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Messages - OldBear

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Happy Birthday!!
 From one O.F. to a new one, great to have you join the club. I always figured it was better then the alturnative.
 Besides now you can tell everyone you have a trophy wife for real.  She is I know, but now you can brag about it as a O.F.

Sitting in a kitchen while a pie bakes in the oven, Dalan writes a bit in his journal.
 Found dis journal in the bottom of me pack beneath some rope.  I plumb near forgot I had it with me.  I been lost for so long.  Woke up today outside some castle like building, Castle Hiln I think they called it.  I just sat dere, no idea how I got there or what I been doin.  When blast my soul, along comes Ferrit, all bright and sassy as usual and does guide me home.
 My de wonders.  The guild hall got all redone after some big flood. It now has a library and an upstairs,  The folks done good when dey redid it.  It was truly walkin home the way I was treated.  Sad times too, heard ole Benny boy went up and got himself killed.  Knowing him it was some grand adventure or a silent decision to slip away into the night all peaceful like for one last walk.  Hard to tell about that lad,  Nearly beat him when we first met with a shovel or was it him going to hit or be hit,  Time does dat to an ole dwarf, de memory starts to go dey say.  Still he was a right good leader of the guild for a long time.  As I walked the halls I thought back to de days I was active dere and all dat I have missed since.
 Speakin of missin, I got Grenna dear's favorite pie in de oven bakin.  I ain't rightly sure how I goin to explain me bein gone for so long, but I sure be hopin de pie will least get me in de door and keep me head on me shoulders for a bit.  I do miss de twins and her.  They must be a sight.  And I am sure she will be a sight for sore eyes.  Tis been so long since I dun see me Grenna.  Just wish I could tell her why been gone to long, but I got no idea just another scar on me neck and up under de hairline.
 Well best get de pie out before it burns.

General Discussion / Re: Today is Special for Nehestrev!
« on: March 10, 2009, 07:37:02 pm »
Got busy at work yesterday and didn't take time last night to read the forums.  I am so sorry I missed your birthday.  I get you a present, but you got Nancy and we all know she is the best thing you could have. *grins*
 Actually, I am sure Nancy is the lucky one.
 Happy Birthday and best wishes for the upcoming year!

Tis late at  night and Grenna and the twins have long since gone to bed.  Dalan sits before the fire and stares into the flames.  Lost in a world of memories, some fond and others too painful to share even with the love of his life, Grenna.  Finally he lifts the quill to the journal lying on his lap and writes:
 Well Journal,
 T'was a day I will not soon forget.  I received a letter from a Lance Stargazer inviting me to call on him at the OrcBasher Guild regarding the death of Barion Firestead.  I heard rumors he died while I was out of de area, but this confirmed it.  Puzzled, I dug out me formal mourin clothes, dusted dem off a bit and paid me respects.  De lad was right nice, he looked around and found a bottle of gin to offer me.  Dinna tell him had no real taste for gin, but de offer was nice and I dinna want to offend him.
 Seems as if when dey were goin through Barion's effects, dey found a letter I wrote to Barion years past, shortly after de death of me old friend Sakura.  I wrote to tell him about how his wife died and attached a letter to dere daughter Abigail for when she came of age.  I recall Abbie mentionin it to me, so me guess is he found my letter to her when she died.  Readin that letter brought back de memories of both of dere deaths and almost more den a soul can bear.  I got out of dere as soon as I could, but I did leave a pouch of de gold I had on me for a memorial to Barion.  He was a right fine man and his passin will leave dis world a bit darker den it was before.
 Den de world proved to me dat it continues on, I ran into Wren Thendore.  I told him how Grenna and de twins were doin.  We even shared a laugh about Grenna and her locks.  I still say it wasn't me fault dat I drank dat one keg of ale.  Twas me birthday and I had a terrible thirst.  I dinna know de keg was for her guild mates.  I swear I dinna!  I even told him how she chased me out of de house with her broom beatin de dust off me back and swearin to her I dinna know.
 Though lookin back dat was a quiet night and day at me ole fishin hole.  Gave me time to make Grenna up a pie and some of dat smoked honey salmon she luvs.  Bless de twins, not so sure she would have let me back in de house after only a day or so, if dey hadn't been such a handful while I was gone.  Some day, when dey grown, I should tell em how dey saved me.
 We got talked a bit after dat about Sakura.  I was back in de Hlint area not so long ago.  Dat tree where I first held Abbie when Sakura just had to get some place for abit is still dere.  Now of course it be way large and probably won't last many more storms.  Dere be so many memories dere of both of dem and in Haven too.  Me friend, Eghaas would call em, bittersweet.  Tis a good thin us dwarfs don't cry or de pages of dis journal be soaked.  Well I best be gettin off to bed.
 After Dalan finishes writing, he just returns to gazing into the fire.  If dwarfs did get moisture about their eyes, one might have seen a drop or two well up in the corners of his.  But of course we all know that dwarfs don't get emotional or weepy about the loss of old and very dear friends.

