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Character Development Quests (CDQ's) / Nimrod (CDQ/GCDQ)
« on: March 30, 2014, 03:51:37 am »
Style: Expect choices to be made and results to follow. You will decide the amount of combat in CDQs by your goals and actions. There will usually be varying levels of success and failure. Things will of course be tailored for your character while being congruent with Layonara. Do not feel limited by NWN mechanics, if you feel it's something that could be done, try it. Or at least send me a tell with what you're thinking. If I do not feel I am capable of running your specific CDQ or I feel I would perform in sub-par capacity I will let you know as we correspond about your goals. As a point of note, I prefer not to run Ilsarian based CDQs. I will run CDQs for Ilsarians, I just prefer it to not be *waves hands* Ilsarian.
Schedule: Currently my availability is: I am now of of midnights. I work 6 AM - 6 PM, my shifts alternates in two week patterns. Week one: I work Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday. Week two: I work Monday and Tuesday. Rinse and repeat.
CDQs in Progress:
CDQs in Planning:
CDQ Wait List:
I'll accept up to three 'active' requests at a time. While I will attempt to be active and prompt on CDQ requests, real life takes priority and I will still be splitting time running normal Quests. Communication is key, as this is your character development; I expect you to communicate with me. ~Nimrod
 Update:  I put in for day shifts, no guarantee, but if approved my times and possible days will change.  Will keep appraised if approved.
Edited by Aerimor on Dec 19 2013 - 12:38pm

Layonara Server / Open letter on CA changes
« on: May 15, 2010, 08:39:01 pm »
Hello Layonara Community!
 Without preamble, I will just get right to the purpose of this letter.  It has been mentioned in several places that there are impending changes  coming to the server. This letter is with regards to the character  submissions process and related details. The changes are posted here in the guidelines, edited into the main  document and outlined at the bottom.  

 I wanted to write something longer and more explanatory then the short  bullet points that accompany  the spliced and edited in information  spread throughout the generous document. I'll break them down, point by  point, for clarity.

