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Topics - Harlas Ravelkione

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General Discussion / A question regarding plot-related activities
« on: May 30, 2005, 09:16:00 am »
Often I have ideas for investigations, or scouting do discover news or truths about troup movement or the lay of the lands. How can such ideas come to life on the server? Do I just ask on the DM channel if anyone is around, and if yes, if he/she can tell me what I want to discover?

For instance, Kobal would like to sneak to the dwarves at Bloody Gate to once and for all determine if we can count on their assistance (perhaps in an assault to retake some of what was lost on Rilara). How do I do this?


* Kobal and Hargranar personally deliver these letters to a priest of Vorax of the Ulgrid clan of dwarfs and at the door of Brac'ar Fireface in Shoufal. *

I are writing you to inform you about a disturbing discovery in the Berhagen Mountains. An informant passed information to me earlier today, so I went with Hargranar Craggenhilt, battlepriest of Vorax, to investigate.

We found what he described to us as a secret passage to the Underdark. The design of the tunnels and the interior in general is anything but dwarven. Our first assumption was drow, but on second thought it might have been made by the squid-men. The place looked very alien to us, and it seems it has been abandoned. But anyhow, a possible passage needs to be secured and guarded before things from emerge from the dark. We explored the place until we came upon a magically sealed door. It is heavilly trapped.

* What follows is a detailed description of the location of the entrance to the place. * // Not writing it here so this information doesn't get abused. Just in case.

I hope you will look into this further. Call for assistance whenever you need it.

Regards, Kobal Bluntaxe

// Posting this letter here, since I don't know where else to put it.

Wild Surge Inn / Will you defend Layonara from its enemies?
« on: May 21, 2005, 04:24:00 am »
* A hooded figure posts notes in inns, and near the wells of towns and cities on Mistone. The figure is seen by few, and recognized by no one. *

 - Do you oppose the darkness that is gathering all around us?

 - Will you fight, so that others might continue to live in peace?

 - Do you oppose the use of dark magic (necromancy), the summoning of demons, and the creation of
   undead? Would you see such foul rituals banned from these lands?

 - Are you prepared to do what it takes to win the war against those who assail us?

If you find the statements above to your liking, you should consider joining a The Grey Circle. Write your name beneath this note, and you will receive word from us.

General Discussion / +2 AC epic feat.
« on: May 21, 2005, 04:13:00 am »
I am considering taking this feat, but since I am no longer able to choose many feats, I want to make sure I take the right one.

Does the +2 natural AC feat stack with AC from armour, tumbling, boots, barkskin, etc.? I would think that armour and shield ac is another type of ac. Tumbling would be dodge, while barkskin would be natural. So the +2 would stack with armour, shield and tumbling, but not with barkskin? Do you have this right?


Fixed Bugs / Ox stabled on Central, now lost on West.
« on: May 17, 2005, 02:14:00 pm »
My ox was on west. Then I pulled it out on Central, and stabled him again after that. When I tried to take him out of the stable in Hlint today, I was told I have no ox. Do I have to go get him on Central? Or is the beast lost?


Trade and Market Hall / Job-offer.
« on: May 14, 2005, 02:15:00 am »
I am in need of molds, so I offer payment in gold or equipment for one who is willing to dig me some clay. Since my crafts are many, and I am often in need of raw materials we could make a more permanent deal out of this.

Write me if you are interested.

Kobal Bluntaxe

General Discussion / Stupidest death ever!
« on: May 01, 2005, 01:16:00 pm »
Kobal was mining iron today in the Haven mines. It seemed tedious though, and there was something on TV that he wanted to watch, so he decided to do both at the same time. It seemed to work out well enough, but after some time his pick shattered, but Kobal kept pounding without noticing, which resulted in bloody hands... bloody enough that it finally killed him. (kept hitting the powerattack and attack keys on the iron vein without watching the screen, heh)

The lesson of this -> TV is a killer!


Layonara Server / Fire bombs = Alchemists fire
« on: April 29, 2005, 12:03:00 pm »
I tested a fire bomb on some goblins today, because a friend told me they don't work. The gobbas received 1 damage, so I guess something went amiss somewhere...


