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Messages - davidhoff

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 9
*Tipsy Oak strolls in and has a look around*


Ring of Wiz III = 4500
Total Took = 4500

In Lia's chest:
Total in Lia's chest:

Pear 3 at 60 = 180
Blk berry 4 at 45 = 180
Cran berry 15 at 30 = 450
Honey 22 at 50 = 1100
Beledona 4 at 50 = 200
Garlic 14 at 50 = 700
Skullcap 24 at 60 = 1440
Oak shortbow = 1500
Total Left = 5750

Old Credit: 3708
Total Took:4500
Total Left: 5750
New Credit: 4958

Lia's chest trues taken:
Donated: 450

* Priced at .75 x Lens Price
The following users thanked this post: Riven

*Tipsy Oak returns*


Platy Scale Mail = 3000
Ammy of Bulls II = 6500
Total Took = 9500

In Lia's chest:
Total in Lia's chest:

Bulls Ammy I = 2100
Bronze Full Plate = 1250
Total Left = 3350

Old Credit: 9858
Total Took:9500
Total Left: 3350
New Credit: 3708

Lia's chest trues taken:
Donated: 950

* Priced at .75 x Lens Price
The following users thanked this post: Chuckles_McChuck

Bug Reports / Re: Cleave?
« on: June 18, 2021, 03:10:25 pm »
This has been happening yes.  Seems random.  The pc just drops guard after a kill and you have to re-enage each enemy manually after that till the spawn is dead.  Then you'll move to a new area and all is fine.
The following users thanked this post: jadewillow

*Tipsy Oak in again*


Total Took =

In Lia's chest:
Cranberries 19 at 30 = 570
Total in Lia's chest: 570

Almonds 7 at 60 = 420
Blackberries 11 at 45 = 495
Garlic 8 at 50 = 400
Blueberries 5 at 50 = 250
Elderberries 4 at 30 = 120
Feathers 3 at 15 = 45

Total Left = 2300

Old Credit: 7558
Total Took:
Total Left: 2300
New Credit: 9858

Lia's chest trues taken: 285 (from Riven's chest; Lia has no trues)

* Priced at .75 x Lens Price
The following users thanked this post: Riven

Journal Post 13:

We finally met.  Kalbaren and I met at the campfire in Center.  He is very calm and pointed in his conversation.  I told him about my mentor Vycon and our training so far.  I went into some of our drills.  He seemed to be accepting to my work so far.  His focus in our talks was more about the whys.  He wanted to know a bit of my back story and why I wanted to become an Arcane Archer.  It was good to discuss this.  I feel he was searching for my level of dedication.  I think I satisfied his curiosity and I know in my heart I am dedicated and my explanations were thoughtful.  We became more comfortable as the conversation went on and it went well.  He also asked about my elven lineage and if I was drawing on that in my training.  I said I was, very much so, and that it was important for me to call upon the energy in my fathers blood.  He said I will get to where I want to go if I am dedicated and keep training and practicing.  I did not know that he was Dragon Called.  It was exciting to meet someone from those times and I had more respect for him and his service to the people of this land.

I hope we get to meet again and maybe even go on a hunt together.  I would like to see his arrows in action.  Until then, I will keep practicing and training to get to where I want to go by Folian's grace.
The following users thanked this post: Riven

*Tipsy Oak in again*


Total Took =

In Lia's chest:
Cranberries 26 at 30 = 780
Total in Lia's chest: 780

Total Left = 780

Old Credit: 6778
Total Took:
Total Left: 780
New Credit: 7558

Lia's chest trues taken: 390 (from Riven's chest; Lia has no trues)

* Priced at .75 x Lens Price
The following users thanked this post: Riven

*Tipsy Oak in again*

Firebrand scroll = 2500
Light scroll = 50
Total Took = 2550

In Lia's chest:
Total in Lia's chest:

Crows feathers 6 at 15 = 90
Blackberry 3 at 45 = 135
Walnuts 37 at 60 = 2220
Total Left = 2445

Old Credit: 6883
Total Took: 2550
Total Left: 2445
New Credit: 6778

Lia's chest trues taken:
Donated: 255

* Priced at .75 x Lens Price
The following users thanked this post: Riven

Roleplaying / Re: Rebuilding the village of Vale
« on: April 19, 2021, 11:22:55 pm »
Griff Silversand has 50 oak planks, 30 iron ingots and 20 platty for misc ore at 128 Leringard ready for pick up.

Special thanks to Markyl  and Ryubi for assistance in the Great Forest.
The following users thanked this post: Hellblazer, willhoff

Journal Post 10:

I made my first oak long bow!  I am very proud of myself and this is a great accomplishment for me.  I have also made many oak arrows and my wood crafting is growing nicely.  This was a large part of my training in becoming and Arcane Archer.  I wanted to make my own arrows and bow to grow closer to my skill of archery in the hopes that enchanting and imbuing my arrows would be a more natural process.  I feel more connected to my bow and arrows now and the channeling of my magic into my arrows is getting closer now due to my unique attachment to the arrows and bow I have crafted.  I also remember the words Ysh spoke to me that her Master, Kalbaren, had instructed her to make a bow as part of her Arcane Archer training.  So, I feel this is a milestone.

I saw Ysh the other day and we went collecting hickory branches for her.  We had some good talks about our paths to Arcane Archer.  She was talking about how she is intrigued by calling upon the magic within her to gain access to the Arcane Archer abilities and I was discussing how our heritage as Elf is so important and needs to be focused and meditated on.

