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Messages - Teo

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Just for Fun / Layo Memes
« on: August 06, 2012, 09:42:29 pm »
Alright, guys and gals, time for a bit of fun. Gather your wry wit, humor, and pet peeves, and shove them into a quickmeme with a Layo theme. I bet there'll be some great ones. Here's mine:

Cleric of Aeridin

Edit: Attachment wasn't working. Couldn't figure out how to just imbed the image in the post. Tried using the image option, but it came out black. QuickMeme must be crafty.
The following users thanked this post: Teo

Quests Ideas and Discussion / More fishing based related quests!
« on: July 29, 2012, 12:29:58 am »
Perhaps an insanse necromancer has created a school of vampiric asian carp (or the layo equivalent of asian carp).  Ships gone off course, found with only the withered husks of their exsanguinated crew.

No evidence is found, only the corpses of the crew and the sunbaked remains of a few fish that got caught on board.

Someone must stop these bloodsuckng fish and their dark master!  Muahahahaha.

Perhaps an intrepid crew, led by an elite team of powerful druids and armed with the Holy Fishing creel of Toran is the only hope of Layonara.
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General Discussion / Apology to karma
« on: July 22, 2012, 12:04:16 am »
Hey karma, you logged before I could say anything, but I wanted to apologize for getting yet another one of your characters killed.

Its not on purpose, I swear.
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Just for Fun / Torts and Retorts
« on: July 11, 2012, 06:36:51 pm »
A famous one and a personal one.

The famous one being between Lady Astor and Winston Churchill

Lady Astor said to Churchill, "If you were my husband, I'd poison your tea," to which he responded, "Madam, if you were my wife, I'd drink it!"

The Personal one was between myself and my wife, who will remain nameless.  *grins*

The wife was telling me about a friend who will have some time off of work for the next few weeks.

Me:    "How did she manage that?"
Wife:  "She made a deal with a demon."
Me:     "So...What did you get out of the deal?"
Wife:   "What do you mean.... Hey!!  Jerk."
Me:      *Smirks, pleased as punch.*
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General Discussion / Happy Father's Day
« on: June 17, 2012, 12:22:20 pm »
[SIZE=32]Happy Father's Day all you dads out there![/SIZE]
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Layonara Server / Version 3.30.9 is online!
« on: June 12, 2012, 09:43:03 pm »
[SIZE=24]Version 3.30.9 is online![/SIZE]

 Hello all, this one has been a little long in coming, but better late than never.
As mentioned a few weeks ago, there are updated HAK and TLK file required for this update.
  • Fixed damage calculation for     Darkfire/Flame Weapon where arcane PrCs come into play.
  • Fixed the drop for the Lord of     Le'tennodin to be more in line with server balance.
  • Tileset fix to battlements on     Bydell Castle and other locations that use that same tileset.
  • Fixed Alexei Petrovickiy's deity     and subrace
  • Tileset edge fix in “+City/Rural     Builder Base” tileset, specifically for Windjammer Bay
  • Tileset edge fix in “Rural”     tileset, specifically for Hlint Outskirts East
  • Tileset edge fix in “Mirkwood     Swamps” tileset, specifically for Battlehelm Moors
  • Fixed missing PrC constant
New stuff:
  • Ni'Haer's     WLDQ reward (!)
Not much new this time that most people will notice, but stay tuned.  There's likely to be some new in the next one.
 Thanks this time to Script Wrecked (who did most of it) as well as everyone who made suggestions or bug reports.
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Introduce Yourself / Hello!
« on: November 26, 2011, 01:00:10 pm »
Hi I am mady.I know merlin34 and teo.I relly look forward to playing.I hope i make some friends.
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Layonara Server / Version 3.30.6 is online!
« on: July 08, 2011, 10:32:46 am »
[SIZE=32]Version 3.30.6 is online![/SIZE]

 You will need to download and extract a new HAK file for this update.

 New stuff:
  • Leisa's WLDQ reward
  • Interior added to Hilm Castle
  • Added visible (though    inaccessible) portals in Blackford and Hilm to reflect plot events
  • Added NPCs to the Vault guild hall

  • Caverns of the Menace have been    collapsed due to plot-level events
  • Fix a bug in the XP adjustment    database code *
  • Jukebox conversation should be    private now, appearing only to the person using the device
  • Foundation guild hall door now    gives the correct guild name
  • Underground/interior tagging fixed    in Misted Village caves and related underground areas
  • Adjustments to the Citadel of    Toran in Huangjin
  • A few updated book and armor    appearances
  • Placement and facing of some of    the kitchen crafting stations in the Bull's Eye have been adjusted    to (hopefully) be easier to use

  • [SIZE=10]No    need to worry. No one was shorted XP as a result of this.[/SIZE]
 [SIZE=13]Thanks again go to Alatriel and Script Wrecked for their contributions to this update.[/SIZE]
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The Dragon Storm Campaign / As the dust settles....
« on: May 21, 2011, 11:05:12 am »
Despite enormous distances, rumors seem to have a way of moving from the battlefields to he ears of commoners worldwide.  Each bit of news seemed to be bad as location after location fell to the forces of the Cult, most recently, and perhaps ominously, the Fort of Last Hope.  The one shining spot in all this seemed to be the oft-troubled town of Hlint, which was finally released from its quarantine with word that the Cult-made plague inflicted upon them had been cured and a seige by the Cult had been repelled.

