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Messages - davidhoff

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Fixed Bugs / Crafting Loom costs trues and not always symetrical
« on: February 03, 2013, 07:59:12 am »
Description:  I had Griff at the armor crafting loom in Mariners and he ended up spending about $2k trues on some changes I made.  I thought it was supposed to be free now?  Also, I noticed that for the bicepts and thighs when "both" is selected, some of the options are not exactly symetrical and represent different looks.

Location:  Mariner's General Crafting area loom (the station that looks like a ore smelter)

Reproducable:  Yes, I kept getting similar results on various tries.
The following users thanked this post: cbnicholson, willhoff

Rumour Has It / WANTED: Thieves to be tracked down
« on: February 01, 2013, 05:20:43 am »
*Tralek posts a notice on the bountyhunter and work-for-hire boards around Layonara*


I, Tralek Rivarmar, am hereby seeking an able-bodied group to track down the thieves who stole a shipment of goods from me and Vrebel.  I had a courier in route to the Saddlebag shop in Haven and thieves came upon him and killed my courier and stole the goods.

The group is brazen enough because they tatooed the forehead of my courier with a mark, the mark of a scarab with a tiny beetle.  I have visited the corpse of the courier and investigated the scene.  The courier appears to have been killed by a large insect.  I believe from the tatoo and the types of lacerations, that the group who perpitrated this belongs to a Cult that I experienced a long while ago out near the roughlands.

Seek them out and deal with them and any of my treasure still found upon them is yours as a reward.  Be careful, because they may lay in waiting.  I just want to repair the name of Rivarmar and let others know that I, nor my couriers, will not be messed with.  Come to my home at 207 Lor, Outskirts of Castle Mask, and I will give you more detailed information and directions.


//I have left a Treasure Map at my house at 207 Castle Mask.  The door is unlocked and I left the map in the foyer chest labled "Orders 3".  This will require an experienced group probably in a level 20+ range.  Good luck!

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Having a goal
« on: August 14, 2012, 01:25:52 am »
Ok, another idea here.  Well, I admit this idea was formed from some of the other posts from the Community Building thread, especially the one about being able to build our own town (sorry can't remember who said that).

Here goes.  I don't have the specifics yet, just the general concept.  What makes me want to log in is when I have a purpose/goal.  I like to be able to work on that goal each time I get on and add it to my on going investment.  That may be leveling my character, crafting, RP'g and furthering relationships, etc.  I kinda wish there was something else I could invest in.  I'm not sure what it would be, but the idea of making our own town was already given.  I really have no idea what else it would be, but their are more creative minds here than mine.  I think it would have to be mostly mechanical, but it would also have RP attributes for sure.  For example, I'd like to be able to go harvest some Mahogany, make it into planks, and add it to the list of "things to get".  It would be nice to be able to pull up a list like the "active crafters" list and see that I made a contribution and/or that the goal had been furthered.  Others would be working on this too and their efforts would show as well.  It could even be a situation where groups would compete...though it wouldn't have to.  Maybe their could be rewards involved or something could be errected in game to show the end project (statute, house, tree, etc).

Maybe we already have this in the form of CDQ's or GCDQ's, but it would be nice if it could be open to all and less GM involved.  Something where you could pop on at 4am and be the only one on the server and still put some work into it.

*steps away*
The following users thanked this post: Dezza, willhoff

Rumour Has It / The name of Le'Tennodin is heard
« on: March 07, 2012, 11:51:28 am »
*Two of the merchants in Dalanthar are overheard talking about a very special group forming up in the Thunderpeaks.  The red-bearded armor merchant swears he heard some green-haired elven adventurer speak the name Le'Tennodin but can not believe his ears.  The clean-faced elven archery merchant shakes his head slowly and explains that that name has been long forgotten and such rumors are only elven folk lore.  The elf laughs a bit and explains further that it is said all that seek the cursed ruins of Le'Tennodin have never returned.  Then the two go about their business outwardly amused.

