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Topics - Black Cat

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Layonara Server / Not able to log on west
« on: September 20, 2009, 12:02:06 pm »
I'm unable to log on quest after a crash. I was crafting with Azk'a and the game froze.. and crashed (timed out message), now I cannot log back on west... even after about 2 hours of waiting.

Restarted my PC, even shut down my modem completely to no avail.

Also have troubles navigating and using the Layo website... although other sites are loading fine.

Any help welcome.

Layonara Server / Not able to log on west
« on: September 20, 2009, 12:01:07 pm »
I'm unable to log on quest after a crash. I was crafting with Azk'a and the game froze.. and crashed (timed out message), now I cannot log back on west... even after about 2 hours of waiting.

Restarted my PC, even shut down my modem completely to no avail.

Any help welcome.

Organizations / Farstriders Membership
« on: September 13, 2009, 08:44:45 am »
Please delete my membership to the Farstriders (cannot do it myself since I happen to be one of the leader).

My character Xandrian Mor -who was a member of this group- has "died of old age" aka I've put him up for character deletion since I'm no longer going to play him. And it doesn't make sense that I still be part of that group.

Thank you.

Fixed Bugs / Exit of the elevator in the Brooding One domain
« on: September 08, 2009, 12:28:54 am »
Description: The exit point (characters spawn point) when exiting the elevator on the way up is very close, if not right on top of the transition that leads back down and could very easily leads to someone inadvertently "falling" back down.

Suggestion: moving the transition at the back of the "elevator platform" or making it so that a lever should be pulled to get back down... just like for the way up (without the riddle ;) ).

Location: The Deep - Shale River

Verified: Phyress, despite all her agility, did fell down.

Reproducable: we didn't really want to try again.

General Discussion / When IG mining feels like real mining
« on: September 08, 2009, 12:20:02 am »
Congrats to whomever made the deep dwarves mithril mine.

It's the first in my time IG that I really got the feeling of actually being a dwarf mining and feeling for that elusive vein of ore. And not just mindlessly hitting on that big rock thing that says "Ore deposit"


Trade and Market Hall / Oma's bazaar
« on: June 21, 2009, 04:06:48 am »
*an old woman clad in black robes and wearing a pointy hat sets up a stall at Stormcrest and puts up notice where one could read the following*

[SIZE=18]For Sale - junk I found in my travels.[/SIZE][/B]

[SIZE=16]Ring of Protection - 8'000 trues

Athus' Touch - on hold

Breastplate - 10'000 trues

Belt of Aquisition - 5'000 trues

1 raw diamond - how about 5'000 trues?

Healer's Hug //Heal +3, Cure Criticals 1/day - 10'000 trues

Enchanted Mithril Ingot //cast 9 x Energy Buffer - 12'000 trues

'new' Shadon Trapping Bow //Attack +2, Disable Trap/Open Lock +2, Special feature unknown - 30'000 trues

'new' Cloak of Elvenkind //Hide +10 - 2'000 trues

'new' Dragonscales Bracers //lvl 21, Cha/Int +1, Concentration +4, Spellcraft +2, Fire 5% immunity - 60 to 70'000 trues

'new' Dreamer's Mask //lvl 17, Focus Enchantment, Darkvision, Listen/Spot -4, Save vs. Mind +4 - 25'000 trues

'new' Black Dragon Scale //Able to cast 4x Foe - 20'000


*then she sits down nearby and starts smoking her pipe and drinking "juices", while a pixie flits around watching any potential customers*

Trade and Market Hall / "Black Blade of Disaster" scroll - auction
« on: June 16, 2009, 11:45:35 am »
I found this piece of toilet paper someone told me is a magical scroll.

Since I didn't use it yet, I'll start an auction on it.

"Black Blade of Disaster" scroll - lvl 9

Starting bid 50'000 trues.
Auction to end within a few days (RL) - or when either no more bids are made for a while, or when a suitable price is deemed to have been reached.

Oma Limetree

PS: price will only be accepted in trues - no bribe in any form will be accepted (no need to try and get me drunk... I'll beat you anyway)

Ask A Gamemaster / Elemental Enhancement and Damage bonus
« on: May 24, 2009, 02:09:33 am »

Just wondering, does adding an Elemental Enhancement to an axe that already has some Elemental and Bludgeoning damage bonus (yes, Frindhal battleaxe) is supposed to override both the Acid damage and the Bludgeoning damage?

PS: It does replace both, but I'm wondering if that should be the case or not. I thought it should only replace the existing Acid damage.

Fixed Bugs / Mass Disorientation Spell
« on: May 17, 2009, 09:48:04 am »
Description:Oma took the Mass Disorientation Spell.

The description says... something in the line of "All Non-Allied creatures of most racial types must...."

As I understand it, the spell should affect all foes, but not those in Party.

Well... it does not only affect everyone, but the caster too.

Verifiable/Reproducable: yes, Oma got stunned/dazed when casting the spell too close. The "Test Dummy" resisted the spell, but otherwise she would have been affected too.

Fixed Bugs / Loot report
« on: April 16, 2009, 05:19:31 pm »
Bug Report

Description: It seems the looting report party members get when picking up stuff from corpses isn't working (noticed Thursday, april 16th from 6pm to 9pm GMT.

Location: Central Server

Verified: Was just getting the yellow text saying I got something, but not the usual loot report, nor were the party members getting any info.

Reproducable: ??

Fixed Bugs / Creedo Merchants and crafting halls
« on: April 10, 2009, 12:15:01 pm »
Description: Creedo Interiors (Merchants, Bank, Crafting Hall, Advanced Crafting) seems to be missing or the transitions aren't working. Grohin needed to craft and couldn't enter the Crating Halls in Creedo, nor the merchant, nor the bank.

