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Messages - 55060hacker

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** a parchment with a muddy paw print **
put in various chests
10  Unprepared Pipeweed -- Flatbottomed Leaf
5 Spider Silk - 500T
1 Ettercap Silk Gland - 50 T
16 Cotton - 160 T
9 Cotton - 90 T
Yet Another 9 Cotton - 90T

** bartering and trading is not normal for the wemic peoples so please forgive any blunders **

Picked up
1 Cougar Hide Armor - 300T
1 Cape of the Panther -450T

and dropped 300 T in chest

750 Purchases
890 Drop offs
300 coin
440 T Credit (not including pipeweed)
The following users thanked this post: Riven

a muddy paw print on some parchment
** sorry my character does not speak or write common **
I would like a place in a more natural area, where I can attempt crafting.  I am considered by many to be a monster, due to my race, and I have nothing but peaceful intent.  I am generally ok with animals due to my training, but would prefer an area where I am not assaulted by the sights and sounds of civilization.

~~Aziza Deertracker, Wemic Druid
The following users thanked this post: miltonyorkcastle

a muddy paw print on a piece of parchment

** deposited 250 True for 10 Branches of Hickory **
Sorry, my PC does not speak or write common, but figured a paw print was ok.
The following users thanked this post: Riven

"I understand and agree to the objectives of being a druid in Layonara. I understand and agree to the rules of achieving these objectives. I understand the internal organizational structure of the druids."
I understand I may freely multiclass only to a shifter prestige class, but only after a CDQ.  Any other classes will prevent me from advancing as a druid. I understand that I am part of a hierarchy of druids, even though I do not know whom I will be subordinate to, I am sure it will be revealed.
The following users thanked this post: Riven

Name: Aziza Deertracker   
Age: 7   
Class(es): Druid   
Race: Wemic
Subrace (if applicable):
Alignment: N
Deity (if devoted):
Domains (if cleric):
Biography and Description: Born and raised on the Grasslands of Veapra, Aziza was trained early in the hunt, along with her siblings.  They would spend days on end mock hunting game, (and each other)... practicing stealth, and moving in for the "kill".  Of course, they never would try injuring each other, this was all in play, but sometimes, accidents would happen.  In that case, the wemics would go to the spiritual leader of the pride, Amina, and get healing, both from her expertise in natural remedies, and a touch of nature's favor. 
Aziza was very prone to injuries, so spent an inordinate amount of time at Amina's grove.  She watched intently as  Amina foraged for plants to make into medicinal cures.  When she was cured of her present injuries, she wanted to go foraging with Amina to find more of these plants, maybe to help herself, but mostly because it was fascinating to her that plants, properly prepared, could offer so many cures for ailments. 
Soon, it was if Amina was her adopted parent, even though her real parents were alive and well.  They were more interested in the hunt, to gather food for the family. As the chores of gathering herbs and plants, weaving sticks, leaves, and branches, became second nature to Aziza, she heard word of a sacred grove on another island, a long long way off.  Amina told her after her test of adulthood, she would be welcome to go there with her, but first she must prove herself in the hunt.
Finally, the day of the hunt arrived, Aziza was well-equipped with her shortbow and spears, wearing little except a bandolier and a quiver for her arrows. As the day progressed she heard a deer in the thicket and tracked it down.  She watched intently as it stopped to drink at a stream, then bounded off.  She stealthily followed it many miles, quietly observing it in it's own majestic way.  It would be a pity if she had to kill such a magnificient beast, but tradition demanded it, anyhow deer was delicious! Her carnivorous body still demanded meat, even though she could survive for a time on vegetation.  Remembering the deer in the thicket, Aziza decided to hide herself in a thicket, quietly laying in wait for her prey.  Soon she heard a deer, nibbling at the leaves of the thicket, and she waited patiently, hoping her body's scent would not give her away.  Minutes passed, soon half an hour.  The deer became a little less skittish, and then Aziza pounced on it, quickly severing it's carotid artery. She had done it! She killed a deer by herself, now she was officially an adult.
After hauling the carcass out of the thicketed area, she brought it to her parents.  They showed her how to skin it and prepare its meat for long term consumption, even though as a wemic, she could probably have eaten most of it that very day.  She took some of the prepared meat to Amira, gifting it to her in honor of her spiritual teachings and being a substitute mother. This too was proper. 
About a week passed, Amira said she was going to Nature's Shelter on Aryte, to gather some plants only found there, and invited Aziza along.  Aziza gladly accepted.  Both of them build and boarded a raft and set sail eastward, poling the raft around Girrac and towards Aryte, trying to keep the shoreline in sight. On the third night of the journey, a deep fog rolled in, making sight of the shore impossible.  Carried northwards by ocean currents, Aziza and Amina were soon in the shipping lanes of the other people of the Sea of Scales.  Suddenly, off in the distance, Amina spotted a ship with a flag that represented the outcasts of the sea... pirates.  They poled frantically trying to stay unobserved, but as luck would have it, were spotted and persued relentlessly.  Shortly thereafter, the pirates tried to scuttle the raft, Amina called on her nature-given powers and tried freeing the raft, but was unable to do so.  Calling on her shapeshifting powers, Amina turned into a seagull and tried to fly away.  Just then a crossbow bold whizzed through the air, killing her immediately.   Aziza was helpless.  The pirates captured her and sold her to some humans from Port Hempstead as a curiosity for their menagerie.
Aziza was in shock, she had lost her mentor, she was sold into slavery to people she couldn't even communicate with, her frail mind just couldn't hold on to consciousness any longer, so she fainted.
When she awoke, she slowly gathered her wits about her, and waited for nightfall... The she drew upon nature's gift to weaken her bonds and cause a deep fog to roll in.   As silently as possible, she escaped from the menagerie, and into the wilderness around Port Hempstead. 