Sitting before the fire after the twins have gone to bed and Grenna busy cleaning the latest head of a giant for a kickball, Dalan pulls forth his battered journal and jots down a few notes:
 Well Journal,
 Things been going good of of late. Kyle made de twins each a right nice axe. Tis perfect for dere hands now but yet got a bit of extra haft on it for dere growin.  Grenna went out to collect some heads of giants for kickballs.  She came home mutterin somethin about dem not being to willin to give em up.  Oh well, she needed de excecise, she been gittin  bit soft of late.  
 She been gettin tricky too, blast dat woman.  She put a new fangled lock on dem last batch of barrels she made ale in. Or I should say on de tap.  She left on her trip and I thought I'd have all afternoon to me self.  Have a few tankards, polish up a bow for de twins to learn on and in general have right pleasant day.  Instead it took me near all afternoon to figure out how to work dat lock.  I got it done, had me one mug of it, before I heard de twins coming.  I barely got dat lock back on and back in me place before de whole family came in.  With a bit of luck she won't know I been in dat last batch for a month or more.  Oh well, it was worth de work.  I swear no one makes ale like me luv, Grenna.  I be a lucky man we got together, not dat I will tell her dat to her face, she got me nailed down good without lettin her know it too.
 Well I best be gettin back to dese bows.  I be using a short bow form to make one to fit de kids.  Galan is a bit taller den his sis so got to adjust it for him next.  Varka's be dun 'ceptin de last of de polish.  Figure dey be hard on de bows and might get let out in de weather till dey learn better.  A bit of xtra was on dem bows might be aidin dere life span.  Dat or until Varka uses it to hit her brother.  She be growin to be more like her ma every day, bless her heart.

It is late at night and a small fire burns in the woods not far from Port Hempshire.  A lone tent is set up and two small figures toss in their dreams.  A tired dwarf sits before the fire writing a few notes in an old battern journal before retiring for the night.  An old wolf bask in the heat of the fire, but ready to keep watch over the tent during the night.
 Well Journal,
 Tis been a long day.  I took de twins today to give de missus some breathin room.  We done  hiked de forest and I showed em some trails and signs.  Dey seemed to pick up on what I said pretty gud.  I figure we can hike more tomorrow den hit de city by late afternoon.  I want to get dem each a fine handaxe from de guild.  It be time dey start to learn how to handle one.  Den if dey don't tear up de place to bad, we can have supper in de city and campout in me room at de guild.  If I get em up early the next mornin we can be out of de city before traffic gets too much and dey get into trouble.
 Me Grenna sure seemed to like de pie I brought her back.  I need to get back to makin em more.  Tis strange but suits us, she makes de ale and I make de pie.  Comes from dem days of makin sandpaper I guess.  I need to get back to it dere be somethings I want to learn to make and I be ready to start workin with yew iffin I can find any.  Hear tell darn near impossilbe to get.
 Well tis late and I best get some sleep.  Dem kids of mine will be up before sunrise with me luck.

