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Messages - Pseudonym

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Just for Fun / Awesome thread
« on: November 21, 2009, 02:53:40 am »
Hey, I just found a really cool thread. If you wanna be one of the cool people i'd go post something nice on there.

If not .. well, I have a long memory.
The following users thanked this post: Masterjack

Just for Fun / Praise for Dorg
« on: November 06, 2009, 07:49:37 pm »
Dorganath, our friendly administrator, can always be found
hard at work in these forums. Dorg works independently, without
wasting valuable time resorting to pettiness. Dorg never
thinks twice about assisting fellow forum members, and he always
finishes given projects on time. Often he takes extended
measures to complete his promises, sometimes skipping healthy
breaks. Dorg is a dedicated individual who has absolutely no
vanity in spite of his high accomplishments and profound
knowledge in his field. I firmly believe that Dorg can be
classed as a high-calibre contributor, the type that cannot be
dispensed with. Consequently, I truly recommend that Dorg be
promoted to Supreme Leader of Layonara, and a proposal will be
executed as soon as possible.

Character Library / Simple Simon
« on: September 24, 2009, 12:24:05 am »
Core information

Simon Sollis (Simple Simon)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 20
Deity: None
Stats: Whatever you want but obviously meant to be very low wis/int and high str.


The man before you stands close to six and a half feet tall. Guileless blue eyes beam forth from a smiling face. His expression is one of wonder, more suited to a child's face than a man full grown. A bull neck meets sloping shoulders of considerable breadth. The bottom of a large and ragged scar can be seen extending up and into his curly blonde hair.


Hullo. Mah name is Simon ... Simon Sollis. Same name as mah daddy, 'cept his name weren't no Simon, it were Pay-tel *guffaws* I mean his last name! *guffaws* Nobody calls me Simon Sollis anyways, nope uh huh, most folks call me Simple Simon. *guffaws*

*listens a moment to the question*

These 'ere folks at this 'ere farm are bein' real kind to Simon. Theys let me stay and ah do real good on mah farm chores. Strong as an ox ah is! *guffaws, pounds on his chest*

They ain't mah daddy an' mammy, uh huh. Mah daddy says after ah gone tousle wit' that horse *almost subconsciously his hand strays up and pulls a lock of hair over the scar across his forehead* that he no need no simple boy hangin' 'round eatin' all his food! *guffaws, not even a hint of sadness or bitterness* Cain't say ah blame him none, ah eats like a horse ah do! *guffaws*

*listens a moment to the question*

Uh huh, all sorts of stuff I do! Ah is real good at pullin' the plough when Betsy stood on that stone, uh huh. Ah can chop wood real good. Ummmmm, I can carry all sorts o' heavy stuff ah can. I done reckon I be the strongest from 'ere to Bydell! *motions with his hand towards the distant castle, it being a mere smudge on the horizon*

*listens a moment to the question*

No suh, ah done no like hittin' no-body *shakes his head ponderously* Why ah hit some folks iff'n they ain't done no harm by me an' mine? That ain't right. Iff'n they be baddies, sure ah'll give 'em a wallopin' *nods his head towards a large cudgel leaning up against the barn wall, well within easy reach* Ah reckon they be askin' for it then! Ah be real good at wallopin' too! *guffaws*

*listens a moment to the question*

No suh, ah ain't never 'eard o' none o' them. Drachs? *spits out the obviously unfamiliar word* They real baddies you say? Well, ah reckon ah better help, then, uh huh *guffaws* Sounds like you folks need a hand ah reckon.

*And without further ado, Simple Simon Sollis walked away from the life he knew, uh huh.*
The following users thanked this post: Lance Stargazer

Roleplaying / Two Pet Hates
« on: September 17, 2009, 06:25:44 am »
Okay, maybe hate is too strong a word. The word 'hate' implies a depth of feeling I normally reserve for those things that peeve me in real life, not my chosen leisure activity.

