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Messages - dadunmir

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Layonara Server / RE: Welcome the new Quest GMs!
« on: February 18, 2007, 07:57:21 pm »
Congrats folks.

General Discussion / RE: snowed in
« on: December 20, 2006, 09:07:46 pm »
Aw crud!  I am really hoping to miss this storm when I travel this weekend.  I've been watching it closely and hope to get lucky.  I'm concerned as it does not sound likely.  I'll cross the fingers anyways.  I hope those of you hit by it find ways to manage and you have my condolences, nonetheless.  

What can I say, when it comes to storms and the chaotic forces of nature, I certainly don't have my character's perspective on the matters.  I like them both predictable and manageable.

Suffering from a cough that is likely associated with a cold, Yashilla finds herself disoriented and frustrated as she consults some of her old maps. With names of towns and other locales changing she finds her maps need serious updating. An occasional sneeze interupts her views of the maps. She slowly finds herself refamiliarizing with the southern areas of Mistone. Travels have not been so difficult for the Tide in the past however, the problems in Hurm have forced her to take alternative routes between Mistone and Dregar. It is with great difficulty she finds herself in Krandor and sitting to write down her latest communicae to the temple.

Apparently, adventurers have taken to traveling in quite large groups. Have the times really turned that bad? She proceeds to finish her writing inside the inn over an ale and a warm meal. Her food so often frostbitten and stale, a hot plate special of the inn is more than welcome and desired. Yashilla had though that the inn was doing well for business. Yet, according to the staff things were slow and quiet. A brief conversation with the gentleman serving ale reminder her of some of her old exploits and she recalled how to go about getting to Dregar. With news of local giant activity on the rise, she found it best to perhaps have her travels coincide with the large adventuring party that seemed ever so present. Coincidently her travels were overlapping with their's it seemed.  

Strength in numbers seemed a wise bet and she must acknowledge the little contact she has had with the rest of the world. Perhaps a sabatical for a small adventure is overdue or even warranted. Her little contact with the rest of the world doesn't seem to hamper the spreading of a reputation. The bartender treated her with all the courtesies he thought appropriate for a Tide and the small adventuring group did not hide its trepidations about her presence.

Tucking it into a pouch, Yashilla will deliver her notes at a later date.

General Discussion / RE: Happy Birthday Orth
« on: October 25, 2006, 08:24:09 pm »
Happy Birthday Orth.


General Discussion / RE: New Video from Guardian 452
« on: October 03, 2006, 05:56:11 pm »
Very lovely work G!

Layonara Server / RE: New Version Online
« on: September 14, 2006, 09:00:22 pm »
You the man Dorg!

Layonara Server / RE: Attention all World Leaders! -- MANDATORY READ
« on: September 07, 2006, 09:08:09 pm »
Very impressive.

Development Journals and Discussion / RE: Notes from the North
« on: September 05, 2006, 05:44:37 pm »
The cruel wind bites as if the very cold of the north itself had teeth. I find myself needing a warmer cape. It is common for me to find my fingers numb and my other joints stiff. I now remember why I favored the storms of the seas.

Every so often I find myself burdened a bit more by the weight of the snow on my packs. So quickly are my tracks covered by the days fresh snow. Admittingly, I am pleased by trackless travel of the north. Though, I also must admit that frozen breads in my packs are not pleasant to chew through. Bring plenty of wood when you travel north. In my pack I also carry gifts for our allies. I make way now for warmer climate. Of course, I still travel north but the keep of Fisterion and Pyrtechons temple will not need the heavier cape. The lord of dragons has aided us greatly in the past and I mean to remind the temple of our thanks as I've done in the past.

The cold is not the only treachery that must be endured. There are the others as well. Well protected are the lands of the north. Clans of wildmen and giants must be navigated. It is a hope to one day to gain their allegiance to the aid of our cause. Be bold patrons of Lady Doom and in your wisdom be not afraid of your enemy but instead curious, for they may find that Lady Doom has as much to offer as her storms' destruction can take away. Remind yourself of that ever so often as I do when it is necessary that I draw to hand my implements of destruction.

