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Topics - darkwulf365

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General Discussion / Goodnight, Tonight...Goodbye
« on: June 04, 2007, 11:06:57 pm »
Normally, it is considered quite tactful, and in most cases respectful to post something like this in a private forum first before making it public.

At this time however, I feel that I need no such restraint and have no desire to show such propriety.  

This can be considered my resignation as a DM, community member, player and contributor to Layonara.  All those who have requested me to act in a DM capacity for a CDQ, or WLDQ must find another DM.  All other projects, will stay on my hard drive and an alternate version should be used if any are even desired at this point.
I ask at this time that all contributions I have made to this point, up to and including all writings and stories I have composted related to and resulting from DM quests, Character Development Threads concerning the following:
  • Branderback
  • Miko Millspaugh
  • Xeen
  • The Vine
  • Ranalea
  • Boo
  • Prantz
  • The Administration
  • Broegar
  • Caliessa
  • Odlithaner (a.k.a. The Mouth of Broegar)
  • Oom Kaayrk
  • Dregar
  • Orc’s Watch
  • Fort Rael
  • The beginnings of Prantz
  • Sunset’s Dawn
be withdrawn from the handbook before it’s publication and not be used in any current or future works published by Layonara Studios or any of it's affiliates.  They are not part of the Layonara Intellectual Property, nor do I wish them to be any longer.

I myself heartily disagree with this migration/subscription, and I do not want a part of it.  I was not asked, nor approached in any way shape or form by any member of the staff regarding this project until I found out about it during a forum crawl on June the 3rd. I was told that I had to give written consent to use my writings as per the copyright notice for Layonara Intellectual Property found in several places throughout the various staff forums.  I did not respond to that post, although my silence was taken as consent, which at the time I was fine with.  Recently, I have been sent a release form to be filled out, signed, and then sent back to the Layonara offices, I have not, and will not do so.  I find it reprehensible and underhanded that I was not told that what I write may or may not be used in a proprietary endevour started in secret by select members of the Layonara team.
Yes, the possibility existed for me to have gotten paid for this, that does not placate me, nor should it make it morally right. I did not become a DM, or a writer for the possibility of royalties, fame (infamy), or to have my name on a cover.  I did this for fun, to share, to meet new people.  The prosepect of money and paying customers changes all of this, and makes it unpure to me and I no longer wish to participate.

But why did I give my initial (albeit silent) consent?  I did this thinking that I was writing for this incarnation (meaning, the free to play one) of Layonara, and for the next edition handbook which I did know was going to be published, and for which I would receive royalties for.  I didn’t really like the idea of monetary compensation, but I rationalized that it’s for a book that nearly everybody will, in some way shape or form (My DM quests, random RP with either my PC’s or NPC’s, etc) be able to benefit from.  I planned on framing my first royalty check, and then donating the remaining ones to the server.  Now however, being the person that I am, I heartily dislike being deceived and having the true purposes of my labors unknown to me..  I refuse to be anybody’s mushroom (second definition), I deserve better treatment then this, not as a DM, or community member, or contributor, but as a human being, and therefore, I desire no further part in this moronic mess.

I have watched this community go into a slow decay, longtime players and friends have been leaving at a consistent rate.  Veteran players are constantly overshadowed and left wanting in favor of those who go against what I thought the spirit of this server was (You all know who they are).  My online experience has slowly degraded until it has been a chore to log on as either a player or DM. I’ve watched the player base go from a small close knit group of friends and cliques into a huge group of quest whoring, XP hungry, selfish, inconsiderate, unruly, disrespectful people.  I’ve seen DM’s become scared to run events the way they wish because of the whiny poor attitudes of players.  What was deemed as an RP-Action server, has basically lost the RP and is now left with –Action.  That’s minus Action, like minus world from Super Mario Brothers.

