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Messages - Crizzan

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Just for Fun / Re: Fantasy Classifieds
« on: February 11, 2008, 02:31:21 pm »
Wanted:  Sword that will swing itself to defend its owner. Preferably unbeatable and able to deal with multiple opponents coming from different directions. Able to slay anything with one stroke a plus. Absolute loyalty to owner required. Contact shady character at bar.

Rumour Has It / Re: posted for all to see across mistone and alindor
« on: February 11, 2008, 02:24:33 pm »
What manner of beings are enslaved? Do they prey upon the poor and desperate, or do they enslave all?

I know nothing of these slavers. It may be that they only seek to support their families. So long as they do this not at the expense of the poor, there is no need for alarm...

Forum Discussion / Re: Layonara for dummies - how do I?
« on: January 29, 2008, 09:24:32 pm »
Go to that thread, use the thread tools button, and click unsubscribe. You can probably also do it from the user control panel.

Tried the subscribe to calendars function on the calendars pages. It does not alert me about anything... even though I show subscriptions.

BTW, the reference to a snake was a slapping my own forehead with a loud "Duh!" response.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: How can I know anything?
« on: January 24, 2008, 04:50:07 pm »
I met a young, over-enthusiastic but little skilled woman named Slip. Not only is she an elf, but she is headstrong, reckless, and pays little attention to suggestions. I tried to help her, but she nearly got us both killed. I think it better to avoid such a creature in the future unless there is great money available as the result. Even then, I will proceed with caution.

I learned a lesson, as well. I had the majority of my non-money wealth upon my ox. It was slain. The wealth was stolen. That was the result of many days of hard work. Now, it is gone. Worse, it included all the feathers I had collected for the making of oak arrows. Now, I once again need feathers in addition to the bronze for arrowheads.

Again, I suffer my curse. When that fog preceded the vampires, when hiding near a person that used magic, when a slimy creaure in the sewer cast a pell, even when using the magic helm I have for protection, I feel a tingling pain shudder through my body. This must be a warning that such things awaken the evil in me... unless... could this be the evil in me struggling against such things? I must learn more, but carefully...

Roleplaying / Re: Behind the role play
« on: January 22, 2008, 03:19:42 pm »
Good reply. Now I understand the reasoning. I'll get to work on the economy issues before I think about suggesting this again. Like you said, it is a good idea except for that problem.

Roleplaying / Re: Behind the role play
« on: January 21, 2008, 02:25:28 pm »
Now that I've been playing a (short) while...

Yes, there are characters that buy and sell things. Yes, you can occasionally hook up in game or via the forums (if you can both arrange to be online at the same time.)

As far as role play goes, such transactions usually involve no more role play than any merchandising transactions. Let's not confuse character interaction with role play.


C1: "I have the oak you wanted. Do you have the bow?"
C2: "I have the bow."
They trade and go their ways.

Although some see this as role play, it is extraneous to the story and brings both characters away from other tasks/situations that interest them more. The simple fact that no character stands about for hours minding a store, crafting house, or inn shows that there is really no interest in such "role play."

Suggest creation of a (or more) market hall in game. It would be operated by NPC store clerks.
Players with items to sell offer those to an NPC buyer. The buyer has lists of things other players want, quantities desired, and prices offered (discounted ten percent, so the NPC makes a living.) Those prices are good only until the requested quantity is met. For items not currently in demand, the NPC should offer 30% less than the minimum accepted sale price. Yes, that includes crafted items. (Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to craft too many of one thing...)
Players wanting to buy items in stock (including components) would visit the appropriate NPC seller. (Things transfer here from the buyer.)  Prices are established per the asking price, although things in overstock might be discounted ten percent (reflecting the 30% reduction in price paid.)

This eliminates having to try to find characters in game during hours when there are few; interrupting quests, adventures, and other role play for merchant transactions; and having to cart about bits and pieces of things that do nothing but weigh down your character's pack. Frankly, there are few things worth carting about in this manner for the sake of someone else's crafting.

