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Messages - Aerimor

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Trade and Market Hall / Exceptional Belt of Cunning
« on: June 20, 2008, 01:04:07 pm »
I have just made an Exceptional Belt of Cunning and am offering it up for sale.

Please place any bids here.

Bidding will start at 15,000 true and a buy out will be set at 25,000 true.


//Level 14 Req, +2 Wisdom, + 3 Search, +3 Hide.

Ask A Gamemaster / Attention ED
« on: June 13, 2008, 07:10:32 pm »
I was told to put this to your attention ED.  Which Shifter forms can not speak?

Dire Tiger (except animal)
Basilisk  (except animal?)
Manticore (except animal?)

Are there any others? Gargoyle for instance?

Thanks in advance.  If someone els ehas had this answered before, feel free to post as well.


Trade and Market Hall / Attention Eastern Trade Representative
« on: June 05, 2008, 02:27:10 pm »
*Notice posted in Lor near the previously posted Eastern Trade General Auction notice.*

Dear person or representative that conducted a general auction of goods on behalf of the Eastern Trade a few weeks back.  I am attempting in good faith to arrange payment and pick up of the Robes I agreed to purchase.  Is there any time and place I can count on meeting you? Was there some issue with the goods or your well being? If so, please leave a brief response here, so I can at least know not to ear mark the true for an item that will not be arriving.  My thanks in advance for your assistance.

In good faith,

Trade and Market Hall / Looking to buy
« on: June 04, 2008, 01:35:06 am »
If the price is right I am looking to buy any of the following:

Helm of the Guard  //This item is crossed off now//

Amulet of resistance  //+2 universal saves. //This item is crossed off now//

Exceptional gloves of Fury //This item is crossed off now//

Please leave message for me here or find me in person.  As I may not be able to afford all of these items for some time,  it may be on a first one or two available basis.

My thanks,


Trade and Market Hall / Looking for head protection
« on: June 03, 2008, 11:01:22 am »
I am looking for a hood, circlet, headband, wrap, crown, or helmet made a non metallic source or out of wrought metal (non worked.)  //Is that an okay way to play why druid can use jewelry/circlets/etc. but not other metals? //  

I will gladly take information of headgear that is know to exsist or negotiate for a item that you already have.

I am looking for an item that makes one harder to affect or has a useful effect or enhances ones ability to sneak, listen or the like.

//I'll take almost any useful item, one with saving throw bonuses or neat effects perferrable.  I already have a silk hood and helm of armor 2 (not that useful for a druid.)  Thanks for any help provided.//

My thanks and please contact me in person or by leaving a message here,


Trade and Market Hall / Buying Aloe
« on: May 21, 2008, 08:44:21 pm »
I am looking to buy 4 boxes of Aloe for 5,000 True.  If you are interested please post here.  All four boxes do not need to be delievered at once, one at a time will be fine.


Trade and Market Hall / Aloe
« on: May 15, 2008, 08:45:04 pm »
It appears I am also in need of Aloe.  If anyone has a box of three around, let me know wha tyou want for it/them.  


Trade and Market Hall / Topaz dust
« on: May 15, 2008, 06:57:13 pm »
I am in the market for some topaz dust.  I am currently unaware of the going price but will start asking around.  I do not need a huge amount, just enough so I can cast stoneskin without worrying about depleting my limited amount.  Please let me know the quantity and price you desire for it.  I will check this posting board frequently.  Or find me around Mistone.

I could also be talked into buying a box of greenstone dust if anyone is trying to unload one.


Ask A Gamemaster / Housing question
« on: May 11, 2008, 01:05:16 pm »
So who is the housing authority? Is there a GM I can send a PM to to ask a couple big housing questions?  Namely I am intersted in buying and its  alot of money.  I do not want to mess it up.  I have a couple techincal questions and a few availabliity questions.

Thanks for any help in advanced.


Trade and Market Hall / Panther Cloaks to charity
« on: April 27, 2008, 09:30:33 pm »
I am a practicing Tailor with an abundance of panther cloaks.  I wish to see these put to use, but am not looking for payment.  I will continue making these as long as there is more for me to learn from making them.  And then I will practice on other items and make more than I can use.  Is there a charity or organization that can put such items to use.  I will accept nominal payment or supplies, but if I approve of the organization or charity I will also let them go for no cost.

Please post here, or find myself, Aerimor, and present your case.

