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Topics - Rowana

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My Questing style involves a mixture of Roleplaying and bashiness. I would advise to go on one of my quests to decide whether my style suits you before you decide to allow me to run your CDQ. Please remember that the quests that I run do have consequences so the slightest mistake from you or your party members may result in a failure to complete the CDQ.
Generally my rules are once you the party is dead, the quest ends. Please take note of that.
Apart from that. Have fun, and I look forward to running your quests.
My times are as follows during the weekdays

2am-7am PDT

9am-1pm GMT

7pm-11pm AEST

Please discuss times as i am more flexible
In planning


Time slots


Layonara Server / Woodworking Quest
« on: February 12, 2007, 08:03:12 am »

The Silver Buckle / A Request
« on: February 10, 2007, 10:09:32 pm »
[SIZE=16]*Written in a fine blue ink, and carefully hung amongst the other fliers and pages*[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]The Freelancer is looking for assistance for finding of a certain few items. Receint food drives and donations has left us a bit short of certian items and we are hoping to give work for the needy in this. Please see Lee at the counter if you are looking for work. [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]We are also in need of the services of one Druid, as this job can be intrusted to on knowledgable in the ways of Nature only.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]~ Freelancer Management [/SIZE]
// Due to obligations both GM and RL IC posts and PMs completely acceptable. Thanks!

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Query to Who Dunit Questers
« on: February 08, 2007, 07:25:45 am »
Last night I was asked to add a PC to the private thread where details were shared for this quest series. I had to let the PC know that there was no such thread. I'm shooting now for feed back from the questers if you have an interest in such a thing. If I get a vast majority of yes, I will beg the powers that be, bribe etc to see if such an accommodation can be made.


The Silver Buckle / Story Teller's Night
« on: January 18, 2007, 05:12:23 pm »
[SIZE=18]The Freelancer Presents:[/SIZE] [SIZE=18][/SIZE] [SIZE=18]Story Teller's Night[/SIZE]  
[SIZE=16]Come and join us for the evening, share your tale, and share in the tales of others.[/SIZE][/i] [SIZE=16]All Tale spinners welcome. Please see Lee at the Tavern for more information.[/SIZE][/i]
//January 26th. Bartender available 14:00 pst/17:00 est/22:00 gmt/9:ooAEST Stories to begin as soon as we are able.

Rumour Has It / In a heap at the Wild Surge
« on: January 17, 2007, 04:36:19 pm »
*an Old Man sits telling his tale over a mug of ale. He nose and cheeks are rosie from drink, but his eyes are sparkling from laughter as he finishes his tale*

"... And so the old coot kept at the wagon master for immediate passage, screaming that Pyrtechon 'im self was on their heels an that if 'e an 'is wife didn't get immediate passage there'd be hell t' pay!" *He falls in to another fit of laughter. After a time he steadies himself*
"So the wagon master says, "If you really mean Pyrtechon I suggest ye get to walkin'! An 'e slammed the window shut and wouldn't open it fer nothin'! I swear the look on tha' man's face when the blinders came crashin' down... No amount of True could purchase."

*He barely manages to finish before falling into another heap of laughter. The lads around the table listening join in, some apparently understanding completely and others just laughing because laughter is contagious. The subject quickly turns to another man's tale of humor and the threads are spun, a light hearted moment in the musty grey-ness of the soot covered sky... Or was it?*

The Silver Buckle / It's Tonight!
« on: December 28, 2006, 10:58:24 am »
[SIZE=18]Freelancer Presents:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18]Storyteller's Night[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18]With a special, "The boss is away" Food/Drink special[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13]One loaf of bread (selections may vary) and Any juice (selections may vary) or house drink for 50 true![/SIZE]  
[SIZE=16]Please join us this evening and share with us your tales,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]All Tale spinners welcome, new or old.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=18]Tavern opens soon, Tales to begin spontaneously![/SIZE]
//14:00 pst, 17:00 est, 22:00 gmt

Layonara Server / Who dunit?-postponed
« on: December 20, 2006, 03:22:04 pm »
Sorry folks, have to push the quest off one hour. Will be starting 19PST/3GMT. RL screams again! *winks*


The Silver Buckle / Assistance to the people of Mariner's Hold
« on: December 17, 2006, 11:16:39 am »
[SIZE=13]*Written in careful blue ink and posted on the front door of the Freelancer Tavern as well as the back door. As she posts it she makes mental note to check the announcement often on her rounds to make sure she is able to translate for those unable to read.*[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13]As the plight of the people has become more desperate with in the town that has made us feel so welcome, the Freelancer's Tavern seeks to help ease the suffering of the people in any way we are able. To that end we have set aside time every evening to pass out the day old bread, juices and milk to the populace, on a first come first serve basis. We must limit the askance, so please bring all that are asking to travel to the back door of the Freelancer's at the close of business. There are also rooms available to those who have lost their homes, some requirements will need to be met in order for us to grant these rooms. If you are in need, please see Lee at the tavern.

