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Topics - thekevmon

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Roleplaying / Enemy Deities
« on: December 08, 2013, 04:31:48 pm »
As the player of a Champion of Pyrtechon, you can imagine that I often find myself travelling with a lot of characters with enemy deities. I have been told on a few occasions that I am not to accept blessings/buffs from enemy-deity clerics, but why? The explanation I was given was that it "gives the enemy deity power over me," but it seems like if anything the deity would be trusting me with a certain amount of their power, not the other way around. I also can't mechanically refuse spells cast on me.In addition to my own hardships, this presents a hardship to the cleric in question. I don't go around announcing my evil deity. I don't let my Pyrtechon flag fly, even when I'm alone, for fear someone might see. I take considerable measures to ensure my secret remains just that, so how is a cleric supposed to know to not cast spells on me? I know divine relation is one means, but if I were a cleric I wouldn't just go around casting divine relation on everyone I see, both because I would think that would be a bit of a social faux pas, and also because I just don't have the slots to cast divine relation willy-nilly. Unless someone is blatantly suspicious, I would probably assume they were fine. Also, if we're in the same party, we're working towards the same goal. It's not like I'm receiving buffs from a Toranite and using them to go burn down a schoolhouse, I'm using them to further our group's collective mission. Even if our deities are enemies, our characters are, if only temporarily, allies. Regardless of our motivations, it should be expected that allies would help each other.I guess I'm posting to see what the popular/correct response is to this situation. Thoughts?

Development Journals and Discussion / Rise from the Ash - Ulkazzar pt. II
« on: December 04, 2013, 10:31:40 pm »
"Looked like he'd been torn up pretty good. I'd have figured an angry bear had done the job, his face and chest slashed as they were, but it almost seemed like letters on his chest. I couldn't see all of him, and he looked like he'd had enough of a rough time and wasn't in the mood for answering questions, so I just let him through. Figured a bit of rest or some pleasant company over at the Silver Buckle might do the man some good, plus he wasn't gonna be causing trouble in his state. When he walked through the gate he smiled and thanked me well enough, but the look in his eyes told a different story. Somebody did this man wrong, and something tells me they're gonna wish they'd finished the job. All I know is, with that look in his eyes, I'm real glad it ain't me on his bad side. Mist have mercy on whoever is." - Lorin Arkin, Gate Guard of Mariner's Hold

Ask A Gamemaster / Blood Lord
« on: December 02, 2013, 12:02:16 pm »
Does Pyrtechon's Blood Lord have to be a cleric? I was reading through the LORE entry and it seems to suggest that the title belongs to anyone with the desire and strength to take and hold it, but at the same time it says that "the Blood Lord is also Pyrtechon's most powerful cleric," and a "high priest" role always struck me as mostly a cleric thing. Would a Champion (or some other suitable class) be able to hold the title? Would anyone without divine spells even be interested in the title, or are they more the footsoldiers, bringing Pyrtechons teachings and love and directly to the people of Layonara?Thanks

Development Journals and Discussion / Wildfire - Ulkazzar pt. I
« on: August 27, 2013, 11:43:23 pm »
"Another one showed up today. These damn adventurers keep coming in, scaring off the decent folk. I suppose I shouldn't complain, business is business, but Center's changed too much over these few years. Used to be folks stayed for awhile; now everyone's up and gone at the word of some new place to discover. Not the life I'd wanna live, no sir. Anyway, this new guy shows up in town and claims he's an adventurer too. Yeah, right, and I'm the King of Layonara. Strange guy, looked young, but like he's been through a lot, probably from Vehl, that awful place. He was carrying some strange stuff, had like three different weapons. Not sure why you'd need more than one, but he had three. I tied talking to him, seemed like a half decent guy, but everytime the conversation broke he started humming some tune. Seems weird looking back on it, but for some reason it made me angry at the time. Finally I gave up talking to him and went to chop some wood. I don't wish the man harm, but harm seems to come regardless of wishes. He seemed like a strong enough man, but I guess time will tell." - Walden Gladsmith, Citizen of Center 

Forum Discussion / Private Thread issues
« on: February 28, 2013, 02:26:13 pm »
Since the move to the website, I get an "access denied" message when I try to access my private character development threads. Not sure I'm the only one with this problem, but it seems like it would be a common issue.Thanks.

