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Topics - SadistiCxJ

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Development Journals and Discussion / Walker's Memories.
« on: July 03, 2019, 12:49:14 pm »
I Walker, shall begin to write down what I have seen or heard, to better keep track of my fleeting thoughts.

I still have no memory of who I was before I was Walker. But even in that form I find no comfort. I feel more whole, safer, and at ease when I am taking other forms. When I shift between the forms of the creatures of the wilds I can almost begin to feel as though I am gaining back a piece of myself, but only almost.

I can feel my powers drawing upon nature, so I must be a druid. and if I am a druid, I must have belonged to a grove, before I was Walker. If I belonged to a grove, then I was a part of the great oak in some way, and thus it is with the druids that I have the best chance at finding out who i was. I have begun to inquire about where I may speak to the eldest and most powerful of the druids whenever I meet someone that I think may be able to help.

I have encountered many adventurers some of them seem to be friendly, but even with their kind words I can not stop the voice that screams in my head to hide. That nagging voice in the back of my mind that whispers words of doubt, words of mistrust. It tells me that they are no friends, that they may seek to hurt me. It is with great effort that I revert to the form of walker *a line is drawn through those words in an effort to correct the phrase* MY true form.

I will continue to search out answers. and perhaps try to do some good where I can. There is a wood near the small town called center, that feels befouled somehow. Some of the adventurers I met say that it is haunted and to stay on the trail. Perhaps I can investigate these claims of spirits, for any spirits that can cause such decay in nature can not be allowed to exist.

Entry 1
When I step off the ship i had called a home for years, I was not sure what to expect. Would I find that I had left behind my friends to wander in a world of evil, like the world of my youth? Or perhaps I would find that the world is full of people like The Captain who had been as a father to me. So long did I isolate myself within the small world of that ship, I struggled with my choice to leave.
Once I had though, I could feel it once again, that yearning for more that I had felt on a rare occasion. BUT WHAT?! What is it that my heart yearns for? is it power, or wealth? I know not. What I have found though, is a joy in putting my blade to work. Wading in among the monster and creatures who would take my life, dodging at the last minute, turning aside an enemies attack. Balancing on a daggers edge. What I speak of is not like the reckless swinging of a heavy sword that relies only on brute strength. What I describe is a dance. A dance in tune with the ringing of steel, and the final breaths of the enemies I leave slain.
The training and practice on the ship had not prepared me for how exhilarating a real fight is.
Aside from the thrill of battle I have found that there are many like myself who make a life as an adventurer. I have met several in my short time in this land. most notably a cleric of some god who offered me work, a warrior who forged me a new sword after I had lost my own, and a very lively dwarf who I can hardly understand the majority of the time.
I do not know when I will make another entry, perhaps I will wait until I have something of note to write. or perhaps I will keep an active log of my adventures. I do not know what the future holds.

Ripley Mourne

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