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Messages - Vyris

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 38
Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Mog's journey
« on: December 18, 2006, 03:05:06 pm »

I realized soon after arriving that the crypts here were a rather dangerous place. And that the finger bones of the walking dead seem to have a low level consumable spot among local merchants.... healing potions or some such. Regardless, they have proven to be a fairly steady source of income for me, as I need to amass some considerable sum still before I will be able to purchase the iron greataxe I commissioned from the dwarf Kobal.

Enough writing, I had best get to work.

General Discussion / Re: A challenge: Where are the churches?
« on: December 18, 2006, 03:00:45 pm »
EdTheKet - 12/10/2006  9:11 AM

Well, if people would be so kind to donate $19.99 when they download it, we'd be extremely happy :) as it still costs $300-400 a month to keep the place running.

And, this is still a bargain for an RP PW. Think, we could be on WoW with all the gold farmers and spawn campers, getting PK'd any time we happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and being called 'Noob' by all the 733t people.. or however they say it. Personally anytime someone says something like that to me my first reaction is disgust, followed closely by the urge to swiftly accelerate my podiatrical appendage into their groin region, and then beat them severely with a "Moron to English" translation book.

Vyris needs to lay off the caffeine today.

General Discussion / Re: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
« on: December 18, 2006, 06:20:20 am »
Lilswanwillow - 12/18/2006  4:54 AM

bah humbug

*stands near the back and lobs Yule-logs at Lilswanwillow*

Merry Christmas, it 'tis the season to rub it in for those who can't catch the Christmas bug!

Vyris goes to deck the halls.

mines on Thursday, the inlaws on Monday, the parents on the next Saturday

General Discussion / Re: how to get involved
« on: December 17, 2006, 08:10:33 pm »
Welcome to Layonara, we have some immersive stuff to help wean you off your evercrack addiction.


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: would it be possible to...
« on: December 16, 2006, 01:45:12 pm »
heh Game mechanics does little else but force compromise when you hammer a PW out of something that was never meant to do that. Like making a car out of 4 motorcycles.

Regardless, I have no idea whats possible, feasible or restrictively complex withing the system we have got, so I'll keep floating 'em out there if I get an idea.


General Discussion / Re: Power builds.
« on: December 16, 2006, 01:41:49 pm »
*Sees Hawklen down by the creek, stops by the barn on the way down and grabs a couple axe handles, upon arrival handing one over. "Theres nothing like a good piece of hickory."


NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: would it be possible to...
« on: December 16, 2006, 10:05:42 am »
Talan Va'lash - 12/16/2006  12:02 AM

Each type of food and drink already has different numbers of charges that also are more or less quenching or filling depending on the type.

And theres no reason a large crature couldn't eat 7 halfling meals heh.

Seems like this is adding an unneccessary layer of complexity to reach a goal that could be accomplished just by making larger/smaller races get hungry/thirsty faster/slower.

That, itself is an additional, unnecessary layer of complexity. More to the point though that any of the things that we have for flavor, or atmosphere aren't really 'must have'. The point I was getting at was that in my mind it seems as though a brownie character should be able to get at least triple the doses from the same bottle I buy of a beverage, plus the sheer scale of the item. *shrugs* If my half-orc gave a Brownie his canteen it would be pinned beneath its weight.

I agree though that theres no reason a large creature couldn't eat 10x more of a smaller portioned meal, if you want to sit around and eat for 15 minutes.


General Discussion / Re: Power builds.
« on: December 16, 2006, 06:12:35 am »
Drags this thread down by the stream, and shoots it in the head...

*walks away mumbling, "Now if it will just STAY dead."


Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Mog's journey
« on: December 15, 2006, 02:01:48 pm »

I've met a halfling woman named Jennara and a man named Aeronn, both followers of Roferien, as was my mother. From them I've heard much which I was unable to learn before my mother could no longer teach me. It's good to get confirmation on your faith, even if you aren't an extremely devout person.

Also today I was introduced to a dwarf named Kobal, whom I have commissioned to create an iron greataxe for me. I hope the improved workmanship and materials will aid me in mastering the weapon for something other than splitting wood. I was told after the fact by a third party that Kobal is a master craftsman, and his weapons are in high demand, I look forward to seeing the results of his skill, I am sure it will be worth the high price he asked.

General Discussion / Re: Dwarf / Vorax trip to Ulgrids
« on: December 15, 2006, 01:50:02 pm »
//Berdin has been out of the loop, but wants to join in on the next trip. I'll keep an eye on this thread and the vorax forum/event calander for the next trip.


General Discussion / Re: Power builds.
« on: December 15, 2006, 01:47:46 pm »
Eight-Bit - 12/15/2006  2:13 PM

I don't think this thread can go in any other direction but a flame war from here.

If I keep agreeing with eight-bit the laws of the universe are going to crumble and that would be bad for everyone, make it stop!


Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Mog's journey
« on: December 15, 2006, 07:11:05 am »

The axe is a wonderful tool for chopping wood, in but a few swings I can gather a large armload of material. The axe is a brutal weapon when employed against the soft flesh and bone of creatures. It is true, the axe does horrible things to once living creatures. I do not think it is possible for a reasonable creature to employ such an instrument against another being and see the carnage it wreaks, without becoming somewhat of a philosopher. It was impossible for me after my trip into the goblin caves to not spend some time afterward reflecting. At one point I stood in that cavern with the corpses of goblins piled up around me, easily to the height of my knees. The creatures kept flinging themselves at me, attempting to lay me low... heedless of the guts of their comrades under their feet.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Mog's journey
« on: December 15, 2006, 07:04:04 am »

I met up with an Archer last night who helper me retrieve the proof Ronus requested. Now he is free to trade between Hlint and Fort Llast again, at least until the little beasts finish fighting amongst themselves and a new chieftain is declared. I also met a half-ogre witchdoctor named Koslov I think his name was, it was the first time I have experienced some of the emotion I imagine some people feel towards me. I at first glance thought him a savage, his great size and simple speech hid beneath it a sharp wit, and his command of the magical forces he wields demand respect.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: Mog's journey
« on: December 14, 2006, 07:24:59 pm »

I've gotten much accomplished in my first week here. As smaller towns go there is a lot of work to be had here, again, I attribute this to the number of freeblades and general adventurers here. I was asked along on a trip to a goblin cave nearby, but declined. My leathers and copper axe were hardly adequate for the task, but that inspired me to gather as much true from odd jobs so that I could find better gear, after all... if these blokes can get out there and mix it up, I am confident I can too, and that seeks to be where the money is!

I've managed to get a suit of copper half-plate, and after some shrewd haggling picked up a slightly used bronze greataxe that I spent most of the next day sharpening. Soon after I felt confident that I could head a little further afield, and explore the lay of the land.

General Discussion / Re: Fears
« on: December 14, 2006, 12:41:54 pm »
Electricity. Every time I am forced to fix something electrical (not electronic mind you) I shock the bejeezus out of myself.

Oddly enough I like thunderstorms, go figure.


General Discussion / Re: Power builds.
« on: December 13, 2006, 07:15:59 pm »
Redhawk - 12/13/2006  6:07 PM

Faith is a hard thing to RP and not many do it well, and more often than not, RP'ing faith properly makes for a very difficult time on a server where party play is the way to go.

Trust me, preaching to the choir there. I've gotten Berdin painted into such an RP corner playing his faith (correctly as I see it) that he either dislikes someone, or someone that that someone wants to bring along. Vorax dislikes just about everyone. Vorax hates you twice if your a mage and a worshiper of someone he dislikes. I often have Voraxian fighter envy, because imho the strictest Vorax dogma doesn't completely apply to them, So while a dwarven fighter who pays homage to Vorax might find am RP'able reason to make friends with an A'zatan cleric or a wizard, Berdin never would be able to and remain true to his faith.

And... I'd put my money on the level 20 cleric vs any powerbuilds at 20 total levels, especially if they started the dual at 40 yards :)


General Discussion / Re: Power builds.
« on: December 13, 2006, 03:35:32 pm »
Chnmmr - 12/13/2006  4:31 PM

I'd really have no trouble seeing fighter clerics if the person roleplayed a cleric.  I never see clerics use their dieties name in conversation, in battle calls or anything.  Generally I can never tell if someone is a cleric untill they cast their spells, and even then can never tell what faith they are.  Most clerics seem to come from a general mold.

Look up Berdin sometime, I'll cram a little Vorax down your throat :)


General Discussion / RE: Power builds.
« on: December 13, 2006, 03:32:02 pm »
Chnmmr - 12/13/2006  4:12 PM

I'm curious about something.  This server is obviously against powerbuilds so why does it allow the obviously powerbuild Cleric 15 figher 5?

And another thing I'm curious about, why on earth do mages have the Tenser's transformation spell?  Where is the sense on giving a mage who's disadvantage is supposed to be lack of melee pressence with a spell that turns them into a fighter with mage buffs ontop of that?

Two things I've always wondered and would really like to see people's views on this.

Theres a lot worse power builds out there than cleric/fighter.

Ranger/rogue/weaponmaster springs to mind.


Edit: I also wanted to say I agree with 8-bit on the RP justifying the classes, that should be paramount anyway, not that with class X you'll be capable of Y more points of damage per round. One sure way to remove any fun from the game or completely abandon RP is to start boiling characters down to numbers.

Just for Fun / Re: forum complainers unite
« on: December 11, 2006, 10:11:55 pm »
I second the sticky nomination, whats even funnier is that some of the replies on the original article that TP linked are proving his point for him by trying to slam his post :)

Ahh... ya have to love the internet!


General Discussion / Re: EVERYONE DISCUSS!
« on: December 11, 2006, 08:18:32 pm »
AbnerMojo - 12/11/2006  5:57 PM

I'm sorry if anyone feels this is off topic. But I think this 'Love it, or leave it' talk that can be tossed out here is related to the problem. I read that, and I'm gonna think, so what is this server about? Well it appears to be, play, shut up, and don't mouth off about your petty gripes.

I'm not saying that is peoples intention when they post it. But, it is not to hard to take it that way.

I am not saying your wrong, but....

consider it from my point of view, having been a player, a GM and then a player again after a break You stick around long enough and things like this seem to come up on a fairly regular basis, really, you could create a Layonara calendar off the regularity of some of these issues appearing in the forums.

Now, that being said I don't think they recur because the team doesn't care, in fact I know that to be a fallacy. The opposite is true in fact. I can relate from my experience on the GM team that hours and hours are spent trying to figure out the BEST way to do things. There is a difference between easy, fair, balanced and BEST. You're never going to get a solution that is all of those, but the GM team tries really hard to come as close as they can.

The reason that these things keep coming back is because despite everything that I said in the LAST paragraph, theres always a few people who get bent out of shape about whatever the GM team deems to be the BEST way to deal with whatever situation they get peeved about. After a while it just gets to be old hat to see someone who is getting banned come back for one last manifesto, or to see that "What I hate about how Drow are on Layonara" post, etc.

Thus, my "If you can't hang... drop" attitude.


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