If you don't want to establish a seperate facility for this, consider having the existing mercants buy such things at discount. The crafting merchant could buy raw materials by the piece, other merchants could buy crafted products. If the price offered is less than a PC thinks is deserved due to the difficulty of crafting an item or gaining the materials, that PC could hold out for more by keeping those chests crammed with oak bows and requiring appointments for sales.

This would also reduce in game storage requirements. Instead of a PC keeping a chest containing forty bows, an NPC shopkeeper's inventory need show only one bow with a count on number available. Crafting can be its own reward, but merchandising is and always has been hard and generally tedious work.

Special orders would still be special orders. Those require interaction on the message boards and in game meetings for trade.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: How can I know anything?
« on: January 20, 2008, 04:18:30 pm »
I have not written for some time. This is not good. The evil must be causing me to hide my thoughts.
Many things have happened. I met Samantha again. She was with many others. Of those many, I recognized very few, among them Timulty Keel. I have often hidden and watched him, as he seems widely accepted. Whatever he does differently from me, I cannot yet say, but people accept him where they do not accept me. Perhaps they sense the evil within me? If this is the case, I will never find acceptance from most. I keep it covered so that none might see it, yet still people seem to know. What am I to do?
While standing about amid such a crowd, we were attacked by vampires. I need no sense of right and wrong to know that such creatures are evil. Even those that so often aided me, forced ever to work by night, feared and loathed such creatures. I fired my bow with valor, though my heart trembled with fear, but it was all for nought. My arrows did nothing against such creatures.

Again, I met Samantha. Although she is small, she is pretty enough. Better yet, she is no elf. I have often feared I should be forced to remain celibate my entire life, but to marry such a woman would bear no danger of offspring to inherit my curse. She seems intent on finding a halfling man and seems unimpressed that I am no fighter... If this works not, there must be others like her in race... I shall not be doomed to life alone and lonely if I might find such a woman, although I doubt I should be attracted by a female dwarf...
All my efforts to make myself more acceptable to others seem doomed. Is there no escape fro my curse?

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Archer's and Bowyers - items for sale
« on: January 19, 2008, 08:20:04 pm »
Bowyers and fletchers are two very different things.
Bowyers make bows of all sorts. They understand bows intricately and craft them lovingly. Some can make bows far better than anything ever expected from ordinary materials, although bows of great quality take more time and carefully selected pieces of material.

Fletchers, on the other hand, make only arrows and bolts (a name for an arrow specifically designed for a crossbow). They know that arrows crafted to fit an individual and his/her bow will always fly farther and strike more accurately than stock arrows. They understand the dynamics of arrows like bowyers understand bows.

If a character could somehow find masters of both crafts and gain both bow and arrows crafted to fit the draw length and strength of their character, they would achieve great increases in damage and accuracy with such things. (As much as +1 H/D) based on historical data from the middle ages. However, the same data indicates that they lose the benefits of such design if they grow stronger... Something about balance....

Just sent to give you something you might like to add to your character's understanding of being an archer... Most archers know such differences and know of the benefits of gaining things crafted by a master, they just have real trouble finding such a creature... Although most will go to any lengths for such things. (Quest idea, maybe?)
End OOC.

General Discussion / Re: Partying: a personal request
« on: January 19, 2008, 08:08:03 pm »
I don't think theres anyone saying that no one does it right or well. (I didn't read that here. I certainly did not mean to imply that.)

I guess the thing is that some people don't seem to understand the difficulties such things can cause. I don't become terribly upset when my low level characters die. (low-level characters do that a lot anyway. That's the nature of the beast.)

It is upsetting when higher level characters take over the party and lead you into great danger. My character died (no surprise). The only low-level characters that survived were those that fled the battle. Still, such things happen. No big deal.

However, when RP low levels get togetth to set out but are suddenly outnumbered, outleveled, and outclassed to the extent that they have no idea who is really there or what is happening, that is a problem. Few characters want to be reduced to garbage collection behind the party during prolonged charging battles that should create lasting scars across the land because of the amount of magic used. Is there a loot collector class available on Layonara? I must have missed it in the lore. Maybe it's a crafting skill.