Yashilla of the North

ATTENTION  those who call the north thier home...  
Let it be known, the Tide of the North will not grant mercy to those who trespass and not pledge loyalty to Mist.  Far too long have we been too kind to the people who walk this land.  What thanks have we received?  To those who claim that our storms bring unpleasantness, destruction, misery, and the like, let them receive such.  Freinds of our enemies are our enemies.  We will not tolerate those who plan to move against us.  The fury of the north shall be brought upon them as quickly as the mace can fall.  
Yashilla of the North [/i]  

Layonara Server / RE: Quest GM Applications are now open!
« on: August 26, 2006, 08:56:05 pm »
Application for D.A.Dunmire

Questions to answer in this thread:
• List any DM/GM experience that you have and when the last time you performed this function. This is not a requirement.

-I've DM'd for a small group of 3-5 in a pnp campaign that I created as well as DnD standard 3.5 ed modules.  
-I've done some building on NWN but nothing that has been ran as a module.

• Have you GM’d using NwN? If so please list for what world(s)/module(s) and for how long. This is not a requirement.

-No, I have not.

• Describe why you want to be a GM in Layonara.

-I'll answer this while answering the next question.

• Describe what Quest GM’ing means to you in Layonara. What do you think will be the outcome if you are chosen to be on the team?

-Quest GM'ing means world and character development.  I'd like to think that the butterfly flapping its wings can cause the tidlewave.  Actions no matter how small do have consequences or even positive outcomes :) somewhere.  I love the unplaned/impromptu simple events that can be further developed should someone choose to do so (even me for example).  I'll be honest here and not deny I love the game and specifically this world that Leanthar has created.  I play seldomly these days my character on weekdays and more so on weekends.  She is also a character by alignment and reputation has challenges to overcome when meeting new folks or interacting with those whom she may already know.  Many of those I've played with have moved on or have taken other responsibilities.  I love being in game.  This is an opportunity to do that and be with interactive players.

• How long have you been a member of Layonara? You need to have been active in the community for at least four months.

-I've been a member since about December 9th 2004.

• Do you wish to be a part time or full time Quest GM?

-I'm uncertain about this at the time but am leaning toward part-time.  My current availability is for the evenings CST USA weekdays and more availability on the weekends.  I do take occasional weekend trips which can make committing regularly on weekends a challenge and I'm happy to elaborate more on this during an interview.

Development Journals and Discussion / Notes from the North
« on: August 12, 2006, 08:38:25 am »
We have been vigilent and faithful. The storms of the day are our reward. All should be thankful for the cleansing destruction brings. I have seen our numbers grow and am encouraged by those willing to endure the times of our current age. The north has grown fierce, yes. All the more of a reminder of our Lady Doom's presence. What is more is that we have been honored here in the north by the presence of the twins. The tides, though constant, are always in motion.

Live fully in the time when we can be closest to our Lady of the Sea. May the storms wake your inner spirit that it may become in tune with Her own. Relish the opportunity for things to change and be made anew.

As the storms grow fiercer be mindful that our Lady is present amongst us.

Yashill of the North

NOTE: The "Notes From the North" are simply writing for the purpose of expressing the character's feelings.  They bare no truth or correlation to what may actually be happening in the world.  They are just written because I enjoy writing them :)

General Discussion / RE: Can anyone help me?
« on: July 16, 2006, 01:51:35 pm »
Opening a business sounds like opening a guild almost.  At least it does to me.  There are some well established guidelines for this.  Please refer to the LORE link below to get some insight.  Ultimately, the approval of these comes from Leanthar himself.

edit: On the otherhand, if you'd like to sell wares you craft, player to player, there is no formalisms to go through for that.  Feel free to craft and sell

Travelers be aware.  The storms have grown fierce as our Lady Doom exerts her might in these chaotic times.  

As my travels carried me to the northwestern part of Dregar, I encountered a large group of heroes bent on completing a task they had started.  As I continued my tour of the north, I happened to end up a travelor with them on board a vessel not well equiped for Mist's storms.  We were lost for what seemed days.  Many found themselves discomforted as the Lady of the Sea saw fit to land us upon the molten island.  I think more appropriately they should be more concerned with whom they travel when they themselves pledge allegiance to our enemies.

Tread cautiously on Mist's seas.  Choose your company wisely, choose your vessels wisely.  Be sure you are ready for the storms.

As a final note, I will add that travelors on Dregar should be cautious.  It appears the race of the dark elves have taken to making themselves more present on the surface lands, for whatever their reasons may be.

the Northern Tide

General Discussion / RE: On vacation
« on: July 14, 2006, 02:27:39 pm »
Take care and congrats Ed!