Aerimor, Druid of the balance and aspiring tailor.

Ask A Gamemaster / Exceptional items
« on: April 21, 2008, 04:43:45 pm »
Can anything crafted by a PC turn out exceptional?  I always read about exceptional rings, panther cloaks, fury gloves and cunning belts.  But can cobalt reinforced clothing, yew bows, instruments, lich claws, sunstaves, etc turnout exceptional too?  If not can you give me a general (or specific) guide as to what I can expect to have a chance to turn out exceptional and what never will?


Trade and Market Hall / Birch
« on: April 18, 2008, 11:12:47 am »
I have a few boxes of Birch for sale.  If you are interested, name your price.  I am easily found between Hlint and Hempstead most of the time.


General Discussion / On questions of Lore
« on: April 14, 2008, 12:34:05 pm »
Is there anyway to reset the user name or completly erase an email account from the LORE database.  When I was fooling around and trying to decide if this server was for me and learning everything I could, I signed up for LORE and then promptly forgot my username.  I am sure I could figure out the password but with out the username, I am stumped.  The email is  If you can erase it so I can reregister it, that would be most splendid.  If not and you can tell me what user name I choose, that would be more than acceptable.

Thanks in advance,

Trade and Market Hall / Aloe
« on: March 24, 2008, 11:11:03 pm »
I have a box of Aloe for sale.  2000 gold so I can get rid of it.


Trade and Market Hall / Looking to buy
« on: March 24, 2008, 05:51:21 pm »

I am looking to buy some gear suited for the new adventurer.  I have a limited budget, being new in town.  But I would love it if anyone could give me an idea of going rates for items I might make use of.  In particular I am looking for a shortbow, longbows, leather armors with protection enhancements, any jewlery, helmets, boots or the like with abilities and non-metal weapons with abilities or enhancements.  Scimitars would be acceptable as an exception to the non-metal rule.  Leave me a message or find me aroud Hempstead.


//Needs to be usable by 8th level and under characters, so it can be used failry soon instead of collecting dust in the bank.  Feel free to PM me with some detials or a meeting time or just find me in game.  Thanks ~D

Trade and Market Hall / Corn for sale
« on: March 19, 2008, 11:50:13 pm »
I have a couple boxes of Corn for sale.  Please leave a message here to arrange pick up and price.

Trade and Market Hall / Note in Hempstead
« on: March 16, 2008, 01:39:48 am »
For sale:

1 box Skeleton Knuckles
1 box Cotton

Looking for fair market value or a little less.

Will take trades, if you have extra items of value cluttering your life.

Contact Aerimor in town or by signing a time to meet here.  I will check daily.


Development Journals and Discussion / Aerimor Lightbringer
« on: March 13, 2008, 03:46:21 pm »
Character: Aerimor Lightbringer
Age: 115
Gender: Male
Class: Druid
Race: Sun Elf
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Deity: Multiple (Aeridin)


Aerimor is a very small, short elf. His demeanor is silent and appraising. His hair and clothing is worn. His black hair is wild and his green eye intense. Aerimor walks with a limp.


FindarA?to Lightbringer was old in years. His studies of Wizardry never allowed for much else. He took a young wife Nessa and moved to the hamlet of Whorilian off the Northern trade route in Ulam Forrest.

They tried to have a child for several years. FindarA?to retreated to his labs and made potions. None of them worked. Frustrated, FindarA?to approached the Wood Elves, a druid, Master Willowwood, gave him a tea to drink. A year later Verideth, my younger twin, and I were born. The other Sun Elves joked with him that the druid gave him some sap from the Great Oak itself. My brother and I were of slight build, but possessed minds as sharp as that of our father.

As the oldest, I was always promised to return to the Master Willowwood and study the ways of nature and earth. And my brother was to follow after our father's wizardly ways. While my brother and I saw each other every eve, our days were much different. I was wandering the forests, and learning about nature while my brother spent his days locked up in study with out father. Verideth always spoke about how boring his studies were, whilst I described all the new sights and adventures I had.

