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Messages - Dezza

Pages: 1 ... 71 72 [73]
Development Journals and Discussion / Musings of a Drow (Max)
« on: February 03, 2005, 04:06:00 pm »
*Someone finds a scrap of paper obviously torn from a book with text written in a spidery script behind the merchant hall in Hlint. The Mailman who happens to be nearby recognizes the script as very like Elven but different. Showing it to Postmaster Vale who happens by, he immediately recognises it as in fact Drow writing. With the recent problems with Drow they immediately draw it to Garents attention who straight away sends for an interpreter. The interpreter reads the writing to those gathered.*

‘torn away’ appropriate that the calculations that contribute to the overall conjunction we
‘torn away’ establish is inhibitive to the position of the third factor. Moving the third factor we can justify the integer that we are trying to achieve. Advances can be made without actually transposing any of the other factors. It may be necessary though to find a way to eliminate such additional factors that cause instability in the overall equation. How that affects the overall balance of external elements on the key factors is unknown at this stage and will require further investigation through observation. If it can be defined with a rational condition then a hypothesis can be put forward for further expansion.

Perhaps the Lady can suggest some plan for intersection she seems to be good at surmising alternative incidents. I should not be surprised that a Drow lady could be so astute at determining patterns but must be careful otherwise it will be me spitted on the end of her sword instead of the human. That human is proving a dangerous nuisance, she will have to have an accident soon I think. A shame really, physically she is strong and not unattractive and could prove amusing under the right circumstances.

I shall have to make sure that when scouting out the temples to find out what they
(end of page)

To all those of sound mind and soul, of stout heart and strength of character.

The Legion of the Dragon is coming.

A unique force dedicated to the service of the good people of this world who seek to unshackle themselves from the ever present threat of Sinthar and his allies. A force that will swear to uphold the code of chivalry and protection of the weak. All under the banner of an Ancient Golden Dragon.

This notice is simply to let you know and bring to your attention that time is close for the Legion to be born.

Tarradon Duvall

Poetic License / Father Time
« on: September 14, 2004, 03:24:00 pm »
Tides of battle rise and fall.
Echoes of valour rise and fall.
Heroes of honour rise and fall.
Civilisations rise and fall.
Powerful leaders rise and fall.
Weak minded leaders rise and fall.
Memories of battles rise and fall.
Lessons learnt rise and fall.
One thing is constant throughout it all,
And that is Father Time who looks o'er all.


Development Journals and Discussion / Warning to those of Faith
« on: August 27, 2004, 03:40:00 am »
Beware, The Wolf in Sheeps clothing has returned and descended upon the world. A creature of darkest night, a demon from the darkest pits of hell. A creature that has through fell sorcery managed to steal the body of an Astral Deva. Myself and some fellow adventurers failed to stop it last time and it has returned once more.
Beware those of the Faith, beware as this creature clothes itself in the guise of the God you most cherish and will cloud your mind and make you do things that you think are good and just. But in reality you are doing its work and sowing its evil. Beware....from Tarradon Duvall.

Poetic License / Theories on Balance: by Anagrammaticus
« on: July 22, 2004, 02:15:00 am »
It is widely believed throughout the world that there are two supreme forces at work in the universe, Light and Dark otherwise often called Good and Evil. People tend to consider them to be extreme opposites and that one force should be the supreme force; Good is more powerful than evil, the light will overshadow the dark and vice versa. There is an overriding belief that one can conquer the other and yet in reality and even in unreality one can never truly exist without the other.

Myself and some other scholars of Lucinda believe that the universe is a vast entity with every part of it being related to and dependent on every other part. It stands to reason that within this all embracing wholeness, or entity, there is constant change; day into night, life into death, summer into winter, and so on, all of which occur in a continuous cycle. It is a constant stream of balance.

The universe in actual fact can be reduced to these two most basic forms of energy, light and dark, or good and evil. Call it what you will, but in order for all things to progress in balance, the forces of good and evil must constantly interact with each other. While doing so, each evolves and changes over a period of time into its opposite. As day gradually turns to night you can begin to see the association occuring. For this very reason, everything that seems to be light, or good,  contains some dark, or evil, and all that is dark, or evil, also contains some Light, or good, without which change would not be possible. Consider that without evil there is no need for good, without darkness there is no light, there just is...

