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Topics - EdTheKet

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General Discussion / Happy new year!
« on: December 31, 2013, 06:13:40 pm »
Happy new year everybody, it just turned 2014 over here!!

General Discussion / Happy bday OneST8
« on: October 10, 2012, 07:55:23 am »
Enjoy :)

General Discussion / EdTheDad
« on: October 26, 2011, 03:36:32 pm »
Hi all,

in case not yet heard through the proverbial grapevine, I've become a dad of a beautiful little girl!

Layonara Server / Disaster - lost all logs
« on: July 20, 2011, 10:40:40 am »
Disaster has befallen me.

I have lost all my logs of every quest I ever ran, as well as every quest I ever joined with my characters.

I don't need all of them, but if anyone still has logs of the following, please post here:

- Something Stirs series
- Dissolution series
- Ad hoc Storan quests run by me
- Ad hoc Black Wizard appearances/interactions run by me
- Ad hoc Golden Emerald quests run by me
- Ad hoc Saproprias quests run by me (these are really old)
- Brac'ar Fireface ECDQ (looks at Acacea)

And let me know which episodes you have.


The Dragon Storm Campaign / Dragon Storm - post mortem - questions
« on: June 14, 2011, 02:33:00 pm »
Hello everyone,

We're planning to do a so-called a post-mortem.

In short, it means we'll allow you to ask a questions about the recent campaign.

We'll then have a look at them and decide which ones we can/will and which ones we cannot/will not answer.

We will of course not answer all questions, especially not if those answers would give away something of a yet-to-be completed story arc or loose end. Or if they tie in to other things we've got cooking.

But we thought it might be nice if we give you the opportunity to ask these kinds of questions. Do try to keep them specific though, we don't want to answer with pages of text :)

Please post your post mortem questions in this thread. If you want to discuss this idea, please go here.


The Dragon Storm Campaign / Dragon Storm - post mortem - discussion
« on: June 14, 2011, 02:32:39 pm »
See here for the thread to post questions, use this thread to discuss the idea.

Ask A Gamemaster / Back (from being gone)
« on: June 10, 2011, 10:32:36 am »
I've been away for work since last week Thursday, and I've got quite a few PMs. There's probably some forum posts too :)

So, I'm playing catchup, if you sent me something, or are asking me something and I haven't replied by Sunday, poke me :)

Forum Discussion / No longer receiving emails when new PMs arrive
« on: May 04, 2011, 10:48:19 am »
For the past couple of weeks, I am no longer receiving emails when a new PM arrives.

I must say I rely heavily on this for my PM management, so often they sit there for a few days.

I checked my profile and I do have "Receive Email Notification of New Private Messages   " ticked.
I also have the box for pop ups ticked for when messages arrive when I am on the forums, which does work properly.

Any ideas? I did not change my email address, and they are not in a Spam/Junk folder either.

The Dragon Storm Campaign / Pit Stalkers arrive at Hilm Castle
« on: May 02, 2011, 01:44:23 pm »
Previously posted in the Lucinda forums, but I should've posted here as well.

This is on Day 2 of Ractrafiorez's deadline.

With a loud boom and a firework like display Jimman Ebbers appears about half a mile in front of Hilm Castle's main gates.
He looks a bit like a swashbuckler but with a gaudy staff instead of a sword and shield.
As he sees the guards on the walls pointing at him, he makes an elaborate, yet clearly mocking bow.
He makes his way towards the gate where he is awaited by Docet Ricketbacker.
"I hear there may be an army here soon and it's up to no good." He sees a  few frowning Toranites and smiles at them in a condescending way  "They're only marginally better."
He turns to the Docet. "A dozen or so more Pit Stalkers will be arriving  shortly." then raises his voice so that the Toranites can hear. "We  should be able to summon nefarious creatures to do our evil biddings"  And laughs as he sees the Toranites frown.
Then at a normal tone to the Docet "Of course I wouldn't want to upset  the populace and remind them of Blood and Xandrial, so we'll go with all  kinds of elementals instead."
To the Toranites "Prepare my quarters!" and without waiting to see if  they actually comply, he makes his way to the keep proper, leaving the  Docet behind, shaking his head.

