
      -The character's alignment is restricted to CG, NG, LG, LN and TN.
      -New players are eligible for resubmission for with the original character or with a new character after two weeks of active game time.
      -The Character Stable will still be an open option to new brand accounts.  

      The intent behind these restrictions has nothing to do with a prejudgment of new player's ability to correctly play a class, alignment or race. What it does is require new players to focus purely on the lore of Layonara, which is vast and unique compared to many places. The limitations placed will hopefully help simplify entrance into the world in effort and gaining expediency. They will hopefully limit the frustration many people have expressed about being required to know lore that they feel they don't have proper access to. Once in the world and experiencing things first hand, the rest of the opportunities open up.  
     Some notes related to these changes:
    Gilshem Ironstone is the new CA Team Leader. He, Pibemanden and Geloooo will be working the majority of applications. Ycleption, if she should get a chance to return to us, still holds a spot on the CA team (at least for now).  
     There may be a rare instance here and there where a GM will step in to help out but this will be only under certain circumstances which we will not list. An example of such would be, if two or more CA team members are unable to fulfill their duties for a period of time due to RL obligations and the remaining CA requires assistance.  

     Your GM Team will still be a part of the process on the back end of things. Giving council, clarification and testimony will remain a part of what we do to help. We will be focusing our attention other places instead (elaborated upon in other posts).
     Some upcoming reform and projects for the CA Team/process:

     Our Class and PrC descriptions will be updated on LORE to be Layo-centric. A lot of what is on LORE for descriptions now are stock NWN descriptions of things and long have been out of sync with the server's core lore. This confusing factor will be rectified in the coming weeks (though we do not have an exact ETA.)
     We have some additional avenues for advancement and training coming to the server that will relate back to how the CA Team can work with people to gain desired classes, alignments and deity relationships (among other things) and encourage roleplay.
     Our documentation on the process of submitting a character for approval will be brought up to current both on the forums and in LORE. We do ask that you be patient with us as we go through this adjustment. Please keep in mind that we are working with several people to make this change over with clarity and thoroughness.  
     We hope that all of the changes bring a more meaningful and less stressful experience to the world as a whole.  
     The Character Approvals Team
    The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