Although this migration may be deemed as necessary, and I can even barely see where it is desirable, I do not see where it will improve the “quality of life” for those participating in the server.  The problems in the community cannot be fixed by a magic wand of a new system design.  My experiences in mechanical engineering, systems design, programming, and game development, a system (or machine) designed to accommodate everyone cannot, by nature of it’s shear breadth and scope, excel in every area if it even manages to excel in any one area at all.  It is the nature of the people that made this community great, and they are now in a small minority, to cater to them cuts off the larger portion of the players (customers, whatever).  To acquiesce to the majority alienates the minority.  To add compromises sullies your original purpose, to force the majority to act like the minority by rewarding the minority for doing what you perceive is “right”, will be deemed as “unfair”.  All of these things will only narrow the small niche market for this product further.  This doesn’t begin to address the issue of those great players who cannot afford to pay a reoccurring subscription fee at all or the increased stress of a staff that now has to deal with customers instead of players.

As a last caution as you venture bravely into this new world.  Remember, this not an enterprise, it is not the be all end all of your existence.  You get no rewards at the end of the month (unless you’re one of the select few being paid), and nobody will knock at your door to congratulate you for killing that balor prince in 5 rounds, so please, have fun, it is just a game after all.

Rumour Has It / A message hung upon every street corner in Prantz
« on: May 20, 2007, 03:59:57 pm »
Satari, Oclar 21, 1416

After long months of deliberation and many councils held with numerous agencies of the Administration along with top representatives from the church of Rofirein.  It is with an eye to the future and hearts set upon steadfast dilligence to maintain the current standards of living within and around Prantz.  

It is with these aims in mind that the Administration of Prantz is pleased to announce conclusion of the councils held between the Golden Voice of Rofirein, Barvanth Hiruman III and the Administration of Prantz headed by Lord Broegar himself and the salient points of said deliberations contained within:

    A new Temple will be constructed in the town of Western Gate on Corsain Island.

    The Keepers Office will be moved to the Temple in Western Gate until further notice.

    Those Knights of the Wyrm formerly based in the Cathedral precincts are to be re-deployed to barracks in Western Gate.

    Guardians of Justice will undertake all law training solely within the Cathedral.

    The New Office of Marshals will operate from the Western Gate temple with all training undertaken there for its members.

    All religious services and functions will not be undertaken in the Cathedral until further notice. All initiates and any in training will be moved to the temple in Western Gate until further notice.

    It is further decreed that the Cathedral of Rofirein will be responsible for balancing the laws and punishments while adjudicating justice in Dregar on behalf of General Broegar who is from the moment of this missive recognized by the Rofireinites as the new ruler of Prantz.

    In the instance that a dispute arises between the Cathedral of Law and the rule of the Prantz Administration, both parties reserve the right to enter into negotiations to find resolution on the issue. Should this fail both parties reserve the right to withdraw from the agreement until such time as an amicable resolution can be met.

It is also at this time, now that the final reports from the Department of Demographic Measurement and the Bureau of Terrain Assesment have been received and assimilated that newly formed kingdom of Rael is announcing it's sovereignty with the City of Prantz as it's capital.  The bounds of Rael are to encompass the entirety of the Forest of Fog upon it's eastern front and extends southwestward terminating less then twenty five leagues south of Seacove.

In this dark time, such sweeping change is most certainly unwelcome by all, yet is necessary for the greater well being of all.  It is with this ideal in mind that Rael, and by extension Prantz opens it's arms and welcomes any who wish to join the brotherhood of monarchs in this new and exciting time in Dregar.

Hail Broegar, Lord of Rael

Rumour Has It / *Signs quickly go up all over Hempstead*
« on: March 29, 2007, 10:13:19 pm »
*As night falls upon Port Hempstead, a gathering of mages, and clerics of can be spied near the town center.  Some can be seen arguing over the proper blessings and application of the weave.  Others run frantically toward the temple of Deliar returning with lighter purses and armfulls of components.  Their discussion seems to center upon this notice, which is replicated all over the city*

Today, Jular the second, a young girl, by the name of Jezel Ricard was poisoned to death after drinking what is believed to be poison distributed through the drinking fountain near the memorial of the Crimson Eagle.  The nature of the contamination was later discovered to be the dismembered tounge of a Slaad.  