Ask A Gamemaster / Unholy Champion of Pyrtechon PrC
« on: January 06, 2013, 11:51:56 am »
The requirements for Unholy Champion of Pyrtechon include weapon focus (greatsword), but that doesn't make much sense to me given the statement in the Pyrtechon Clergy Attire LORE page:

"Clerics of Pyrtechon show no particular favor toward one weapon type, seeing all as tools to achieve the ends of their dark god. Weapons are made to kill and are all considered to be worthy of use. Indeed, many Clerics of Pyrtechon are skilled in the use of a range of weapons, far beyond the followers of most other deities."

I can understand requiring weapon focus for deities with a chosen weapon, but for Pyrtechon it almost seems as though focusing on one weapon would be frowned upon if anything. I'm just curious as to why weapon focus in a greatsword is required to be a champion of a deity who shows no particular favor toward a greatsword. If there has to be an additional feat (compared to the standard NWN Blackguard), why not something like Great Cleave?


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Wounding Whispers Duration
« on: January 05, 2013, 04:58:25 pm »
The duration for the level 3 bard spell Wounding Whispers is currently at 1 round/level, which is shorter than similar spells (Death Armor, Elemental Shield, and Mestil's Acid Sheath, all 1 in-game hour). In addition, all of these other spells have additional effects, as such:

Death Armor (Level 2): 1d4 + 1 per level (max + 10) damage (magic), +2 natural armor bonus, material component: Black Onyx
Duration: 1 hour

Elemental Shield (Level 4): 1d6 + 1 per level (max + 15) damage (fire), 50% cold immunity, 50% fire immunity, material component: Glowworm
Duration: 1 hour

Mestil's Acid Sheath (Level 5): 1d6 + 1 per level damage (acid), 100% acid immunity, material component: Glass Statue of a Man
Duration: 1 hour

Wounding Whispers (Level 3): 1d6 + 1 per level (max + 15) damage (sonic)
Duration: 1 round/level

I understand that sonic damage is superior at least to acid and fire damage (probably not to magic), and that this spell does as much damage as elemental shield. The lack of material component is nice too, but there is no secondary effect, and in my opinion the duration of wounding whispers is far too short to be of any real use, at least at the levels when it is most appealing to take it.

Admittedly I am only suggesting this because I have a new bard character looking to make use of the spell, and a longer duration would really help in that endeavor, but I'd like to suggest raising the duration to either 1 in-game hour (as the other variations), or something like 5 rounds/level (maybe 3 rounds/level, if 5 is too much and 3 is even possible). It would certainly make it a much more usable spell.

"Another one showed up today. These  adventurers keep coming in, scaring off the decent folk. I suppose I shouldn't complain, business is business, but Center's changed too much over these few years. Used to be folks stayed for awhile; now everyone's up and gone at the word of some new place to discover. Not the life I'd wanna live, no sir. Anyway, this new guy shows up in town and claims he's an adventurer too. Yeah, right, and I'm the King of Layonara. Strange guy, looked young, but like he's been through a lot, probably from Vehl, that awful place. He was carrying some strange stuff, had like three different weapons. Not sure why you'd need more than one, but he had three. I tried talking to him, seemed like a half decent guy, but every time the conversation broke he started humming some tune. Seems weird looking back on it, but for some reason it made me angry at the time. Finally I gave up talking to him and went to chop some wood. I don't wish the man harm, but harm tends to come regardless of wishes. He seemed like a strong enough man, and claimed to have the fury of a thousand, but I guess time will tell."  - Walden Gladsmith, Citizen of Center

General Discussion / Bard Skillpoints
« on: January 01, 2013, 11:42:29 am »
I just got a bard approved and was making him on layonara, but his skillpoints don't match what I thought he should have. I checked the LORE page, which states they get (6 + Int modifier) skill points, but I was only getting (4 + int modifier) skill points (which is stated in the in-game class description for bards). The only other record of this I could find was in the Layonara v3.2 update description, which had the same description as LORE (6 + int). I'm not really sure if this is a bug or what-not, just figured I'd post something up to see if this is how it's supposed to be or if I'm special.