    Layonara Server / World Policy Update -- Sept. 19, 2011
    « on: September 19, 2011, 10:39:48 pm »
    Greetings Layonara Community,
    As we have done now and then through the years, we are bringing some changes to Layonara.  Some of these are significant. Others are simple clarifications of what already exists.  Regardless of the case, from this point forward, a new set of policies and conventions will be in place for all, from the new player on up to the GM team.  These changes have come after a good deal of consideration, proposal, discussion and refinement over the course of several months.  They take into account those things that we, as a community, do well and those things that we, as a community, could do better.  The full details of all these things are too much to list here, but they will either be covered with some detail elsewhere or be evident in the way things are done by the GM team.  Don't worry; the changes are all aimed at a more positive experience for everyone.
    What I will do here is summarize these changes and then offer an agreement between the community-at-large and the GM team. The latter is offered because in order for this all to work, it requires cooperation between everyone, whether one is “just a player” or our most experienced GM. Afterall, we're all working toward the same goal: a rich and enjoyable experience for everyone.  
    [SIZE=18]Summary of Changes:[/SIZE]
     As mentioned above, the details of all the changes are too numerous to list here, and much of them get into administrative details.  To list the major changes in summary:
    • We are creating a world lore     publication fork. This is different from diverging NWN lore from MMO     lore, but it will still allow for some greater freedoms for GMs and     players while protecting those players who eventually wish to     achieve World Leader status or undertake a similar effort.  There     will still be opportunities to “change the world”, leave one's     mark and the the like. World lore is still important, but there will     also be flexibility.  This fork is considered to begin with the     conclusion of the last lingering matters after the world plot finale     quests held in May, 2011.  As things stand, this will coincide with     the wrap-up of Briardusk.
    • This publication fork also opens     up possibilities for GMs to run events which may not fit into world     lore.  Such events will be considered “unofficial” and     unsuitable for character development.  They are intended for player     entertainment and education...and perhaps GM entertainment as well.     GMs will clearly state when such an event occurs, so there is no     confusion on the part of players.
    • CDQs (and     GCDQs) are getting a significant change in terms of things like     waiting periods and other policies, with individual GMs being     allowed to set their own policies for the most part. They will also     be the domain of lore-friendliness, meaning a CDQ need not directly     deal with world lore, but neither should it violate it or conflict     with it. Everyone should read the updated CDQ policy, found here.
    • The world plot     will be handled in a different, more “organic” way. With the     wrap-up of Briardusk, we're taking a small break to get organized.     We will put out a “state of the world” description so everyone     knows the setting for moving forward. From that point forward, we     will be operating on a new methodology.  There will be opportunities     for world-level involvement on many levels, even when something     isn't marked as a “plot” event. To a large degree, what happens     moving forward will be up to the community.  More details will come     out over time.
    • The Character     Approval process is undergoing a shift, and we will be clarifying     some things as well. It is important for everyone to read and     understand this new policy, as it will affect all character     submissions from this point forward. Everyone should read the     updated CA policy, found here.
    [SIZE=18]Agreement Between Players and GMs:[/SIZE]
      In order for everything to work well, we all need a reminder that there is a need for cooperation between both players and GMs.  Without it, there is nothing but difficulty, and anyone who has been around here long enough has probably witnessed the occasional period of problems and tension.  We recognize these will never be truly eradicated, but we can all take steps to minimize them and work more constructively when problems do arise. In that spirit, I offer the following agreement to be held between players and GMs.
     Players agree to...
    •     ...have fun, but never at someone else's expense.
    •     ...engage in RP as much as possible. Encourage the same in those     around you.
    •     ...keep in mind that GMs are your partners in RP here, not your     enemies.
    •     ...not spread rumors about favoritism or unfair treatment. If     there's a concern, bring it to Leanthar, EdTheKet, Dorganath, Rowana     or a Lead GM.
    •     ...try not to use words like “bother” or “inconvenience” (or     some form thereof) when approaching members of our various teams.      We choose to do this.  It's OK. It's not a bother or an     inconvenience.
    •     ...never be the reason for another player leaving the world or     abandoning a character. This has happened, generally through     behavior that has made a person feel uncomfortable or threatened. We     know it has happened.  It is unacceptable.
    •     ...avoid telling other players how to play their characters,     alignments, classes deity/dogma, race or some other significant     defining characteristic, which also includes concepts like the     Heartsong or the Al'Noth.  If there is a concern, bring it to a GM.     Otherwise, unless a player specifically asks for advice, let it be.
    • toward a better level of communication between everyone     here, whether it is with one of our various teams or with general     members of the community.
    •     ...remember that GMs and especially the lead staff have a lot     invested in Layonara.  We sometimes want to participate in     discussions. Our words, unless specifically stated, are not     generally the end of the conversation.
    •     ...understand that at times, the GM team must say “no” but this     should be respected rather than gossiped about, back-talked or     flamed.  “No” is rarely given without a reason, though if it is     (such as cases where we cannot immediately give one), it is not an     arbitrary decision.
    •     ...join the GM team in our respect for and observance of world lore.     As part of this, keep in mind that if we approach players with     matters or concerns about lore, we are only seeking to encourage and     maintain a consistent environment for everyone here.
    •     ...remember that GMs are players too.  Sometimes we just want to     enjoy ourselves just like everyone else.
    •     ...maintain respect for everyone here, from the newest player on up     to Leanthar.  This applies equally whether in-game, on IRC or on the     forums. We're all people. We're all gamers. We're here for the same     reason. Do not hide behind anonymity.
    In return, the GM team will...