 The first note is in regards to the problems we've had in the past  where creativity and lore have clashed.  The best advice we can give  here is: before you spend time working out the details of personality,  of history, of anything, check the overall concept in the Ask A  GameMaster forum. For most class/race/deity/alignment combinations  that people seek, the guidelines and lore are well defined. For anything  else that seems unique or on the threshold, it is best to ask before  investing the time and heart (and even play time) creating something  that is incompatible with lore.
 The second is a short note on obtaining new classes beyond level thirty  (30). It's mostly a solidification in 'writing' of existing policy so  that everyone is aware of the terms. Adding a 'job' at level thirty or  after is highly unusual for most people. This should be something like  learning a whole new skill set at the age of 60, maybe 70 or beyond.  That is not to say it cannot be done but it should be considered very  difficult and roleplayed accordingly. The character approvers will look  at this on a case by case basis but will expect a great deal of tangible  development. Tangible development would include the usuals: logs,  P/CDTs, quest development, GM testimony, and other methods.
 The next point relates to power level of initial submissions. We have  had this issue from time to time, and consistently enough that we are  simply putting it in documentation. Because the world is a submission  'controlled' world based on substantial lore and accurate roleplay of  the same we request that characters enter the world with the background  that supports them existing as a level one character. Does this mean  that great things cannot occur in the character's history? No, but it  does mean when the player slips into the shoes of the character the  first time he or she needs to be on the same starting point as all the  other first level characters. There are many ways to have this work out  and still be very flexible, so many that I can't begin to list them all.  This has been a long standing requirement and we are simply putting  this into publicized format so that it is available to all equally.
 The fourth point is the answer to the question of characters per  player. This is often a question asked by new players and a few have  thought that we only allow one per player so it has been included up  front in the submission guidelines. We will not be raising the cap on  allowed numbers, it will remain at six per player. This is being done  for many reasons. I will emphasize that the primary reason is concerns  about quality of roleplay, not just with the CA or GM staff but also  concerns out in the community that have been communicated to us through  various channels. There is a large concern by many out there that  allowing players to carry more characters then six will further dilute  the quality of roleplay available on the serve and encourage a more  'hack and slash' style of play as everyone vies to raise those  characters to what is seen by most as tolerable ability levels (20+).  
 The other big reason for this decision is the already thinly stretched  Character Approval Team. In the reasoning for choosing six characters  per player was the concern that people (collectively) would submit a  great many 'cool concept' characters that would require due diligence by  the approvers. These  would likely not see much, if any, development as  a character. While this sounds like more to do with the above reasoning  it comes down to, there already isn't enough time for the character  approvers to go around and we can't see spreading them any more thinly  by raising the cap. Especially when dealing with volunteers, time is a  precious commodity, one we are chronically low on.
 To assuage some concerns out there. We are aware that initially when  this came up it was not clear to even some members of the GM team and  there may well be those out there who have more then six characters  spread out over several accounts. The approvers are largely aware of  these (though I won't go so far as to say all!) and again, due to  confusion in the rules and reasoning allowed this to occur. Those people  will not be punished by being asked to remove cherished characters. The  only 'action' that will result of the instituting of this policy with  clarity is if a player submits for a seventh or beyond numbered  character, we will not approve it until such time that they move to have  their excess characters deleted. We will not knowingly approve more  then six characters per player from this time forward.  
 The fifth point is the use of Graceful Plea for the rebuild of  characters. Dorganath has explained this in his post here, but the  character approval guide had similar wording so it was removed from this  place as well. As it is stated in his post, there will be no more  granting of rebuilds through use of Graceful Pleas. Rebuilds are rare  for many reasons, one of the primary reasons of course being time  investment. There are still times when a rebuild is logical and will be  supported. These situations generally result through roleplay reasoning  such as WLDQ outcome, quest outcome, deity shift for clerics and things  of this nature. Clearly these will be supported without the use of  Graceful Plea.
 In our sixth change, we reverted Shifter and Shadowdancer PrCs back to a  CDQ only approval. This may seem counter intuitive when we talk about  making things 'easier' for people to progress. In truth it was taking  twice and sometimes more the amount of time to get these PrCs granted  through P/CDTs alone. Misinformation being spread through out the  community and the time investment meeting the P/CDT entry requirement  was taking more in the amount of months when CDQs are actually more  reliable for information and quicker then the entries. We make this  shift for the betterment of the use of lore as well as to more smoothly  transition players to their desired classes.
 The next point that has been edited in the guidelines is an extensive  note on resubmissions to explain that process. There are many reasons  for this and I'm not sure I can accurately articulate them all but I  will make the attempt here anyway. Layonara, first and foremost, is a  roleplay server. Clearly there is plenty of an action element but  roleplay remains the focus. This includes dealing with lore accurately  and correct reasoning behind a resubmission. Under no circumstances  should any request be made purely for mechanical reasons. We know full  well this decision has been not as firm in the recent past but we are  returning to our roots. All resubmissions will require ample roleplay  justification.  
 I can already guess that some people will feel that this is more  prohibitive, and looking at it on the surface maybe it is. To counteract  that we have opened up new avenues for support when attempting to meet  the qualifications of 'ample roleplay justification.' In addition to  citing logs, P/CDTs and CDQs as reference we are now accepting direct GM  commentary/testimony. This, realistically, was available in the past  but we are solidifying the extension to erase concerns of favoritism,  ever a murmur on this server. If GM testimony is being used as sole  support we will require hearing from no less then three GMs about their  personal experience as GM (not as players) with the player in question.  We are also offering a 'mix and match' solution for those who can't, for  whatever reason, quite reach the minimum needs for such a shift with  just one method. Players will be able to use whatever combination of the  above listed methods to support their request. Realistically, this  solution was already available as well but is being presented to the  server populace in clear and succinct terms.
 The eighth point, a note on arguing policy with the approver staff.  Many, many of these arguments are sustained by the applicant using very  old and irrelevant applications. Very many of these situations use  applications that came from before Layonara even instituted it's  copyright and permissions policy. We will not acknowledge arguments  cited from further than nine (9) months prior to the application in  question. Additionally, applications that are cited from before a recent  guideline change (such as the one we are putting in just now) may or  may not be applicable and is up to the various teams to decide at that  time. Our policy changes may stem from anywhere from mechanics (i.e.  balance) to results of a quest (Roleplay reasons) or issues resulting  from lack of manpower just to name a few possibilities. This is by no  means is an extensive list of reasons but given for possibilities in  explanation.  
 In an upcoming letter we'll discuss some more updates that are coming.  These are efforts that are mostly on the Team side of things in order to  make the character approval process easier on the community (no new  requirements, changes to policies or anything like that). We aren't  completely ready to unveil things there but hopefully will be soon!