Meanwhile, those who know them to be Vrebel and Tralek begin to make camp in the Thunderpeaks*

//To my knowledge, this dungeon has never been conquered by any PC adventuring group and is near-impossible-dangerous.  Only those who want to attend will learn of the date and time.  If you are interested to hear more about this trip, please post here to this RP thread (help build the suspense) and involve your chararcter somehow with the group meeting in the Thunderpeaks.  Once I see your post, I'll PM you the details.  Or, if you prefer, PM me or send a TELL in game, and I'll give you the details.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith

Ask A Gamemaster / Elemental on Throwing?
« on: February 13, 2012, 06:50:32 pm »

I'm not sure if it was an intended result, but you can no longer apply an elemental damage rod to throwing weapons (ie, darts, throwing axes, etc).  I know some work was done on bows a while back and this may be the result of that.  Is this the result you wanted?
The following users thanked this post: Masterjack

Trade and Market Hall / Auction for a couple items
« on: November 06, 2011, 04:47:39 pm »
*Tralek posts an auction notice on the trade board at Center.  Listed as underwriters are Vrebel, Tralek and Gorm.  The items and conditions are described thereon*

Wailing String (short bow)
Ability Score: -2 Str
Attack Bonus: +3
Massive Crit: 1d8
Mighty: +3
Only Usable by: AA, Bard, Chaotic, Evil, Neutral, Ranger, Rogue
SR: 20
Unique Power: makes special arrows
Level Req'd: 24 (this is the lens price max, so level may be more than this)

K'halziras Holy Axe of the Azure Hunter (hand axe)
AB evil: +3
Bonus Feat: Weapon Finesse
Damage Bonus: 4 Divine vs Evil
Usable By: Ranger
Skill bonus: +4 Search/MS/Listen
Level Req'd: 22

Both items minimum bid 30,000 true.  Auction will last for 7 days from this post.  If I feel an item is bidding hot near the end, then I will keep that item open at my discretion.
The following users thanked this post: Guardian 452

Ask A Gamemaster / Paladin Detect Evil and Detect Diety
« on: October 21, 2011, 04:35:34 am »
Ok, sorry for all my recent posts about evil/good things, but I have been wanting to clear some of these things floating in my head.

I've read several threads about Paladin's and detecting evil.  I realise that a Paladin has the ability to detect evil.  I understand the general idea is that encounters should be properly roleplayed, and through tells, to hash out whether the paladin can detect evil or get a general bad feeling about an evil character.  I still have some questions though I hope can be answered:

1.  Can the Detect Evil feat/skill of a Paladin be used when a GM is not present?  If a GM is not there, can I send a tell to a player and tell them I'm trying to detect if they are evil?  If so, what would be the proper response by the evil character?

2.  Does having "evil" mechanically in your alignment axis always make you evil, or does it have more to do with the evil character's in-game actions as witnessed by my character?  For example, if my Paladin meets a mechanically "evil" character but the evil character does not show any evil intent and acts more in a good way, would my character really know to try to detect evil?  Would it be acceptable for my character to party up and explore with a mechanically "evil" character as long as the evil character is not showing any signs of being evil?  Or, is it my duty, as a paladin, to detect evil on all newly met characters as standard operating procedure for paladins?

3.  This question is more of a diety question.  Are Paladins trained to recognize and identify another character's diety?  Paladins don't have the spell, Divine Relation, like clerics, but are they able to tell another's diety through their divine powers and training?  Or, would I only be able to tell based on the other character's words/actions/clothing, etc.?  If my paladin wouldn't automatically know, then I guess the best way is to send a tell to the other player asking if there is anything about their character's words/actions/clothing, etc that would indicate to my character who their diety is?