Poetic License / Theories on Time by Anagrammaticus
« on: July 05, 2004, 06:30:00 pm »
It seems intuitively obvious that what I am doing right now is more real than what I did just one second ago, and it seems intuitively obvious that what I did just one second ago is more real than what I did forty years ago. And yet, remarkably, every philosopher of time today, except for myself and a few like minded scholars and faiths, deny this obvious fact about reality.

The concept of a degree of existence (of being more or less real), together with the theory of degrees of existence, where existence is distinguished as comprising a higher degree of being than subsistence, went out of fashion some time ago. Work by philosophers, scholars and in particular the followers of Aragen and Lucinda have rejected the notion of degreed existence and implied that existence is an all or nothing affair; either something exists or it does not exist, and therefore it makes no sense to talk about it existing to some degree.

A large number of philosophers, scholars and faiths have held doctrines of degrees of existence. Unfortunately, in so doing, they have also denied the obvious temporal fact about reality. They have explained degrees of reality in other ways than the way we know it today; as being more or less distant from the present. Indeed, they typically suggest that a being that does not exist in time at all is what is most real. Time, they often say, is unreal.

The theory I and a number of my colleagues ascribe to is about how being temporally present is the highest degree of existence. A perfect example of this is the case of the entity known as the Shifter. By way of explaining; being past and being future by a merely infinitesimal amount is the second highest degree of existence. Being in the past by one hour or being in the future by one hour are lower degrees of existence, being in the past by five hundred years or being in the future by five hundred years are even lower degrees of existence.

The degree to which an item exists is proportional to its temporal distance from the present. The present, which has zero-temporal distance from the present, has the highest possible degree of existence. Therefore in the case of our subject, the Shifter must be in the present or as close to the present as he possibly can to form into a higher level of existence. The Faith of Aragen have done a number of studies into the background of the Shifter and recently certain followers of Lucinda have also begun to delve into its unknown nature.

The degrees in question are quantifiable in terms of their opposites, degrees of non-existence. The present has a zero degree of non-existence. What is one second past has a one second degree of non-existence, and what is two seconds past has a greater degree of non-existence, namely, a two second degree of non-existence.
There is a difference of degree and not of kind between the present, what is no longer present, or not yet present. This is shown by the fact that our present mental state includes temporal parts that are already past by 1/millionth of a second and this small degree of pastness is such a high degree of existence that we cannot experientially distinguish it from present existence, perfect existence.

This theory is logically coherent unless one misinterprets it by assigning a different meaning to "degree of existence" or "degree of non-existence" than has been suggested here. To clarify this view of thought let us look once again at the Shifter as our example. If he is present in time now then he has a high degree of existence but when we refer to him being present in the future and the past we are assigning a higher degree of non-existance to him. Consider that if the Shifter affects things now in our present then it is more real to us than things he effected in the past, they have become history to us, their potency has faded. From this you can see that it is in this creatures best interests to be as close as possible to the current place in time in which we too currently exist so the level of existance is at its highest and most real.

Development Journals and Discussion / Demi Human City
« on: June 20, 2004, 01:40:00 am »
Tarradon walks through the gates of Hlint after a successful outing against the goblins to plunder from them their precious nuggets of copper. Upon entering he remoeves his helm and immediately he greets 2 gnomes and a halfling departing the town. Not more than 10 paces later he greets 2 dwarves drinking beside the main road through Hlint. Yet another dozen paces brings him to the corner where the markets are located. Pausing for a moment he looks around. Across the road an odd halfling talks with Ronus, on the corner opposite him a dwarf, a halfling and a gnome stand talking with a human. Scratching his head he continues on to the lake before the temple. Here are 3 humans and another gnome, a dwarf and an elf all talking together. He greets them with a friendly wave and stuggles on with the bags of copper he carries. Stepping through the gate to the crafting section of town he pasues again and says to noone in particular. "Seems to be an extraordinary amount of Demi humans in town lately!" He shrugs, hoists the bags to the other shoulder and struggles onto the smithy.