    •     ...provide a fair, open and enjoyable experience for everyone.
    •     ...provide a rich and interesting environment to support, encourage,     inspire and reward RP for everyone.
    •     ...attempt to communicate clearly and accurately with the community     on various matters.
    • open and available, as our time permits, for questions,     concerns and ideas. We may not be able to accommodate all requests,     but we will make reasonable efforts where it is appropriate to do     so.
    • as fair as possible. We are still people. We will make     mistakes, but the goal remains.
    •     ...try to communicate as clearly as possible at all times.
    •     ...respect, support and enforce world lore as appropriate. In doing     so, we may bring forward concerns or problems to players that are     intended in the spirit of our established world lore. Please give     these due consideration and respect our comments and the reason     behind them.
    •     ...provide a “clean slate” for all players moving forward from     this point (more on this below).
    The above agreement is offered in the spirit that we're all here trying to play the same game.  We're all people. Many of us, whether player or GM, have a lot invested in this game world. Some arguably have much more invested than others, but for the most part we all have a significant emotional attachment to this place.  With such attachments often comes a sense of ownership, and with that sense sometimes there is a sense of entitlement or a way of doing things that is “better”.  It is usually these sorts of things that cause the most problems. We're all different.  We all have different ideas and perspectives.  These things are truly great, but we also need to remember that we're all here trying to get enjoyment from the same place, and this place has its set of rules and guidelines that everyone needs to follow. One person should not take their fun at the expense of another's.
      In understanding our various differences, let us also remember that each of us is only human.  The above agreement is a goal, and regardless of which side we're on, no one expects perfection. We do, however, request that everyone keeps these things in mind when playing here. Most of us here are adults. Let's remember to act like adults.  Speak to other players. Work out differences person-to-person, and ask for help if there are problems doing so.
     [SIZE=18]The “Clean Slate”[/SIZE]
      Under the GM section of the agreement, the concept of a “clean slate” was mentioned.  By way of explaining this, it is necessary to mention the oft-misunderstood “Player Watch List”.  Many players may not know if this list, while others may have the wrong idea of it.  
      The Player Watch list is simply that...a list of players to watch. A player may get onto the list in several ways, which can be summarized as bad or questionable behavior. Such behavior can take many forms, whether it is a complaint by another player, minor rule violations or any matter that seems of concern. We use this as a communication tool between the entire GM team, such that we may all know of issues that may require a closer eye on a player in order that they do not cause problems for others through such behavior as we may document. A player will remain on the watch list for a period of six (6) months, after which time, the thread will be moved to an “inactive” archive, assuming no further issues during that time. If necessary, an archived thread may be made active again if there are repeated issues for a given player. These threads help us determine when administrative action or more direct intervention may be necessary, and they serve as long term documentation.
     It bears stating, unequivocally, that the Player Watch List is not a list of people that the GM team “does not like.” This is actually quite far from the truth. It should also be said that just because someone is on the watch list does not mean the player is in trouble. In order to illustrate a little better what the list is and isn't, here are a few examples of why someone might appear on the list:
    •     Player A is seen repeatedly luring or using terrain features to     trick creature AI or is otherwise abusing creature AI to     disproportionately lower the challenge posed by a creature or set of     creatures.
    •     Player B is observed camping CNR or creatures in excess of what     rules allow.
    •     Player C is reported by Player D for some inter-personal matters     that make Player D uncomfortable or which impact Player D's     enjoyment of the game.  In this case, both players might receive     posts for tracking purposes.
    •     A GM comes across something that brings questions to mind about     Player E.  The player in question is not available at the time to     speak to about the find, and there are no other GMs around who might     be able to offer clarity. The GM posts a thread seeking attention     and comment from other GMs regarding the find. (Note: in such a     case, the post may be removed if it is determined that there is     ultimately nothing wrong or questionable.)
    There are surely other reasons for appearing on the watch list, but these are among the most common.  In most cases, a GM should make contact with the player who is being listed to discuss the problem and request an adjustment in behavior.  However, whether due to time constraints, RL obligations or the player logging off of the server before such an opportunity arises, a GM may not be able to do so in a timely way. In such cases, the GM may still post in order to mark the incident for other eyes. A GM may also post to raise a player concern with the rest of the team in the absence of available information. Again, it should be stressed that someone being on this list is not automatically in trouble with the team.
      To enact the “clean slate”, from this point forward, any and all active Player Watch List threads are now archived permanently. Any past incidents or disciplinary actions, except for permanent bannings of course, are hereby forgiven and completely in the past.  If a player who has been the subject of one or more Player Watch List posts in the past has a new incident worthy of the Player Watch List, such incidents will be considered new, and past incidents will not be taken into account.  Repeated incidents after this point will, of course, be handled as we have in the past, with each thread serving as a historical record for future reference.
      This gives everyone who may have come in conflict with server rules in the past or who may have caused difficulties for other players to start fresh and without bias. It is our hope that in this environment, people will seize this opportunity to be better members of the community as a whole and remember that this is not just a single-player game and that our actions affect other players, either directly or indirectly.
     [SIZE=18]So let's get started![/SIZE]
      Without further ceremony or description, let's all start moving forward and continue making Layonara the best environment for RP and enjoyment it can be. For good or ill, we've all contributed to what Layonara is today.  As we go on, we will continue to shape it. Let's make it good!
    The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