But what of the army massing on Hilm Castle, the last refuge of free people in the Hilm Protectorate and rumors that Molvaren himself had been personally leading them in their seige?  This too seems to have gone well, according to the latest reports.  Molvaren is said to have abandoned his army at a crucial point and Hilm Castle was successfully defended.

More questions remain...questions which seem to have no answer yet. The biggest among them seems to be:

"Are we still at war?"

[SIZE=10](( More to come...))[/SIZE]
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General Discussion / Dragon Storm Campaign Finale
« on: May 21, 2011, 09:36:46 am »
I know it's been said several times, but once again I think it needs saying.  Thank you very much to the GMs that put their time and effort into making such an incredible series.  It may have taken a lot of unexpected turns and probably went on way longer than anyone had ever anticipated.  But that's how things go when dealing with so many pieces.  Now that we stand at the close, I can honestly say I am looking forward to what comes next.  It may be the close of the campaign, but it's just an incredible chapter of the story.  I feel very lucky to have been able to have had such an active role in it, and I urge those who felt like they didn't feel as involved as they may have liked to put in the extra effort in the next thing that comes along.  It's incredible rp.  People talk about how they want to have their characters become world leaders by taking on WLDQs but I tell you the truth- plot quests are world changing events and will turn your character into a truly epic character in all senses of the word if you let them.  It's the experiences that your character lives through that will make it so that you are one of those "old veteran characters" with the stories of epic battles to share with the generations to come.

So thank you Plot team for helping me change my character from a Toranite Leader to a World Leader.  For the heart-wrenching loss, and the stomach twisting anxiety and nerves, for the times my heart skipped a beat, and the mistakes I made and almost made, and for the triumphs that we all shared together, thank you.  Thank you for giving us the opportunities to find greatness.  I can't wait for more.
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Just for Fun / What a natural 20 should be
« on: May 05, 2011, 12:15:24 pm »
Just found this on a random forum post.

-Roll to climb
-"You launch yourself up with such incredible force that you end up in the stratosphere, roll for falling damage."

-Roll to hide
-"You can't find yourself anymore. Make another character"

-Roll to Pickpocket
-"You now hold the man's heart. He dies and the guards are aware you just murdered someone."

-Roll to use a rope to tie up a prisoner
-"It can never be removed by any means. You're a horrible person for doing this to someone. When the prisoner dies, the rope continues to bind their soul, resulting in some kind of freaky incorporeal undead that hates you."

-Roll escape artist check
-"You find yourself in the astral plane."

-Roll to bluff guard that you're taking over his shift
-"You've convinced yourself. You spend the rest of your life as a guard."
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General Discussion / Happy Birthday!
« on: March 05, 2011, 11:41:59 am »
[SIZE=32]Happy Birthday to my favorite 11 year old halfling!

Happy Birthday Mateo (Teo)!

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Just for Fun / Cat fun!
« on: November 16, 2010, 11:28:06 am »
Trololo Cat & Kitten Riding a Turtle!
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Rumour Has It / Strangeness in Vehl's Crypt
« on: August 26, 2010, 01:59:30 pm »
*a note is slipped under the door of the Dragon's temple in Vehl*

There's been something strange going on in the crypt next door.  The skeletons are using tactics they shouldn't have.  I've seen traps and caltrops and other signs of intelligence or control.  I couldn't find a necromancer, but that doesn't mean there isn't one.  We didn't find any signs of strange magic, either, but that doesn't mean they're not there.

Will keep you informed if I learn more.

Corrinne Smithsdotter
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NWN Ideas, Suggestions, Requests / Pawn Shop - Again
« on: August 05, 2010, 03:45:47 pm »
We all love finding pawn shop after pawn shop that is broke. The last thread about them seems to have died out with no one responding to it anymore. I had an idea that I wondered if it would work or not.

What if the pawn brokers had something(s) to sell. At high prices of course but things people would possibly pay for. I am not 100% certain how it works with them but I beleive this would give them money back to buy more things. Thus self regulating them to an extent.