Development Journals and Discussion / Determination
« on: June 11, 2004, 03:15:00 am »
*written in a clear strong cursive on a piece of crumpled paper accidently discarded by a seat in Hlint* I sit here reminiscing about how fortunate I am to be here. So many times I should have perished at the hands of enemies and yet somehow I find myself surviving, whether it be from the aid of friends and companions or  by the grace of the powers that be. What I do know is that when I came here I was immature, naive and full of fear and worry, what is my place here, I am just a lowly fighter, I do not have great magics, divine powers, deft skills, worldy knowledge, how can I be of any importance in the battle that is coming with the Blood. And yet... I sit here now new resolve in my mind, determination filling me. I have seen many things, no longer am I the immature young whelp that could hardly swing a sword to save himself. I have held my own against ogres, giants, elementals, and yes even those that I admire, mighty dragons. I have discovered a sense of my own worth, a sense of power from within to drive myself onwards, to hone my strength and skills, to strive to develop myself to the point that, I know now that I too can play a part in the battles to come. When the armies of the blood arrive they will find me before them standing firm in the face of their rage and anger. If I fall then I will fall but I will go down fighting for this land, my friends, companions and the decent people and creatures who dwell here. My determination is unquestioned and oddly my mind is set at ease knowing this. I will fight bravely and well or I will die trying.

Development Journals and Discussion / A call to Faith
« on: May 25, 2004, 09:19:00 pm »
I, Tarradon Duvall, am an honourable man and a loyal one, as my friends and companions would attest to. Recently I was charged to protect a woman from the tyranny of the Brotherhood, a group of thieves and cut throats operating in Northern Mistone at present. In executing this charge and taking the woman to safety in the Temple of Vorax in Haven we were set upon by minions of this brotherhood. In a furious battle the enemy got past me and managed to kill my charge. In desperation I carried her lifeless body to the temple and begged the healer to call upon Vorax to raise her to life.
The Avatar of Vorax appeared and bid me to worship him in return for the life of the woman but being one of the Dragon God Rofirein's followers this I could not do. Knowing I follow the Dragon God, an ally of Vorax, he then bid me instead to call three others of like mind, body and spirit who will serve either Vorax or the Dragon God Rofirein instead for the life of the woman. I agreed.
And so I call on any of those willing to pledge their allegiance and faith to either Vorax or Rofirein to tell me so that I may present you to the temple and honour my pledge.

Development Journals and Discussion / Tarradon's letter to his parents
« on: April 15, 2004, 03:22:00 pm »
Dear Mother and Father,
I must start by apologising for leaving home so abruptly but I felt that after what happened it was the best thing to do. I felt terrible that not just I but also you mother lost your Job with Master Febris and after 17 years working for him. It was not fair at all. I have since heard Talia was sent to some monastry in some forgotten place. I was sad to hear that someone with such a great love of life has met that fate. I dont know how Master Febris could do that to his own family. But then he never was fond of Talia as she was always getting into trouble. He always doted on the other three.  I have not heard from Doric or Ramen but I hope you have and that they are well. I could not imagine serving in the King of Dregers army like they are but I hope they will be safe especially with whats happening in the world at the moment. I caught up with Anthon the other week, he is a surly as ever. I took a sea journey with some companions and one of the ports we pulled into I saw Anthons ship there. He seems to still be in Master Febris's good stead. I know he is my brother and I love him but he is very much a lackay to Master Febris and he pretty aquarely put the blame of everything that has happened on me. I know he is right but I still wanted to punch him in the nose. Also he forgot it was my birthday and I turned 19 but oh well.
Anyway I have been very busy since I left home, events have arisen which led me to Hlint where I have met up with a number of wonderful people. One of which, a woman called Serenity (and no its not what you think!), has taken me under her wing and helped me get started with some sort of life here. I have been learning new skills and, father will be proud of me, honing my combat skills, I have been helping drive back the goblins and kobolds in the areas and recently ogres as well. I am doing very well and have even managed to purchase myself a fine suit of armour and a solid blade of my own. I have enclosed here some of the gold I have managed to acquire, I hope it helps.
As I was saying I have met some wonderful people, Serenity who is, well one could say complicated, but a true friend, Mr Ozy a most intriguing man who always talks in riddles, Dimmy a fun filled and funny half giant, Moragg a most generous half orc priestess and many, many others others, most of which I have got along with really well.
Some of the things I have seen are amazing as well. The most amazing is probably the Blue Dragon I saw when travelling by ship recently. I am discovering that I really like dragons. Actually one of the Wizards I have met, Reggub he is called, turned himself into a dragon not long ago. It was the most magnificent thing I have ever seen. And another guy Arestes can turn himself into a small birdsize dragon. Its fantastic.
Anyway I am well, thanks mainly to the wonderful friends and companions I am making here, I hope you and Father are well and I will continue to send you some gold whenever I can.
Will write again soon,
Love Tarradon.

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