    Welcome! In this forum you will find both the sticky you are reading now, indicating the process and rules in which the CDQs will be handled, and also a specific thread for each one of our active Gamemasters (GMs). Please read through the following information and guidelines to ensure you understand the rules and expectations before requesting a CDQ.

     Plesae note: The rules below represent the first major shift in CDQ rules in the last several years. Please take a few minutes to read and understand this post. For old players, the changes should be obvious.  For new players, welcome!

    [SIZE=18]What [/SIZE][SIZE=18]is[/SIZE][SIZE=18] a CDQ?[/SIZE]

    Character Development Quests (CDQs) are especially tailored quests that allow players to further some development of their characters. These quests provide players with extra resources such as GM time and guidance to allow players to affect large-scale character changes and development. CDQs are intended for larger character changes rather than minor things. Groups of players such as guilds, organizations or other groups with some common goal can also request a Group CDQ (GCDQ). If you are not certain whether a CDQ is right for you, read on! If you are still not sure after reading this sticky, the best route is always to ask someone, such as in our Ask A Gamemaster forum.  
    [SIZE=18]What are the rules for CDQs?[/SIZE]
     As of this post, each individual GM will set his or her own policies and guidelines on CDQs, including what sorts of CDQs they will run, how often they'll run a CDQ for a given player or group and so forth. This basic idea is prevalent through the following universal rules:[LIST=1]
    • In order to have a CDQ, a player     must request one from a specific GM using that GM's CDQ thread.      Similarly,  a group may request a CDQ from a GM in the same manner.      There is no time limit or waiting period between CDQs in this     policy. Instead, each individual GM will set his or her own limits     on requests and the time between them.
    • As a universal policy, each player     may only have one (1) active CDQ request at a time.  An active CDQ     request is any CDQ that has been requested from a GM that has not     yet been completed. Similarly, a group may only have one (1) active     GCDQ request at a time.
    • A CDQ should have a valid purpose.     This will be enforced by the GM running the quest.
    • It is recommended that a character     exist in-game for at least two (2) weeks before a CDQ is requested     for that character. This includes a CDQ to take a PrC.
    • It is required that a character be     at least level 8 before requesting a CDQ, except for a character who     is approved to take a PrC. A GM may agree to run a CDQ before the     character has reached Level 8 at the GM's discretion.
    • A CDQ should be completed within 6     in-game quest hours.  Additional RP and “wrap  up” sessions may     occasionally be be run at the GM's discretion, assuming the CDQ has     completed (with a pass/fail result, if applicable).  Except in cases     of extenuating circumstances, a CDQ or GCDQ should be completed in a     timely manner.  It is recommended to complete CDQs within three (3)     weeks of the first session, but the GM may set an alternate     completion schedule.
    • Quest XP is never awarded on CDQs     or GCDQs, either to the main participant or any other invited     participants.  CDQs carry an emphasis on RP development rather than     mechanical advancement through accumulation of XP.
    [SIZE=18]How do I know if I should take a CDQ?
    [/SIZE]CDQs should always begin from a defined objective or goal. Legitimate objectives and goals include (but are not necessarily limited to):
    • Pursuing a secondary (or tertiary)     class
    • Pursuing a prestige class
    • Exploring a deity change
    • Joining, forming or gaining rank     in an organization
    • A cleric or devout character     taking action in their church
    • Obtaining an RP rank or position
    • A mage (or other caster) working     toward a specialization of some kind
    • Investigating family histories,     searching for lost relatives, etc.
    • Furthering some other area of     character development needing GM mediation and attention.
    • Pursuing content from a GM     initiated quest.
    There are many goals that can be accomplished by CDQ, but some objectives may be either too big for a CDQ (and belong more to a WLDQ quest) or too small to merit a dedicated CDQ, and can be handled through other forms of GM interaction. If you are unsure whether something is attainable, or if it is too large or small for a CDQ, the best policy is to ask.