Sitting at the guild hall, Dalan takes a few moments to remove an old journal from a chest he keeps there and to pen a few words.
 Well Journal,
 Tis been years since I wrote here. Me and Grenna got the two most active twins I ever did hear about.  As I tell me friends, dey take after dere ma.  Course I say dat when she is not in ear shot.  I prefer to keep me teeth.
 We gettin along good, me and Grenna.  Tis been grand watching the kids growin up.  We finally got time now to get back to our own lives a bit.  I have managed to get to the guild and travel a bit with dem.  Been to Thuder Valley now twice to fight.  Was good to get de ole axe back into de swing of things.  Made a couple of bows and some arrows.  Don't seem that I lost me touch with de wood.
 I do need to get out and gather some stuff to make pies with.  Been way to long since I made me Grenna a fresh pie.  Did manage to gather a few pecans, but still short for a pecan pie.  'Fraid she will be stuck with rhubarb.  I know she prefer apple, but just dinna have de time to travel dat far for de apples.  And dat is if I can still recall de way dere.
 Well regardless, I wouldn't give up dese years with her and de twins for nuthin.  She was de best thing to happen to me dat I can image.  Hmm I can smell Ferrit makin supper for herself here at de hall, which means I best me moving me arse home before she wonder's where de blazes I have been. Tis me turn to care for de wee ones tonight.  Not dat dey are so wee no more.  I swear dey growin llke weeds.  Oh well, will write later, I hope when I get more time.

General Discussion / Re: A thank you to the Troll King and Havoc
« on: December 29, 2008, 05:27:14 pm »
Since it was my character who had the original problem with the chests, I want to thank both the dms and the guild members who helped me fix the problem before Ferrit found out.  Dalan can run, but he can't hide from her forever and she would have been sure to slit his throat had he left that mess!

General Discussion / Re: scifi
« on: August 18, 2008, 12:28:08 am »
Great, I am glad you knew she was fine.  But got to admit nice to know for sure.  Hope her internet is up soon.

General Discussion / Re: Happy 10th Anniversary to Nehetsrev!!!
« on: August 12, 2008, 05:59:25 pm »
 That is a great milestone the two of you have made.  I do hope we are still rping when you hit 20 years.  Dalan needs an adopted sister and what would he do without the Lady of the Blue Rose to bother?

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: Just curious: NWN 1.69 Patch and Layonara
« on: August 10, 2008, 08:39:54 pm »
Just curious if any decision has been made about upgrading to the 1.69 patch?  Does anyone know yet if definate yes, maybe or no way ever?

General Discussion / Re: scifi
« on: August 09, 2008, 11:42:17 am »
Nope Dalan has been looking for his wife and babes for past couple of weeks too.  **Grenna folks not Scifi**

Rumour Has It / Re: Posted for public viewing
« on: July 24, 2008, 04:44:14 pm »
Hmm I don't mean to be critical, but dis don't make sense to me in dat notice.
 "Those providing evidence to the Tribunal will do so at the digression of the Tribunal."
 Wonder if dey mean "Discretion"?  Oh well de point be de same, dey after us for being tolerant of other races other den elf and human.

A red haired dwarf with a bit of gray in him walks up to the notices posted and reads both that of Drexia and Farros.  Scratching his head abit then pulling on his beard, he pens his own note to the bottom of the stack.
 Now I don't profess to be de brightest light in de area.  But it seems to me, Farros has got de right of it.  Whether folk have warned de fellow or not is immaterial.  De law is de law and procedures to have justice must be followed.  A private citizen warnin de fellow is a far cry from someone in authority.  Fact is, unless it be a guard or city official, how would de poor lad know t'was not some racist comment designed to drive him out of de city.  Iffin a city is going to have laws and procedures to follow, dey need to be followed by those in authority and not some private folk running around trying to sound important.
 And dis bit about him being arrested outside de city has got me worried abit too.  What happens if next dey decide dwarfs are not welcome inside de city.  Dat mean I can't even walk past de walls on me way to Stormcrest?
 And another thing, dat sign don't make no mention of folk talking to or dealing with one his kind within de city.  So what if someone talks to him or works with him.  Never seen no law posted says can't do dat.  So what is dis bit of dem asking for private information from a well respected guild who pays dere share of any tax assessed and do more den many for relief efforts for communities around de area.  Perhaps we ought to be movin to some place else where de would welcome us.  Seems a bit high handed to me.  Wonder what oxe gored de city official who started dis mess?
 Anywaz, dat be my copper as to de situation.