[SIZE=13]Name: Valor Santomyre[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13][SIZE=13]Age: 37[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Gender: Male[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Race: Human[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Class: Fighter[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Alignment: Neutral Evil (I have already been approved for evil)[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Deity: Corath[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]The Bladerunners were an Alindor-based mercenary group, specializing in protecting the various towns and cities that were not big enough to have a respectable militia of their own. Broddick Santomyre had been a Bladerunner for a few years, and the mercenary group had been rapidly expanding. By the time the Dark Ages had hit, he was already in his twenties. The Dark Ages were tough times for many Layonarans, and the decrease in overall population brought about by the loss of food and the diseases that had arisen meant good business for the Bladerunners. In fact, the group had just recently received a contract; The Lord of Haven was stepping up security in his precious mine, and he wanted his city's farms protected, as surely some other neighbor may try to steal the profitable land from him. Broddick was sent with a few other from the group to protect the farms from any exterior threats and to keep the workers in line, in an effort to keep productivity at a maximum. Broddick and his gang would be paid handsomely in return.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]And so it was that Broddick moved into Haven. While guarding the farms, he met and fell in love with a nice girl, and Broddick and Brenda lived happily in their rented house in the city. The years passed and they were eventually blessed with a son, whom they named Valor because Broddick thought it was an important trait to have in his line of work. Valor grew up in Haven living with his parents in their small but comfortable home. His father trained him to use his longsword, and it wasn't long before Valor's natural discipline and skill with a sword showed through. When he was of age (about sixteen), Valor joined his father at his job, looking after the farms with him.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]More years passed, Valor was in his early twenties. He, like his father, had met a nice young Haven woman, and they were engaged to be married soon. The Santomyres together were making more than enough money to pay their rent, and life was generally good. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Then things took a turn for the worse. Broddick fell ill, and could no longer work at the mine. Brenda stayed home to take care of him while Gloria (Valor's wife) did the family shopping. However, whatever disease Broddick had proved to be contagious, and it wasn't long before both of Valor's parents were sick. They died within the year, and Valor was heartbroken, but life had to go on. He needed to stay at the farms to afford his rent, so he continued to work.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]The Dark Ages had long since ended, and prosperity was once more beginning to spring up amongst the citizens of Haven. Job availability was decreasing, which is perhaps why Valor couldn't find one when he lost his job at the farms. After many years of uneventful guard duty, the gnolls of the nearby Silkwood decided to seize the farmlands. Valor and his company of Bladerunners were competent fighters, but the gnolls were vicious and most of Valor's company was destroyed. Valor himself barely escaped with his life. The farmlands had been lost to the gnolls, and the farm owner was not happy. Word spread quickly of the Bladerunners' failure at the Haven farmlands, and within the year they were forced to disband due to their shattered reputation. Valor had lost his job, and with no source of income his future was beginning to look bleak. It wasn't long before Valor and Gloria could no longer afford the rent at their Haven place. They needed to move somewhere more affordable, where jobs might be more abundant, and so the Santomyre's moved to Fort Vehl, commonly recognized as a cheap place to live.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Maybe she couldn't stand being married to a jobless man anymore, or maybe she had just been in Haven too long to possibly adjust to anywhere else, but Valor and Gloria's marriage had hit rock bottom. The fights they had had on only a few occasions in the past became a daily ritual, and only a year into living in Vehl Gloria had left Valor. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]What followed for Valor was crushing depression. He began using the rest of his savings on alcohol and exotic pipeweeds; he had become one of the street scum of Vehl. On one of his deals, he bought some pipeweed that he had never had before from some shady looking folks, and after consuming it he had almost instantly passed out. He woke up in the basement of one of the houses in Vehl, surrounded by figures cloaked in a deep black. They had seen the potential warrior in him, they could see that he had at one time been a capable fighter, and this for some reason enthralled Valor. They told him that all of his life experiences, all of his losses, had made him stronger. They encouraged him to use the hatred of everything, of life itself, to his advantage. They revealed themselves as Corathites, and convinced him to rise out of his depression a stronger and more formidable foe than the world had ever previously seen. [/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Maybe it was the traces of pipeweed thinking for him at that moment, but all the power he was being presented with seemed like a great idea. He would take his revenge on the world, the Layonara that had so wronged him in the past, and he would accept the help offered to him by the Dark Lord himself. He would embrace the teachings of Corath, use them to fuel his vengeance, and rise up to the potential he had been promised those many years ago. He would rise above the mess he had become and bring Layonara to its knees, with assistance from Corath.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]The next day Valor got up and went to the store with the pittance the Corathites had given him for supplies; it was time he bought a new sword.[/SIZE]
 Personality: Valor was taught how to follow orders without question when he first started with the Bladerunners, and he grew into a well-disciplined man with a lot of self control. However, his personal codes may have dropped off a bit in more recent years, and he is not that same soldier at heart. He now fights for Corath, not for money. He doesn't have many friends, and he is very careful with the ones he does have, but if they are his superiors (followers of Corath) he will follow their orders without question. Valor sees his potential, and he knows he has to keep himself disciplined and follow orders if he is going to achieve anything. He wants to have his vengeance on Layonara, and he is willing to accept the help of others to do it, but he recognizes that he himslef is the most important person in his future, save for Corath[/SIZE]