Young Jezel was later ressurected via a miracle performed by a blonde woman, bearing the holy symbols and colors of the goddess Mist.  She then returned home to her parent's safe care.

Howver, in order to prevent the spread of any disease.  The Hempstead City Council has decreed that for the next twenty four hours, all citizens boil their water before drinking or cooking.  Mages and healers from various religions have been working on clearing this problem from the city water supply and expect to have completed their work shortly.

This is just a precautionary measure.

The person responsible for this, is to stand trial in Vehl, at the temple of Rofiren within the week.

General Discussion / Rumors and Suppositions
« on: February 17, 2007, 08:43:14 pm »
It has come to my attention that some who were recently cut from my series, What is and What Should Never Be, are now unhappy with the fact that they are no longer invited along.  That is quite understandable, as I gave no reasons to each individual as to why they were cut while IG.  Also, having been removed from quests myself in the past, I know it is not an easy thing to swallow.  I also had hoped that I had a group of mature individuals who could comprehend why such a cut was made.  That they would also understand that it was the last thing I wished to do, and that I must have felt dire in needing to take such an action.  

Unfortunately, I was wrong.

I will leave it simply at that, but please, if you wish to know more, I will gladly tell you why you didn't make the cut.  You will probably not appreciate the thought behind the reasoning, find my reasons frivolous, unflattering, and perhaps even derogatory and outright insulting upon many levels.  That is your own choice.  As a DM, I would think I still have the right to remove any whom I feel to be detrimental to the fun and progress of a quest, and also minimize the player frustration felt amongst the party.

Again, apparently I was wrong.

I frankly am repulsed by the fact that I had to a) cut players from a quest and b) basically hand pick a party to continue on instead of trusting the dice.  I believe it sets a bad precedent, and also that it helps to reinforce many negative conceptions rumbling throughout the community.  I have a hard time understanding when such a  competitive, cutthroat nature got placed into the mindset here on Layonara, but that is the only explanation that I can see for some of the attitudes I have seen on display.  I have put a lot of effort into writing this quest, months actually.  Along with RL, and side projects both for this world, and myself.  All that is irrelevant. If I spent one hour, or one hundred hours writing storylines and plot, and no matter what the outcome, the players are left frustrated, angry, and bored.  Then I have failed.  

I Know I am not wrong about that.

I did go out of my way, taking over an hour to explain what could happen on this quest on the initial session, it's importance in the world, and the consequences of your characters.  Apparently I joke too much and this did not set in, as nobody shied away from what I set before them.  I was deadly serious then, and am now.  I had thought that it only those who understood what they were in for would stay.

I was dead wrong on that one.

[Thu Jan 18 19:32:25] Geryon : That's up to you guys, the way I concieve this turning out, there won't be a group'll all drop as individuals if you don't work together

[Thu Jan 18 19:34:43] Geryon : So if you want to cut somebody loose, I have no problem, but it must stay all IC, and I never ever ever ever ever ever ever not till 100 years after my death hear about OOc complaints or backstabbing one another OOC on this quest

This was in response to a question asked during the FIRST session about my stance on removing people not getting along with the majority of the party.  Since then, I've had to drive togetherness down the throat of the party not once, but twice.  It took a forced meeting and threat of impending failure to get you guys together, time which I'd rather have spent forwarding the plot.  And since nobody in the party decided to step up and ask players to leave, I took it upon myself to do so.  No one was cut because "I didn't want them there".  You do not get a 98% return rate, and also drag people along for multiple sessions and side quests "Not wanting them there".  Nobody who is on that quest, is there solely because I like them, or because they are my friends in game or out of game.  They have contributed in their own way either in the forums, in RP with others, or I felt may aid the party due to diversity.  The exception being the one, yes, now it is only one person who managed to roll into this quest.

In closing, do not sign up with me if you do not wish to work with the party, or if you cannot work against the party in a way that does not infringe upon griefing through RP.  Do not stay with the party if after x sessions you feel you cannot, are not, nor will not contribute.  Do not complain when bad things happen, or if good things happen, they aren't "good enough".  And most of all if you have a problem with me, tell me, I only look scary, but 80% of the time resemble something most would call resonable.  Do NOT, and I repeat, do NOT, go behind my back telling lies.  If I really enjoyed being lied to and around, I would've stayed with my ex.

