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Messages - vgn

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General Discussion / Re: Weird Resolution Problem
« on: July 14, 2008, 02:01:21 pm »
Not sure if it's the same in IE, but in Firefox, holding down the control key while moving the mouse wheel will adjust the zoom. (I imagine your niece holding the key and you flicking the wheel to scroll at the same time)

I'm pretty sure the zoom is then set for that "domain" and so that's why all of the forums, etc were small as they are all under "" but not lore as that is under ""

General Discussion / Re: Legend Of Zelda - The Movie
« on: April 25, 2008, 03:26:56 pm »
I have no idea why I'm perpetuating this non-zelda related talk but on the evils of left handed people from the highest wiki-authorities:

There are many colloquial terms used to refer to a left-handed person. Some are just slang or jargon words, while others may be offensive or demeaning, either in context or in origin. In more technical contexts, 'sinistral' may be used in place of 'left-handed' and 'sinistrality' in place of 'left-handedness'. Both of these technical terms derive from sinister, a Latin word meaning 'left'.[14]

Some left-handed people consider themselves oppressed, even to the point of prejudice. Etymology often lends weight to the argument:

In Hebrew, as well as in other ancient Semitic and Mesopotamian languages, the term "hand" was a symbol of power or custody.[15] The left hand symbolized the power to shame society, and was used as a metaphor for misfortune, natural evil, or punishment from the gods. This metaphor survived ancient culture and was integrated into mainstream Christianity by early Catholic theologians as Ambrose of Milan[16] to modern Protestant theologians such as Karl Barth[17] to attribute natural evil to God in explaining God's omnipotence over the universe.

Meanings evolved from use of these terms in the ancient languages. In many European languages, "right" is not only a synonym for correctness, but also stands for authority and justice: German and Dutch recht, French droit, Spanish derecho; in most Slavic languages the root prav is used in words carrying meanings of correctness or justice. Being right-handed has also historically been thought of as being skillful: the Latin word for right-handed is "dexter", as in dexterity; indeed, the Spanish term diestro means both "right-handed" and "skillful". In Irish, "deas" means "right side" and "nice". "Ciotóg" is the left hand and is related to "ciotach" meaning "awkward"[18]; in French, "gauche" means "left" and is also a synonym of "maladroit", meaning "clumsy". Same for the Italian "maldestro" and the Dutch word "links".

Meanwhile, the English word "sinister" comes from the Latin word "sinister,-tra,-trum", which originally meant "left" but took on meanings of "evil" or "unlucky" by the Classical Latin era. Alternatively, "sinister" comes from the Latin word sinus meaning "pocket": a traditional Roman toga had only one pocket, located on the left side for the convenience of a right-handed wearer.[citation needed] The contemporary Italian word sinistra has both meanings of sinister and left. The Spanish siniestra has both, too, although the 'left' meaning is less common and is usually expressed by 'izquierda,'[19] a Basque word. In Portuguese, the most common word for left-handed person, canhoto, was once used to identify the devil, and canhestro, a related word, means "clumsy".

The left side is often associated with awkwardness and clumsiness. The Dutch expression "twee linkerhanden hebben" and the Bulgarian expression "dve levi ratse" ("to have two left hands") both mean being clumsy. The English phrase, to have "two left feet" means to be bad at dancing. As these are all very old words/phrases, they support theories indicating that the predominance of right-handedness is an extremely old phenomenon.

In ancient China, the left has been the "bad" side. The adjective "left" (? Mandarin: zu?) means "improper" or "out of accord". For instance, the phrase "left path" (?? Mandarin: zu?dao) stands for illegal or immoral means.

In Norwegian, the expression venstrehåndsarbeid (left-hand work) means "something that is done in a sloppy or unsatisfactory way". Additionally, one of the Norwegian words for left-handed, "keivhendt", comes from Norwegian words meaning wrong handed or not straight handed.

The Hungarian word balfácán means twit. (Bal means left and fácán is for pheasant.) Other synonyms are balfék and balek. However all these are euphemistic versions of the original vulgar word balfasz, combining "bal" and the vulgar name of the male genitals fasz.

In some parts of the English-speaking world 'cack-handed' is slang for left-handed. The origin of this term is disputed, but some suggest it is derived from the Latin cacare, in reference to the habit of performing ablutions with the left hand, leaving the right hand 'clean'.[20] However, other source suggest that it is derived from the Old Norse word keikr, meaning "bent backwards".[21]

In Tamil, the left hand is ?????? (i

General Discussion / Re: ox merchant
« on: April 15, 2008, 06:59:51 pm »
Oh how I've longed to get Vin a beetle as an ox.....