Development Journals and Discussion / The Blackthorn Diary
« on: March 24, 2010, 09:04:19 pm »
(original submission, just for reference)
 Name: Drakollith Blackthorn
 Gender: Male
 Age: 22
 Class: Wizard
 Race: Human
 Alignment: Neutral Evil
 Deity: None
 The Age of Winter was upon Layonara. Disease ran rampant, starvation was everywhere, and the patience of the citizens of Haven was worn thin. A young wizard, a lifetime citizen of the city and a man who was respected by those who knew him, was particularly irritated. He was tired of the constant misfortune, the lack of food, and he knew that somewhere the situation must be better. Deciding to move farther south with his wife and closest friends, Brath Blackthorn left Haven.
 The journey was long and uneventful. Any danger they encountered was easily fought off by the pioneers, with the aid of Brath's minor magical talents. After several days of travel, the group found themselves in the Gloom Woods. While they encountered various malicious species in the woods, the weather and soil were capable of supporting their crops and there were occasionally small animals to be found and consumed. There was one animal in particular, a raven who seemed to thrive in the woods, that Brath took a liking to. Because of its ease of survival in the harsh environment, Brath named the bird Harbinger, in the hopes that it would bring luck to their struggle. The trees were cleared, houses were constructed, and Blackthorn Village was born.
 The citizens unanimously agreed to name the village after Brath, as he was the one man they all respected and it was his idea to move. Also, Brath was elected the leader of the village, and any major decisions that were going to be made had to be approved by Brath beforehand.
 A year into their struggle for survival, Brath and his wife were blessed with a child, a boy they named Drakollith. He was born albino, with incredibly pale skin and white hair. However, instead of the typical pink-red eyes, Drakollith's eyes were a cold, lifeless gray. Brath loved his boy very much.
 Drakollith was not allowed out of the house very much, but their house had grown considerably in size since the time of construction, a gift from the grateful citizens. When Drakollith was just 10, his father felt it was time to teach him what he knew about magic. He brought Drakollith to his shelf and instructed him to pick any of the bundles of scrolls there to study first. At first, Drakollith couldn't choose, with all the bright colored bands and elaborate words printed in languages he couldn't read. However, his attention was eventually drawn to a simple looking, dusty bundle with a black band and no visible title. He picked the bundle off the shelf and gave it to his father.
 Brath was a kind father, and he allowed Drakollith a great amount of privilege, but he was not about to let his son study spells of necromancy, especially not at his age. Brath put the bundle back on the shelf, and told him to choose another one without explaining himself. A little disappointed, Drakollith chose a different bundle, one with an orange band, and he and his father began studying the parchments together.
 In the village, there was little to do but study. His constant studies led to a thin relationship between himself and his mother, as they did not communicate much. She spent her time in other parts of the house while he was busy studying, and there was little contact between them. Drakollith proved to be a very smart boy, and it was discovered that he was quite proficient in magic. His father had never brought him past the first few pages of each bundle because he himself was not a great wizard, barely possessing any gift at all. It was not long before Drakollith could read the scrolls himself, and on a few he could even read farther than his father. It took Drakollith seven years, but he had finally read through every bundle of scrolls his father owned. All except one.