Apparently responsible RP is something lost in the dark dim days when I first started here.

I hope I'm not wrong about that...

General Discussion / All upcoming events, quests, playtime etc.
« on: February 05, 2007, 01:58:40 pm »
Due to some family issues that just cropped up, everything Layo related has to take a backseat for the moment.  All scheduled quests, side quests, CDQ's etc are still on, just that I'm going to be fairly "on call" for the next few weeks till things settle again.

Layonara Server / Cancelling Tonight's Side quest in Prantz
« on: January 31, 2007, 03:24:50 pm »
Well, just got home a little bit ago, and being as that 2 of the three players this event was going to be ran for cannot make it, I'm cancelling tonight's mini-quest.

So, before Thursday's main quest, Caghid, Bumblebee and Jennara please see me for the XP that you *would've* earned had I not told you to log in anticipation of this.  And also Meira, if Caghid wishes it, I can post the results of what Bumblebee found while snooping around out-of-game

Let it be known that the following person is wanted for crimes against the City of Prantz.

*What follows is an extremely unflattering and highly accurate description of Hawklen Ancalimë*

His crimes against the city are as follows:
  - Defacing public property
  - Slandering the person of Lord Broegar
  - Indecent exposure in public
  - Commiting an unsanitary act in public.  Said unsanitary act being one which would endanger the health of the citizenry

If this person is sighted within the City walls, he is to be handled with extreme caution and apprehended immediately.  Any citizens are advised to notifiy the City guard if this person is seen in public.  Lord Broegar authorizes the City guard to use any means necessary, up to and even exceeding deadly force to ensure his safe capture and incarceration.  The term of said incarceration not to be less then one year.  

Any who may know the whereabouts of this heinous criminal are asked to report to the nearest City guard barracks.

Layonara Server / Quest tomorrow night
« on: January 17, 2007, 03:42:07 pm »
Well now, as per my little misadventure in hardaware here.  Tomorrows quest, "What Is and What Should Never Be" is now dependant solely upon my hardware, and could be cancelled with little to no notice.

If fate (and the laws of thermodynamics) deem it so, and I do end up having to cancel, this quest will be ran a week from tomorrow, at the same time.

General Discussion / Omer
« on: December 13, 2006, 05:46:39 pm »
Omer has now been unstuck, but appears to be AFK, so if you would, pick up your character in aisle 6 please.

General Discussion / Heh, because I'm evil like that...
« on: December 08, 2006, 02:41:21 pm »
I would like to dedicate this to the person who has been one of my most constant gaming companions, someone who has pushed Daren far above and beyond anything I could've ever imagined, and someone who I rank as being one of my very best friends although we've never met.

With that said...Happy birthday Jil, and I hope it's everything it should be.

Yeah, you can hate me tomorrow, just remember, I can always change the locks on the Blackford house and wait out the storm *cackles in his evil manner, running off to hide*

Trade and Market Hall / A commision
« on: November 23, 2006, 08:33:02 pm »
*Printed in very neat block letters is the following note, posted among notices hung in the finer craft halls throughout Mistone and Dregar*

Wanted: An Emerald Ring blessed in the Weave with the magic of Cat's Grace.  Please contact Daren Valhaikor with a price and availability.

General Discussion / Lyle's CDQ -- Next session
« on: November 16, 2006, 07:50:58 pm »
Since it's Thanksgiving next week for those of us in the states.  It's probably a good assumption that we can't do this same time next week, so I need the party's input on what would be the best day/time.