    We do ask that players request a CDQ only if there is a legitimate character need. Our GM team is very busy running quests and working on projects that benefit the entire community, and regrettably GMs do not have time to run private quests for characters (unless the quest is to achieve a legitimate development goal, as above!), nor would this be fair to other players. Therefore, we ask that players look carefully at the calendar and at the diversity of quests offered by our GMs over many different timezones, and instead join a scheduled quest if they do not truly need a CDQ. Rest assured, there are plenty of opportunities to develop your character(s) in the many quests that are run each month.

    If you are still uncertain whether your proposed goal merits a CDQ or Group CDQ or would best be handled in some other way, try answering the following questions:[LIST=1]
    • Is the CDQ based on a specific,     valid development objective, such that the outcome of the quest will     be meaningful?
    • Is the CDQ needed now?
    • Does your goal truly require GM     involvement, and if so could it be accomplished with a few minutes     of in game interaction or through another means?
    • Is your objective of an     appropriate scope (neither too big nor too small) for a CDQ?
    As a final check, communicate with your preferred GM to make sure the GM is agreeable to running the requested CDQ. As each GM will set CDQ policies according to his/her own preferences, it is important to work with a compatible GM.
     If after answering these questions you believe you require a Character Development Quest then please continue reading to learn how to request one.  
     [SIZE=18]How can I request a CDQ? [/SIZE]
    In this forum you will find a number of stickied GM threads. Each GM thread contains information on the times that those GMs are normally available, and any other pertinent information.

    1. Read through the different GM threads, or the introduction threads in the Ask A Gamemaster forum, and select a GM.
     Your choice should be based on a compatibility between you, your character goals and the policies of the selected GM.  Besides these primary factors, keep in mind matters of timezones, GM style and other factors that may interfere with the CDQ process.  Whenever you are in doubt, the best course is to speak directly with the GM before the CDQ is run.
     2. Make a post in the CDQ thread of your selected GM.
     In making your choice of GM, you can request a CDQ by making a post in that GM's stickied thread in this forum. In order to communicate your CDQ goals, you should post or PM the details of your CDQ along with the request itself.  Over the next few days, you and your selected GM should exchange information on availability and scheduling, and you should discuss and clarify the details of the request.  There is a shared responsibility to the exchange of ideas and information.
     3. Communicate with your CDQ GM.
     It is the player's responsibility to communicate as clearly and completely as possible with the CDQ GM and to do so in a timely manner.  This includes conveying any details relevant to the request, resolving any questions of individual GM policy and basically making sure you and your GM are on the same page by the time your CDQ begins. If something changes, communicate this to your GM, even if it includes the need to change GM for your CDQ.
     4. Schedule a date and time to begin your CDQ.
     As soon as it is feasible to do so, you and your GM should work out a schedule for beginning your CDQ. The GM will work with you as much as possible to reach a common and agreeable schedule. A GM may set his/her own time frames and policies regarding scheduling, including the order in which the GM runs your CDQ relative to other CDQs the GM may be running.
     5. Prepare for your CDQ, and invite others if you wish.
     Depending on your goals, the type of CDQ and other factors, you may need to do some preparation before the quest. You may also wish or require the presence of others in order to complete the CDQ.  Be sure to invite any other people in plenty of time for them to be able to fit into the agreed schedule.  Also, be sure to communicate with your GM regarding who else will be attending.  Each GM may have different policies on how many additional people can attend a CDQ, and the GM has the right to deny any additional participants over a given number. Please respect the limits that the GM sets.
     6. Enjoy your CDQ!
     Sign in before your CDQ time and be ready to quest. Have any other participants do the same. Have fun.  Act as your character would. Remember that the purpose of all CDQs is character development.  Do the best you can, and enjoy the ride.
     [SIZE=18]What happens after the CDQ is done? When can I take another one?[/SIZE]
     After the CDQ is done, what happens is partly up to you. As the primary purpose is character development of some sort, even if the stated objective of the CDQ was not met, there was still likely some degree of development.  Whether it was a “pass” or a “fail”, work these results into the RP of your character.  If you did not meet your objective, you may of course try again with another CDQ request, if that same goal is even still valid when the CDQ is over. If you succeeded in meeting your objective, another CDQ may be desired to continue along the same development path.
    Whatever the reason for wanting another CDQ, how soon you may have another CDQ will depend upon the policies of GMs who run CDQs. This is especially true if you choose to stay with the same GM for a long-term development path over multiple CDQs. You may, if appropriate, request another CDQ as soon as one is completed, but the GM has full discretion on when that next CDQ will be run.  The GM may wish to impose a waiting period for administrative reasons or for story-related reasons. The GM may also wish to work in someone else's CDQ between your CDQs.  Whatever the case, it is important for players and GMs to work together cooperatively on scheduling matters. As a reminder, a player cannot schedule another CDQ with any GM until a requested CDQ has been completed or canceled.
    [SIZE=18]What about CDQs for classes?[/SIZE]
     All multiclass and Prestige Class requests must be approved by the Character Approvers. Depending on the request, the rarity of the class, supporting RP, and the presence and quality of a Character Development Thread, the Character Approvers may approve the class or may ask the player to submit for a CDQ. Players who are approved without the requirement to take a CDQ may still request one for additional RP development if they wish. Some PrCs are only available through multiple CDQs or a WLDQ. You can read more on the requirements for multiclassing and PrCs in the Character Submission Approval Policies thread.

