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Topics - Talan Va'lash

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 9
General Discussion / IRC SongOfTheWeave
« on: October 25, 2006, 03:58:05 am »
In case anyone has been wondering where I am and hasn't caught this, I'm using SongOfTheWeave as my nick in IRC now.

I'm not sure why I thought this would be obvious heh.

Ask A Gamemaster / Coyote
« on: October 10, 2006, 12:39:54 am »
GM Name: Coyote Forum Name: Talan Va'lash Time Zone: MST (EST - 2) Real Name: Jesse Email: Layonara Positions: Quest GM, Project Team, Secret Conspiracy Project X Coordinator and Grand Wazoo*  Coyote often plays the role of trickster, although in some stories he is a buffoon and the butt of jokes and in a few is outright evil. His personality strengths are humor and sometimes cleverness. - Coyote (mythology) - Wikipedia  I enjoy:  1)  Spontaneous quests  2)  Good roleplaying (those involved in this may suddenly find themselves involved in number 1)  3)  New players (especially when involved in number 2)  4) Long walks on the beach and... er... ahem  *The last two positions are entirely fictional

General Discussion / Points of Interest
« on: October 08, 2006, 03:09:53 pm »
I hadn't seen this system in action until just a few days ago and I must say, Neat!

Its a good motivator to get out and explore around and can be used as a good IC (or semi-ic I suppose, or at least reinforces the rp of exploration.)

The only thing that left me with a question was the wording of the journal entry. I'm not quite sure what this "Explorer badge" is... is there a related NPC that gives a quest related to finding all the markers on a given continent or something?

Regardless, I think they're fun, and going around to various places touching flags or collecting shiny objects is a tried and true recipe for a fun game hehehe

Just for Fun / Synchronized Treadmill Dancing
« on: August 13, 2006, 04:41:28 pm »

Fixed Bugs / LORE - Server Status
« on: August 03, 2006, 03:43:57 am »
Getting this error when trying to load the server stats:
Yawt::DataBase connect('host=localhost;database=danscott_lore;','danscott_lore',...) failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) at /usr/local/src/yawt/tags/yawt_4_40/ line 77

Fixed Bugs / Central - Pranzis - East Gate
« on: July 06, 2006, 10:13:22 pm »
The transition WPs need to be moved out in front of the transition and rotated 180 degrees. Currently you transition into this area facing out of the area at the far edge of the transition.
  Also the grass placeables near the fresh water well need to be grounded.. Though I suppose this may be irrelevant in the next update.

General Discussion / Signature color tip
« on: July 01, 2006, 12:38:21 pm »
Does anyone know how to get the signature to accept html, or at least how to color the text in it with a hex rgb code?
  As you can see below it doesn't exactly work the way I expected heh.

General Discussion / Can everyone read this color allright?
« on: June 29, 2006, 03:25:10 am »
I've been trying to choose a color that is better on my eyes than the default. My last color was great on my screen and my eyes but I got reports that it was horrendous for some people.
  So, Here's a poll, how nice or terrible is this color on your eyes?

Fixed Bugs / 500 - internal server error
« on: June 29, 2006, 03:20:33 am »
I keep getting this error when viewing the server status every couple of auto refreshes.
  I am viewing this: Version of the serverstatus
  Edit: corrected title "500..." not "501..."

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Quill System - Flag as Uneditable
« on: June 29, 2006, 03:18:30 am »
I'm not sure how editability is stored on an item but I was writing IOU's the other day and considering using them as a written form of currency backed by a reputable individual (gold standard hehe.) But I realized that another PC could just edit the note and make it say whatever they wanted.
  I got around this issue by using a LORE bird message since those are uneditable. However, they're also 2x2 making carrying serveral around as currency rather onerous.
  So, It'd be great if there was a quill command to "finish" a note making it uneditable. IC wise, you wouldn't be able to remove the ink once you put it on (easily and without leaving a trace) however you need to be able to do that while editing it IG incase you make a typo or something.
  I suppose another way could be to make "indellible ink" that is not eraseable, have some sort of invisible tags around it and make the delete and erase commands ignore characters between the tags. If you mess up writing one you just have to toss it and start again.