Sitting at the inn in Krandor, Dalan empties his pack on one of the tables.  Digging far down into it, he finds a well wrapped journal.  Borrowing some ink and a pen, he begins to jot down some random thoughts while drinking a locally brewed ale.
 Well Journal tis much to write about this day.  I know tis been years since I have written here, but time has a way of slipping past one.  Besides dere wasn't much I wanted to write about.  But now matters have changed drastically in me life.  I have a family who might some day wish to know more about me and so I take up me pen once more.
 First of all de joyous news.  I am a pappa.  Grenna and I had twins just hours ago.  She and the young ones are safely asleep in the home of Ferrit and Kyle.  I have cleaned up the floor where they were delivered and all is back to normal in their home but for the small dent in the floor where me head hit when Grenna hit me in de jaw and knocked me out cold.
 No I am not drunk.  We have the most beautiful twins dese eyes have ever seen.  After a hard stuggle, our daughter was born.  Dat was when Grenna hit me.  I missed part of the delivery after that and woke to find her in the process of giving birth to our son.  I have been saying prayers of thanks to Dorand and Vorax since the birth.  Primarily that my dear sis, Elohanna was there to aid Grenna.  I am 'fraid that without her I might have lost one or all of them.  But her firm but gentle guidance got us both through the delivery.
 She asked us what we were going to name dem, and I was a bit of a loss.  I had thought about a boy's name if we were so blessed but had never even dreamed of twins.
 I had thought that Galan for a boy would be grand.  The G from my dear luv Grenna and the rest from my name seemed a proper way to start our family.  As for de girls name, I asked the light of my life.  She said he wanted her to be a proper warrior lass and could we name her Varka after the best of our race.  Well tis a bit unusual, but I thought dat it would be proper as well.  I then proposed that we give her a middle name of Hanna for me adopted sister Elohanna and Abigail after Sakura's child and me adopted niece Abigail.  To me delight Grenna agreed dat would be a proper name and a good way to honor Abigail's death.
 Aye, I have not written about my dear Abbie's death.  She lies now in a peaceful slumber along side her mother, my dear friend Sa'kura.  Her death took me hard and not a day goes by that I am not reminded by something of her or her mother.  In fact, dat was my chief worry about being a parent.  Will I fail my children as I feel I failed those two?  I been told dat the fear is nonsense, but it is something I am afraid will haunt me all my born days.
 Still life goes on and with the birth of my daughter, I feel like a bit of my Abbie has come home to me as well.  Looking back on this note, I notice I failed to mention that Grenna and I got married.  Not soon after I stopped writing here, Grenna did hit me with her shovel.  She gave me a good wack on de back of my head.  In fact I carry a scar where she got me.  By her clan's customs, we were married right then and their.  She had staked her claim of me by doing so before witnesses and hitting me on de head with a shovel.  I never did ask her what happened if de male objected to the staking of the claim.  As for me, I dinna care since I had been chasing her meself for some time.  I was right glad, once I woke up, that we were married by her customs.
 We have decided once we found out she was pregnant, that we should have a ceremony to make it more formal like by the ways and customs of those that live here in Port Hempstead.  Not to mention, it would be a grand chance for a celebration.  Now, we can combine it with a celebration of our children as well.  The current plan is for a ceremony to be held at her guild hall and the reception at mine.  The Angels have a great big large room at de back of the hall that will be perfect for a reception.  Dere even be a few extra rooms with beds for those that have a few to many ales.  We haven't decided on a date yet.  We had thought to wait until closer to de time of her birthing.  We just hadn't expected her to go this early.  Still the wee ones are strapping good size and healthy to boot.
 Well I best be going.  I have got to find Ferrit.  She and Kyle have graciously allowed Grenna and I to share dere house in Krandor till we can find a place of our own.  De problem is, I ain't sure which room she met for us to use.  Right now we are using a couple of old pallets I found and some of my spare cloaks to make a nest of sort for us to sleep on.  I need to find a proper bed and make some cradles for de twins.  *Rubs his jaw* I do know one thing, we are not going to try to match Rain and Sonya on de number of children we have.  First of all I don't think I can take de stress and second of which, next time she might knock me out for a matter of days not an hour or so.  That luv of mine packs a mighty hard punch.  Oh well, I will try to write a bit more often dese days in case someone wants to read about me life in de future.  Ye never know Galan or little miss Varka might be interested in their parent's past.