My drills and training continue and I am growing closer to enchanting my arrows.  I can feel it and I pray to Folian each day about it.
The following users thanked this post: Riven

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« on: April 15, 2021, 06:54:04 am »
*Tipsy Oak makes some purchases*

See Invisibility scroll = 250
Grease scroll = 250
Fire Enchant II x 2 = 6000
Total = 6500
Total after discount = (6500 x .80) = 5200

5200 left in Enchantments chest
The following users thanked this post: Serissa

*Tipsy Oak in again*

Death armor scroll = 250
Continual flame scroll = 250
Total Took = 500

In Lia's chest:
Total in Lia's chest:

Ring of Str +1 = 1750
Skelly knuckles 25 at 10 = 250
Total Left = 2000

Old Credit: 5383
Total Took: 500
Total Left: 2000
New Credit: 6883

Lia's chest trues taken:
Donated: 50

* Priced at .75 x Lens Price
The following users thanked this post: Riven

*Tipsy Oak burrows bracers and amulet of dexterity and returns them*
The following users thanked this post: Riven

General Discussion / Re: It has been a bit
« on: April 14, 2021, 07:32:43 pm »
Here's a link to discord:

I just copied that off my browser so may not work.  You'll need to setup an account and look for the layonara group.

Also, Layo has now increased the level cap to 45 so Wren might be able to squeeze in Dev Crit like he always wanted to.

The following users thanked this post: jrizz, Hellblazer, willhoff

General Discussion / Re: It has been a bit
« on: April 14, 2021, 06:57:53 pm »
Great to see you back!  We miss Wren the giant killer barbarian!

If you make a test chaacter then Orth can move your old characters over.  Orth has been busy of late so I'm not sure how quick he will get to it.  You may not need your cd key.  Yes you will need a new copy of nwn ee.

If you can get on discord that is good because Orth and everyone else respond much quiker there.

Cant wait to see u IG!
The following users thanked this post: jrizz, Hellblazer, willhoff

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« on: April 11, 2021, 10:56:08 am »
*Tipsy Oak purchases some bronze full plate and left the 1250 in the same chest*
The following users thanked this post: Serissa

*Tipsy Oak in again*

Iron tower shield = 1500
Ring of Wiz II = 3000
Iron Scimitar = 1000
Foe Hammer = 1200
Total Took = 6700

In Lia's chest:
Ginger 33 at 50 = 1650
Ginseng 37 at 150 = 5550
Total in Lia's chest: 7200

Pecans 26 at 60 = 1560
Walnuts 13 at 60 = 780
Juniper 11 at 30 = 330
Total Left = 9870

Old Credit: 2213
Total Took: 6700
Total Left: 9870
New Credit: 5383

Lia's chest trues taken: 3600 [//Lia's chest is now completely out of trues; Tipsy took all her trues and also 41 from the donations chest to get to his 3600]
Donated: 670

* Priced at .75 x Lens Price
The following users thanked this post: Riven

Trade and Market Hall / Re: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters
« on: April 10, 2021, 01:39:24 pm »
*Tipsy Oak buys an alex bulls ring and puts the trues in the chest*
The following users thanked this post: Serissa

Post No. 7:

My journeys found me talking to a Ysh.  I would consider her attractive if it wasn't for her mouth....she can't stop moving it.  We did talk and found we have the path to Arcane Archer in common.  She claims to have a mentor by the name of Kalbaren who is an Arcane Archer.  This Kalbaren apparently instructed her to make her own bow as part of her training.  This is a fine idea and I already like this fellow and I hope to meet him as well.  This is good news for me because I have already started making hickory arrows and I soon plan to make an oak bow and oak arrows.  Kalbaren's idea of making your own bow fits into my own ideas, so I feel like I'm on track in that regard.  I have posted earlier that making my own arrows helps me form a connection to my arrows, so when I attempt to enchant them with magic, my hopes is that it will be easier to form the bond.  I will seek this Kalbaren out.

In the meantime, I continue to meditate on my bow and arrows and concentrate on my magic and the elven heritage in my blood.  I have been training and performing the drills.  I feel I'm making progress.  The magic in me seems to be wanting to go from me to the arrows, but I'm not quite there yet.  However, I can feel it wanting to.  It is frustrating but also exciting.  I know I'm growing and getting closer, but just not there yet.  I will pray to Folian for guidance and stamina.
The following users thanked this post: Riven

*Tipsy Oak in again*

Total Took =

In Lia's chest:
Total in Lia's chest:
Cotton 27 at 10 = 270
Black mushrooms 9 at 20 = 180
Honey 13 at 50 = 650
Total Left = 1050

Old Credit: 1163
Total Took:
Total Left: 1050
New Credit: 2213

Lia's chest trues taken:
Donated: Pretty sure I paid the 125 I owed...recollection fuzzy

* Priced at .75 x Lens Price
The following users thanked this post: Riven

*Tipsy Oak advices he corrected his last post (see post before this one) as he found his scribble paper and he makes this new post*

Alex ring of strength = 1750
Alex amulet of strength = 2100
Total Took = 3850

In Lia's chest:
Garlic 9 at 50 = 450
Total in Lia's chest: 450
(Took trues from Lia 225)
PS Gauntlet (cold 1d8) = 3882*
Cotton 10 at 38 = 380
Feathers 20 at 15 = 300
Total Left = 5012

Old Credit: 1
Total Took: 3850
Total Left: 5012
New Credit: 1163

Donated: (I owed 385 this stop, but Lia owed me 260 last stop, so I owe you still 125; will pay soon)

* Priced at .75 x Lens Price
The following users thanked this post: Riven

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 9
