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Messages - Kenderfriend

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 15
I've been visiting the temple on the island of Sadinia an awful lot as late... It's a lovely place, very peaceful and serene, it is calming to pray in there.

*he tacks a receipt in the journal of his donations for reference*

There. Now if I am searching for something and cannot find it, this will certainly remind me that I do not own it anymore! *he chuckles lightly*

But really, I feel it means a lot more if you give what you have to the needy when you yourself do not own much.

Just for Fun / Re: Player behind the Character
« on: March 09, 2010, 02:17:22 pm »
Okay... here's mine. I was bored anyway so I've been rummaging through older threads ;)

Real Name: Rachel
Birthday: April 15th
Birthplace: Cardiff/Caerdydd, Wales
Current Location: Same.
Eye Color: Blue-ish
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'7"
Right Handed or Left Handed: RH
Your Heritage: Welsh myself but rest of family is either Irish or English.
Fave Movie: Donnie Darko, Princess Mononoke
Fave Book: Don't know, I like a lot of books
Fave Fantasy Character: Again, not sure on this one. Hellboy is somewhere near the top of the list though for sure.
Married, Kids: Nope
The Shoes You Wore Today: I didn't wear any :)
Your Weakness: Lazyness...
Your Fears: Heights.
Your Perfect Pizza: Random veggies and sauces, I like experimenting with food hehe
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Smiley faces, I think I use those at the end of every flipping sentence.
Thoughts First Waking Up: Need the loo, need the loo, need the loo....
Your Best Physical Feature: Eyes.
Your Bedtime: 10 pm-ish. Midnight the latest.
Pepsi or Coke: Coke!
McDonalds or Burger King: Hate both of em... seriously.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate.
Cappuccino or Latte: .... Black Coffee :)
Worst (PG) Vice: Short temper/depression
How many times do you Shower Daily: I err... don't shower daily. It can't be normal to wash every day :)
Have you Been in Love: Nope.
Do you want to go to College: Yep.
Do you want to get Married: Some day.
Do you get Motion Sickness: Only on those flying metal boxes they call planes, and I've only ever been on one once. Dragons would probably make me feel sick too if they were abouts, or just falling through the air would probably do the trick.... *points up to the fear question*
Are you a Health Freak: Not really though I try to eat healthy (mostly)
Do you get along with your Parents: Errr..... :) My dad I do anyway.
Do you like Thunderstorms: Love them!
Do you play an Instrument: Used to play guitar.
In the past month have you gone on a Date: No
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: No
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Eh?
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Yuck.
In the past month have you been on Stage: No, and i'm not sorry either.
In the past month have you been Dumped: No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: No
How do you want to Die: Very quickly and suddenly, or if I happen to have the chance of saving someone from getting hit by a car or something that would be better.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Artist
What country would you most like to Visit: Anywhere not too hot I haven't been... though I havent been many places at all so there's a lot of choice.

Happy birthday!! :)

General Discussion / Re: Scavenger Hunt - Again.
« on: March 07, 2010, 04:53:17 am »
I would definitely love to do this again sometime, loved the first one and it's a shame more didn't want to go... though I think it might have been because there were a lot of things on the calendar for that day.

General Discussion / Re: Big Fun!?!
« on: March 06, 2010, 07:02:06 am »
Happy Birthday ! I'll be happy to bring my halfer along if i see you guys on ;)

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Keppli's bits'n bobs
« on: March 05, 2010, 06:52:09 am »
List Updated...

Keppli sits in a forest hugging the Wolfswood cloak with a sniff, with the look of a child thats just been re-united with its teddy bear...

Getting up with a half-grin and swinging it on round her shoulder she walks around near the borders on her 'patrol'. She likes to think she can protect the woods, though is more likely to land herself in more trouble... again. Through all her journeys and adventures and all these challenges she sets herself ...she's always trying to prove herself...! And doesn't do too well at admitting when she has a defeat.

"Pfft, I was just unlucky *laughs* I'll show 'em..! I really am good at archery."

She grins walking round her hands behind her head... and her head in the clouds most likely.

"Hah. What I didn't tell them is I was aiming at an acorn in a farway tree...!"

//I'd assume that somewhere there'd be a book with various simple descriptions and/or drawings/sketches of 'monsters', sort of like a D&D monster manual. And he could have borrowed it from the Great Library or any small one, but if I'm wrong and there wouldnt be one, or i've made some sort of error, PM me, I'll delete this entry.

I just thought he would go to more lengths to 'research' things encountered recently.//

I was walking along a path through Haven... flipping through a dusty book I had borrowed from a library. I do love books!

Scanning through the many passages I stopped at one section. "They may not have been from our world... but apparently we too have had demons in the past, possibly even the same ones have visited our world before. Either way, someone must have written something. Word spreads as rumours at first, and sung by bards... news does not take long to spread..." I thought as I shuffled along.

Ah. Here.