I know their is the arguement that they have a limit so people dont just get umpteen million true from one broker and well I fail to see how a limit solves this. It just delays it... people will just bleed them dry, wait for 300 hours plus for a server reset and do it again. So they arent being stopped at all. Heck Ive done it.... I made a mad selling frenzy when I was trying to get funds for a house.

Unless the coin limit is there for another reason that I am not aware of.

Anyway... just an idea for y'all to kick around


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Development Journals and Discussion / Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« on: January 10, 2010, 06:34:06 pm »
//Bio for the record//

Character: Green
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Class: Fighter
Race: Goblin
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Green was just a toddler, so of course Green doesn't really remember any of this, in fact then his name was not Green then, rather it was Gorp.
It was a damp cold morning in the cave, nothing unusual about this, but the day was about to become more interesting. Green was running around the fire punching his sister much to his father's approval. Some sort of animal was roasting on a spit over the fire, what sort of animal no one knows.
His father heard a sound in the cramped tunnel that led to their small damp cave. Everyone stopped what they were doing and listened, except for Gorp who had to get one last punch in on his sister. Then all was quiet, except a rustling sound from the tunnel. Gorp's father picked up a tree branch that he used as a club and crept to the entrance.
Around the corner stumbled a young elf. The elf and his father locked eyes and his father charged yelling a battle cry. The elf, obviously in shock at what he had stumbled upon raised his hands, and a cone of flame flashed out (burning hands spell). Gorp's mother, father and little sister were lit on fire and died gruesome deaths. Gorp meanwhile was saved from the fire because he was behind the roasting animal carcass stealing pieces of undercooked meat while his parents were watching the tunnel. His sister he had shoved out from beside the meat as he wanted it for himself.
Gorp, after the explosion waddled out from behind the spitted meat and was amazed at what he saw. Three things that looked like the cooking meat, about the size of his parents and sister lay on the floor. Gorp was confused. Then he saw the elf standing there. Gorp looked around for his parents who seemed to have vanished, then he looked back to the elf, who seemed to have a look of shock on his face.
Gorp didn't know why but he found himself being led out of the cave by the elf. Gorp punched him a few times even bit him once but the elf drug him along. The elf drug him all the way to a small shack with a garden out front.
Years went by and the elf, Aust Moonbrook, tried to civilize the goblin. It worked in part since the goblin was so young when he found him. Gorp, or as he was now known as Green since Aust didn't know his real name, became vastly loyal to his new found father figure Aust. Aust channeled Green's energies into a bit of combat with a dummy stuffed with straw outside their meager shack. Green loved whacking the dummy and did it for hours on end beating the straw out of it over and over again. Aust encouraged Green as it seemed to calm the goblin.
After the sword (really a small treebranch) play Aust would teach the goblin facts from some books Aust had. Green didn't like learning at first but over the years he saw that learning was not as bad as he had thought. Thus Green was not the dumbest goblin around. (Int 13)
Green grew up speaking Elvish and Common with Aust, as Aust knew no goblin, and in fact Green only knew a few words himself.
When Aust decided that he wanted to see more of the world Green went with, as there was no stopping the Green from following Aust everywhere he went. They began to wander the world and find themselves outside a city named Vehl.
Green was intensely protective of Aust. Aust is the world to Green and Green will defend him to the death. Aust and Green begin to travel, with Green in a cloak and hood to try and disguise his heritage, but unfortunetly his goblin side comes out whenever Aust is threatened.
So even though Green is more civilized than most goblins he still has a hard time with right and wrong and good and bad. His god is basically Aust, and will do anything to protect him, whether it be an evil act or a good ones. He is selfless to a fault, only caring for Aust's safety.
//requesting an elvish ear. As far as the Goblin one I will not use it in game unless I find someone to properly teach Green to speak it. He would know a few words but nothing that could be used to carry on a conversation. Or if a GM needs to give him a goblin ear IG, I would simply not ask for it//
//Aust Moonbrook is being submitted by MateoEll, and I have his permission to use Aust in my story, and he has permission Green in his biography//
//starting city is obviously Vehl//
//his parents were poor simple goblin's who are now of course dead, so there will be no claiming for Green being the son of the supreme goblin overlord or anything like that//
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Trade and Market Hall / Dark Spider Silk
« on: October 09, 2009, 03:05:57 am »
*tacks up a note, while written well, is tacked up with way to big nails that look like they were for construction*

[SIZE=18]The Protector has procured a box of dark spider silk. Please let me know if you would like it. Send word to Stormhaven Manor care of Chaynce Baldu'muur, or the small shack behind it with the paladin proof chickens, care of Alton Tealeaf.

My Thanks,
Daniella Stormhavens Protector,

Chaynce Baldu'muur
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Rumour Has It / Horror in Hempstead Docks!!
« on: September 16, 2009, 12:16:18 am »
[INDENT]Word spread quickly through settlements near Port Hempstead and beyond.