Layonara Server / Congratulations Gilshem Ironstone
« on: May 02, 2010, 02:50:08 pm »
I would like to let you all know that Gilshem Ironstone will be joining the Character Approvals Team. Prior to his leave taking from the world he had an interest in joining the team but real life prevented him from doing this in the end. However, he has returned to Layonara and we are pleased to offer him this position.
 He will soon be graciously donating some of his spare time to working on your applications and guiding them through the approval process. Please join me in thanking him for agreeing to donate this time and effort to making our world a better (and smoother running) place.  

Rumour Has It / Trelanian Activity
« on: March 10, 2010, 12:34:52 am »
With life over the past few years under the unnatural (to their minds) storms along the coastal waters of Trelania becoming something of a norm for folks, many people had learned to cope or move inland. Little villages were reabsorbed into near by towns, dissolved by intent, wave, storm or any combination there in. Many resources had been expended over the years to aid various traumatized towns and cities, Trelania as a whole reached out to those allied and friendly to her to gather the needed materials to protect and reinforce her people. All in all things had settled into a lull of dreary days and tremendous hard work. Crime rates generally fell across the western coast line, or people simply stopped reporting things as much out of weariness as any other reason. Food and shelter once again became prized commodities for the average man, woman and child. Families oft became fatherless, brothers vanished and sons assumed dead, all swallowed up by the sea without even hint as to why or where. The why became assumed... the storms.

The kingdom, despite valiant efforts by it's leaders and those friendly to Trelania, feel into a rut of stubborn perseverance despite the despair carried on her shoulders, and remained so for what to some was 'forever.' Indeed, there are echos of the still remembered Dark Ages by the elders, when the nights were black and the days just as grey. Too many rumbling tummies and too much work to be done bring out the tales, tall and short of that time not so long ago. Old gaffers, drunks and bitties blather on about how the dark days will return. Despair reigned.....

That is, until the last few months.

As the storms began to fill the sky with light such that even the darkest nights looked like stuttered day, Trelanian's leaders moved to protect her people in the only way they could think of.

A call has gone out for those on the Western and Northern coast of Trelania to leave and move inland. Bards, heralds and messengers pound the land to cover every village that can be found, every person who may need to hear it, telling them to grab only the things they cannot live with out and bring their families inland. Supplies have been redirected to build semi-temporary shelters in inland towns and cities as well as in shanty pseudo-villages along main roads. No more does the Crown support or aid in the defense of those coastal cities, calling for material things to be given to the sea so that souls and lives will be saved.

There are echoes across the lands of people refusing to leave their homes, adamant about staying to protect their ancestral homes from the wiles of Lady Doom. Others flee with the loved ones. There is little doubt that if the storm continues this way, tens of thousands and perhaps more will die even with the best efforts of the Trelanian Crown.
The following users thanked this post: Pankoki, miltonyorkcastle

Just for Fun / Fun and Charity, always a good combination
« on: January 24, 2010, 12:51:23 pm »
Hello folks,

We typically don't delve into RL too much on these forums but I thought this might be of mutual interest to many. Always good to spread the word just in case! Anyhow it's a charity for Haiti (so that you don't have to click the link if you don't wanna) that is set up and contributed to by gamers. Credit to FtB for passing the word.