In case you are wondering, I am not mentioning those that do it right. They need neither correction nor awakening. Unfortunately, those that cannot take a hint must be blugeoned with the blunt truth first to get their attention.

Also unfortunately, I get the impression that those reading these posts and responding in thse forums are most often those that get it right or try very hard to do so, so everyone can enjoy themselves.

I guess it comes down to trying to convince an ogre of something when he/she is not present... Fist you have to find the ogre, then you have to beat it down, tie it up, and sit on its head emphasizing each point with a stroke of a very solid club... Even then, they rarely understand, although they have no choice but to listen. They wouldn't even pay attention if it were not for the club.

General Discussion / Re: Partying: a personal request
« on: January 19, 2008, 03:00:52 am »
I agree about inviting new people to join from a distance. However, I have never been in a party where this happened. What usually happens is that someone in the party invites four or five people that are all long time characters, they never join the party, and I can't see the people that are really with us because they've scrolled off the screen. Last time I tried to form a party of four or five low level characters, I suddenly ended up with fifteen, no RP, all bash and crash, and most of those on the list were nowhere nearby.
For long distance tells with your friends, consider remembering their names so you can send a tell or use the "P" key. There's a reason that table is there.
And no, there is usually no RP or discussion of any kind before the phantoms appear on the screen. Nor is there any consideration of levels or level spread. (Although I would like to know how you work that. Is there something in game that will show you someone else's level? I usually have to guess.)

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Archer's and Bowyers - items for sale
« on: January 18, 2008, 11:51:19 am »
Found oak shafts and got stirge wings. Is there a fletcher that can make me some oak arrows? What price would you ask for that? As I'm new to the area, my true is limited, but I have great hopes of gaining more.

Ask A Gamemaster / Re: A question for your consideration this is
« on: January 18, 2008, 11:37:48 am »
I hink anyone could imagine a Wemic treated as a wild animal, caged, tortured, and abused from birth  becoming evil... The question that springs to my mind is wheher he would ever seek to serve anyone -even a god- after that, or he would turn into a rampaging murderer seeking out all those of the race that had abused him. Although many would see such a Wemic hunting Dark Elves as a good thing... It might work better if some uninformed villagers found him as a cub beside his dead mother (what killed her is unimportant) far from the usual haunts of wemics, took him home, chained him up as a watchdog, fed him scraps, beat him to force obedience and to make him vicious enough to keep intruders well away, and generally abused him all his life until the night he found a rusted length in his chain and managed to break free. He might still wear the welded collar with a length of chain dangling from it.

Even more interesting, if the village (now deceased to the last child) had included not just humans but some other group such as gnomes or dwarves (most elves would not tolerate such treatment of even an animal)... Now he is hunting not only humans but the other group as well. Because he is paranoid, he hunts with great stealth, makes sure of the odds before an attack, and strikes like a berserker.

Problems are that there would be few, if any role play opportunities. Such a creature could never be induced into the strongholds of his enemies even in disguise, lest he be recaptured. He would never risk that.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: How can I know anything?
« on: January 18, 2008, 11:22:34 am »
I met several new people. A couple I shall not name were rogues met outside the city. They had no work nor word of any work. I suppose that's just as well. I don't know my way around well enough to smuggle much past the guards yet. Still, it is nice to know that the outcast folks can find work even in areas seemingly so settled and heavily policed.

A couple new people I met were Ferrit and Spider. I don't know much about Spider except that he likes turning into a kitten, but Ferrit is a crafter that belongs to the Angels. I also learned more about the Angels and what they do. Why didn't anyone tell me they declared themselves only in elven? I did not even read the elven sign, since I was seeking a human organization! It was right under my nose. It cost everything I had, but I bought a good longbow with just a bit (900 True) of credit. I wanted to buy several things, but everything I wanted (and need) costs more than I could raise. If oly they didn't have theft detection spells all over this blasted city! When a man needs things to survive, he should not have to wait upon the scant charity and limited judgments of others! This is the first time I have ever even considered stealing, but they have so much....