One such adventure when we were still young: While I was off in the woods, I came upon a panther trapped under a fallen tree. I shifted the tree to release the panther. The panther lashing out in pain and confusion mauled my left hip. But even through the pain I remember marveling at the speed and beauty of the panther's movements. While my hip never healed correctly and accounts for my limp, I was determined that I would help that marvelous creature. So after tending my hip as well as he could I tracked the panther, which was not too difficult. The panther obviously had a broken bone in its rear leg. So I did what I could, catching rabbits and leaving them out for the panther. After a few days of this the panther, Kalesh, allowed me approach. Kalesh even allowed me to tend his wound, which was not as bad as I feared. The leg was not broken; it had a piece of branch piercing all the way through the thigh. Kalesh by this point was tired and worn; he seemed to tell me it was alright to pull it out. I removed the branch and Kalesh only whimpered. Kalesh then placed his head in my lap and passed out. I bandaged Kalesh's leg while he slept and when he awoke he seemed in much better condition. He looked up at me and nudged into me, as if to thank me. From that moment on Kalesh and I were friends. He was grateful to me and I was now forevermore in love with the beauty and sleekness of the panther, of animals... If only I could move like that. I spent many nights dreaming of moving with such power and grace, or flying as a bird. As time went by and I came to know the extent of the damage done to my hip, I spent more and more time fantasying of becoming an animal.

When the time came to start our official training, I left to study under the druid that in his own way helped conceive me. My brother went to test for his training as a mage. I saw little of my brother for the next two years. But on one occasion he told me of his trip to the tower of earth and his foray into the woods. He seemed to have a natural calling to the wild while I just had a natural love for it. In looking back, I guess I spoke of it to Master Willowwood. For latter on, I learned that my master went to speak on he behalf of Verideth with my father. Anyway I learned what I could from my master, but apparently I was advancing much slower that he hoped. He always got a good laugh from my exploits. Like when I confused a fungus with rather itchy spores for one with a healing property. And for as much as I loved animals, apparently I did not even know how to approach those correctly. Master said I needed to loosen up for I always seemed to put the animals on edge. Except for Kalesh, that is, he was my anchor through it all. Apparently teaching me the ways of the Druid was like pulling and elk through a gopher hole. But with that all said, he said he had made druids out of less.

After two years passed I came to find out that through some real magic, father was having another child and Verideth was coming to train with me. Someday I must get the entirety of that miracle. My younger sister Elenna was born and my mother and father were thrilled. I never have got to know my sister well, but she seems happy and the rest of the family thinks of her as their miracle. Once Verideth arrived training went much differently. I was left to be on my own again for many of the days and my brother and I trained with the master each evening. Before another year was out, Verideth had already surpassed most of my druidic training. It seemed that he was a natural. Thank the gods for Kalesh, my constant companion. I have no jealousy in my heart for Verideth, but did he have to make it all look so easy? I spent my time doing what I did have a calling for. I learned to mimic the movements of Kalesh as best as I could. Using the forest to cover my movements and quiet my steps. While the animals had no worries of me sneaking up on them yet. My limited skills did prove to be more than a match for Verideth's dreamy gazes. I amused myself greatly on appearing suddenly in my brother's presence without warning. In a small way, I guess it was a small payback for him being so good at everything else.

The next dozen years flew by and our official training was complete. Verideth completed training with as high of praise as any before him and I was pronounced adequate and well set on the road to druidic mediocrity.

So Verideth and I returned to our father's home. A year of peace and happiness passed.

Then something happened. The Darkness came to an end. Many people stirred. Attitudes changed. Talked was heard of what was happening in other lands. Change did not come often to my people. The Wood Elves may shrug and continue on there way but Sun Elves do not change. I was amazed by what I saw. The next few years were chaotic, not something many were use too.

Riders came into hamlet of Whorilian. Hushed and angry tones were used. Political debate raged. Verideth approached our Father and asked permission to leave Voltrex, father was stunned. Somehow Father agreed to allow Verideth to leave after much debate. That night my father came to me and asked me to go with Verideth and keep him safe. Father always thought Verideth too prone to fancy and knew I would keep him lashed to practicality if not reality. I told my Father I needed the night to think it over. The next morning I decided that a change would be good; I was young yet and had the time to do a little wandering. The day after Verideth, Kalesh and I went to the Wood Elves and sought out Willowwood. We all talked about what was happening and said our good-byes. We three then set out for Sadinia and booked passage on one of the few boats departing.

We arrived on Serinty Bay in Tilmar and I was not ready for what I experienced. It was to dirty and artificial. What the people did, how they lived. They were dirty, smelly, slow witted and clumsy. In the land of elves, I was no longer... sigh... We immediately took the next boat out and arrived upon the land of Mistone, near Fort Vehl. And this is where the rest of the story begins:

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