The following users thanked this post: Kenderfriend

Rumour Has It / Rumblings in Leringard
« on: January 09, 2010, 09:49:39 pm »
Leringard rumbles quietly as the Queen's Guard are seen filtering through the city. What they are looking for is not openly spoken but they are seen near the site of the Arms, among many other places. Even those city folk normally at odds with the Blackwatch are wary of the Trelanian presence and treat them with some disdain.
The following users thanked this post: miltonyorkcastle, Lance Stargazer

Ask A Gamemaster / GM Roster
« on: March 06, 2017, 11:24:35 pm »
GM Roster and ActivityLayonara has a diverse and busy team of GMs. You can read more about them in their introduction threads in this forum, where you can also find out out more about what they are doing in the Layonara world and community. The list below reflects our current GM roster, and the current status of each of our GMs:GM Avatar: Æther
Forum Name: Dorganath
Status: Active Forum GM; unavailable for quests, CDQs and WLDQsAvatar: Amris /Ivy/Tacoknight
Forum Name: IceDragonDuvessa
Status: Project Team Non-GMGM Avatar: Atlas
Forum Name: orth
Status: Active Administrator; unavailable for quests, CDQs and WLDQsGM Avatar: Brewmaster Bob
Forum Name: Lonnarin
Status: Active Quest GM; available for quests GM Avatar: Leanthar Spellore
Forum Name: Leanthar
Status: Active Forum GM; unavailable for quests (occasional impromptus though!)GM Avatar: mouse
Forum Name: Acacea
Status: Active GMGM Avatar: Rowana
Forum Name: Rowana
Status: Active Forum GM; available for CDQs and WLDQsGM Avatar: The Heretic
Forum Name: EdTheKet
Status: Loremaster, Active Forum GM; unavailable for quests, CDQs and WLDQs (sometimes comes out of hiding with a series though)GM Avatar: The Troll King
Forum Name: miltonyorkcastle
Status: Active Quest GM; available for quests and CDQs

Rumour Has It / A Missive from Queen Mouring!
« on: November 09, 2009, 11:05:52 pm »
[SIZE=16][SIZE=13]Some time passes in Leringard but life does not seem to settle down as the search for the one known as "Steel" continues. Under guard of the Blackwatch several Royal Heralds are seen placing parchment in a few places around town (Barracks, inns). As well they spread the word to the local bards and heralds with the intent for word to spread through the town in all channels... [/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT]

The 'word' is as follows:

[SIZE=16]"To Whom It May Concern:[/SIZE][/I]
 [SIZE=16]This Crown, Queen Mouring of Trelania, does summon Her errant servant known as Steel to Blackford Castle. The summons is Immediate. Should he not present himself before the Crown he will be considered the Dangerous Criminal he has been accused of and be hunted without mercy.  [/SIZE][/I]
 [SIZE=16]The time limit is one month for word or person to be presented.[/SIZE][/I]
 [SIZE=16]*Below this is the official stamp and seal of Trelania*"[/SIZE][/I]
The following users thanked this post: davidhoff

Character Stable / THE LIST: Characters Ready To Use
« on: August 13, 2015, 12:07:03 am »
Welcome to the Character Stable! This table is intended to help you find a character ready to play. Click on the column headings to sort our available characters by gender, race, class, alignment or deity, then just note the name of the character you are interested in and go read the biography in the forum to see if it's something you might like to play. Please remember to read the stickied post on how to use the Character Stable if you haven't already. Enjoy!Stable Characters Ready For Play:
Piper Hornblower| Male| Halfling| Fighter| CG| None| N
The following users thanked this post: cbnicholson, Hellblazer, Erik K, Lance Stargazer, Shiokara, CadavereFiore

Rumour Has It / Heralds Ride Out in Trelania
« on: August 01, 2009, 04:43:34 pm »
Mulnari, Jular 16, 1451 //July 6th 2009 apologies for the delay!

 This Crown has learned the details of our stricken fort, Hurix. It grieves Us to know so many lives were lost, so many of our brothers, husbands an sons lay beneath the soil of Our fair kingdom. We honor those lost, all names collected will be recorded in the History for all time.  
 We honor those, too, that stood by our innocents and devoted. Brave knights of Toran, of Rofirien and of Vorax arrived to drive off and hunt down Our attackers. For this We are ever grateful. It is, though, our highest praise that we wish to offer to the following, whom stood by the People of Hurix in their darkest hour, defending and enduring.
Benjamin Poetr
Tod Fellow

Rodlin Serim
Galathea Arnaduillae
Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir
Shiff Dragonheart
Daniella Stormhaven
Aesthir Stargazer
Angela Swann

