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Messages - Nibor21

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Wild Surge Inn / Official Notice
« on: June 18, 2006, 10:43:59 am »
*Pinned upon the noticeboard of the Wild Surge Inn*


Just for Fun / Get them while they are young!
« on: June 07, 2006, 03:48:05 am »
It is important to get all living things hooked on NWN. Thought i would share this photo with you.

This is my cat Loki (aptly named after the norse god of mischief) when he was still a wee kitten.

He rapidly became a big NWN fan and especially of the annoying parrot in 'Pirates of the Sword Coast' (shown here).

Alas when he hit his feline adolescence he left the mouse on my computer along and started bringing the real variety in - often still alive :(

Wild Surge Inn / Bewares of crook
« on: May 25, 2006, 11:14:32 am »
Karana warns all of crook in Hlint.

Hims try sell Karana house to left of Hlint bindstone. Was halfling. Now Karana think abouts it him nots give name. Keep face covereds and hoodeds. All bewares of him.

Him disapear when Karana demand to see key or deeds. Bes warned

LORE Ideas, Suggestions and Requests / Barbarians Isles and Lore
« on: May 03, 2006, 03:40:39 am »
I'm playing a barbarian who I say is from the Elksoul tribe of Barbarians on Krashin.

At present there is no Lore entry on the Barbarian Islands, and I was wondering if maybe I could have some input into building one?

In addition, while a barbarian, my character doesn't consider herself a barbarian in much the same way i guess Genghis Kahn didn't. When people ask about her I just say she is from the 'tribes' and say it is on Krashin. Is there an in game way to refer to the peoples of Krashin?

General Discussion / Help on playing a barbarian
« on: May 03, 2006, 03:32:26 am »
I'm playing a barbarian at the moment called Karana Elksoul, and am having some difficulties and would like some advice.

She is being annihilated in battle because of her low AC and I fear for longevity, which is a shame as she is a character that I really enjoy playing and feel is a very distinctive looking character.

While I don't want to knock how other players play their barbarians I want to try keep her a Barbarian in the true spirit of the game and not have to take the step to of taking the heavy armour feat. I feel see looks distinctive at the moment in an iron chain suit customized to give it that look of barbarian chic, and hefting a maul over her shoulder.

At the moment she generally likes to keep a cleric in her pack (Voon & Dulan you have my thanks) as it is all that keeps her from a permanent grave.

To keep her alive I always try to fight on the flank of a fighter, so the receive the hits and not her, but feel I am slightly endangering the barbarian ethos.

Any advice on feats etc to take ?( she is currently lvl 10 and has :- Armor Proficiency (light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Barbarian Fast Movement,
Barbarian Rage (3x per day), Bullheaded, Cleave, Luck of Heroes, Power Attack, Shield Proficiency, Uncanny Dodge III, Weapon Focus (maul), Weapon Proficiency (martial), Weapon Proficiency (simple))

Any general recommendations etc would be appreciated


Friend Jamesan use book all time, make notes and things. Jamesan wills one day write Ballad of Karana so needs know much about Karana. Here Karana write so Jamesan know what happen when hims not abouts.

Note to self. No use this book for tinder. Use other book for that.

Karana be givings much golds to friend Dulan recently. Hopes to buy house withs groups of friends, if ever find house.

Jin give tour of him home to Karana. Is even better than tavern. Karana hope gets home like Jin and Tegan. Is nice, especially nice havings boxes to store things.

Karana spend much times on Dregar with the Loom brothers and with Pig and Allgo and witch lady Lin'da. Karana enjoy and learn much, but prefers travel with Dulan, Quilus and Sh'anda. Is more relaxed pace withs them and Karana can be self.

Karana is thinking more and more abouts father recently. Dulan takes Karana to Krashin other days. Make Karana think of promise to self. Needs tinks about is

Must finishes now. Needs go dig copper for Jamesan.

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / Layonara - A most sober world
« on: May 01, 2006, 03:43:54 am »
For those who have PnP role-played and journeyed far and wide, there is inevitably one constant of every area of civilisation. It is the tavern/pub/inn/bar/boozer/gin joint etc.