My schedule for the next two weeks is this (All times in EST):
 -- Friday (tomorrow), questing with my alt. character from 9:30 PM till whenever
 -- Saturday, Helping another GM (if she'll have me) at 8 PM and also the OSU/Michigan game during the day.  Not watching, just planning on enjoying the statewide holiday after the smackdown we shall layeth.
 -- Sunday, free all day
 -- Monday, the 20th, will not be home until about 6-7 PM.
 -- Tuesday, work until 4, canbe ready to quest by 6 PM at the earliest
 -- Wedensday, free all day
 -- Thursday, Turkey day dinner at I think 4, hopefully will not last more then 3 hours, ready to quest by 9 PM at the earliest.
 -- Friday, free all day, small chance of going out later in the eve
 -- Saturday, same as previous week, increasing chance of going out after quest (nearing 90%)

Rumour Has It / Strange Happenings in the Seilwood
« on: November 12, 2006, 06:17:45 am »
Several travellers, journeying to and from the Ranger's Vale have stated a bad feeling in that portion of the woods.  Almost as if it was haunted.  Some, while deep in their cups at the local inn were even going so far as to state that they were seeing strange shapes and shadows creeping within the trees.  Others argue the fact and say it's a mist clinging only to certain high branches.

All agree however, that something in the woods has changed, and most definately for the worst.

Rumour Has It / *Notes tacked up all over Dregar*
« on: November 06, 2006, 01:54:39 pm »
Due to the reacent outbreak of what can only be described as a form of plague originating in the vicinity of Hurm. Broegar, Lord of Prantz, has declared that the City of Prantz is in a state of emergency and that the following shall be encated posthaste.

All roads leading west and north toward Hurm including the newly added passage through the Haft Lake District shall be put under guard.  The purpose of which is the intense screening of those personages who may spread this dread sickness into our fair city. The roads leading east and south toward Lorindar shall be left open, although checkpoints will also be set up at fixed intervals between the two cities and those suspected of infection will be turned back toward their point of origin.

Any found to be aflicted with the disease that attempt to enter the City or bypass a checkpoint shall be considered guilty of the crime of Disruption of the Lord's Order and face the Standard Penalty for disobedience.

Rest assured that any who already may be affected may already be within the City walls are receiving the absolute best care available in Layonara. Lord Broegar is sparing no expense of True and manpower in the development of a cure and worldwide distrubution network of a cure for this dread disease.

*Stamped at the bottom with the seal of Prantz*

General Discussion / *Sighs heavily, cursing Wal-Mart and it's prices*
« on: September 23, 2006, 12:15:22 pm », was driving with my fiancee, who is a big WoW freak.  We started talking about it, and as usual I expressed my distaste for said Blizzard software product.  Stopping at Best Buy, she told me I should buy it, and in an offhand manner I scoffed "Heh, if the stupid thing ever comes down to $20, I'll buy it, it's not worth much more...Unreal with stats, that's all it is I'm telling you"

35 minutes later, standing in the electronics section at Wal-Mart, staring with a slightly open mouth at a copy of WoW for $19.77, and my wife to be beaming proudly beside me...

So, I ask you all, please alert me if I start showing signs of...WoWishness, I know no other way to describe it...but I think you all will understand.

*Grudgingly inserts disc 1 of five (I guess a DVD would've made too much sense) and starts the painful install/patch/pre-pwnership process*

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Possible additional cleric spells
« on: September 18, 2006, 08:15:47 pm »
Since I've grown fairly disgusted with Greater Sanctuary, and having a full level's worth of spells set as nothing but Heal, I started poking around for alternatives and this is what I came up with for some possible additions to the 6th level cleric spells.

Greater Glyph of Warding -- Clerics already have the lesser version, which I know I overlooked until it became sonewhat underpowered.  While not looking for any extra damage for a cleric, blade barrier is slightly hazardous, and harm could cause deity/alignment issues.  This spell may fill that niche up nicely.

Word of Recall -- Druids have their branch, Wizards have their tome.  Not to take anything else away from the Sorcerers and Bards that have no such access to this spell, I think those, especially those who have the Travel domain could benefit from this.  I don't know how hard this would be to change this from an item into a spell, and in which case it may not even be feasible and/or too unbalancing.