Storold Doesscha

Maelverik Reznar

  Trelania offers a day of celebration to honor all of those who fought for Our People.
 *the stamp and seal of Trelania follows as well as the complex signature of Queen Mouring. The announcement is also read over the kingdom by traveling heralds under the banner of Trelania for the few months it takes to travel to all Trelania's major cities (and stopping at the small ones along the way)*

Layonara Server / Grievance Change and Baton Passing
« on: July 27, 2009, 09:09:13 pm »
The current work load between Layonara and our other commitments to things such as family and job have greatly slowed the responsiveness to the grievance forum. With the onset of the Graceful Plea system, this forum has seen heavy usage by the community as a whole. This was anticipated, but perhaps not to the extent to which the community has utilized the option. Due to these growing demands of this forum and our other responsibilities, Dorganath and I have found it necessary to bring in additional help but also pull our involvement in this forum back to a large degree.

In place of our presence, Carillon and Twidget have graciously accepted responsibility of keeping a watch on this forum, and they will handle the day-to-day management of such requests. Dorganath and I will continue to work on some of the more complex issues as the needs arises. Were this the only 'change' coming to the way things are handled here, a public announcement would not really be necessary but it is not the only aspect of the Grievance forum that will be changing.

The primary focus of most GMs is to run Quests for the community. It is the criteria we are asked to meet when we apply. Some of us gather other responsibilities as our time as GM lengthens, but for the most part the primary focus remains the same. For Twidget and Carillon, Quests will still remain their primary focus as GMs. What does this mean, and why do I bring it up? This means, for the community, that handling of grievances and requests will be considered a secondary priority.  We are sympathetic to the wishes of the community to have their requests managed in a timely way, so be assured that all requests will still receive due attention and review, and that nothing will be ignored.

 In an effort to streamline what will likely be a longer process, priority of all requests will go to whatever is most urgent and then to what is quickest to handle. In the past we have tried to work from oldest request forward but this is no longer going to be the most efficient use of time due to having far less to contribute. Issues such as an unjust loss of one's final Soul Strand, for example, will receive the highest priority and consideration, whereas the unperming of a long-dead character will likely receive the lowest. In making this shift, we hope the process as a whole will be more responsive to those needs which are more immediate.  

I'd like to address the 'f' word (favoritism) head on here, because we all hear the whispers from time to time. In reality many perceived things of this nature are often a misunderstanding of the circumstances, and with a somewhat more subjective criteria on determining the order in which grievances will be handled, we can see that some may suspect they are being discriminated against, intentionally delayed or that others are given arbitrary preference over others. The selection of when or how the grievances are handled will have nothing to do with any personal preference among individual GMs or the GM team as a whole about one player over another. Anything that is quick and easy to handle or which is considered to be a more urgent issue will be selected first. All requests that require research of any kind are going to take time, into a number of weeks quite possibly. The amount of time passing will depend on what kind of research needs to be done. This is no way intentioned to punish or show a preference from one player to another, but simply just a consequence of time available to provide this service.

I am writing all of this to ask in advance for the community's understanding and ever continued patience when making a claim or complaint in the Grievance forum. We will continue to do our best to to serve the community with this feature of Layonara.

The following users thanked this post: Drizzlin, Serissa, LordCove, Hellblazer, Ravemore, Tanman, Link092