Location: Creedo


Reproducable: tried all transitions and none were working

Fixed Bugs / Lyn and it's name origin
« on: April 02, 2009, 10:57:21 am »
Bug Report or maybe it isn't but...

In Lyn, there's a statue of the first woman to settle there and who's name is said to be the reason behind the town's name. However, her name is Larinda... and if I'm right Lyn's name was "Lar" before it was retconed. Perhaps changing the woman's name to something more Lyn'ish would be an idea.

Location: Lyn

Verified: easily enough

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale: Enchanted Mithril Armor
« on: January 24, 2009, 12:38:23 pm »
Enchanted Mithril Chain[/SIZE][/COLOR]
//Base AC 5, +4 AC, 25% Magic Immunity, Bludgeon, Piercing, Slashing Resistance 5/-, Spell Resistance 20, Discipline +3, 60% of Weight, lvl req. 30ish

Price: 300'000 Trues

[INDENT]See Grohin Silveraxe if interested[/INDENT]

Trade and Market Hall / For Sale:Adamantium Kite Shield
« on: January 24, 2009, 12:33:44 pm »
Adamantium Kite Shield of Fire[/SIZE]

//Kite Shield: Base AC 3, +2 AC and 10/- Fire Resistance, Lvl req. 11 (according the lenses)

Price: 30'000 Trues

[INDENT]See Grohin Silveraxe if interested[/INDENT]

Fixed Bugs / Rofirein Citadel - Western Gate
« on: January 10, 2009, 04:38:15 am »
The description of Rofirien in the Citadel, Western Gate has a typo... and a mistakes.

"offering is protection" should be "offering his protection"

And Rofirein is not allied with Toran anymore, but only Friendly.

Rumour Has It / *a reports is sent to Toran's Temple in Fort Llast*
« on: January 06, 2009, 06:04:52 pm »
*adresses to whomever in charge at the temple of Toran in Fort Llast*


I, Mor Eastleaf, servant of the Lord Protector, hereby wants to report on the actions and in one case inaction of some whom call themselves Road Wardens of Toran, the individuals known as Nom, Rank, Rit and Wanonahead. I had the occasions to travel with them, all together or some of them on several occasions. On at least two of these, their strange and erratic behavior to say the least actually threaten the well being of the whole party, alerting enemies of our presence, which in one case led to the death of one in our group, despite our repeated demands that they quieten and stop shouting and running around.

On the last occasion on which I travel with them (Rit wasn't present then) we were hired to bring a message to a "woman" in the Southern Brech Mountains. The message was very succint: "It's time to move it". We do not know who sent the message, although the person that contacted us went by the name of Mak. But that is not the purpose of this report. But rather the fact that, when we eventually reach the recipient of this message, after fighting through Giants and Undeads, we could all see that that woman was in a fact a vampire.. and probably a Master of the Dead, judging by its appearence. But what prompted me to write this report is not so much of the fact we were faced by a vampire, but rather by the fact that the three Toranites in the party did not actually showed any sign of some kind of reactions, but a weak puzzlement on what to do. I was led to expect much more coming from ones who call themselves servant of the All Watching. I did stand ready to back them should they attempt anything, and so were several others in the party, but nothing came.

Such behavior on the part of members of the church of Toran is most unsettling to say the least, although it is not for me to judge the behavior and morality of your own.

Apparently, they were to report to the one named Rit. I sincerely hope they do and then report to you as well.

Yours sincerely,

Mort Eastleaf, servant of Rofirein.

//this report is sent after GM Vincent quest "Express Delivery!" on the 6th of January 2009.

Rumour Has It / Small talks from Lor
« on: January 06, 2009, 10:42:49 am »
*a halfling, wearing a black cloak with Rofirein's compass displayed on it, enters Lor and walks towards the Court of Justice there. He is accompanied by a man, wearing a brown coat and green clothes. The man is walking freely and obviously not forced, although he does look a bit aprehensive. The two walking through town make a few eyebrows rise (a halfling follower of Rofirein is not an everyday sight) and a sailor near the dock, freshly arrived on a ship from Hurm, looks up slightly surprise. But otherwise, all this goes rather unremarkably, so many people coming in and out of the town anyway.. that two more doesn't make much of a stir*

Trade and Market Hall / Cobalt Helm for sale
« on: December 07, 2008, 07:25:45 am »
Fer sale:

[SIZE=24]A Cobalt Helmet... wit a cold resistance[/SIZE].
[SIZE=10]//+3 AC (deflection), Bonus Save vs. Sonic +2, Concentration, Discipline +2. Cold resistance 10/-.  Lvl 16[/SIZE]

Startin' proice: 35000 trues
Auction ends: december 10th

See Grohin.

Ask A Gamemaster / On the Knights of the Wyrm
« on: November 04, 2008, 03:03:09 am »
My Halfling paladin is coming to age soon, and I have a question:

- In the Lore page for Rofirein, it is stated that each candidate spend at least for 4 years as an initiate. Are those to be IG years (I mean from the time the char is actually created and played) or can they be counted for those before.

I.e. my char will have spent about 10 years at the Academy in Western Gate, training to be a Knight (Paladin). Will these count towards he's initiate time?
If so, then he'll bear a Shield with the Rofirein's symbol right ahead, and "Knight Errant" will not equal "Initiate" as I stated here, but will be another step towards being accepted into the ranks of the Wyrm.

Development Journals and Discussion / Mor Eastleaf - book of records
« on: October 05, 2008, 02:35:45 pm »
**this book is bound in black leather with a golden dragon embossed on its front and a silver compass on its side... all of its pages are still blank but the first one.. only five words are written on it though*






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