Stop! I must not think like that! It is the evil! The evil inside me is tempting me to do evil things. They helped me. They do not owe me anything. They worked hard making or buying those things. Now I have to raise more money and find a fletcher. I have oak arrow shafts and stirge feathers. They should make some excellent arrows for times of need. I have a few red goblin scout ears. I wonder what lieutenant Astork is paying for those? They were hard to get. He should pay well. Yes! There should be many ways I can raise money without harming those that helped me.

Introduce Yourself / Re: hello - new to site
« on: January 15, 2008, 08:30:49 pm »
Have only been on the site a few days myself. Welcome. I doubt you will get a dwarf/anything cross or half-dwar approved, but you could easily submit a CG Golden Dwarf with such a personality. (Too "frivolous" to be accepted by the dour dwarves of most dwarven communities.)
CHeck the "New Players" links for rules on character submissions and allowed races.
I spend most of my time on Layonara in RP in Hempstead. There's no way my character could survive much in the way of battle. (Crizzan)
A druid dwarf is an interesting sort. Does he regard stony, rocky, barren areas with the same respect as an elf would reserve for a peaceful grove? (I doubt it, but that would be an interesting turn of events.)
His mom might have spent too much time with the nearby halflings as well... Ah, that is the curse of the dwarf. None of the other races can resist them. It's the beard, you know...

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: How can I know anything?
« on: January 15, 2008, 08:04:23 pm »
I traveled a bit with Fianon Brightbow. We see so much of each other, and he is always of help... Would such a creature aid m if he knew what I was? Have I the right to risk his life upon my discovery in Hempstead if he knows not?
After swearing him to utter secrecy, I took him to the clearing at the crossroads. A search confirmed that it was secure from eavesdropping. Then, I removed my helmet that he might see the horror of my face.
He pretended no distress, inviting me to sit again and saying that the actions of a person are more important than appearance. Even so, his discomfort was visible. He argued that I was not born evil but made to suffer from the evil f others. I have felt this way, this method of excusing my curse by blaming others for their reactions, but I tried to explain the truth: That people react in such a manner to evil revealed. He told me that those knowing me would accept my visage. I cannot have such optimism. Many that knew me from birth sought my destruction. I have known and I have recently met many that would kill me on sight because of my curse.
He claimed it was no curse but accident of birth. Accident of birth? My birth was no accident, it was the result of great evil worked upon an innocent by a being of great evil!
Besides, I feel such pain whenever the weave is used... that must be the curse within me becoming enraged by the near invocation of the weave. I did not tell him of the times things, dark, terrible things, had happened about me, of how I fell into unending darkness when a spell of darkness was cast nearby.  Others were not so affected, but I was taken to a place that must be most foul... there was no light there of any kind. Other times, if I am not careful to control my emotions, ice crystals will form on a bench, dim lights will burn above my head, or leaves will swirl up from the forest floor to form monstrous shapes, all to remind me that I am truly cursed...
I would have told him so, but our converse was interrupted by the approach of a man seeking a Temple of Corath. He said that he hunted evil wherever it might be found, but he gave us a name I knew as a lie from the moment he said it. Such is common to the pursued, but not to the pursuer. He was accompanied by a half giant -so it said- named Grok. They offered us no harm, so I offered to share the fire.
Still, his manner worried me, and he seemed most suspicious of me. Whatever he might be, I think him not what he seems. I wonder what will become of the foolish giant that follows him with such trust?

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: How can I know anything?
« on: January 13, 2008, 04:42:28 am »
What torture is this? Hope is again dangled before me despite my curse. As I sat pondering my undeath before the fountain, knowing I could neither die nor live, a stranger approached. Without seeking recompense or justification, he offered to take me to my grave that I might recover myself. I warned him of the many dangers along the way and the poor chance of survival with but two when I had died amid many, but he remained unswerving in his offer. Reluctantly, knowing I would be the cause of his death even though I am not such that any should die for me, I accompanied him and tried to lead him to he place of my demise. Even when I lost my way, he was devoted to his cause.
To my amazement, he indeed protected me among many dangers and took me to my grave. I had nought to repay him.
If there are such people in the world, I may find a place where I might live in some peace and, perhaps, know companionship. No, that is too much to ask. Peace will be enough. It will be more than I have known.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: How can I know anything?
« on: January 13, 2008, 02:57:15 am »
Met a bunch of people.
I guess the most memorable are Samantha, a small package that is quite distracting, from Alindor. Isn't that called something else now? Then there were Allei, Alantha, and their quiet friend... Amazingly, Allantha is a Dark Elf that is allowed to live openly in Port Hempstead. She is accepted by many, even considered a hero by some. I asked her how to do such a thing (as carefully as I could despite my excitement at hearing of such things and without revealing my own difficulties). She said she could not tell me that because it was too hard... I pressed the issue later. She told me many tales of heroic endeavor and great battle. ... If that is what it takes, that is what I will do! I will be the greatest in battle of all seen anywhere, so that others must accept me and show me how I might become good!