World Leader Development Quests (WLDQ's) / Daren Valhaikor
« on: September 16, 2006, 03:48:22 pm »
Daren Valhaikor Level 20 (Over 2 million until level 21)  Original Submission  Development Thread.  A large man sits at a desk, a few assorted candles light his face as he pours over a stack of parchments.  Scribbling a few notes here, scratching out others there, frowning with absolute concentration at a word or phrase before turning to a large bound volume of words that some would call a dictionary.  He hoped that one day he could turn this mass of parchment and scribbled notes into a book.  A book of his life's accomplishments, and also of his failures and shortcomings.  He has planned this as a gift for his daughter Sharyn', possibly others if they ever cared to read it.  She was a good girl to be sure, but he wanted something to let her know the mistakes he had made, to try and keep her from repeating them.  To let her know how he had grown, to let her know that the person she may hear about and the person he really is are not the same.  As he thumbs absently through the pages, he runs his free hand along the side of his face.  Tracing the remains of a long jagged scar that he received while captive in the underdark as his eyes search the pages of the dictionary, looking for the perfect word.    Minutes pass, and he runs his hands through his blue black hair that is now peppered with the silvery streaks that accompany increasing age.  More a gesture of tiredness then irritation, he closes the dictionary with a frown and then a sigh.  He would have to settle for asking his wife in the morning, it was getting far too late, and there would be chores for certain come daybreak.  After carefully arranging the parchments he had been attempting to  write upon, he stood, carefully blowing out the lamps. Checking the front door and the fireplace one last time he headed toward the back of the house.  Stopping by his daughter’s room, he peeked in to make sure all was well.  Sleeping soundly, and snoring lightly (she was indeed her father’s daughter in that respect at least), tangled up in her blankets.  He closed the door as quietly as he could, with a loving smile on his face.  Whispering an almost silent prayer of thanks and protection to Az’atta, he opened the door to his bedroom.  Creeping in between the covers, and draping an arm around Jil.  Taking in a deep breath, he had time to wonder how she always smelled so nice.  He closed his eyes, laying there quietly for a long moment.  Dancing upon the edge between sleep and conciousness, the place where all the good thoughts lay, only to be forgotten upon awakening.    He had to inwardly smile at how strange life could be at times.  The strange twists and turns that are destiny certainly had a way of catching one unawares.  Coming from absolutely nothing, fighting all over the world in what had to be one of the longest wars in history.  Marrying the most wonderful person in Layonara, and having a beautiful daughter.  He did have to chuckle a bit, thinking he may be just a bit biased however.    Thinking back, he had come to the conclusion that he had Az’atta to thank for this more then anything.  Good intentions may pave the road to the hells, but all of his accomplishments…his mistakes even, were motivated by love.  Love of his goddess, love of his life, and the lives of those around him, his family, his friends, even for all of the intermittent passers by in the streets.  He had to admit, even Az’atta had to appreciate the irony of him.  Even if his methods were unconventional, at least he hoped She would understand that he always tried his best to act with Her ideals in mind.  He believed that peace was something that sometimes had to be fought for.  Violence just wasn't the end and the answer to every problem, now to just convince the millions of people in Layonara.  Inwardly he laughed, thinking that should only take a thousand years or so.  His interior smile widened, he thought that now he felt complete…well, mostly complete anyways, still a few rough edges to shave off, another few centuries of work for that.  Too much to do and not nearly enough time in his life to…the smile faded, and he hugged Jil tighter to him, the fearful realization of elves and comparative lifespans slowly sinking in again. Best not to think of such things.  He knew what he was doing when he married her, better to just enjoy the time he had with her while he could.  He didn’t feel any signs of incipent mortality creeping up on him, but still, he knew that even another fifty years wouldn’t be long enough to spend with her.  He sighed quietly, holding his wife, eyes open for another few hours before his mind could quiet enough to let him sleep another troubled night away.  Major events in Daren’s life:  While I only use four examples here, there have been numerous plot quests, and other world altering series events that Daren has been part of.  