Deity Disclaimer:  since Aziza is a druid, she worships nature, not any deity of nature such as Katia, in fact, she does not even know of any of the deities.

Race disclaimer: as a wemic, Aziza is not familiar with any other languages of Layonara, including the common tongue.  Her native tongue, wemic, is a variation of Fey.  Aziza is also very wary of cities of any form, they just aren't natural to her. 
The following users thanked this post: Riven

Just for Fun / funny
« on: April 07, 2024, 10:11:02 pm »
Alec in trouble..
The following users thanked this post: miltonyorkcastle, davidhoff, willhoff

Character Submissions / Alec the Mute: Resubmit for Wizard Levels
« on: April 06, 2024, 07:24:14 pm »
Character Name: Alec the MuteCharacter Age: 21
 Character Class:  ClericCharacter Race:  HumanCharacter Gender: MaleCharacter Alignment: Neutral GoodDeity Associated With: AragenCleric Domain: Knowledge, ProtectionCharacter Birthplace: Outskirts near Blackford CastleCharacter Biography:
Born from a couple of peasants in the Blackford Castle area, Alec was always interested in collecting information.  Due to the closeness of Blackford Castle and its library, Alec would listen in on discussions of various subjects.  One day Alec discovered a portal in the library that brought him to another bigger library.  Alec would spend days on end in this library reading and researching for whatever caught his fancy for that day.One day, when he was about 13, while riding horse, Alec was preoccupied with his thoughts and didn't notice a tree branch was hanging too low.  When the horse galloped under it, Alec was knocked off, with severe damage to his neck.  His parents, being peasants, could not afford extensive medical treatment, but somehow, Alec pulled through.Being bookish before this accident, Alec turned to the library with its multitude of books for solace.  One day, a couple of years later, he noticed a couple of men wearing a symbol of a scroll at the library.  Being naturally curious, Alec followed them around for a while until they noticed him.  When questioned, Alec demonstrated his knowledge and proficiency with information to these men.  They invited him to come travel with them. After a while, the priests of Aragen offered to tutor Alec in the ways of Aragen.  They brought him scrolls and books on a variety of topics.  Alec eagerly read through these scrolls and books, always looking for more information.  After five years of training and tutoring, the priests presented Alec with a necklace with a scroll on it, symbolizing his devotion to Aragen.Extra Credit:Height: 5'8"Weight: 160Alec has a scar across his neck from the accident with a tree.  He remains very quiet and reserved.  Since becoming a cleric of Aragen, Alec has gotten a tattoo of a scroll on his right forearm.Alec is mute from the injury to his neck when he was younger.  // Spell-casting is done with the Silent Spell feat, since he is mute.  All spells are 1 circle higher.Dogma:Alec is fully aware of Aragen's policy of collecting information.  He is loath to let any information pass him by.  Alec prefers non-violent ways, but will use a staff or sling to protect himself or knowledge.  Alec is non-judgemental, for the most part. 

** New Information  **
What good, knowledge without the ability to acquire it? The world is a dangerous place, and one must be prepared to protect oneself to survive.  While faithfully adhering to Aragen's dogmas of non-violence, not changing or being changed by events, I have found myself bordering on heresy.  This cannot continue. Either I must change, or the ways of Aragen must change, but I know that gods change but seldom.  I have studied Al'Noth passively, only through the powers granted to me by Aragen, and I have seen people who channel the Al'Noth, and I am sure that I can apply my wisdom and experience into practicing this art.  May Aragen find me worthy!
The following users thanked this post: miltonyorkcastle, davidhoff

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Cailomel Goods and Wares (updated)
« on: January 09, 2023, 01:55:20 am »
Crunch find shiny Headband of Intellect +2, now is smarter, left 6972 true in chest.
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler, Hellblazer, Talia

I wake up still feeling groggy and tired.  I remember very little of the last few days... What has it been, a day, a week, a month.  Who knows?  The delirium of the bottle has hit me again.  Then all of a sudden, I have a vivid recollection of one of my accquaintances threatening to remove my tongue if he ever caught me drinking alcohol again... Oh! crap!  I better hide.  Off to the distant lands I have only read about... He'll never find me there.
The following users thanked this post: Hellblazer

I fell off the wagon... quite literally, even.  The call of the bottle has summoned me into its swirling depths... Downward into chaos, and heartbreak... Slowly, oblivion sets in.  I am comfortably numb to the pressures of the world.  As I sit, here, I contemplate... This isn't so bad... But I know there will be trouble come the morning when my acquaintance finds me... I may pay for it with my very tongue.  Please, let me keep my tongue.
The following users thanked this post: davidhoff

Dorand Help me! Every time I pass by an inn or a tavern, I hear the drink calling me.  It's smooth velvet tongue calls to my innermost being, yet I must deny it.  Day 6 without a drink... I can do it...
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I was travelling through Center, when I met some folk... I told them of my problem in keeping away from the bottle, and one of them threatened to remove my tongue if they ever catch wind of me drinking.... maybe fear is a good motive.  Since then, I have been sober for three days, the headaches and the chills are terrible.  Dorand Help me!
The following users thanked this post: Hellblazer, davidhoff

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