Thanks for any feedback
The following users thanked this post: Aphel

Ask A Gamemaster / Do Drach's worship a god?
« on: June 30, 2011, 12:00:51 am »
Hi, do the Drachs worship one of Layo's deisgnated deities/gods?
The following users thanked this post: willhoff

Rumour Has It / Sedera Defense
« on: March 18, 2011, 09:33:08 pm »
*A small group makes their way back to Audira hoping their is still time, preparing for the worst and praying for strength*

//made this post so it was more visible to everyone.  I don't know why anything with the "dragonstorm campaign" does not show on the left column of my Layo home page as a "Recent Threads"?  Is there some way I can change my settings to put it there or some way to reclassify that thread series to make it show in Recent Threads?  Just wondering  :)
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith, willhoff

Rumour Has It / Trip to the Spikes
« on: February 17, 2011, 01:48:15 pm »

Rumour Has It / Bulls Eye
« on: January 21, 2011, 02:00:26 pm »
*Tralek is seen entering the Bulls Eye tavern in Center.  He meets with the owner and makes conversation with him/her.  He explains that he has heard about the Story Telling event ( coming up and is most concerned.  He relays the events that occured at Willies Concert and explains how everyone is being watched and that any advertised events are now huge targets for the Cult and their coward mercs.  He urges them to cancel the event or to move it to a more secure and obscure location with high security.  With that he flips his cloak and turns to walk out.*
The following users thanked this post: Dezza, miltonyorkcastle, Dorax Windsmith, willhoff, RollinsCat

Just for Fun / Funny Animals
« on: January 05, 2011, 01:27:06 pm »
A friend of mine sent me this and I though I'd share.  Enjoy:

Hilarious British animal voiceovers. [VIDEO]
The following users thanked this post: Mooneyes, Shiokara, Warchild214, xsweetpeaxs

Rumour Has It / Voraxian Meeting
« on: December 03, 2010, 10:22:24 am »
*Griff Silversand has called a gathering of all Voraxians.*

Calandar Link:
The following users thanked this post: miltonyorkcastle, Dorax Windsmith, Chazzler, Alatriel

Rumour Has It / Griff goes to Huangjin
« on: October 25, 2010, 02:10:02 am »
*Griff Silversand is seen making his way to the Toranite temple in Huangjin.  He introduces himself and then asks to be seen by the "Learning and Lore".  If he is given audience, then he will show them a broken sword that he and some fellow comrades found while visiting the Moss Crypt in Dalanthar.*

*He will go on to explain more about this finding to the *coughs* best of his recollection:  That it appears to be of Corathite makings; Griff and his group were in the Moss Crypt looking for a certain amulet that a Bard had told them about; they found no amulet, but did find this sword; they also found a parchment that explained that the amulet was used to make the broken sword and the the sword was incomplete without a further component, a claw; apparently the amulet was supposed to be a gift from a necromancer to his wife; this necromancer was also seeking to become or had become a Lich.*

*Griff will leave the broken sword for them to research further if they desire and gives them the names of his comrades if they want to get more information from them.  He explains to leave message with the temple of Vorax if they need to get in touch with him.*

//this is a post-quest write up after Mixafix's "letters of love" quest.  Not sure if this is what Mixafix wanted me to do, but I'll PM him and let him know.
The following users thanked this post: xsweetpeaxs

NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Random spawns
« on: October 20, 2010, 06:13:28 am »
Was wondering (with the new update coming up) if it was possible for the team to desginate an area or certain areas to generate random/different spawns.  For example, lets take the roughlands, say you kill off the golem it possible for it to be coded so the next spawn would be chosen randomly from a pre-set list of creatures (trollocs, giants, spiders, etc.)?  Or maybe possible for it to randomly change upon each server re-set?  Just curious because it might be nice to have some of the areas changing a bit.
The following users thanked this post: Hellblazer

Rumour Has It / Trip to the Spikes
« on: September 21, 2010, 08:48:20 pm »
Tralek n Vrebel are planning a trip to old dwarven ruins atop the Great Spikes.  All hardy souls willing to make the dangerous and cold journey are welcome.
The following users thanked this post: Chazzler

CNR Suggestions/Discussion / CNR Gathering
« on: June 17, 2010, 05:01:46 pm »
I started this thread based on CNR gathering discussion origionally posted here:

I'm still trying to get a better feel for what the Team wants the end result to be for CNR gathering.  However, from what I've read it looks like there is both a "time spent over a CNR area component" and a "number of times you harvest CNR component".  From my reading, it seems that it is not out of the question that a particular CNR area (emeralds is what I'm really thinking of right now) can by harvested at least twice within the current 30 minute rule.  Granted you'd have to be very precise about when and where you rested, you'd have to kill creatures as quick as possible, work crazy fast to chip at the CNR, and God forbid you try to add some RP into that.

