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Poetic License / Re: Ehhh sketchboook
« on: June 10, 2010, 09:20:05 pm »
Uhh, I suck at poses so decided to work on some portraiture.
Here's Xian, though I can't remember how his tatt's look. Sorry :(

Didn't end up using silver, but I had to mix around the yellow, red, and black to get the colors I wanted. (( Sorry the program I use doesn't use the color # system so I couldn't get what color you were referring to ))

Edit: I hope Link posts his doodle on this thread as well ... :D !!! *nudges him*

Poetic License / Re: Ehhh sketchboook
« on: May 16, 2010, 11:13:07 am »
Quote from: Link092
*looks at drawing, then his own, pitiful, pitiful work. He goes in a corner and cries*

wh-what?! That's not what my art's supposed to do!!! :o

Poetic License / Re: Ehhh sketchboook
« on: May 16, 2010, 10:56:14 am »
Start this off with a drawing of his sea elf Gaelron,
sorta fudged the rest cause we got disconnected.

Uhh, tried this 3 color challenge where Link chose 3 colors and I sorta used them + black for fun. If I've RP'd a lot with your char and you wanna throw a 3 color challenge at me for your char just let me know. :) I'll probs need a screenshot though since I have a poor memory.

Bored bored.

Development Journals and Discussion / Entry 2
« on: May 11, 2010, 12:17:12 pm »

It rained so much when we left the cave.
The lightless undergrounds were overflowing with horrendous and dangerous spiders. A troup of earthen warriors went to control their numbers, preventing them from spreading to the main lands and, potentially, harming the lives of others. I'm glad that I went along, although I cannot ignore the sadness that grew inside of me with each death. I prayed for them.

I have learned that although there are many incompetent earthen beings, there are few, which vary from all kinds of races, that have shown a great intellectual standing. There may be an infinite amount of corruption (especially in caves and crypts), but there are those who are capable of controlling it. Of course, the Lifegiver would want all to live in peace, and that will come if the number of these lead beings grow and share their knowledge.

Amongst them, I have met Calley Joy. She's a ranger and worshiper of Ilsare. I have gained much respect towards her, as she wished not to harm the goblins and calms corrupted animals.  Lana Poetr, another, is a bard. She writes wondrous songs and provides protection to strength to others. She's shown much kindness to me and is very insightful of these regions. Perhaps the most promising human I've met, very healthy and very kind.

SehKy, an earthen elf with a charming smile. His home is with the woods, and he's a follower of Ilsare. However, his mentor is an Aeridinite, and I believe he has the best values of both dieties. I have always thought of Ilsare worshipers as those who stood by, unconcerned by evil, oblivious to the darkness in our surroundings. However, I've realized for myself that in their act of spreading love and pretty delicacies, they likely reduce the amount of violent nature upon this earth. Again, SehKy is a particular one, who also possesses an understanding of Aeridin's values. Ideally many should see things the same.

It was he who introduced me to Elohanna, a very powerful elven mage. A Sun Elf, if my studies are correct. She is devout to Aeridin, and she has done many wonders for me. I was taken to the Tower Academy in Hempstead, where her and the Headmaster, Omer, took a strand of my hair and worked powerful elven magic. Omer had witnessed visions that I could only wish to have seen. Brother, if you are indeed alive as they say, I will find you! However, in the hands of a Corathite... I... I fear for you. I do not want to fathom what you are going through right now, both you and your beloved.

Aeridin has provided us with protection. If he had not wished for me to find you, he would not have chosen this path. The Lifegiver is with us, brother. Hold on, I will be with you soon!

I love you Reqfort, I will stop at nothing to stop those who did this to you.

Until then, I will need to gather those strong, courageous, and rightful to aid me in this task. Perhaps A Eoras,... apparently a lost elven Aeridinite, will help me. A man by the name of Daniel has told me to seek him out, and I shall.

May the Keeper of Life bless us.


Roleplaying / Re: Kudos for great roleplay
« on: May 11, 2010, 10:56:35 am »
I want to thank everybody who took Illeana on an adventure yesterday :) Special shout-outs to SehKy, Elohanna, and Omer, for the intense little campaign we had for her brother. I can't wait to see what happens!

Edit: OH, and special thanks to Lana Poetr for showing me around and helping me get acquainted with things. :)

Development Journals and Discussion / Entry 1
« on: May 09, 2010, 01:59:27 pm »

Gaelron the sea elf.
He gave me a bracelet made of shells. He is also looking for someone.
The first sea elf I've ever met, and he seemed a bit cold, although that attitude would be carried amongst all the 'others' who were in Vehl. In common, we share the obvious dislike of incompetent people. He was very capable of battle, perhaps one of the more tolerable of these earthenly races*.
 I wish his people well. As we know, there is much destruction going on in the oceans, and until they are blessed with Aeridin's light of way, it seems he will have a long road ahead of him.

Vehl, I've never before seen a town so destroyed by ugliness, and the crypts were reaping with undead... just the thought of it makes me sick. This area, as well as the Gloom Woods nearby, will take much cleansing before it becomes habitable at the least. The air alone makes me feel uneasy, full of violent and enraged nature.

 I pray.

I also met a Toranite, who goes by the name of Argos. He seems very capable for an earthen man. He looked rather healthy**, but then again, anything in Vehl that isn't burdened with disease is healthy.

Reqfort, if you are, in fact, alive,... I will find you.
 You are the only remaining family I have left.


* When she says earthenly, she means things that do not live in the mountains such as herself; above it all.

** Health, Beauty, Liveliness, and Peacefulness all correlate together to her, meaning one would be closer to a higher form of life.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hellooo
« on: May 07, 2010, 08:36:17 am »
Hahah, thanks for the warm welcome guys :)! I'm really liking this already.
Can't wait to get things rollin'.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hellooo
« on: May 07, 2010, 02:09:10 am »

I just submitted my first character, I hope everything goes smoothly :)~

Poetic License / Ehhh sketchboook
« on: May 16, 2010, 10:54:05 am »
Link and I have started drawing in OpenCanvas and networking, thought it was Layo related so I should throw it on the forums some how.


This is gonna be where I put all my drawings that aren't for Illyana's journal, or whatever else, random uh yeah.

Enjoy :)

Development Journals and Discussion / Solblaze and Haven
« on: May 13, 2010, 01:12:14 pm »
"Hm. Wasn't he a little strange to you, Haven?" Leilana sat down against the stone walls of Vehl beside Haven. "I mean, the blue elf. He's sort of quiet, and sort of weird." She patted him on the head, then began to ruffle his fur. "Spoke a bit strangely as well, I mean, he's obviously not from these parts." She looks to the sky for a long while, then closes her eyes.

Moments later, ruckus stirs in Vehl and she wakes up, nudging Haven. "Come on boy, let's go back to the woods. We have a lot of work to do."

A hardcover which feels like sturdy wood, with quality silky fabric wrapped around it. The fabric is white, embroidered into it is the name Silvermyst, and around it is further intricate embroidery of different swirls that easily mimic the likeness of tangled vines. You may notice that even within the silk embroidery, a light metal and some silver gems have been carefully sewn in as well. As you are holding it, you notice that it's thick, but it feels very light. As you flip through it, the pages seem welcoming to ink and all sorts of materials, thick and absorbant. Perhaps a bit of Elven magic has been at work here...

Introduce Yourself / Hellooo
« on: May 06, 2010, 10:11:14 pm »
New here, hello everybody. :)

I can't wait to get started!
Now, time to read the rules so I don't mess up, gentle D:.

If there's anything additional that I should know, feel free to give me a heads up. :)

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