All across the lands of the north, winter appears to be settling.  This is no passing event.  This storm appears as if it will be around for some time.  

The day has come and gone and the heroes had their day.  The forces of good seemed to have prevail and another part of the cycle begins to unfold.  It is as if the lands themselves have decided to hibernate whilst they try and recover from the destruction of war's chaos.  

This is our day fellows patrons of Lady Doom.  While the world sleeps, the storms will reshape the lands and seas.  I have already seen the beginning.  The snow's of Krashin have reached as far south as Leilon.  Snow can be seen falling on the temple on the occasional day.  The lands belonging to the tribes north of Waysend appear to have grown colder.  Much has already changed.  While many desparately seek warmer climates and shelter, a few have taken to accepting the coming of the storm and show more perserverance.  I have more than expressed my admiration to the later and offer the service of our Lady of the Sea to them.  

The cold and the storms come.  A glorious era is upon us.  Are you ready?  Have you not given to the temple or even set foot in one for some time now? Now is the hour. Rise Mist's faithful and comeforth and let the world, that would otherwise wake up when all is well, know that we are here and know that our time has come.

Yashilla of the North

General Discussion / RE: Characters, NWN2 and thoughts
« on: July 09, 2006, 09:54:58 am »
Voting for Option 1.

I absolutely love my character.  However, I think to remove all things that one might want to lump into acts of showing favoritism, the clean wipe is the most secure. (Besides that she is human. Depending on how long the current dark ages go for she may not be able to out-live the time period, heh :P)

The concept of an NPC role for certain characters I personally find appealing and I feel the same about links to characters of old (option 4).  Yet, the process by which it is determined what characters get such honors can always (and likely will) be called into question.  

I also believe that all should have the option of being part of a certian character's history.  Whether they are a relative several generations later or a current partner, provided they have the permission of the origenal character these roleplaying options should be permissable. (Just opinion)

Certain characters (mine included) have already left marks on the world and such events have been noted already.  Either through additions to timelines or the handbook or elsewhere, these PC's have been documented well.  If anything were to be carried over to NWN2 it should be that history not the character itself.  With the 20+ limitation, this just makes more sense to me than deleveled characters.

General Discussion / RE: My view on Layo
« on: June 25, 2006, 08:40:26 am »
Ar7, excellent thread you've started.  I read a lot of constructive discussion in the posts above.

I will have to agree with Thunderpants' view on the fear concept.  It is unfortunate that some have come to fear DM's.  They do only as the Thunderpants stated and that is challenge.  Many feel quite a bit of remorse from resultings death due to impromptu events.  I've been part of many of these and in some cases (which I find unfortunate) the DM has came out and stated that the current events were a result of his/her involvment.  It is in my opinion quite obvious when the DM comes into play and when a DM has to come out and apologize in advance for the challenges he/she is laying out to the players I find it detracts from the fun.

The growth of the community brings not only new character but the new people behind them as well.  That is a lot of differing opinions.  Most of the differing opinions I've found are on how to play the game.  I think this is most readily identified by the small groups that form.  Granted, there is the social aspect of the game, meeting new people.  However, as time marches on, many end up grouping themselves with others that play/roleplay in a similar way.  To touch on the above paragraph here, I think it is fair to say that after a while many develop a certain comfort in how they have been playing the game.  It is when the DM intervenes that many of us end up pushed out of that zone.  I think it important to point out the the player to DM ration is still in favor of the player and so some players can go quite a bit of time with out a "known" DM intereaction.  Some handle this interaction  differently than others and with the size of the community that can range from one extreme to the other.

Just my two cents, one for each paragraph.  Again, a wonderful thread and lots of very interesting things to read.  As the community grows so does it change.  Both, I think, are critical to its success.  In the end, I think the player needs to ask him/herself whether or not this is the community for them.  As Thunderpants pointed out, it is free after all.

Bioware name: dadunmir

Forum Name: dadunmir

Character: Yashilla Menneseph (lvl 21)

Good luck folks!

Development Related Topics (DRT) / RE: Barbarian Isle Discussion
« on: June 18, 2006, 04:32:25 pm »
I will just speculate here, but I think those isles may have a chaotic influence.  Something about the north and the cold will also bring Mist into mind.  Again, just speculating. :)

Rumour Has It / RE: A Vision - A New Sun Archer Rises
« on: May 11, 2006, 04:29:23 pm »
Woohoo! Nice job Talan!

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