    In the case of a CDQ, the outcome of the CDQ will serve as an approval (in the case of success) or denial (in the case of failure). If the character fails his or her CDQ, the character must wait and make another attempt at a CDQ, until a CDQ is passed, or abandon the request. Further attempts are subject to the scheduling preferences of the GM.
    [SIZE=18]What about WLDQs?[/SIZE]
     A WLDQ or World Leader Development Quest is a specialized type of CDQ and requires a formal application and extra approval. WLDQs are requested when a player wants to try to make their character a World Leader. Only one successful WLDQ will be run during a character's lifetime. All subsequent development quests will be CDQs.

    If a character is denied for a WLDQ or fails their WLDQ, they must wait two months before requesting another attempt. Except under exceptional circumstances which will be considered on a case-by-case basis, a character may not request or take a CDQ after being approved for a WLDQ until the WLDQ is completed, and the player must until the end of the WLDQ to request a CDQ.  
    More information on WLDQs, World Leaders, and requirements for both can be found in the World Leader Development Quests forum.
     What are the GM's responsibilities for CDQs?
     Besides the obvious role of running the CDQ, the GM's responsibilities touch all parts of the process. As insight into the GM side of things, here are some of the things that GMs do and consider during the CDQ process.
     A GM generally puts a good amount of thought and effort into planning the CDQ.  Rather than pull some standard off-the-shelf quest to run, a GM usually plans out a CDQ that is uniquely tailored to a single character. Often, there may be things that need approval as well.  Sometimes, the GM also takes other participants into account, including relationships between characters, abilities, influences and the like.  This is generally a lot to consider, and it only grows when more people are invited to a CDQ.  This is one of the main reasons why the player requesting a CDQ needs to be open and communicative with the GM running the quest.
     Of course another significant task that a GM must complete before the CDQ is run is setting up a mutually agreeable schedule.  This of course is a shared responsibility between GM and player, and often enough the GM is not only juggling one player's schedule but that of multiple players and perhaps multiple quests in addition to the GM's own schedule.
     A GM has a very strong responsibility to world lore when running a CDQ.  This responsibility is even greater than the responsibility to a player's stated wishes.  The GM's job is to make sure that the goals and the manner in which these goals are reached (or not, as the case may be) are in agreement with world lore.  This is really of benefit to the player, ultimately, because should the player wish to submit the character in question for World Leader down the road, events and development that do not mesh well with lore can cause problems in such situations.  
     Many people believe that a CDQ is just a formality and that one will show up, RP for a few hours and succeed in the end.  While this may happen, in truth a CDQ should be one of many paths of development for a character, and as such there is usually an element of challenge.  A GM is responsible for presenting circumstances on the CDQ whereby it is possible to successfully complete the stated goal(s).  The rest is up to the player and any other participants.  
    When the goals of a character are longer-term in scope, or if there are failures along the way, multiple CDQs will often occur or even be required. Similar to planning a single CDQ, the GM also needs to chart a long-term progression in a way that makes sense in all ways and also in a way that has a schedule that makes sense.
     As should be apparent, there's a lot more at work for a GM than just running a quest. In the eyes of most GMs, there is a desire to provide an interesting and challenging experience for the player, and to do that requires a good deal of work.  Keep this in mind when working with your GM.
     What's all this about GM discretion? Why are there no more waiting periods?
     A few years ago, the community was different. It was growing rapidly, and the number of GMs available was insufficient to service an ever-increasing number of CDQ requests. The calendar became packed with more CDQs than open quests, much to the frustration of many. Sensible limits were put in place to combat this and throttle the flow of CDQ requests, requiring people to give some thought to them rather than just requesting a CDQ to get some GM time.
     Today, the community has shifted.  It is smaller and maintaining itself at a fairly stable level overall.  The sum of limits we imposed don't have the same benefit as they did, and the need for them has largely passed.  However, rather than return to a sort of free-for-all model for CDQs, we are taking a hybrid approach.  
     We are breaking from the “one size fits all” concept for CDQ timing, GM acceptance and the like in order to take a more collaborative approach.  This approach allows GMs to declare their own limits as to what sorts of CDQs they'll run and so forth.  The result, we hope, will enable a better match between players and GMs along a variety of factors.
    The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