Let's instead call these two pet niggles. Yeah, that sounds better. Less vitriolic by far. Now that I actually sit down to write about it, if it were not for the fact that Mrs Pseudo was watching Glee on TV and there is not much else for me to do, I probably wouldn't even bother. That said,

Please no forced emotes/feelings in character descriptions! Forced emotes have been addressed ad nauseum elsewhere for general roleplay but not (to my knowledge) for character descriptions, I am talking about the info we can read if we right-click (option-click) on your character.

You don't make me feel uncomfortable!

I don't think your gaze pierces me to the very depths of my soul!

Etc, etc.

In short, you don't make me feel anyhting, I decide what my character feels. How 'bout you just provide an objective narrative that describes what I am seeing and I'll fill in the subjective stuff?!?


So you've chosen to take up the roleplay challenge of a dark elven (half-orc, tiefling, etc) character. Good for you. A really interesting dark history, century upon century of brutality, cruelty, conniving and treachery. All interesting stuff. Hey, lets not forget those pretty nifty mechanical benefits but, of course, you have the compromise of being hated and mistrusted across the world to balance those.

What's your point, you ask?

Be realistic with what another PC would be able to see of you under your all-concealing helmet, hood, veil, etc!! If you can see with enough clarity to fight/spot/listen/bluff/concentrate/search/etc without penalty from the depths of your face covering - there is a fair chance I can see enough of your face to determine skin colour, glowing red eyes, etc!

I will accept my character cannot see ANYTHING of your face (hands/neck/etc) if and when I can see your roleplay reflect that the facial swaddling is so extremely thorough that you are stumbling about the place, three-quarters deaf and blind.

You're playing a dark-elf. Accept the roleplay difficulties that come along with the mechanical benefits. A face/race obscuring hood panacea seems, to me at least, a bit of a copout.

PS. This is not directed at anyone in particular.  :)

Glee is over, i'm off!

// A thread for GMs to record Frakk's donations of gold, items and services back to the tribes of the Red Light Caverns. //
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin, Ravemore, Lance Stargazer, Link092

Rumour Has It / Throughout Layonara ....
« on: September 13, 2009, 09:17:07 am »
.... virgins sleep a little easier, merchants with fat purses walk a little more safely, those with low self esteem feel a little bit better about themselves.

// The end of Arkolio Salvorre.
The following users thanked this post: Drizzlin

General Discussion / Seeking employment?
« on: September 10, 2009, 09:45:55 pm »

Seeking employment? ... hold on, I've already said that up there.

Probably easiest if you just go and look here!

This player event quest will be to fill a role as security/bouncer/heavy at the One Eyed Harpy in Vehl. There will, of course, be tests of a cruel and unusual nature to determine suitability.

Regards, Pseudo

The following users thanked this post: miltonyorkcastle

Rumour Has It / // Open invitation //
« on: August 28, 2009, 12:23:31 am »
*Arkolio addresses whomover of the adventurer set that might be gathered in Hempstead this day*

Sometimes a man feels ..


.. sometimes there is so much wrong with this world, so many things broken that a man can't help but think to himself, "Why bother?". If it ain't Milara, it's Rael. If it ain't Rael, it's this Dragon Cult. If it ain't them it's Fisty instead. Tsunamis in Tilmar, refugees starvin' in Belinara. The problems of this here world are just too big. Too many. Makes a man wanna stick his head in the sand and drown out all the calls for help. Silence the, you know, the need. The hopelessness.

*seems to gather his thoughts*

Anyways. I found this girl in Vehl, maybe about 8 or 9 ... real sick she is. Not likely to see out the season unless she gets help. Ain't nuthin' special about her. She ain't no princess, she ain't nuthin' special .. probably the world is gonna march on just like it was before regardless if she lives or dies.

*takes a deep (fortifying) breath*

I said I was gonna help her .. ain't no reward in it. Likely she'll be dead of something else in a few years anyways ...

*slight pause*

... but I said i'd help. You're welcome to come along too.