Wild Surge Inn / Giants in the Silent Watch mountains are gone!
« on: April 14, 2005, 02:25:00 pm »
* This poster is posted in Hlint, Fort Hope, Fort Llast and Port Hampshire. *

Because of a rift between our world and the world of shadow, immense destruction was wrought upon the Silent Watch Mountains and the surrounding areas. No giants survived what happened there. Be careful when travelling through these places. Something we do not know about might have come through, and could still be there.

Kobal Bluntaxe

I am planning an expedition to the underdark. The drow have been very silent for a long time, so I would like to try to find out if anything is brewing down there. Curiousity is, of course, another reason for going.

If you are up for the challenge, let us meet in Arabel in a few days time.

Kobal Bluntaxe

// Sunday 4pm GMT, 8am PST is my suggestion.

Wild Surge Inn / The ritual of the drow is at hand!
« on: March 15, 2005, 11:55:00 am »
* This note is placed in every inn and merchant house on Mistone. *

It has come to our attention that the drow guards have left their assigned women, and have disappeared. The time of the ritual is at hand. The ritual might unleash the drow attack we have all been waiting for. It might still be weeks ahead of us, or mere days. This is only a warning. Do not panick.

But fear not! There are those who are opposing this threat, and who will defend our lands and towns with everything at their disposal. Do not loose hope!

* The note is signed with a grey circle at its bottom. *

Development Journals and Discussion / Journal of Kobal Bluntaxe
« on: January 09, 2005, 10:11:00 am »
Where do I start. First of all, I write these notes for one reason only. The reason is that I believe that I am in danger. Should anything happen to me, these notes might point to one or more, who might be behind it... unless I stumble upon a rock and brake my neck.

I have lived in these parts of Mistone for some time now, and I must say that I think of it as home. I share a house in Fort Llast with my dear friend Hargranar Craggenhilt, and I have made many friends in these parts of the lands. So... one might say that I am quite content.

Instead of telling you more of who I am and what I have become, I will cut straight to the point. The main reason for me getting into trouble, and why I have made a few, but powerful enemies is that I have taken it upon me to work actively against those, who commit crimes in this world, but stay untouched by the authorities. I am not talking about a burglar or common thief, earning a few coins here and there. No. I am talking about evil! Evil is not a crime in itself. There are no texts on how to punish evil itself. Evil is not a thing to be judged. Evil is too many things. Too many things that common laws cannot deal with. Still... they must be addressed.

In my experience the law stops at the town or city gate. What happens outside the borders of civilation does not concern those, who are protected by it. Even though a great many people have both power and the means to act on it, they do nothing. I have come to regard indifference as the greatest evil of all. True indifference, regardless of subject or situation, is the root of it. Therefore I strive to end indifference, where I encounter it. Having made that promise, I have discovered that it proves increasingly dificult to accomplish anything, as long as the law is involved. It is through bitter experience that I have some to understand that the law does not always protect the victim and judge the villain.

... I remember that night. It was very chilly, so I moved quickly throught the streets of my hometown, and took a shortcut through an alley that I would normally have avoided. I heard the scream, I her body lying on the pavement, I saw his shape in the darkness, I drew my knife, I cut him down. That deed cost me 20 years of my life. It is a lesson I will not ever forget. When I discovered that he was the son of a noble I knew what was to come. Had he been a cutpurse, nothing would have come from it. Still... I did what I had to do, and I regret nothing. In the beginning I did. I thought I might have been wrong in killing this man, without trial. But today I understand that when I killed this man I followed my heart. When I regretted it, it did not come from my heart, but from my mind.

My years of travel have tought me that there is great potential is man. Unfortunately the potential is twin-edged. Men are capable of becoming great, and they are capable of deeds that are so utterly dark and twisted that one recoils when hearing tales of them. Many of the latter kind are brought to justice for their crimes, but there are many who are not. Some work where the laws can or will not go, and some know how to avoid the law or hide from it. It is those that I hunt.

My experience has taught me that I cannot move a mountain in one day. I must start with pebbles...

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