"Pit fiends. Cloaked in fire and as tall as two humans, this hulking monster spreads its batlike wings and cracks its whiplike tail. Great scales cover its body like armor. Uopn smiling it reveals large fangs that drip with a hissing venom.
They are feared for their superhuman combat prowess, the intelligence that would rival a mighty wizard..."

That makes sense... it fits the sort of description of the Ash'khen. These here are thought of as some sort of devil or demon that lives deep under the surface if I'm not mistaken... and they scare me too. I remember one of us mentioned there definitely had been demons before on our world when speaking with the Ash'khen, and that we had slayed them, though I'm not entirely certain whether that was truth, or merely to try and dissuade the demons from visiting our world.

I ran a hand through my hair nervously.
At that moment my thought cycle was rudely interrupted by a group walking towards me on the same path.
There were a few dwarves and what appeared to be some sort of elvish woman.
I tried to be polite as usual, though I am not sure I like them terribly much, especially this one who kept staring at me with what appeared to be only one good eye. It was quite unnerving. He talked about Vorax for a long time and when he asked me I explained I didn't quite agree with Vorax's ways of battle. That dwarf lost it then, and spat at my feet. I fear that one had few marbles left, if he had any to begin with that is. They all headed into the mines nearby asking if I was coming along. I had explained I do not fight, but as I watched them go in, I sighed to myself and followed. I would feel terrible should they get killed so I went to aid them with my healing skills all I could as I often do with others blundering into danger.

May the Caring Light be with us always.

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Mixed Mushrooms for sale
« on: March 03, 2010, 10:58:55 am »
Fantastic! I will seek you out as soon as I can Master Görmungard.

Happy Birthday!! :)

General Discussion / Re: Stepping Down from GM'ing
« on: March 01, 2010, 10:20:42 am »
I'm not sure if I ever experienced any of your impromptus/quests due to them being werid times for me...:) hehe , but all the same thank you very much for the time and effort :) We all appreciate it.

A mystical woods... it had a sort of blurred and glowy etherealness about it. Soft amber beams of light pierced through trees above. Badger looked round slowly in wonder, and as his glance moved in front of him suddenly there was a white stag not too far off, staring at him. Then it turned and trotted a few steps before its gaze turned back to the small gnome.
His mouth hung open slightly at its beauty... then he realised...

" You want me to follow..? " he asked.

It just turned and carried on trotting over twisted roots and golden grass.

" Wait! " he jogged after it clutching his stick in his hand as usual.

The stag did not stop so while he followed it was always a small distance ahead of him, but just enough that he could see where it was headed.
Eventually they came to what looked like some sort of ... gate or door. It seemed to strangely fit with the surroundings, the gate being made up of curled white wood, or bone. He wasn't quite sure. Looking into it he saw a reflection of the world behind him, but it was in black and white... and neither him nor the stag were in this reflection.
The stag next to him had waited while he looked over it then without warning stepped through it, the gate rippled and blurred as it went through.
Badger bit his lip nervously then stepped in himself...evrything was bright white for a moment and he squinted. The next moment he looked around... and funnily enough everything was black and white... then slowly he saw something... a vision? maybe this was happening for real? He looked at his gray hand, usually tanned... and looked back up.

A towering demon of fire with bat-like wings.. a flaming sword... eyes that blazed like the fiery depths from whence it came bore into him and he fell to his knees racked with fear. Black rubble was strewn around the place and there were piles of charred bodies and black flames burning the once-golden patches of grass. The sky turned from grey to black until nothing but the demon were barely visible.

Tears fell down the gnomes cheeks and he turned his head to the white stag standing beside him.

"Please... you have to help..."
The stag disappeared slowly from sight.
He sobbed, seemingly at the darkness.

A horrible laugh escaped the demons mouth, echoing into the blackness.

"No one can help you now...!" It hissed and laughed again.

Badger awoke from the dream looking much worse than before he went to sleep. He fumbled with a shaking arm for his small glasses and the stick beside the bed and shuffled towards the library... to do some research.

General Discussion / Re: Rangers
« on: February 27, 2010, 12:31:06 pm »
Quote from: Warchild214

Well, lets see... if my math is correct.  Keppli, Enzo and Leaf makes three, but since Leaf is just starting out and not a member yet, not sure if he qualifies as a third to start a forum.

Rodlin and Dorena are already members :)  I think they said they were trying to set it up so the member number isnt the issue I think.

General Discussion / Re: Rangers
« on: February 27, 2010, 11:03:00 am »
Quote from: Warchild214
IM not looking to change the lvl req, but to simply add some minor tasks, quests etc over time to be able to complete to be initiated.  So lower levels can start thier training for the corp. long before they would even be considered for enlistment.

Thanks, that was kind of what I was trying to say. :)

General Discussion / Re: Rangers
« on: February 27, 2010, 05:28:04 am »
Quote from: Carillon
Keppli's CDQ to join the Wolfswood Rangers occurred before we had an updated writeup too.