So, my point is then if two passes is possible for the ultra skilled and quick, why not just say the rule is 2 (two) passes for all CNR?  That way you don't have people looking at their watches and worrying all about some 30 minute timer which is not condusive to RP and can really take you out of the immersion.

I would propose the following rule then:

2 (two) passes for all CNR, and keep the 60 minute looping rule in place.  CNR not falling within the 2 (two) pass rule would be plants and sand type CNR (aloe, wheat, barley, sand, clay, etc); these would fall only under the 60 min looping rule.
The following users thanked this post: Filatus, jrizz, Hellblazer, Ravemore, willhoff

Rumour Has It / Murder in Stormcrest
« on: June 05, 2010, 02:31:16 am »
*Griff Silversand makes his way to the Rofireinite temple in Vehl and reports witnessing the murder of Andrew Reid*

I was walkn me ox n heard some magics off by the big tee in Stormcrest.  I stopped n watchen n saw two folks magicn up.  I don't know what spells deh were castn.  One fella was in all black n deh oter fella, Andrew Reid, was in red.  Deh feller in black was doin most ov deh castn.  At one point Andrew came wandern round deh tree n looked loike he was dazed er sometin.  Dats wen deh feller in black started teh unleash on em wit oter spells n killed deh lad.  I tried teh make my way der, but me stupid ox trapped meh on deh bridge loike.  By deh toime I got der Andrew laid dead n my healer I trew went teh waste.

Deh feller in black claimed it was self defense, but den went down n collected soma Andrew's blood in a vial.  I don't believe em.  Den deh feller in black went invisible or disappeared loike.  Deh feller in black had a acid glowin one-handed sword, seemed teh be elf in posture, and had n all black robe on with spoike stuff near his head n neck....really creepy lookin evil magicer toype.

Andrew came back a bit after he visited his stone n said it was cold blooded murder.  I believe em.  Ye should put a watch out fer dat dark feller I'm telln ya and bring em in ifn ye can.  Meh buddy Zig came up just after Andrew was killed n can be a witness teh what he saw te.

*leaves his name and a way to reach him if he's needed as a witness or for further questioning*
The following users thanked this post: Ravemore, geloooo, RollinsCat

Rumour Has It / Darkies in a Forest Cave
« on: May 18, 2010, 10:13:58 am »
*Griff Silversand makes a report to authorities in Lor*

Oi tell ye we were comin outa some fire opal cave in de forest near Corax Lake, when we got jumped by some dark elves.  De messed wit de wrong folks ye see, cause we was not no ordinary group; Dis was a Voraxian Warparty Oi was in.  We were lickn our chops when we spotted em, Meh, Zig, Unther, Gunder n dis carrot top Dot.  Slayed em all like rabid dogs we did.  Oi make dis report cause Oi member ear'n bout some darkies held up in Prantz loike.  Not sure if its related er not, but if de be de same darkies dat the Grey's had over in Prantz, well...let's jus say its not an issue no more.  By Vorax their evil has been put to rest n Lor folk can rest a bit easier now me tinks.
The following users thanked this post: Dorax Windsmith, Chazzler, osxmallard

General Discussion / Bonfire Bushwhackers - reschedule
« on: February 03, 2010, 03:59:44 am »
*Messages are sent out to some of the former attendies of the loose group that goes by Bonfire Bushwhackers*

Folks, due to one of our own having complications on our regular meet day and time, we are moving this week's skirmish to the next day at the same time.



//This weeks meeting moved from Sat to Sun; please see the player calandar; all future weekly meetings should return back to Sat as normal
The following users thanked this post: miltonyorkcastle, Chazzler, Hellblazer

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