 His father had never allowed him to read that one black-banded bundle of scrolls, and it was not long before his curiosity had taken hold of him. He stole the papers off the shelf one night, and started reading them. He would study them whenever his father was not around, would practice the spells that he read about. Due to his interest and focus, he picked the art up quickly. It was not long before his knowledge of necromancy had surpassed his knowledge of the other schools of magic, and it was easily his favorite. He could feel the power he possessed coursing through his veins, could envision what he could become whenever he was involved in necromancy. His respect for his father plummeted, as he believed his father was weak for not wanting to practice these spells. His fascination with the art led to a desire for more. He wanted to see others fall before his power, feel what it was like, and realize his full potential. He craved nothing more than power. He realized he only had but one obstacle that would stand in the way of his journey.
 Brath Blackthorn awoke that morning to the sound of shattering glass. The broken mirror on the floor at his bedside and his son's black-robed figure were all he saw before he felt the life being stolen from his body.
 His journey met its end, but another was just beginning. Knowing the village would not tolerate the death of their beloved leader, Drakollith decided to flee the village, but he felt he had one last task to complete here. On his way out the door, Drakollith took a torch out of its sconce and casually tossed it to the floor, setting the rug and wooden floor alight. He would not have his mother meddling in his future affairs. Satisfied with himself, he left the forest, only slowing down slightly when Harbinger the raven landed on his shoulder. He left everything his father had worked for behind.
 While venturing through the forest, Drakollith encountered a pair of hunters from Vehl. After conversing for a while with the two, Drakollith had learned of their plot to catch and destroy a skeletal ogre, and his magical talents would be rewarded with money. Drakollith did not care to aid them, but the thought of seeing a product of necromancy in action intrigued him. He agreed to help the pair catch the ogre.
 The trap was set. The hunters were to grab the attention of the ogre and lead it back within the range of Drakollith, where he was to help destroy it. The plan had worked out so far, but the hunters had made one miscalculation: they had chosen to place their trust in Drakollith Blackthorn. As the hunters signaled over and over for Drakollith to begin his barrage, he watched in fascination as the ogre tore them to shreds. Drakollith knew the power of necromancy, and he knew that these hunters did not have a hope of survival. He was far enough away from the ogre that it could not sense him, so he waited. The presence of a nearby creature must have caught the ogre's attention, and Drakollith was able to take what money they had off their corpses.
 He left the corpses in the open, allowing any beast that wanted them to have them. He continued his journey south, stopping only when the gates of Fort Vehl were behind him.
 Drakollith cares little for people. His goal in adventuring is not to make friends, but rather to become the great power he sees in his future. He will use any means necessary to achieve this. While he does not thrive on chaos and desire the misfortune of everyone around him, neither does he feel any loyalty or sympathy for others. He may not kill just for the pleasure of watching his enemies die, but he will if he feels that the death of his foe would benefit him in the slightest. He is willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill his potental.