This is the first stage, the most immediate thing we are able to do for the peoples of Point Harbor, and more assistance will be coming as soon as we are able to have it lined up and ready for the populace.


[SIZE=13]~Freelancer Management[/SIZE]

Quests Ideas and Discussion / Exploring the woodwoork postponed 30 min
« on: December 11, 2006, 10:26:58 am »
*points at subject*

General Discussion / ATTENION PLAYERS
« on: December 09, 2006, 02:12:21 pm »
The bindstone in Vale to Katia is temporarily fouled. It does not return players properly to the location, it instead returns you to a place with no exit. If this happens to you before you are able to REBIND to another stone, please seek the help of the GM staff via DM channel, posting on the forums or IRC channel. IF you CHOOSE to port yourself back via bindstone command the warning will apply to you irreguardless of circumstance, you will not be reimbursed for any losses. Please wait untill you can contact a GM to assist you.

This is a known bug and the fix is coming as soon as it's available.


Quests Ideas and Discussion / Golden Cloud
« on: November 25, 2006, 10:39:10 pm »
Sorry to do this once again, I need to postpone this quest a couple of days. Sadly I've come down with some sort of flu thing. After a bit of sleep and perspective of how ill, I will put the new time and day up. Sorry for the inconvenience folks.


Layonara Server / Golden Cloud
« on: November 13, 2006, 10:29:07 am »
I accidentally scheduled the quest on my son's birthday! *winks* So I need to reschedule. I'm looking at potentially a similar time on saturday. Please let me know if that will work!


The Silver Buckle / Story Teller's Night
« on: November 12, 2006, 09:05:03 am »
[SIZE=18]The Freelancer Presents:  Story Teller's Night[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13]Come and join us for the evening, share your tale, and share in the tales of others. All Tale spinners welcome. Please see Lee at the Tavern for more information.[/SIZE]    // November 15th, starting as near to open as possible and continuing until there is no one left to listen, or bards loose their voices.

General Discussion / Egoober-A quiet little town
« on: November 12, 2006, 08:50:20 am »
What was ment as a quicky learner quest for a new DM, suddenly turned around into an epic miniseries! It was well ran, and I think he's learned the trick to be everywhere at once! It was well ran and I'm looking foward to the next!


Layonara Server / Who dunit?-postponed
« on: November 06, 2006, 03:09:21 pm »
Please double check these two quest events. Post poned due to being overwhelmed with another project temporarily *winks*


The Silver Buckle / Freelancer Closing dates.
« on: October 28, 2006, 11:14:58 am »
[SIZE=16]Closing Dates[/SIZE]  
[SIZE=16]Freelancer will be closed on a few up comming Wedlars. Please take note of dates.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13]*a schedual is posted written and a calender like picture scribbled in with 'x' marked on the closed dates for the illiterate*[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13]Please look forward to up comming events![/SIZE]
[SIZE=13]~Freelancer Management[/SIZE]  
[SIZE=13]// Closed the 22nd and 29th of November. [/SIZE]

The Silver Buckle / Story Teller's Night
« on: October 20, 2006, 12:00:29 pm »
[SIZE=16]The Freelancer Presents:  Story Teller's Night[/SIZE]   [SIZE=13]Come and join us for the evening, share your tale, and share in the tales of others. All Tale spinners welcome. Please see Lee at the Tavern for more informantion. [/SIZE]   // October 25th, starting as near to open as possible and continuing untill there is no one left to listen.

The Silver Buckle / Freelancer Get-Together
« on: October 09, 2006, 12:56:58 pm »
*an annoucment posted on the bulliten with in the Freelancer taverns*

Many Inquiries have been made of late about Freelancers. Please join us this Wedlar in the tavern during normal operating hours to have your questions answered. We have invited much of the guild to be on hand for your needs! We look forward to seeing you all there!

~Tavern Management

Introduce Yourself -- Game Masters / Rowana
« on: September 30, 2013, 06:27:23 pm »
GM Name: Rowana or Whisper
Forum Name: Rowana
Location: Middle of the U.S.
Time Zone: Central Time (US)
Real Name: Rowana.... (okay, well it's a real nickname anyway)
Age: bit to close to thirty for my tastes
Occupation: Mother and career student

I've decided this old thing needs an update. It's been a couple.... almost four(!) years and some things have changed over that time!

I've been an active gamemaster here at Layonara since around October of 06. I've been a gamemaster since long before that. I am the daughter of gamemasters. I'm married to one as well (who bums here too!). Perhaps it shouldn't be a surprise then that we have a budding gamemaster in our ever-growing brood who is working on writing his first campaign at the time of this post.