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale: Talan's Merchandise
« on: June 16, 2006, 03:10:51 am »
((See here for the list of merchandise: ))  

Trade and Market Hall / Auction - Gloves of Ogre Power - Roldem
« on: June 16, 2006, 03:07:35 am »
[SIZE=24]For Auction:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]One pair of Gloves of Ogre Power[/SIZE]
The gloves enhance your strength as well as the coveted Exceptional Gloves of Fury!
Starting Bid: 20,000 gp
Contact Talan Va'lash to place a bid (or reply here.)

Fixed Bugs / Planes - Abyss - Spawns on transition
« on: June 16, 2006, 01:46:47 am »
The areas are Abyss - T-something.  They use the frozen waste tileset.

Hey ice, these areas have a really cool ambiance and a neat feel throughout the areas I saw (Just so i'm not always focusing on the negative here.. feels like I am, but I suppose this IS bug reports not neat stuff reports hehe.)

Anyway there are several vampire spawns that are very very close to transitions.

Also, there are a few transitions where the waypoints aren't placed outside of the destination transition, causing you to immediately transition back if you try to walk with the keyboard. There was also one transition WP that was facing backwards (i.e. facing into the corner of the map) when you transition in.

If you want any help fixing transitions or spawns I'd be glad to help out (I know its not the most exciting part of area building ;)

Sorry for the vagueness as well, but I couldn't really name them any more specifically since all the areas in a given vicinity all have the same name (and thats all I can see from the Player Client.)

The spawns in the dungeon on east to get to this portal were fine and there wasn't an issue with coming back from planes into a hot spawn.


Fixed Bugs / East - Demon Mountains - Spawn on a transition
« on: June 16, 2006, 01:40:02 am »
When coming out of the Undead Resting Place (or some name like that, has lots of skelletons inside) the firegiant mob spawns (or camps) right on top of the exit so as soon as you come out you're surrounded by a massive mob.  So much so that when this happened to us the other day I couldn't get out of the doorway the fire giants were so thick.

General Discussion / Amzaing NWN1 screenshots. NWN1 people!
« on: June 15, 2006, 12:47:24 am »
Also, if you read the article if the authors (most likely biased) perception of events has any truth in it NWN2 may be a rough ride.

Fixed Bugs / West - Gulf of Bagira - Spawn Point
« on: June 14, 2006, 11:34:34 pm »
The goblin spawn point is a little too close to the transition to the blood desert (in the corner) when coming from the blood desert.

Fixed Bugs / East - Under the Lake of Salt - Spawn Issues
« on: June 14, 2006, 11:33:06 pm »
Every transition in the first two areas of this dungeon is in the middle of a hot spawn.  Even in and out of the dungeon itself.

Edit: edited to make topic more explicit

Trade and Market Hall / Auction for Roldem: Adamantium Warhammer
« on: June 11, 2006, 01:54:49 am »
[SIZE=24]For Auction:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18]1 Adamantium Warhammer[/SIZE]
Starting bid: 9,000 Gold Pieces
Contact Talan Va'lash to place a bid.

Trade and Market Hall / Auction for Roldem: Adamantium Scimitar
« on: June 11, 2006, 01:53:07 am »
[SIZE=24]For Auction:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18]1 Adamantium Scimitar[/SIZE]
Starting bid: 9,000 Gold Pieces
Contact Talan Va'lash to place a bid, or attach it here.

Fixed Bugs / Epics Link in navbar, Change to WL ATTN OneST8/VGN
« on: June 09, 2006, 08:44:35 pm »
The "Epics" link in the Navbar should be changed to "World Leaders"

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