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Just for Fun / Fistful of Rupees« on: August 07, 2012, 11:51:57 pm »
If you like the Legend of Zelda franchise, and you like Spaghetti Westerns, then you might really like this video series. It's pretty well-crafted.
Just for Fun / Layo Memes« on: August 06, 2012, 09:42:29 pm »
Alright, guys and gals, time for a bit of fun. Gather your wry wit, humor, and pet peeves, and shove them into a quickmeme with a Layo theme. I bet there'll be some great ones. Here's mine:
Cleric of Aeridin Edit: Attachment wasn't working. Couldn't figure out how to just imbed the image in the post. Tried using the image option, but it came out black. QuickMeme must be crafty. 3
Just for Fun / YouTube Gamer« on: August 06, 2012, 06:55:05 pm »
Hey all. Since I'm dropping by, I thought I'd show y'all my other project besides writing during my summer off. Videos won't come up as quick once September rolls in, but for now feel free to check out my gaming channel at your leisure. If you dig free to play games, or just want to see some mediocre commentary/analysis, check it out.
Shiokara's YouTube Any pointers or suggestions would be much appreciated of course. Also, if you have any f2p games you want me to check out, I will. 4
General Discussion / Haven Mines« on: November 03, 2011, 10:02:23 pm »
I took a run through the Haven Mines today, which I don't normally do. And I just want to say that even though it's easily accessible, this dungeon is beautifully designed. The map waypoints for the Main Furnace, Equipment Sheds, etc. are a nice touch. Additionally, the inability to rest inside really adds to the challenge level of the dungeon since it is so long. The fourth floor feels like an accomplishment, and is quite imposing, because of its openness and scale compared to the narrow complex of passages linking up to it. Very nicely done.
Development Journals and Discussion / Inquiries and Reports - William Walker« on: October 31, 2011, 11:18:59 pm »
After scribing a duplicate, William sends the following report to Aragen's library via a ship bound for Mariner's Hold.
Just for Fun / The Weekend After Andrew & Elohanna's Wedding« on: October 30, 2011, 11:40:50 pm »
We get reminded of this:
Quote Sexual/Adult situations Take it to AIM, you two! Just kidding, just kidding. I just thought it would be funny to link these two events as though one caused another. I don't mean any offense, and don't wish to tread on any sensitive issues. Feel free to mod this as you must, and I have no qualms over deleting it myself if it's a problem. 7
Ask A Gamemaster / Polling GM Interest for CDQ« on: October 19, 2011, 11:57:02 pm »
I'm curious if there are any GMs interested in running CDQs for practicing Aragenites. These would be mainly information gathering quests focused on events and local culture. My interest comes from wanting to advance William Walker within Aragen's ranks. He's not yet level 8, and he likely won't be anytime soon, but I just wanted to throw some ideas out there.
I also thought it might be fun to have an open CDQ event to which other people are invited. This way what my Aragenite records would be dependent upon players' actions. Interested in any thoughts/comments/etc. 8
Development Journals and Discussion / Poems and Songs - Kira Adams« on: August 23, 2011, 10:00:24 pm »
"Pantoum of Arrows"
Our arrows sang and sunk into our prey Which danced and swayed moments before it fell Dead. In the silent wood we came to say The arrow's flight, its song, was like a spell. We danced and swayed moments before night fell, But at last light we doused the fires and slept. The arrow's flight, its song, was like a spell Or dream in which the archer's mind was swept. As the sun set we doused our fires and slept. Ahead tomorrow brings a new forked road Or dream in which the archer's mind is swept By whim or choice to the next episode. Tomorrow always brings a new forked road, And so before we start we sing or pray By whim or choice for the next episode, For the Great Runner to guide our way. We sing and our arrows sing. When we pray Our arrows and we share dreams, so we say The Great Runner guides us both on our way. With Falcon our feet and our flight won't stray. With Falcon our feet and our flight won't stray. 9
Ask A Gamemaster / Fishing Question for Anyone« on: August 23, 2011, 06:24:35 pm »
How come I can't catch multiple fish? I often catch one carp, and then the next time the script says I catch a fish it says.
"I caught a " and then I get nothing. Is this essentially a failed fishing attempt that I can expect to change when I have more fishing xp? Not really looking for only GM input, but as it could involve the script, I'm posting it here. 10
Trade and Market Hall / Nokka's Weapons, Armors, and Magic Stuff« on: August 20, 2011, 11:53:14 am »
Nokka stands over a hunched, nervous man.