// Quest. //
The following users thanked this post: miltonyorkcastle, Lance Stargazer

General Discussion / Quest next week
« on: August 15, 2009, 08:22:58 am »
I was going to moan and complain about the dearth of AEST quests on the calendar but thought i'd try to attempt something positive instead!

Player event next week.

Starts in Fort Vehl, come prepared to RP. I will be doing my best to add interesting twists and turns to make a party gathering and adventure more 'quest-like'.

Hope you can make it!
The following users thanked this post: Ravemore, Lynn1020, Lance Stargazer, Verideth

Poetic License / Biographies for you!
« on: July 26, 2009, 07:37:21 pm »
Going cheap ... as in free!

I was reading lonnarin's latest awesome character biography and was inspired to write up a new character. So, there I went, writing up a new character when the thought struck me, What am I doing?? I already have 5 characters, one of whom is virtually exactly the same (mechanically speaking) as this new guy I was inventing. Yet, I was enjoying the writing of the biography nonetheless.

When the mood is upon me, I like writing character submissions. Seems a waste for me to write one up, run him/her for a few weeks and then put the (now level 9) PC up for deletion!!

Anyways, here is a bio that is free for the taking. *shrugs* Can't say that it is okay for approval as is, maybe it is and maybe it's not. Maybe you might want to take it as it is written and submit because you like the concept and it saves you from writing your own - writing bios may not be your cup of tea and completely an onerous chore. Maybe you want to take it and change it a lot to suit what you want to play *shrugs* Whatever. As soon as I post in here, it is all yours to completely or partially amend/modify ... until you choose to submit for approval and then all rights belong to Leanthar! (or, however that IP stuff works)

I will reiterate, anything I throw up in this thread, or anything that anyone else puts up in this thread is there for the taking for whomever claims it first. Once it is in this thread, no changing your mind and saying the biography is no longer available. By posting you are saying to whomever claims it first, 'It is now yours, as if you had written it yourself'. I trust that is pretty clear.

Maybe you've had an idea for a new character that has been rattling around in your head that you think deserves to see the light of creation but you know you haven't got the time to play them ingame? If so, post 'em up here with the undertaking you are agreeing with the emboldened paragraph above!

If someone wants to take this or any other bio placed here to go through the approval process, please post in this thread.
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin, Hellblazer, Link092

General Discussion / Joining the rank and file :)
« on: June 25, 2009, 09:28:00 am »
Hi everybody!

This is the post to inform I am stepping down as GM. I'm not disappearing from Layo, in fact I hope, RL and remaining DTs permitting, to step up my involvement with Ark as an active and roleplay-enhancing World Leader.

About two years ago I applied for a GM position in order to enhance people's Layo experience, primarily in the AEST timeslot given poor old Dezza was shouldering a lot of that burden on his lonesome.

The main goal of my quests has always been to get players to really think long and hard about their characters. To put roleplay flesh on their mechanics bones. To make players really think about what their characters would do in a given situation, a given moral dilemma. To put them in a place, not always comfortable, not always where they want to be and then see what they would do and where they go. Often my quests have a simple enough premise but I tried to have them involve something that had folks exploring the depths of their character's psyche.

As I write this, I remember one of my quests, early on, that had people magicked into behaving in a manner the polar opposite to their 'normal' sex, class and alignment. This stands out in my memory as a very 'typical me' quest. Hopefully fun. A touch of madness. A strange situation. Minimal set-up ;) A quest that (hopefully) by getting you to do something the opposite of what was normal, made you think more deeply about what was normal. By playing Lawful Evil for an evening, it made you think about what it really meant to be Chaotic Good the other 364 nights of the year.

Anyways, hopefully after two years there are some players who have a better picture of their characters as a result of my quests.

As to why I am resigning, no deep and dark discontent or disparaging remarks against any individual or the GM team as a whole to be found here! Of course there are decisions made which, as an individual, one might not 100% agree. Directions taken that might not have been the direction I would have taken were it my sandbox. Little niggles here and there etc yada yada but I can tell you there are no light decisions ever made by the GM team. No personal grudges. No favourites. No bias. Just a bunch of people that really do strive to provide the best server to be found.