That merchant just taunts you with them though. :mad:

General Discussion / Re: Donate Your Level Day
« on: March 23, 2008, 01:43:04 pm »
I tought I was early doing it in the middle of last week. I didn't want to forget. Now I find I was really early. Silly people posting about things well over a week away.

Leringard Arms Inn and Tavern / Re: Rent Foregiveness
« on: March 17, 2008, 03:58:08 pm »
*A small note is slipped under Kali's door written in crude common."

This is the second time security has been lax and this not the first time those of the arms allows undesirables to possess keys.

Vin can no longer stay at such a place and really this place is just not secure enough for Vin.

Vin appreciates the rent forgiveness and when the locks are changed Vin will not require a new key.

Vin's room may go up for rent and surely the room of Vin will be filled by a new tenant soon.

//Pretty sure I have all his stuff out of the chests at this point so it should be good for turn over.

I arrived in Hempstead and found an elven couple about to leave the city. I introduced myself and paid several compliments to the lovely lady. I gave her a flower which she liked and through all this the man was not phased and did not seem to mind my flirtatious behavior. He was quite confidant she was his and he was hers. It was later that I think I realized why. The woman held the name Melissa and was adept with magic though learning to use a sword. The man was Tobias and seemed an able fighter of some sort. He happens to be quite well off though and even owns a house in Haft Lake! It's no wonder they are together and he is so confidant. What woman wouldn't want that security?

They invited me along and we toured Mistone, much of which I had not seen. I got to know them better and they think they got to know me. There may be a path to a large score here as Melissa means a lot to Tobias. I may be able to exploit that for some coin.

We traveled through gnoll infested mountains, a desert and then up through Haven to Hlint. I helped in many of the battles but never individually killed anything. Though I did land the final blow on several. I can't count these though as it wouldn't be right.

From Hlint we decided to delve into the Red Light Caverns outside town. The goblins are tough but the three of us held our ground. As we went deeper, several of the shadows came to life and attacked us. Tobias seemed to know what it was about and they seemed most interested in him. He did not let on at all though as to what was happening. At the bottom of the caves Melissa fell and very nearly died. Tobias was a wreck and begged her to hang on as he applied bandages. I was very much correct in my initial assessment. I should be able to use this relationship to my advantage. I just have to work out a plan.

On the way back up, Melissa was shaken but holding her self together. We ran into a friend of hers named Izzy. She introduced Izzy to Tobias as they hadn't met yet and I piped up and introduced myself. I complimented her on her fine looks even though they were a bit superfluous as she was wearing armor. She called me on it and to prove I was right I asked her to remove her armor. She did! All I had to do was ask and she just started taking it off right there. She was quite shapely though she was covered in a solid protective layer of bark. A very lovely tree she made.

We made our way out of the cave and rested a spell by a campfire near town. Once rejuvenated, the couple decided to head into town to visit Melissa's parents. Yet another lovely piece of information as I may be able to get to Tobias's riches through Melissa's parents. Surely he would spend whatever is needed to keep her family safe.

Sitting in Hempstead one afternoon recently, I saw a halfling woman carrying a flag of Rofirein. By her glowing eyes and that flag I knew who she was right away as she is quite well known across the land.

I struck up a conversation with her, flattering her and her accomplishments. I sealed it all by giving her a nice flower. I'm pretty sure she liked me and I highly doubt she would suspect me of anything.

She mentioned she was headed to the docks to meet some people and I tagged along. It turns out she is researching some old scrolls she found that appear to pre-date the cataclysm. She needed to find a lens maker and there happened to be one here in Hempstead off in the merchant's district. Even though it appeared over kill, the whole troop of us went over to the place. Only Jennara and a few others went in while the rest of us chatted outside.

I chatted up a paladin of Toran and made a very good new friend. He unloaded a good deal of food on me as well as 100 coin! Beyond the goods though, I've locked him in solidly as an ally. Between this Balazar and saint Jennara, my credibility is solid in this group.

Which is good as we later met a gnome and an elf, both of which knew things related to these scrolls. I can tell that elf is a shifty one. We spoke privately and I believe I have a plan to pad my pockets.

Every time that officer in Hempstead walks by he wants to know if I've gotten him a stupid stick from the nearby kobold tribe. It's starting to wear thin and I don't think I can take them on myself. I decided to test myself though and I lured a kobold off the hill away from his friends. My thought was to talk to him privately and try and reason with him. Perhaps I could just bribe him to get me a stick. It might even work since they are so dim.