"Oi'm gonna say werds at ye, an' yer gonna wroite em noice loike! Ther's true innit fer ye if'n Oi loike't." The man nods and gives a weak smile. Nokka begins his sales pitch. "'Oy! Oi got bows, oaken bows, an' axes, armors, even some koin'a books wha' Oi nay know wha' it means--prolly magicked--an' Oi gotta wand wha' ma'es ye stronger an' cloaks fer sneakin' an animal killin' an' other stuff. Ye come meet me at tha bar, we 'ave'a drink, go to tha craf'all an' ta'e a luk at tha wares." The man, after years of interpreting what speakers of poor common mean, writes: Attention adventurers! Master Dwarf Nokka has for sale two oak short bows. A wand that gives its user the strength of a bull. A magic tome of sorts. Cloak of the Watchers, and a Glorious Mantle. Also in his treasures are iron axes, battle axe and great axe, one bronze axe, and a collection of other weapons. He also carries armors. His shop is run from a bank vault, so if you are interested, leave word at the Bull's Eye in Center. Itemized list to follow. The man stops, pleased with his work, and Nokka adds: Nokka's war's tha bes' aroun', ye be kickin' gobbo skulls an' torchin' goiant corpses in no toime! The man cringes. "Master Dwarf Nokka, I hardly think that is necessary." "Wroite it!" "Bu-" "Wroite dammit!" The man writes: These wares shall help you on your journey, and keep their edges for many battles. "Aye, 'aht's wroite. Werk fer yer coin!" "You have no idea, Master Dwarf, how hard I work." He hands Nokka the scroll. "Oi'm sure Oi don'!" Nokka looks him over, searching for a weapon to bless. "Keep yer' pen an' yer senses sharp as tha Battle Father wan's." He takes the scroll, runs off, and begins posting it around. 11
Fixed Bugs / Lost Item - Adamantium Kite Shield« on: August 20, 2011, 03:10:39 am »
Bioware Name: Zahid Al Safi
Character Name: Agmundr Nokkadrumbaer Name of GM Witness: None Reproducible: Under the right circumstances, probably? Description of Occurrence: Alright, I'm going to guess this one is either Bioware related, or related to the script the server runs to keep its zones trash free. Nonetheless, I've never experienced this particular issue before, so I'll report it. I was very full, mining copper and greenstones, in the coastal caves. The pictures I've uploaded will show that I was having some over-capacity issues, dropping items, etc. Most cases when that happens, I'm able to pick the item back up after making some space, and everything is alright. This time was different, though. Note that in the first picture I have underlined the "Lost Item: Adamantium Kite Shield" line and that there is no "Acquired Item" line showing I had picked it up. This is because when I looked under my feet, nothing was there. I looked in my inventory, and the shield was there, as though it had never been lost. I figured everything was alright at that point, had some more capacity issues, made space, and moved on. The problem occurred when I zoned, though. Shortly after zoning into the next area (just long enough for me to get to the first set of crabs) my Adamantium Kite Shield disappeared for real. It did not appear at the bottom of my feet; it just disappeared. I didn't loot anything new that would have made it drop, and I had space for it. I suspect that the shield somehow got glitched from the first "Lost Item" picture. Though it never truly dropped, I think the server counted it as such causing me to lose the same item twice. Normally when I lose something to over-capacity, I know it's my fault. This time, however, the shield was on me, and it still got deleted, so I thought it was worth reporting. Evidence: First Image log Second Image log 12
Rumour Has It / Zahid Al Safi - Dead« on: August 08, 2011, 10:29:44 am »
Human lives are brief, lasting little longer than a child's writing in sand. Their legacy lies in their works, whether they are children of the flesh or children of the mind.
Zahid Al Safi, aged 69, died as he was born, wandering the Great Desert. After fighting for Sederra against the Green Dragon Cult, he ultimately succumbed to old age. He will not likely be remembered beyond the absence of an old man on a bench, or a shouting figure at the side of a Center road. Perhaps he never found the oneness he sought, but he smiled and died in peace. His journal, like his body, moulders in the desert's shifting dunes. He breaks down, and becomes one with the sands. 13
Development Journals and Discussion / Fymwal Irilanam - Notes« on: March 01, 2011, 07:06:52 pm »
Center is one of a few surface settlements without walls. It is vulnerable in that respect, but a common stopping place for adventurers. It's a crossroads of sorts, which makes it a valuable asset for all sorts of filth. Taking it might prove difficult, but worthwhile perhaps.
I met a fellow highborn there, Nastor. He offered work. Not herb gathering, real work. Ambition is heavy in his voice. Keep an eye on him. Could be useful, likely dangerous. Keeping my greatsword sharp with magic, but I may trade for a weightier iron blade than this light copper. Need better armor--can't get darksilk here on the surface. Can't concentrate in this studded leather sometimes, or gesture right. Need to focus more on casting despite stiff joints. Sun doesn't hurt anymore. 14
Trade and Market Hall / Skeleton Knuckles« on: February 26, 2011, 02:54:35 pm »
Collected souvenirs from the crypts. Human knuckle bones. Leave word at Bull's Eye if interested in purchase. 500 tr per box. Will entertain contracts.