General Discussion / Re: *letters are send out to Abi's friends *
« on: June 30, 2008, 02:53:11 pm »
Having been gone on walk about to try to find a new source of mahogany wood, Dalan returns to Fort Vehl.  Stopping by the temple for his own business, he hears the news of the daughter of a knight dying.  Pushing his way past some novices, he confronts one of the priests of the temple who tells him of the sad news of Abbie's death.
 Upon hearing the news, his face drains of all color and a muttered curse is said under his breath.  Not saying a word, he turns and stomps out of the temple to the dock.  There he dumps a load of what appears to be cut wood into the ocean.  Buying a bird from a local vendor, he sends a brief note to Grenna saying only " I know not when I be back, I just heard of her death." Luv Dalan.  With that sent he buys a ticket on the first outgoing vessal he can find to "who knows where."

General Discussion / Re: Leaving Layonara
« on: February 25, 2008, 12:12:47 am »
Due to differances in schedules and time zones, I have not had the chance to rp with you very much.  Still Dalan will always consider you the Master Dwarf!  Good luck with your job.

Rumour Has It / Re: A notice goes up at random towns and inns
« on: February 20, 2008, 03:39:22 pm »
A dwarf trudges by and reads of the notes.
 "Ach lass, tis terrible what ye found out. Ye and yer intended would be fine parents indeed."
 He goes on to read the various notes that have been written since the original. Upon reading the last few, he grasps his axe and mutters a curse that such the foul lies about his niece should be seen in public. He quickly scrawls a note on the bottom.
 I dinna know why I bother to refute such a foul statement. Corathite, bah! Me niece be no more a Corathite den ye be a great eagle of de sky. Sounds more like an earthworm writin to me. Or if ye mean she was deceived by one den, perhaps. Yet I know her and she be not easily fooled. Me doubts one such as dem would fool her as a priest of Aerdin. I known many a follower of Aerdin and repect dem greatly. Dem Corathites would have a hard time actin de part of a priest of Aerdin. In either case, watch yer words, ye be slanderin a fine lass. If ye wish to dispute me statement, let me know, me axe stands ready to meet ye in de areana. I may fall, but I will stand by her to de bitter end!!
 De name be Dalan Stoneaxe in case ye be interested and I be found normally in Port Hempstead.

Rumour Has It / Re: Vampire Attacks on Mistone
« on: February 11, 2008, 10:20:56 pm »
Dalan Stoneaxe wanders by and happens to see the crumpled note on the ground. Furious he grabs his axe and goes to look for more information. As he grinds his teeth in anger, a passerby might heae him muttering something about taking heads off if they try to actually arrest her and keep spouting such lies about her.

Rumour Has It / Re: The Mark of True Love (aka: a shovel to the head)
« on: February 07, 2008, 05:22:20 pm »
And I will have ye know dat dere is a permanent scar on de back of me head beneath me hair where she not only gave me a lump but cracked open me head a bit. As she puts it, I dinna lose nuthin important from dat! Dere was no doubt in me mind dat she had put her claim of title on my hide. Sorta like putting out yer marker on a mining claim.  
 Aye dere was no doubt in me mind dat Grenna me luv had claimed me for her own.  De only problem be she made dis vow to wipe out de giants and dark elfs who wiped out her family before she wed.  Now she won't make an honest dwarf of me....oh de shame.

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