Rumour Has It / Darkness descends on Arnax
« on: February 11, 2011, 02:45:23 am »
Far away in distant Arnax tendrils of darkness begin to emanate from Tower Vereor. It starts at night so most people do not notice the blotting out of some stars.
The night feels eerily quiet, which is strange for the city of screams.

When the horizon starts to brighten by the impending dawn, early risers are the first to notice the now thick tentacles of darkness that now seem to grow out of the tower.

Around noon, almost half of the sky is dark and before the afternoon is out, the artificial night has fallen.

The Cult forces surrounding the Tower have been at high alert ever since the first tendril was soon and are waiting for what will happen next.

Then an angry red pulse bursts from the top of the tower, adding a menacing dark glow glow to the blackness.

All remains quiet.... for now....

Layonara Server / X-chat
« on: February 03, 2011, 02:16:26 pm »
So I updated to a new version of X-chat (2.8.9( and now it says my 30-day trial period is over and I have to pay.

The previous version I was using, I had been using for years (so was freeware) but apparently this version is not.

Anyone have the old version somewhere by any chance?

Or know another nice IRC program without any bells and whistles?

And no, I don't want to use a web based IRC.

Thanks :)

IRCless Ed

Ask A Gamemaster / Ask the Loremaster: Liches
« on: January 25, 2011, 02:31:24 pm »
On Liches
  Over the last couple of months, we’ve had some inquiries on what it would take for somebody to become a lich.
  Other than the fact that we want to have the lich creature in the  world (and already have, see NPCs such as Drezneb), we never defined how  it would actually work and if it would be player attainable.

 Liches, Death, Soul Strands and Soul Vessels.
  In Layonara, and the way death works with soul strands, an aspiring  lich would have to successfully be able to attach his soul strands to  something other than his body. This “something other” is what is usually  called a phylactery, but which we will call a Soul Vessel.
  Before being able to do so, the aspiring lich would have to undertake  certain rituals. The final ritual would mean the death of the body of  the aspiring lich, re-attachment of any remaining soul strands to the  Soul Vessel and the soul of the aspiring lich then possessing the  now-dead body.
  This way, the soul would possess and control the body, but not be  attached to it through soul strands. It’d be attached to the phylactery  object (which can be any object).
  Because of the way the bindstones work (see LORE: Bindstones  ), the link to the bindstones will be severed at the time of successful  completion of the attachment of the Soul Strands to the Soul Vessel.
  This way, when the lich’s body  is destroyed, the soul would then  return to the Soul Vessel  and not the bindstone. It would then take  7-14 days for the lich’s corporeal form to manifest again.
 ·         If  the Soul Vessel is destroyed while soul is in the Soul Vessel, the lich  dies for real and the soul makes its way towards the Thread as normal  (see LORE: Death )
 ·         If  the Soul Vessel is destroyed while the soul is controlling the body,  the lich will continue to “survive” until the body is destroyed. At that  point, the soul makes its way towards the Thread as normal.

 Why would you want to be a lich?
 ·         [FONT="]if  you're bound to the bindstone, you will eventually die of old age. If  you're a lich, your body is already dead so you won't die of old age[/FONT]
 ·         you will not die of old age, so you have more time to practice your craft/research/magic/etc
  Anyone pursuing lichdom would have a loose grip on his sanity though.