Those exciting details aside I'd like to cover some things you should know about me as a gamemaster and player both. Firstly, before all things, hobby or anything else, family and friends come first. I have seen this hobby break bonds with both and I think it's very, very important that we all take time to spend time with family and friends no matter how much fun we are having (here or elsewhere!). Anytime you are dealing with me don't worry about AFKs or having to jump out of game or anything like that. I understand and support those decisions.

That said, I am a very passionate player and gamemaster alike. My favorite aspect to gamemastering is eliciting that same passion in players over any other part. I delight in watching characters develop in to near-fleshy creations with hearts and dreams and hates. This is regardless of medium, pen and paper or video version. Any aspect of my quests is open to follow up, so long as the follow up is lore compatible.

At the time of this writing I am apart of several teams. As such I am technically an inactive quest GM. That doesn't stop me from popping in and running an impromptu, or running a quest here and there and my CDQ/WLDQ/GCDQ  is open with the understanding that those requesting acknowledge the potential for extreme wait times. One of my accepted responsibilities involves contribution to the MMO team so please understand that I may simply just be unavailable or slow to respond sometimes.

My particular gaming style is story based roLEplay (as opposed to roLLplay). I'm personally more interested in the development of a character's hearts and mind over what kind of stats they have. I like the concept of the character be first and the statblocks/class/skillpoints to come secondary. This is mentioned only so that players on my quests or requesting me as a GM will know what angle I approach things from. You can expect me to reach all sorts of directions and to do research on your character on the fly to customize my quests to those present. CDT/PCDTs are especially helpful to me if you are interested in providing me with fodder to inspire or torture your characters with! However, don't mistake it for being any less dangerous then pure combat gaming. There are worse things then death! In addition to supporting the Calem Rule, “Act stupid and face the consequences”, I have a few rules that apply to all my quests.

1) Do NOT run unless I am giving a reason to. Travel through Layonara is already expedited by virtue of development tool limitations and hardware. In a PnP world we could RP a travel session where I might throw random encounters at you during that time as well as place clues to the goal at hand. I duplicate that to the best of my ability in the virtual setting so running from area to area may get you killed heinously or cause you to miss an important clue to the ongoing game.

2) Do NOT use OOC during quest hours. If you have some OOC need/emergency tell me directly or over the GM channel. I will take care of your avatar or reimburse you losses directly if something happens! Do not break immersion to the RP by speaking OOCly to the rest of the group. Additionally, if there are more then one quest running at the same time other GMs have to contend with the OOC chatter and it is really just very distracting to us when we already have a server full of chat to parse through to find our group's dialog. If you have an emergency, state so in the GM channel and log to take care of it. I will make sure to take care of your character's avatar as necessary, including but not limited to port service, return to group service if you are able to return later, after quest hours rescues. Keep in touch with me as you can (remember family and friends first!) and I will do my best to take care of you.

3) Do NOT rest with out asking. As I said in #1, I work from a pen and paper stand point and just because you are able to mechanically rest does not mean it makes IC sense or that it is actually ICly possible. Even in sleep I have designs on your character. They may dream, they may suffer some other effect during their sleep hours.

4) Do NOT make a skill with out some kind of explanation. If I don't see an emote or something from you over the GM channel/tell, I will ignore it. I have too much to juggle to stop the game and ask what that was about most of the time. Additionally, it breaks my immersion and I'm gamemastering to have fun too! Above all things we are here to have fun!

NOTES: If something I am doing is making you uncomfortable, do not hesitate to tell me! If you feel you have been forgotten IG, please poke me in the GM channel. If you have any questions, no matter how silly they feel to you, ask me, ask me!

NEW ROLEPLAYERS: I delight in welcoming new players to the art and hobby of roleplay and I never ever find a question that is 'silly' or 'stupid.' Do not feel like you have to be a experienced gamer to participate in my quests. Jump in there. Do your best. If you want guidance or assistance, please just ask. Do not fear that I will become angry with you and discipline you (I say this because, as crazy as it sounds, people have described this as a potential fear). If there's a problem, I'm happy to work it out so long as all parties are respectful and honest.

Finally, I am available via PM, email or IRC. I am not always at the computer as I have plenty of RL responsibilities but please do leave a message if you need something and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can. It perhaps goes without saying that if I am in game as a player I'd rather not be contacted about gamemaster things unless it's an emergency. Some gamemasters don't mind but I'm really in the game so rarely and I like to enjoy fully immersed RP on those rare moments I can afford to. (Emergencies are clearly fine however!)

Thanks for your interest and hope to see you in game! Have fun!

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