I went into battle with a large group of others folowing a giant fighter of great power but few wits. That may have been a mistake...
Desperate to prove myself, I charged ahead, striving to remain with the giant whatever betide, that I might be recognized as a strong force for good and not so bad despite my skin.
No triumph. No acceptance. No glory. Only death. Death. I cannot follow the only path that leads to good and acceptance. I must ever hide. I must ever fear discovery. Perhaps death would not be so bad as that. I was born doomed, doomed by the evil of my father, and I remain doomed. I see no choice but that I must remain doomed for all my days. No matter how I strive, I could not become such a hero. If not a hero, I am outcast and hunted.
If not death, what? A lonely cave, perhaps. A secluded glen? I have seen how others wander freely about seeking things to kill. Is there any place so secluded that some will not find me, some seeking to murder and destroy all that I am because of my curse? I think not.
I should just die. That is my only respite.
But this thing in the stones, it keeps sending me back again and again... I cannot die and I cannot live. Is there no mercy? Is there no hope?

Forum Discussion / Re: Layonara for dummies - how do I?
« on: January 13, 2008, 01:31:42 am »
Good thing the thread tools button was not a snake...

Roleplaying / Re: Behind the role play
« on: January 12, 2008, 11:05:32 am »
Re-reading my lasrt post, I noticed I left some things out. Adding them to that post would diminish the points it contains, so here are the other things:
Aha! now I understand the no road signs and blank maps. Thanks for the explanation.

It would be OOC for my character to donate anything to a temple. I guess that's why there are trash cans.

Doh! Where else should I look for a forum but the forums?

Frankly waiting around the crossroads usually yields visions of endless peaceful scenery, although there is an occasional sighting of a character flitting past. Waiting around Hempstead fountain works when there are many others on the server.

Roleplaying / Re: Behind the role play
« on: January 12, 2008, 10:46:00 am »
Thanks for the input.
Some points don't seem to be clear. Let's try elucidating. I have no problem finding characters that will show me around or explain quests.
Indeed, it is not uncommon to meet another beginning character that can tell me exactly how a quest must be resolved, what will be encountered, and where I must go. Often, this beginning character will also have (exaggeration) armor +46, sword of slaying, cloak of invisibility, and the ability to implode enemies at a glance. When asked, they explain that their parents gave them a few things. On the other hand, most characters I meet in game are much higher level characters that will gladly accompany me, complete the quests for me, and let me gather the experience often with little to no RP.
Notice! These are in addition to those characters that RP well, don't know more than a char their level should, try to limit their aid to advice and protection, and are still helpful. If your ego bruises easily, read the above as pertaining to somebody else.
As far as uber creatures and quest level assignments go, check out quests given in Port Hempstead and Vehl to beginning characters, then put together a group of 3-6 level one to six characters with level one to six equipment (in this game, generally no magic weapons, few would have much protective gear) and try going on these quests. I particularly suggest body snatching in Vehl and the kobold stick in Port Hempstead. Even with the help of higher level characters with excellent equipment, the stick was (is because the stick never appeared) near impossible to survive. Without magic weapons, body snatching one body resulted in a battle that lasted almost an hour and required more than a dozen cure moderate potions... although I was foolish enough to think this was something I coould do alone during hours when very few people were on the server...
(that part was definitely my fault, but finding things to do at times when there are few other people on the server is tough).

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