    General Discussion / A big thanks
    « on: August 21, 2011, 10:07:29 am »
    To Agmundr Nokkadrumbaer and Vell'dryn Rydralle's for a nice night of RP and bringing a long lost druid up to speed on what is happening in the world, to Pibmanden for rescuing Brissy and to Tanman for happening to be around dming at the time as well. It's nice to see that even after so long there are still folks happy to sit around and tell stories.
    The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

    Layonara Server / Version 3.30.7 is online
    « on: August 18, 2011, 08:03:11 pm »
    [SIZE=32]Version 3.30.7 is online![/SIZE]

     There are no new downloads required for this update

     This is mostly a clean-up/tweak edition.

     New stuff:
    • Donation centers added to Fort    Llast and Fort of Kings

    • Palette clean-up of some    unused/unneeded/redundant items and creatures. Some creatures and    items were converted to dynamic items and others were simply deleted
    • Phase One of loot drop clean up.    Some items were culled, some were added/tweaked
    • Clean up some additional    left-overs from the collapse of the Caverns of the Menace
    • Fixed typo in A Mountain Trail    Toward Lyn
    • Fixed NPCs added to the Vault    guild hall in 3.30.6
    • Adjusted text on statue outside    the Temple of Toran in Fort Llast to match current lore
    • Tweaked spawns in Lake Splendor
    • Fix address names on doors in    Whitehorn Forest – Silverdell Grove
    The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

    Introduce Yourself / Hello Layonara again,
    « on: August 16, 2011, 02:05:02 am »
    Hello folks,

    This isn't an I'm back thread... but its not NOT that either. Logged in and ran around on Bris for a while. My how things have changed. In a nut shell, Im not sure that I'm back and I don't want to make one of those posts where I claim that I am then I never login again so I'm just saying Hi to everyone I've known, missed, those I don't know yet and even those I didn't really miss at all ;).

    The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

    Layonara Server / Announcement: Please Welcome...
    « on: August 10, 2011, 02:35:04 pm »
    .... Pibemanden and Geloooooo to the Character Approvers Team. They will be working with us to start moving the process along more quickly. Thanks to them for stepping into this position to help keep Layonara running as smoothly as possible.

    ~row (and the CA team)
    The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

    General Discussion / Varka's last quest
    « on: July 05, 2011, 03:37:40 pm »
    I'm looking for people who were apart of Varka's last quest where he was turned to stone. I seemed to have lost my logs from that quest. So I can not recall all the information. The reason being is that I plan on doing an event that celebrates what happened and tell the story to those who care to listen.

    So if you have your logs or information on who was there and who got what gift would be great. Just send me a PM.

    The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

    General Discussion / Hi bye from an old player
    « on: June 18, 2011, 06:19:25 am »
    Hello everyone.

    Here is just a small hi bye from one of the old dwarven players. Some might remember me as the dwarf Varka Cleaveson.

    I thought I might drop a few lines to Layo as I did to Harlas.

    Naaaayy. Since I stopped I always kept around though. Reading about what is going on in general but also keeping an eye on layos dwarven players. It has been and it is still fun seeing how Layo develops. I guess some of the other old players do the same thing. (If so just give a thumps up guys).

    So, how is everyone doing in there? I can see that there is a few new WL around and that the Torans are starting a new group (every good initiative). Are there other new initiative like that? Did some make a nice exotic group like mix of orcs, deep dwarves and dark elves? And where are the treehuggers?  

    What about the dwarves! How does it look there? I follow roughly the submissions and character developments.