Unfortunately he wouldn't even speak to me and just attacked me straight out. So, behind the ox stables, I worked him over with my short sword. He bled me a fair amount, but in the end, I was able to kick his dead body. I enjoyed it quite a bit as a removed his smallest knuckle to add to my collection.

I will have to find help though. That single fight was manageable but I can't take on a whole tribe.

*Added to the end of his last kill parchment, he adds in:*
1 Kobold - unreasonable and feisty

Just for Fun / Re: Limerick Contest!
« on: February 14, 2008, 03:32:26 pm »
There once was a gnome named Vin
The shadows he oft lived in
  A dwarven plot dire
  And Vin's such a liar
Salvation he stole from his kin

...There we go. Now I saved Acacea the trouble of coming up with a song.

*On a parchment written in green ink is the title "Kills"*

5 Dwarves
1 Halfling

I went dwarf hunting. There are a number of camps outside Vehl and it looked like they would have a fair amount of coin. I slipped into their camp and stuck my blade in between the shoulder blades of one of them. He fell with that single blow. The others then rushed, but I managed to dance around well enough, sticking them when I could. Once the dust settled, there were several dwarven bodies lying on the ground bleeding out. I gathered a handful of finger tips, one from each. I then emptied their purses but they were quite light. I need to either find richer dwarves or watch these camps closer and strike after they make a score.

As I was taking the last pouch, I spied a halfling lurking behind a tent. I knocked him out and tied him up. I then pulled out my skinning knife and made several small cuts. One on each cheek and several on his arms. He tried to hold out, but eventually started crying out. We were far enough out in the woods though and no one came. I drilled him, repeatedly asking if there was a hidden stash or when their last score had occurred. He claimed ignorance and  after the number of times I cut him, I was finally convinced to accept his story. At this point, I did him a favor and slit his throat.

The problem is the vast majority of weaponry that is "used" has never struck any of the things that can damage it. Even if something has been struck it tends to only happen once or twice before that player learns to be much more careful.

Combine that with the fact that there is no perceptible way to tell how damaged, if at all, a weapon actually is, then it's impossible to come up with fair pricing. Going on the assumption that a weapon is worse than it might be is faulty given what we know to be truth from my first statement. So reducing prices for "used" but equivalent to "new" weapons is just going to undermine any current guilds or attempts at making the layo economy not as broken as it is.

Considering the economy as it is now and the number of times degradable equipment comes up, I'm pretty sure this will be addressed in the next layo and a business like this might do very well.

*On a small parchment titled Kills and written out in green ink*

3 Lizard Men - Contract Complete
2 Small Spiders
1 Giant Rat
36 Small Rats
1 Skunk

Success! I executed my first contract and neutralized the lizard man that was clogging the pipes in the sewers below Hempstead. I first silenced both of his body guards and then lured the clogger out of his comfort zone. When making a blatant hit and not using stealth, a tactic like this can put the target on edge. His rubbery wet skin was tricky to hit, but my sword managed to stab several holes and eventually hit a major organ. I took 3 greenish rubbery finger tips from the pipe clogging gang and added them to my collection box. I also took the time to flay the clogger's chest open and examine the layout of it's organs. Next time I run into one of his breathren, I should be able to strike something critical much quicker.

I found the old woman in the swamp. She paid handsomely for those bones and I could tell she had quite a bit more gold on her as well. She smelled very strongly of magic though and she seemed to see right through me. Patience appears to be key and I'll remember this woman for later. I'm sure I could extract a sizable score from her.

I ran into a wispy creature as well. A magical fellow in a small fort town is seeking wispy essence. I thought I could take care of another task while in the swamp and tried to cut it up. Unfortunately it turns out small wisps are incredibly hard to actually hit, though it had no trouble hitting me with sparks of electricity that really singed and burned. After one shock, I must have passed out right there in the muck. My soul tried escaping but luckily those bind stones seem to work as I soon found myself pulled back into the coil right there in Hempstead. I did not appreciate that experience at all and I think from now on I'll leave the dying to everyone else. I think I've had quite enough of it and don't plan on experiencing it again.

*A small piece of parchment labeled "Kills" written in green ink*
Two dwarves
One slimy ooze
Two small spiders
One lizard man
Twenty-eight rats

I've been given a number of hit contracts. Most of them involve the more monstrous races, but a hit is a hit. I have found the targets to be rather tough though so I'll need to continue training in order to carry them out.