Hehe, I have wanted her to join the group for about a year and a half real-time, so I just jumped at the chance :)
Granted she was level 17 by the time she took her CDQ anyway, I suppose she would actually have been given the chance had the rules not recently been changed.

Now having the title of a wolfswood ranger (yaaay!), I would say that I think there should still be a requirement for however long you've been on Layo, say the requirement could be a year real-time. I have said myself, that if this new rule was there back in the day when my character was starting out, I probably would still have waited until the sort of point I am at now. It means that newer characters can have the same chance to develop their character... (it can take a while to figure out your characters brain believe me;) )without the chance of existing members feeling cheated, that they put a lot of time before they got the chance to join and that because of this thread they're taking away any sort of requirement at all.

Development Journals and Discussion / Re: The Life Of Keppli Quickhands
« on: February 26, 2010, 03:04:39 pm »
It was tense inside the Lucindite temple.
Too tense. The air was thick with it.

Frent stood across the rooms from them in his blue attire, his eyes narrowed seriously as he stared over at the Battle Sisters. Next to him, a wisened old looking mage, who had the musty smell of parchment clung to him.

"Ah...the wayward lady thieves" he mused.

Keppli felt the anger grow and blaze inside her like a raging fire. She couldn't believe it. She'd come back to save the day, give back the cord and scoot.

Didn't look like things were going to go so easily.
The claustrophobic feelings of being inside a building with guards at every door were enough to create feelings of unease in her mind as it was. It didn't take much from there for the usual cheerful and jokey halfling to turn to her other side, her bad temper...

Frent was holding his hand out for the cord.
Keppli clutched it tighter and shook her head. She wasn't going to hand it over until they took the hocus pocus OFF her friends.
But then something happened that she didnt expect. They started to shout for her to just hand over the cord... Keppli felt confused, she was trying to help them! Save them and, and save Xanya's sister soon too! She had mentally promised she would!
Why are they suddenly on Frent's side? She quickly felt like a wild animal that was slowly being cornered... she didnt like it at all.

When a cornered animal becomes angry and scared...

It lashes out.

The mage started casting a spell...
Next thing she knows, her eyelids slowly flutter open, to see Ygraine above her, running. She was being carried like a small sack. She moved her head a bit and saw Xanya as a bear roaring in sheer anger while the others went after her....

General Discussion / Re: Hey kid.
« on: February 26, 2010, 12:39:49 pm »
Quote from: Lance Stargazer
I should be thankful for that , She loves languajes and if my actions made you give another way to say something in a diferent languaje. that is even better :)

So come on guys. Lets give her a lot of happy Birthdays in diferent languajes !!

Penblwydd hapus!! (welsh ;) )

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« on: February 26, 2010, 10:09:19 am »
Quote from: Dorganath
While not the exact thing being requested, there was this most recent discussion on item breakage and repair. What you're suggesting is a cool idea, but it's really not going to happen in NWN Layonara any more than a breakage system is going to happen. The constraints of NWN would make it too cumbersome and would require new resources just to support them.

Thanks for the replies Dorg :) They are just some thoughts anyway.

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Re: Keppli and Rocky change the world!
« on: February 26, 2010, 04:47:36 am »
  • Unused player housing?  Owned but not used, you mean, or available for sale?
  • I actually like this idea if it's to the end of having a housecat in the home - a "cat" deed, that is.  I can even think of how to implement this, if there's interest.

We meant that it could be for players who own the house, but haven't visited the house in-game for awhile (say a couple of months). When they do go back in it might make a nice touch to have a few rats scampering around... anything that might add a touch of realism. Thats where I also thought about the housecat deed idea. (sort of like Farkas who walks around the Orc Basher) and with the cat around the rats dont appear as often or not at all.
I would think that players who have houses would be high enough level not to get killed by them, heh, but just be a general annoyance.

14# If these are meant to combat the effects of exposure in cold weather areas, and then be "used up"... that's more or less what fires are for. If it's just for RP... I don't see any problem with that either.

It was just meant for RP purposes really.

# Already got 'em. Discarded Pitchfork, Stone Cutting Knife, Rusty Armour, Torn Hide Armour....

We see what you're saying... but those are all weapons in their own form with just minuses to attack rolls. You can still get them out and bash things. We were thinking more along the lines of loot in that everything you find is always intact. So it might be nice once in awhile to find a 'broken' version of something, i.e. A broken copper longsword. You cant equip it as its in two pieces from whatever hardships its been through but that led on to another idea, say a NPC blacksmith in the smithies who will fix some items for a certain fee.

We already drop so many non-broken items, I'd be inclined to think that most adventurers would just toss the broken sword in the trash and pull another one out of the umbrella stand near the door.

I wouldnt have thought so if the said 'fee' to fix a broken sword was less than the price of the actual sword.

And yes.. we miss Gelatinous Cubes. :) They're great in tight corridors

General Discussion / Re: Happy birthday merlin
« on: February 24, 2010, 06:48:06 am »
Happy Birthday!! :)

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