Anyways, see you in game!

Just for Fun / Champion!!!
« on: May 24, 2009, 05:18:39 pm »
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:04] G'ork now dislikes you!
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:07] Arkolio Salvorre : Initiative Roll : 17 : (5 + 12 = 17)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:07] G'ork: *grins*
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:09] Sneak Attack : Arkolio Salvorre attacks G'ork : *hit* : (16 + 30 = 46)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:10] Sneak Attack : Arkolio Salvorre attacks G'ork : *hit* : (12 + 25 = 37)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:10] Arkolio Salvorre damages G'ork: 48 (48 Physical 0 Electrical)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:10] G'ork : Damage Reduction absorbs 5 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:10] G'ork : Damage Resistance absorbs 4 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:10] G'ork attacks Arkolio Salvorre : *hit* : (3 + 33 = 36)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:10] G'ork attacks Arkolio Salvorre : *hit* : (10 + 28 = 38 )
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:10] G'ork damages Arkolio Salvorre: 16 (11 Physical 5 Acid)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:10] G'ork damages Arkolio Salvorre: 25 (17 Physical 8 Acid)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:10] Arkolio Salvorre damages G'ork: 40 (40 Physical 0 Electrical)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:10] G'ork : Damage Reduction absorbs 5 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:10] G'ork : Damage Resistance absorbs 4 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:12] Arkolio Salvorre attacks G'ork : *hit* : (18 + 18 = 36)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:12] Arkolio Salvorre damages G'ork: 3 (3 Physical 0 Electrical)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:12] G'ork : Damage Reduction absorbs 5 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:12] G'ork : Damage Resistance absorbs 4 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:14] Arkolio Salvorre : Tumble : *success* : (10 + 36 = 46 vs. DC: 15)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:14] Off Hand : Arkolio Salvorre attempts Knockdown on G'ork : *hit* : (7 + 24 = 31)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:15] Arkolio Salvorre damages G'ork: 1 (0 Physical 1 Fire)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:15] G'ork : Damage Reduction absorbs 4 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:15] Sneak Attack : Arkolio Salvorre attacks G'ork : *hit* : (5 + 32 = 37)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:16] Sneak Attack : Arkolio Salvorre attacks G'ork : *hit* : (4 + 27 = 31)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:16] Arkolio Salvorre damages G'ork: 39 (39 Physical 0 Electrical)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:16] G'ork : Damage Reduction absorbs 5 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:16] G'ork : Damage Resistance absorbs 4 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:16] Arkolio Salvorre damages G'ork: 39 (39 Physical 0 Electrical)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:16] G'ork : Damage Reduction absorbs 5 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:16] G'ork : Damage Resistance absorbs 2 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:18] Sneak Attack : Arkolio Salvorre attacks G'ork : *hit* : (18 + 22 = 40)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:18] Arkolio Salvorre damages G'ork: 36 (36 Physical 0 Electrical)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:18] G'ork : Damage Reduction absorbs 5 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:18] G'ork : Damage Resistance absorbs 5 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:19] G'ork: grr
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:19] Off Hand : Sneak Attack : Arkolio Salvorre attempts Knockdown on G'ork : *hit* : (14 + 24 = 38 )
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:20] Arkolio Salvorre damages G'ork: 49 (45 Physical 4 Fire)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:20] G'ork : Damage Reduction absorbs 5 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:21] Sneak Attack : Arkolio Salvorre attacks G'ork : *hit* : (15 + 32 = 47)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:22] Sneak Attack : Arkolio Salvorre attacks G'ork : *hit* : (6 + 27 = 33)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:22] Arkolio Salvorre damages G'ork: 41 (41 Physical 0 Electrical)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:22] G'ork : Damage Reduction absorbs 5 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:22] G'ork : Damage Resistance absorbs 2 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:22] Arkolio Salvorre damages G'ork: 35 (35 Physical 0 Electrical)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:22] G'ork : Damage Reduction absorbs 5 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:22] G'ork : Damage Resistance absorbs 6 damage
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:24] Sneak Attack : Arkolio Salvorre attacks G'ork : *hit* : (18 + 22 = 40)
[CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:24] Arkolio Salvorre damages G'ork: 46 (46 Physical 0 Electrical)
[SIZE=18][CHAT WINDOW TEXT] [Sun May 24 21:13:24] Arkolio Salvorre killed G'ork[/SIZE]