Ask A Gamemaster / Death Problems...
« on: July 06, 2007, 08:47:24 pm »
not entirely sure this is the right forum for this, but...

Okay, I just logged in as my character Sirrynth for the first time in several months. As it turns out, he's been a ghost this whole time and I figured I could just rest and it would go away. However, I rested and was still stuck as a ghost. Also, much to my surprise, I now had to reflect on my soul -1 times to get back. I rested again and the same thing happened, so I logged out and back in. It did not get fixed and I am currently at passing -9. If a GM could help me with this, that'd be great.


Development Journals and Discussion / The Scribblings of an Angered Man
« on: August 06, 2006, 06:47:44 pm »
I had only just arrived in Hlint when stumbled upon a large group of people. They were sitting around a fire, just talking. One of them was a Rofireinite, Jaleel I believe. I stayed with them for a while, and an argument broke out. It was settled quickly and things were back to normal. I gathered a smaller group that took me into the sewers. I killed a "Rat Man" that had gotten a hold of the town's tax records. We left the sewers, and were contemplating what tto do next. I found a bug on the dwarf's wagon, and dropped it into my torch. It was not worthy of life. Never have I seen so much fuss over the death of a bug! My group scolded me and told me they "did not tolerate things like this in Hlint". I answered by asking if they had ever stepped on a bug. Presumably, the answer was no. The group grew disgusted with me and I have not seen them since. Good riddance, I prefer not to deal with Rofirein.

Wild Surge Inn / Bashin Contest!
« on: July 09, 2006, 10:43:15 am »
*A big piece of paper with large and messy print is on the wall of the inn. Poor grammar and spelling suggest it was written by someone with low intelligence.*

Fur all dems people who want bashes utter guys, disses be times fur does it! Whetter yous is be lookin fur goods bash, goods times, ur both, comes to da bashin contest. It bes holds at Fort Valenks Ureena, and it be sumtime soons. Fights as pair ur fightses alone. Alls is be welcums!

Glokk Battlcry

//see event on calendar if interested\\\

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Small Suggestion
« on: June 20, 2006, 02:34:54 pm »
A little suggestion about poison. In Layonara, there are only a few creatures that drop poison crafting materials. I believe these are quasits, liches, ettercaps, and various spiders. To broaden the range a bit, I'm suggesting that scorpion and snake poisons be added to the game. This would give a little more choice to poison crafters of Layonara. Just a small suggestion.

Trade and Market Hall / Me Need Get Shieldy
« on: January 24, 2006, 03:09:35 pm »
*a large note is posted on the board. It is written in horrible handwriting, and the spelling and grammar is terrible*

Me need get sheelde dat bes tufer den iurns. Anywun gut, mes giv 20000 shinies fur it.


General Discussion / Stuck in Haven
« on: January 20, 2006, 05:28:02 pm »
Could someone help me? I'm stuck halfway into the wall in Haven. I've tried bartering with people, logging off and on, and building a fire.

Implemented Ideas / Fashion Items
« on: December 18, 2005, 05:40:00 am »
Would it be possible to make the fashion items have the same feat requirements as the magice staves? (simple, druid, monk, rogue, or wizard)  I have a character that is a rogue and he doesn't have simple weapon proficiency, so he is unable to wield the tambourine he just bought.


Wild Surge Inn / War Be Heres!
« on: November 06, 2005, 11:24:00 am »
Hey! Fur all da giants dat want cum help beat Blood, mes startin giant army. Wes help bashes stuff dat be Blood's. Cum see mes if you want joins.

Jenuhrul Glokk Battlcry

(Dis be fur giants unly. Nos humans ur elfies ur dwarfies, an specially no shorties.)

Trade and Market Hall / BUYERS WANTED!
« on: October 20, 2005, 01:30:00 pm »
Okies, mes been in cave fur little while, an mes go gemmy minin. Mes gut 9 hot rocks fur sells. Places noties under disses one.

Wroted by:
Glokk Battlcry

//9 mineral fire opals. Gold or other items of value accepted.

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