    That is all for now. Take care in there and have fun! :)
    The following users thanked this post: Shiokara

    Layonara Server / Now Taking Gamemaster Applications!!
    « on: June 10, 2011, 03:19:01 am »
    Hello Layonara Community!
     It has come around to that time again, where we look around for interested individuals to help grow the Layonaran experience for the community as a whole. If you are interested in giving back to the community that has provided you with countless hours of entertainment, this is one way to make that happen! Below are listed the qualifications, the required duties and the list of questions that we'll need answered so that we can evaluate if you are a good match for the world. Please take some time to consider all of these if you are interested in becoming a Gamemaster for Layonara.
    Gamemaster Qualifications:
    You qualify for GM application if you meet the following:
    • If you have been a community member in good standing for at least four (4) months
    • If you can work well on a team but can also take independent initiative
    • If you act responsibly both individually and within teams
    • If you understand both the rules and the spirit of the server
    • If you enforce the spirit and rules of the server when necessary
    • If you communicate well in text in an online environment.
    • If you can commit to perform GM Duties as either a part time or full time GM
    Gamemaster Duties:

     You will need to be able to commit to ALL the following:
    •   Commit to the Author-Publisher Agreement. This means the rights to what you write, run as a quest or otherwise provide in your time as GM belongs to Layonara. You will be required to sign off on this and supply the document to Layonara. This is required to protect Layonara Studios and all of our community members.
    • Run impromptus, CDQs and quests, reward RP, assist players in game, or otherwise be active in game with your GM avatar (Part time: 1 hour/week ; Full time: 2 hours/week)
    •   Properly research and include world lore for events that require it. This can require that certain kinds of quests be written up and approved by head team members (such as EdtheKet and Leanthar) prior to running them.
    •   Communicate any long term absences from the world to the team, ahead of time if possible. “Long term absences” is defined as more than two weeks consecutive where you will not be able to reached for any reason. (We certainly understand that emergencies happen and for our enlisted members, you don't always get that opportunity. In case of the latter, please make us aware in your application that this is a possibility.)
    •  Write up quests after they are completed with detailed information for tracking.
    • Check the forums regularly for GM specific content. (Part time: at least 2 times/week ; Full time: at least 5 times/week)
    •  Spend at least 2 hours per month working to help the team and community on IRC or forums (e.g. Character approvals, disputes and grievances, answering questions, moderating forums or IRC, providing other assistance to GMs or Players).
    • Participate in GM team discussions (these are largely forum based). Examples include discussion of changes to policy, weighing in on World Leader eligibility, and communicating various issues to the staff as a whole.
    • Keep appropriate records of character profiling, player interactions, etc.
    • Communicate with individual players who may need help understanding the rules or spirit of the server.
    Application Questions
    (please answer in a response in this thread)
    1. How long have you been a member of Layonara?  (The minimum is four (4) months of active time in the community.)

    2. Are you applying as a part time or full time quest GM?

    3. Why do you want to be a GM team member in Layonara?

    4. Please describe any GM experience, including any NWN GMing experience. GMing experience, digitally or PnP style is not a prerequisite for a GM position!

    5. Please read carefully through the GM team duties and qualifications, if you have not already. This community has always supported the ethic of 'real life comes first' but we will need to know, realistically, if your real life can support your interest and commitment to the world. Please describe, either Layonaran or real life, responsibilities that may conflict with your Gamemaster commitments. Membership to other teams such as LORE or Character Approvals are examples of Layonaran commitments.

    6. Please submit an example quest in a PM (addressed to EdtheKet, Rowana and Dorganath). Your quest should be a brief outline of the set up and expected important events during your quest. Please include a few foreseeable side paths players might take and your intentions for working with players on those initiatives. This should be a quest you could run if you are accepted as a GM, though it is by no means required. Your sample quest summary should be between 300 and 500 words in length. Summaries less than 300 or more than 500 words will not be considered and you will be asked to submit again with the proper word length. Applicants without a quest submitted to the Team by the deadline will not be considered during this pass.

    The applications will close on June 30th, 2011, Midnight Eastern Daylight Time. All qualified applicants will be contacted for an interview by July 5th, 2011. Interviews will take place either in game or via IRC. Interviews must be final by July 20th, 2011, in order to offer invites to new GMs in a timely manner.  
     We look forward to hearing from you all!
     The GM Team
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