Character Stable / Now Accepting Donations!
« on: December 05, 2013, 11:51:14 am »
The Character Stable is open to the public for donated submissions!For all of you who have more character ideas than you know what to do with, here's one productive and generous way to aid the community. These submissions will primarily be for those folks who are new to the server and may struggle (for various reasons) with getting an appropriate character passed the character approval process. These reasons include but are not limited to:
  • age
  • unfamiliarity with the world
  • language difficulties
  • being new to RP
  • being new to online community games in general
We would like, as a community, to help these folks out and allow them a way to come join us.
For those who are interested in aiding us here, here are a few 'legalities' to protect both you and the player.
  • Make certain you are ready to release this character into someone else's hands! We want to let them develop the character as they see fit to do so. Please don't submit a character you are in love with the concept with because another's perception may be very different.
  • Once you submit the character, all the edits will be done directly by the GM/CA team to make it immediately insert-able to the world (with the exception of the needed edits by the new player).
  • Once you submit the character, it belongs to the stable and no longer to the submitter (this is absolutely necessary in case a future player would like to have their character be apart of the world changing events of Layonara).
As well we have a few rules that need to be adhered to. These are necessary in order to keep us from having to make repeated edits as the applications sit, among other things. Please keep these in mind when submitting a character:
  • Keep it simple. For the reasons listed above, please don't create anything too complicated so that new players experiencing some of these issues will be able to get right into the character.
  • Only use these standard races: Elf, Human, Dwarf, Gnome or Halfling.
  • Please only use these classes: Fighter, Barbarian, Rogue or Ranger.
  • Single class submissions only please.
  • Please only use the following alignments: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral or True Neutral.
  • Feel free to include deity information, but do your best to adhere as close to the basic deity information as possible.
  • No additional ear requests at this time (we may change this at a later date once we have the system up and running smoothly).
  • Feel free to include a suggested stat line up
  • Do not gear the submission towards any PrC intentionally.
  • Feel free to use any non-time sensitive lore, in fact we encourage this to help the new players become immediately immersed into Layonara. An example of time sensitive lore would be writing about the dark ages in the biography of a human. Non-time sensitive lore would be something like including that a relative is the guard in a particular town or that an elf character left Voltrex and would not be returning.
  • It probably goes with out saying that all characters need to adhere to the basic submission rules as every other kind of character, this includes content as much as mechanics.
That should about do it! It looks like a lot of 'rules' perhaps but if you think back to when you first started either here or in PnP gaming, you might realize it looks pretty familiar! Thank you in advance to any who donate! We all appreciate the invested effort to help other community members out.Regards,
The Character Approvals Team
The following users thanked this post: Serissa, cbnicholson, Hellblazer, Alatriel, Link092, geloooo, SteveMaurer, Aphel

Character Stable / Welcome to the Character Stable! (READ ME FIRST)
« on: July 27, 2009, 11:18:16 am »
Hello and welcome to the Character Stable. This is a new sub-forum of the Character Submissions. As mentioned in our submission policy posting, we are going to keep a stable of simple characters so those people not as inclined to write or are somewhat at a loss with Layonaran lore can start into the world with greater ease.

The rules:  
 1- Anyone can draw from this stable, new or old, though we'd appreciate if the characters were left for new players.  
 2- All players must correctly update the age/dates by the current date of accepting a character. You can look at the bottom of the LORE page, hop into IRC and use the '~layodate' command.  
 3- Submission to the server using one of these stable characters has the same requirements as writing a full character on your own. When you claim and submit one of these characters you are still agreeing to abide by the rules of the server.  
 4- If you claim a character and are approved, you need to log in and create your character within two (2) weeks time or the character approval will be rescinded and the character reclaimed to the stable for another player to use.

 You may:
 1- Change the details in the character biography to suit your personal taste. Do be aware that any and all edits will be subject to review and may slow the approval process. If you choose this option, please adhere to our submission guidelines and keep in mind that this is a Family Friendly server when altering the content of the biography.
 2- Change the character name to something more to your liking, but you still must abide by our naming policy.  
 3- Change the deity, but you will have to write support for this into your biography on your own and it may slow the approval process.

 You may not:
 1- Change the class
 2- Change the alignment.
 3- Change subrace, or race.

 1- Simply post in reply to a submission that is flagged: READY and let us know you wish to take the biography.  
 2- Edit the updated information needed above and desired by yourself (within the guidelines please!). You will need to do this in your own post, but you are welcome to copy and paste from the original thread.
 3- Post your copied original or slightly modified version as a submission in the Character Submissions forum and include whether or not changes were made/intend to be made and a member of the Character Approvals team will assist you from there!
It's basically as simple as that. Thank you for participating and good luck!
The following users thanked this post: Link092

Layonara Server / Congratulations Ycleption
« on: July 27, 2009, 10:48:03 am »
As the world of Layonara continues to change, so to do our needs and methods. Something that has seen many changes over the years is the process of Character Approvals. While the policies, procedures and expectations have evolved, so too have our means of choosing who approves characters to play in this world. At first it was a position held only by GMs and only those who wished to take on the responsibility. At some point, we opened up the position to the greater community, and in that the application process also evolved over time. Having tried several methods thus far, we have decided to try yet another and directly approach a long-time member of the community for the purpose of having this individual join the Character Approver team, rather than open up a potentially lengthy application process to fill a rather immediate need.