A fellow named Friar over in Vehl asked me to get some mummy dust from the crypts which was perfect because this other fellow named Shiff gave me a tip that a lonely lady out in one of the swamps buys bone knuckles of all things. I was collecting knuckles when a lucky man named Chance happened along. He offered to help gather that dust for Friar and though he was not a man strong with the gods, he said he had plenty of faith for himself. The trip through the crypts was interesting and I helped put down a number of walking dead. They fall well enough but there is something unsatisfying about the process. Knowing I'm not actually ending a life when they fall leaves a hallow feeling. I could slice the zombies all I wanted and while cutting flesh, there was something missing. They at least had some coins though and it by far was not a wasted trip. At one point, the crypt had been cleared and I was alone with Chance not a stone's throw from an open grave. I eyed him a few times as I could see the sparkle of gem studded jewelry and a fat coin pouch. However I also had just witnessed the destruction he could rain on those undead corpses and I thought it best to wait for a better moment.

Outside of Vehl I happened on some dwarves. Their tactics and style was not that different from the lesser infantry near Prantz. I carefully stalked the shadows of the trees near their camp. As one of them neared, I stuck my sword in his back and my dagger in his side. The way he fell, I believe my dagger hit a kidney. I dragged his corpse further into the underbrush and relieved him of his coin purse. I think used my dagger to chop at his tough fat finger. I managed to remove the tip from his smallest finger on the right side. I then pulled further back and sure enough another came over to investigate where the first had gone. I slipped out of the shadows behind him and slipped my sword across his throat. He tried to swing back at me with his axe, but I stabbed him with my sword while my dagger found a home in his temple. Again I pulled the corpse back and repeated my collections. I could hear the rest of the camp starting to sound alarms and decided it best to remove myself from the area as soon as possible.

I attempted to execute one of my contracts and clean the sewers of Hempstead. Unfortunately the fellow behind the clogging of the drains looks to be a pretty tough character. I took out one of his guards, a lizard man of some kind. The lizard had greenish blood and had very slick, damp skin. Once he fell, I patted him down and found a handful of coins. The weapon he was using was worthless though. I carefully sliced off the end of his smallest webbed finger. I'm not adept at this lizard anatomy, but this finger tip will provide a good souvenir.

*Written in green ink on a small piece of parchment simply labeled "Kills"*

2 deer, stags, medium size, 5 usable cuts of meat

It's nice not having Slippy looking over my shoulder all the time. I'll get back to Prantz soon enough, but for now I've been exploring Mistone and Alindor. The first trick is making coin and I've started casing several of the cities and towns looking for those with fat wallets.

I was barely in Hempstead for more than an hour when this odd fellow approaches. Dressed in dark robes and his face buried deep in the shadows of his hood, he carried a pike of some sort with a skull on the end. The guards are evidently pretty laid back here as no one seemed to mess with this death worshiper. Guy wouldn't have lasted even a few minutes in Prantz walking around with his "lock up your children" flair. He did give me a pointer or two though and filled me in that corn and sand are hot commodities around here.

Later that day I met Omer, an enchanter for a local guild that called Angels. He had the sweet smell of gold about him and he even showed me the guild hall and the endless sea of inventory chests. The guild is looking for eggs and sand so I might be able to make some coin or get some better gear. While wandering the hall, I looked for obvious security measures. It looks like several of the members hold quite a lot of power and the wards and locks on the place are pretty tight. I can tell Omer knows many people around here. I need to be careful as a wrong step this early could mean my name getting on the wrong sorts of lists around here.

I decided to skip town for a while and see what else Mistone had to offer. Not far down the road I ran into Mac. I could tell he had a bit of coin but he wasn't suffering backaches from carrying around a loaded bag. I need to spend more time with him as he has narcoleptic tendencies. I could tell he was tired and he was headed to the inn for a room, but after chatting for a bit he just dropped to the grass on the side of the road and slept. If Omer hadn't come along earlier and started talking with us I might very well have hit a nice score on my first day in town. I'll have to spend more time with Mac though, if he did it once, I'm sure he'll do it again.

General Discussion / Re: Regarding recent char approval
« on: February 04, 2008, 08:05:10 pm »
Actually, if you've been approved, you are good to go. There is no time limit on when you have to log in and play an approved character. Most people are chomping at the bit to do so, but others run into difficulties like  you did. As long as when you bring the character in it is the same character you had approved, then it should be fine.

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