 Lichdom for PCs?
  Player characters are able to attempt lichdom however, when successful  after several CDQs and a WLDQ, the consequence would be that the  character would become an NPC.
  This is for the following reasons:
  1)      We are not keen on making a new death system that would deal with the Soul Vessel, respawning and the like.
  2)      We don’t want to make a new class as that is too much work. We  could make a subrace skin for a lich, but that’d mean it’d make the  character classified as “undead” which could have all kinds of  consequences with spells.
  3)      We don’t want something like a "kind, misunderstood lich" RP.  To pursue lichdom, you aren’t an entirely sane person, and very likely  have Chaotic Evil tendencies. CE has always been grounds for  NPCification. Of course, there may be plausible stories to get around  the CE tendency, but that won’t overcome the other reasons.
  4)      The character would be undead. From a practical point of view,  the character would not be allowed to enter cities, craft halls, other  public spaces with a good chance of looking under the hood (literally),  which is not practical to check without permanent GM presence.
  5)      The character would also be almost impossible to play on  quests, bar potential Corath ones. We as GMs would most certainly NOT  allow the lich in a party when other party members would know IC it's a  lich, but would tolerate him because the players don't want to be mean  to the player that plays the lich.
  6)      The Soul Vessel would have to be in game. Many undead  abhorring players could/would/should go look for it and destroy it as  that would be something their character would do. This would then mean  players would actively seek the perma-death of another. You can then say  “Well, let’s not take it that far then” but that would not be realistic.

Questions? Ask!

Roleplaying / On marriage
« on: May 09, 2010, 04:55:46 am »
Just a short note on marriage, RPing of marriage and whether or not you need to have a GM present.

Q: My character and another player's character want to get married, is that possible?
A: Yes it is.

Q: Do we need to have GM permission?
A: No, you don't.

Q: Do we need to have GM presence during our marriage ceremony?
A: No, you don't. Although we recommend you keep logs. We do ask you to inform us so that we can add to the character profiling thread on the GM forums that certain people are married to others. Else we won't know.

Q: Do we need to have our marriage ceremony conducted in game?
A: No, you don't. Although we think it's a lot nicer of course, because then guests can attend for example.

Q: Can we ask a GM to decorate an area for our wedding?
A: Yes you can. Details and specifics would then need discussing with the GM.

Q: Do we need to have a priest, law official or other official authority present?
A: After some discussion, we decided it's not mandatory. Reasoning here is that in the real world, many places had (and some places still do) have "common law" marriages which requires no ceremony or officiating of any kind; it's just that the  pair lived together as a married couple for some set amount of time.

Q: What about last name changes?
A: That's possible, but then we'd need a request from both players to confirm the marriage is there, and a log would be nice.

If there's more questions, please post them here.

Layonara Server / New Project Writer member / welcome Xaltotun
« on: May 09, 2010, 03:12:45 am »
As mentioned in another  thread, people who want to join us as  Project Writer can contact me  directly.

If I think I can work with you (based on my perception of you on   forums/in game as well as after talking to you) I'll give you an   assignment to evaluate your creativity and writing skills.

If that assignment is successfully completed and we like what we read,   and you are willing to sign an Author-Publisher Agreement with us then  we'll bring you in.

Xaltotun successfully applied, wrote a very nice myth and I'm happy to  welcome him to  the Writing Team.

Ask A Gamemaster / Ask the Loremaster: Rhugal's Realm
« on: November 13, 2009, 09:28:06 am »
The capital of Rhugal's Realm LORE: Thoraz has been posted.

Layonara Server / New Project Writer member / welcome Link092
« on: April 10, 2010, 02:01:18 pm »
As mentioned in another  thread, people who want to join us as Project Writer can contact me  directly.

If I think I can work with you (based on my perception of you on  forums/in game as well as after talking to you) I'll give you an  assignment to evaluate your creativity and writing skills.

If that assignment is successfully completed and we like what we read,  and you are willing to sign an Author-Publisher Agreement with us then we'll bring you in.

Link092 successfully applied, wrote a very nice myth and I'm happy to welcome him to  the Writing Team.

General Discussion / Happy Birthday Leanthar
« on: April 10, 2010, 04:22:15 am »
Happy birthday, I can now post this because it's your birthday in your timezone as well!

Ask A Gamemaster / Ask the Loremaster: Dwarves
« on: January 02, 2010, 10:58:03 am »

Ask A Gamemaster / Ask the Loremaster: Gnomes
« on: January 02, 2010, 12:19:30 pm »
LORE: Gnome has been posted.

Ask A Gamemaster / Ask the Loremaster: Elves
« on: January 02, 2010, 11:35:54 am »
And here are the elves LORE: Elf

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