Please join us in welcoming ycleption as Layonara's newest Character Approver. We believe ycleption's time, judgment, world experience and positive presence within the community will be an asset to the Character Approval team and, through this, the world as a whole.

Layonara Server / ATTN: Characters with Circle Kick
« on: April 16, 2009, 12:08:39 pm »
With the recent understanding of what is buged about Circle Kick we are offering a short duration relevel to any who have the feat. This is a one time deal and only offered for the next two weeks. If you have the feat and wish a relevel, post here with a time I can catch you in game for the relevel.

The following conditions must be met:
- This relevel must be handled in the two week period Apr 16th - Apr 30th.
- Only this feat may be changed, everything else must remain the same, including everything that was chosen to allow your character to take the feat.
- You need to figure out for me what level you took the feat at. You can use LORE to find this information out.
- You must have all of your other skills written down/kept track of so that you can respend exactly as before. You can use LORE to find this information out as well.
- You must have enough time at the scheduled appointment to accept the relevel and respend your levels while I'm there (mostly in case of any further issues developing).
- No "free" relevels will be offered if a player mistake is made during the process and you do not contact me right away, in game.

The following users thanked this post: Link092

General Discussion / Printfection
« on: September 08, 2013, 03:08:03 pm »
I received this email today. If you have been holding off purchasing any of our clothing perhaps now would be the time to buy. I will remove this post on the 21st.Layonara Fantasy Wear -
We're celebrating our 3rd birthday with 30% off* everything. Hurry, offer ends Friday, February 20.
Shop Now & Save 30% - Ends FridayNo matter what you're looking for you are sure to find something from our millions of designs on T-Shirts, Hoodies, Sweaters, and more. It's all there for you to save 30%!
The following users thanked this post: Hellblazer, Kenderfriend

General Discussion / way to go SP Mod Team!!!!
« on: February 29, 2016, 11:02:23 am »
VN Boards - 2007 Module of the Year awards! 2007 Mod of the Year Silver Award
The following users thanked this post: Lalaith Va'lash, miltonyorkcastle, Thak, Chongo

General Discussion / Who Dunit Participants, Read ME!!
« on: December 13, 2007, 12:05:15 am »
It is not safe to log in where you possibly might load up, so please log in to IRC if you can and wait for the go ahead to log in. THanks!

The following users thanked this post: Serissa, Hellblazer, Mooneyes, major6

General Discussion / LORE Messaging and Parchment Folder Usage Returns
« on: February 29, 2016, 10:56:23 am »
LORE Messaging should be functional. Please be advised that you only get messages when considered in a Natural, Above Ground setting. In some cases some of the newer areas may not be flagged appropriately, but for the most part they are. Read more about the messaging system if you do not know about it, here: The Parchment Folder system is back online as well. Since we upgraded the nwn database to the same encoding as our web sites, this may solve some of the weirdness with the parchment injection, but this is not a certainty. Hopefully the combination of the web and the in game system will help alleviate any bugs. We will not focus much development on the system, hopefully it will satisfy some of the needs. Read more about the parchment folder system if you do not know about it, here: We still need to update the character updater, so newer characters may not show up on LORE until this is done. -o

Roleplaying / Holy Pools and Deity Relations
« on: May 31, 2007, 02:36:22 am »
Hello all! I just wanted to drop this friendly reminder (and notification to some who may not be aware).

When creating Holy waters, please consider what holy pool you use carefully. The rule of thumb is using only pools that are friendly or better (friendly, ally or the actual character's temple). When using a temple not of your own faith, please look at the prospective god/ess' pool and make sure they are also of friendly or better relation to your own, elsewise they will most likely toss out your PC for desecrating their holy pool. For ease of usage, at the bottom of all deity descriptions there is a listing of status from the perspective of that deity, and they are linked so that you can check the other side of that coin as well.

Thanks and have fun RPing!
The following users thanked this post: Gulnyr, jjkolb, SquareKnot, Stephen_Zuckerman, Lynn1020

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