Thank you. Thank you very much.
The following users thanked this post: Dezza, lonnarin

General Discussion / Happy Mother's Day!
« on: May 09, 2009, 08:43:52 pm »
To all the long suffering mums (moms) of Layonara and beyond, have a great day!
The following users thanked this post: pinkpowerbait, Lynn1020

Rumour Has It / Milling throngs
« on: April 26, 2009, 10:49:34 am »
*So many beggars. So many peasants. A thousand faces, dirty, worn with worry and toil, empty of hope. Each the same. Two less commoners, unknown and nameless to heroes of might and valor, return to the mud. Who notices or even cares?*
The following users thanked this post: Ravemore

General Discussion / Birthday
« on: April 23, 2009, 10:46:55 pm »
[SIZE=13]Yeah, lots of new rule changes and policy changes revealed this day, but is that the only thing about today that makes it special?

Pfft, they pale into insignificance when it is revealed it is Carillon's birthday![/SIZE]

[SIZE=24]Happy, Happy birthday![/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: Carillon

Just for Fun / Check this guy
« on: April 23, 2009, 09:28:35 am »
I remember a little while ago Chongo (iirc) posting a link to some footage of nutbag extreme climbers that just blew me away. Here is the bicycle equivalent.
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin, Stephen_Zuckerman, stolen

Just for Fun / Remember these??
« on: April 20, 2009, 09:33:54 am »
Anyone else remember these with much nostalgic fondness? When I was a young lad in the 1980s they were the MUST HAVE coolest thing around. I can't really remember that commercials but it did bring back memories of a 12 year old Pseudo gettin' about desperately wishing he was Rambo.
The following users thanked this post: Hellblazer, Link092

Just for Fun / 3,000 posts
« on: March 31, 2009, 03:20:29 am »
Wow, 3,000 posts.

What were the chances the 3,000th was going to be something frivolous and pretty much non-contributive to Layonara?
The following users thanked this post: Stephen_Zuckerman

Rumour Has It / Celebrations in Audira
« on: March 17, 2009, 06:35:26 pm »
*Word drifts across the civilized lands of a celebration to take place in the Sederan capital. Herek Ovarnger, notorious murderer,
is to be executed during a great festival of song, wine, dance, merriment and public execution.

In a time honoured tradition, Herek (the despicable) shall be chained to a stone chair and thrown into the harbour.

Don't miss your opportunity to ridicule and torment the criminal prior to his imminent execution!*


*In related news, fruiterers rejoice as the festival is one of the few times where rotten fruit fetches higher prices at market than fresh*
The following users thanked this post: miltonyorkcastle

Wild Surge Inn / Posted on the noticeboard
« on: March 11, 2009, 02:18:15 am »
[SIZE=18]Greetings fellow adventurers and adventuresses!

Some time ago a friend of mine had an idea to see the city which he called home safeguarded against the perils of gnolls that infested the hills nearby. A dream where the men, women and children of his city would remember the gnoll menace only in tales. A dream of peace. Sadly this man has passed into the great unknown that awaits us all, his dream of a Haven safe from the gnoll menace going to the grave with him?

Yet I ponder, need his dream die? What better legacy to remember this man than to see his idea brought to fruition and Haven forevermore be a haven for it's citizens as well as just a name.

If you too once called Pyyran Rahth friend, then heed my call. Such a dream as his might be something that can still be accomplished by those who wish to remember.

Find me if you wish to see this dream fulfilled.

Arkolio de'Averlain

[SIZE=10]// PM me if interested.[/SIZE]
The following users thanked this post: lonnarin

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