A great deal of action seems to take place in these locations as well as some of the most important social and comical elements of the playing. There are always a wide variety of drinks on offer with varying costs and potencies. However the average pint is always cheap often cheaper than the cost of a meal.

In Layonara however the cost of alcoholic beverages is incredibly high especially when viewed in terms of the the Special of the day. From an RP perspective and an economic perspective this seems wrong.

It is more expensive to get drunk in Layonara than it is the scandinavian countries! (and that's saying something)

Shouldn't there be a 6gp Ale available in the taverns that has no special properties and is just RPing drinking, while still spending money?

General Discussion / Sonic Enchantment
« on: April 26, 2006, 09:27:57 am »
My PC Karana Elksoul is at the stage where she wants a lesser (2nd level) enchantment for her maul. Now I understand that sonic enchantments are essentially never seen because of the value and scarcity of the diamonds required to make them.

However from and RP perspective it is important that the extra damage given is like 'the thunder of the Elks hooves', and as such am curious to find out if anyone can  provide a lesser sonic enchantment and how much it would cost.

I don't mind paying extra for it as it is right for both the PC and her weapon.

Many thanks,


Wild Surge Inn / Karana say thanks
« on: April 25, 2006, 02:33:58 pm »
Was strange day. Karana, Quilus, Ketibjorn, Vellucia and Dulan goes to Storans Crypt. Duland casts many cleric spells to makes immune to everything. We kills all bodaks and things. Something go wrong somewheres and we don't finds proper key, so cants go down stairs in crypt. Karana remember sleepings in passge to stairway. Thens as we no haves key we leaves.

We gets outsides and Dulan realise he haves business elsewheres and leaves.

Then strange thing happens. The world turns and things go hazy. Karana maybe sees flash of gold dragons again but not sures.

Next thing Karana knows is back in crypts, in passageway. Is there with Ketibjorn and Quilus. Is no Dulan or Vellucia. Has no more protections from bodaks and mummies. Quilus makes us invisible and wes heads to door. We no has keys to door. Was Dulan who have key. So we is stucks in Crypt with nasty bodaks and things. Karana pray long and hard to Toran for help, but none arrives.

Then by luck Keti finds gap a small dwarf can gets out of and slips out.

Quilus and Karana heads back to passage way. Have only magic light on Karana maul to see by. Karana run out of waterand Quilus share his last with Karana. Quilus show Karana magic tricks and we tells stories. Karana and Quilus is sat huddled in corner of passageway completely invisible as undead walks all around. Eventually we hears noise. peoples arrive to save us!

Keti seems to have bought all of Hlint to saves Karana and Quilus. Geldar, noble Paladin of Toran was there and hand Karana canteens. Is good to have even hot water whens dry for so long. Was Toran's answer to Karana's prayers.

Rizzen Fallingstar was also in saving party and helped Karana outside and we returns to Hlint.

Karana wants to say big thanks to all who comes save her and Quilus from death or maybe undeath. Karana go get drunk know. All is invited.

Karana of Elksoul tribe

General Discussion / Player Housing and Estate Agents
« on: April 25, 2006, 04:11:19 am »
My PC Karana Elksoul and a group of hearty companions have essentially got tired of sleeping around camp fires or sleeping in flea ridden inns. Even a barbarian likes the odd creature comfort, like a bath once a month or so.

Therefore we have decided to club together and buy a house. However none of the Estate Agents on Mistone seem to have any property for sale. There are no houses available. I can't even get an idea of how much money I need to save. Is it 10gp or 10,000,000 gp?

So my questions are this. Is there any player housing available on Mistone? How much is it likely to cost? How do Estate Agents with no property keep in business?

Also do the GM's feel that it stunts the economy by not having player available? As a crafter I would love to have some more storage space to hold bits whiles other required components (my Ox would really like it too :D ). Of course the flip side is that PCs who don't spend large amounts of cash on housing spend it on bigger and better bits of equipment which again possibly upsets the game balance.


Trade and Market Hall / Light Iron Flail going Cheap
« on: April 22, 2006, 04:26:08 pm »
Karana has one Light Flail of Iron fore Sales.

Karana wants 1500 gold for weapon worth 2000. Is good deal.

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