Signed, Fym 15
General Discussion / Becoming well seasoned« on: February 05, 2011, 02:44:31 am »
Oy! 's ol' Görmungard birthday! 'Ere's a point ta ye, mate. Ma'e sure ye get inta a li'l bitta tha gud killin' an' debauch'ry!
//Happy Birthday, Chazzler! 16
Just for Fun / How I imagined Argali's pier to form« on: January 28, 2011, 08:15:43 pm »Quote Howabout... +a lot+ of rock dumped from the shore to a point where the ships won't run aground. The rock is delivered in the holds of arriving ships. Bacardi Island Commercial (contains images of alcohol logo and partying). 17
Poetic License / Gnome poetry, oh noetry!« on: January 23, 2011, 03:18:33 pm »
When I rode the wing'd contraption, I flew with the big wind like birds, and each feather'd breast I gazed on gave way to my engine lest it get caught in the gears and ground for stew. The exhaust from my mighty pipe did spew a cloud of blue and black which I assess'd was burnt oil, some gasket had failed and messed up the whole works. Falling down the ground grew detail. There a flock of floundering geese turned up their beaks at my steam-dream-filled flight, a fog of clouds cleared, and I cursed the grease that fail'd once more before eternal night. Nay mourn my sleep, nor call my fall a waste, For one sweet instant, Goran I embraced. ~ Ignatius J.H. Wordsmith 18
Introduce Yourself / Checking in« on: December 10, 2010, 06:13:21 pm »
Hey Layo,
I just thought I'd check in to see how everyone's doing. It looks like there've been a lot of changes. I'll have to get my bearings again it seems. 19
Trade and Market Hall / Charity Service - Knuckles for Nickles« on: May 08, 2010, 05:02:24 am »
Eoanira posts handwritten notices around local markets and alchemy halls.
North Point needs aid. Let me help you help others. I have for sale two boxes of majicked skeletons' knuckles useful for grinding into potions. Boxes are 500tr each. All proceeds to help support Aeridinite efforts in Northpoint. Buy knuckles, help others. Make potions, help yourself. Where's the bad? He adds at the bottom: [SIZE=10]*Miscellaneous donations accepted, too.[/SIZE] 20
General Discussion / On the subject of starting players« on: May 06, 2010, 07:47:38 am »
Because there's a lot of attention being given to drives to bring in new recruits, ideas to generate interest, PoI flags, and starting areas, I think the general issue of starting out should be addressed.
Personally, I feel that the gap between what veteran players know about starting new characters and what new players know about starting new characters is too great. It has been suggested that many players can rattle off the locations of most of the POI flags, for example, yet this is information not afforded to the new player unless he comes into contact with the veteran player. Not only that, but it is on the veteran player to introduce such things to the new player in most cases, as the new player does not even know to inquire about such structures that can give him an edge in starting out. There exist guides for crafting recipes here on the forums. There are even stickied guides for starting out. Why not have a guide listing some easily accessible points of interest? Or a guide suggesting what quests are available and where. Don't get me wrong. Veteran players do a great job in showing newer players the ropes and introducing them to the world, a task that promotes RP, but it should not rely solely on the shoulders of veteran players and DM run quests to show new players around. A player-friendly world is an accessible world, and after the sometimes daunting task of the character approval process, a player logs into a world where he is left searching for content. There is no motivation there except that which is intrinsic--a desire to better one's self and become part of the world. That's great, except such motivation can suffer if one's self-efficacy in actually being able to achieve that goal is low. There is a reason I am writing this post instead of just writing a guide for starting players. I am, admittedly, largely unqualified to undertake such a project. I only recently found out about the Gnoll Watchtower PoI, and did not know about Marrent's quest until my second or third character. If anyone is interested in collaborating on such a project, however, let me know. Naturally, I'll also welcome debate on the idea in general. It could also be that I am, myself, just ignorant of such structures and guides already in place and easily accessible, but I tend to think that if I am ignorant of such things, it's likely that someone else who has already left, someone who is just starting, or someone who will come in the future are also ignorant to such guides. For example, if PoIs are intended to reward and increase exploration behaviors (not considering lore knowledge as a desired outcome), then the locations of said PoIs should be readily accessible. With the locations accessible, the task players have is not to find out that they exist, but to find out where they exist. This can be done in multiple ways. Two that come to mind are: 1) getting veteran players' help in finding these flags (similar to the current system), and 2) encouraging solo exploration by giving players an area for a flag, but not the transitions they need to take there (this pretty much looks like a player trying to use the map of Mistone to find how to get to the Silkwood Forest). While one is certainly much more efficient than the other, the information is still accessible and useful in other ways. This would also allow players to ask more specific questions than just, "How do I make it?" to veteran players. Honestly, I see no reason why such knowledge shouldn't be painfully apparent considering those structures (like beginning quests) are just set up to help bump those players to a more world-friendly level. |