I’ve omitted them due to the fact that they speak of only heroic deeds, and would not help indicate the type of WL I envision Daren becoming.  Bloodstone’s Siege of Velensk/Daren’s wedding - Daren fought in this battle, which incidently lead right into his marriage at Rondora Lake.  One of first to be in the thick of the battle, and also one of the last to fall.  This was probably the last showing of the original warlike, violent side of Daren’s nature.  His life took a major turn only a few (RL) hours later after his wedding to Jilseponie Wyndon was complete.  This was probably the first instance that really illustrated the duality that is Daren, the fierce warrior for good on one hand, and the beginnings of the loving, caring family man he would become on the other.  Ael Rynthien’s CDQ – Daren’s role as the only (at that time) cleric of Az’atta was a fairly important one to the success of this quest, all the way back to it’s roots with Kayla Warcrest.  Although the nature of the quest(s) kept him in more of a secondary role, he was fairly vocal and did try to advise the party as much as he was able to.  The series reached it’s culmination with Daren fighting drow warriors of Ca’Duz at the gates of their temple, killing many in order to rescue Aylahadratha.  This seemingly victorious battle left a sour taste in his mouth as he gained the realization that of all things, Az’atta does not wish for war and violence to be the first means toward any end.  The Orb and the Lich - This series started out innocently, then started to revolve around Daren, all because he was the only one brave/stupid enough to pick up that silly orb.  It ended up becoming pretty much the finishing touches on what he is now.  He came out of Cezene’Tolan scarred, beaten and battered, but his faith was unshaken if not made even more solid.  Literally scarred for life by a Ca’Duzite priest while being tortured.  Learning to rely on his faith, and the realization that strength doesn’t always have to come from your arm or a weapon.  The Silent War - Dealing with the corruption in Fort Velensk, the Mistone Alliance and within the temple of Rofirein.  Not letting the relationship between Rofirein and Az’atta become an issue, he helped end the corruption, and in the process earned the respect if not friendship of Kobal Bluntaxe and Jennara Creekskipper.  Thus began his thinking that different faiths were not hurdles to be overcome just bridges to be crossed until a comprimising solution could be found.  Daren has grown a lot since inception, although he is by no means perfect.  Throughout his existance his faith has been a constant influence until he has now found something he believes fits within the bounds of his own personality and the dogma of his goddess.  In a sense, he’s become something of a Paladin or Champion of Az’atta.  As a World Leader I would view him as the martial arm of the Az’attite church who is able to use his prowess to promote peace throughout the world as well as words, blessings and diplomacy.  That’s the first part, the second part being, he is acutely aware of the difference between humans and elves.  As such, he would like to earn Az’atta’s favor so that she may grant him the longevity to be with his wife until the end of their days.  He would use this time to guide and protect his family and the world he has come to love so much.  Although he is not one to ask Az’atta for favors, he would do whatever it takes to gain this one from her.  Daren is also not involved very much with church politics, it’s day to day workings and dealings with the public (He feels there are others far more qualified and intelligent then himself), I think that this would be a good way to round him off as a character (smooth off those rough edges as he thinks it) and the way in which he would gain Az’atta’s grace.

General Discussion / After much internal debate...*evil cackle*
« on: September 16, 2006, 03:07:12 pm »
Happy belated b-day to Honora

Layonara Server / Mikey's CDQ tomorrow
« on: August 14, 2006, 05:04:56 pm »
As of now, I am not exactly feeling too great.  It's bad enough that if I get worse over the course of my workday tomorrow I plan on going to the hospital tomorrow, and to my doctors office at first opportunity.

I hate to leave this so up in the air, but this came on suddenly (bounced between fine and sniffles last weekend), so I can't predict how I'll be feeling tomorrow.  But I will make a yea or nay post as soon as I get home tomorrow.

Thanks all,

Just for Fun / I'm glad we have WoW
« on: July 10, 2006, 06:11:30 pm »
I'm not really one to judge, since I refuse to pay for something like this that I consider to be UT2004 with stats but...

It's been a wonderful source for humor, such as this

Would be a great theme song for the next Illithid colony to surface here on Layo...

*Sings* "Heya Yard, it's Q...from the temple down the road..."

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