A dark ominous cloud moved into the city Wharf. A cloud not a part of the weather of the world, with intent it lowered from high in the skies into the docks.

As it landed, panic and horror ensued. Many died when the cloud slid into their mouths and ate them from within. The local authorities have closed the docks until further notice while investigation ensues. No ships are allowed in and out of city (Please roleplay accordingly, signs have been posted in the wharf district).

Some commendation goes to Darthirae and Acacea, who having been around at the time were extremely helpful and saved many lives while dealing with the chaos.


Seemingly related, [SIZE=13]a children's rhyme begins circulating among the younger residents near the wharf, and then rapidly to those of other port cities such as Leringard, and with a short seeming time, even to Lor. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13]"When fog like night steals the light,[/SIZE][/I]
[SIZE=13]Blow it away, blow it away![/SIZE][/I]

[SIZE=13]When tendrils creep and beckon sleep,[/SIZE][/I]
[SIZE=13]Step away, step away![/SIZE][/I]

[SIZE=13]When rain comes down, wear not a frown...[/SIZE][/I]
[SIZE=13]Wash it away, wash it away![/SIZE][/I]

[SIZE=13]If sleepers left sleeping, no cause for weeping,[/SIZE][/I]
[SIZE=13]Time to play, time to play[/SIZE][/I]"
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**The neat writting of this letter is seemed to be taken with great care on its doing, the detail of every single character is taken with great care over the finelly crafted paper.*

[SIZE=24]The knight last will.[/SIZE]

I Lance Stargazer, or Lance Dragonbane hereby declare my last will on this piece of paper, in the case of my uttermost death, So all the affairs are arranged and no chaos would be spread over the mortal posesions that I held over my Life.

First and foremost, I have to say Thank you. My first material posesion and what I most apreciate, the will and this wonderful Feeling I have , The friendship, I've seen a lot of people over my years, And I can't say thank you enough to all the people who was with me on over this years for Good and worse. I'd be uingrateful to not to mention all of them .. I'd wish not to be such that, yet, I have to something good to speak about some of them speacially. Something that I know I have not told them , And I don't want to depart without saying it.

Chaynce Baldu'umur : My Brother in Arms. My oposite and eternal Rival, yet my closest and greatest friend, I know we have been away too much of late, but you are always in my toughts, Because you are the most stubborn people i 've met in my whole Life.  To you I leave ... My patience, In hopes you get well use of it. And Please make Milady Daniella happy.

Daniella Abigail Stormhaven The choosen, the champion the leader, but aside that my eternal friend and companion, how many things we lived together, how many foes we vanquished, To you i leave you: My quest for redemption: Hold the great leader high in your heart, and probably someday you'll understand what I feel or how I feel the path.

Tod Fellow .- One of my tests, But after all the great friend, I can only think fo yoiu and leave you my perseverance, you are a good man, but my you have such a knack to get in the wrong way, or to say the wrong thing, I know you hold no ill will, And because of that I bless you and wish you the best

Caerwyn Ahrail'lan .- My loyal Caerwyn, Always true to your own self, Always fighting that eternal struggle wiithin you, But true to me, in the end, I don't know about what brings such tribulations to your soul my friend, you life has not been easy, and you always shruged that alone, For you I've spared the peace of soul that I wish for you. And of course my full support for keeping the work you have been doing in the guild shop, I leave you my vote for seneschal of the guild.

Drexia Faison .- Milady Drexia, the kind soul, one of the most whole spirits this lands has met, I can't think in something apropiate to leave for you, your training has made you whole , always striving to do the right thing, and even after that, the woman I consider my friend, I could not leave you anything that you don't already have, just my thankfulness , And the hope you consider me as honorable in my dealings as I consider you.

Sil'via Serissa In'Darsus  Sil, at this moment of my life, I've found that Once you love someone the way I loved you , it simply can't stop doing it, you always had a place in my heart, but I am ashamed to admit that for years was not the most good one, But a knight shall strive to shun those feelings. To you I leave ... My forgiveness. We are now at peace Sil.

Galathea Arnaduillae The most worthy rival and friend i've had on years, I praise the dealings with you, Even at this very moment of Sadness, I hope my words of honor would be enough, To you i leave my respect, Since you've earned it whole heartly. Till wher we see on the fields of our gods, Till then have a wonderful life.

Argali Trueaxe .- The Heaartwarden, Another of the noblest souls on the realm, a caring soul inside the mighty defender body, Always ready for the battle and honorable in your dealings, To you I leave you, My secret stash of Audirian chocolate, your presence always cheer up my life and put a smile on my lips, I could not repay with other thing than that. But this is only a token, Since I could not see that smile again. Honored be you Haartwarden .

To the ORCBASHER GUILD My family outside the temple, to you i can't no other to leave my thanks, I've served with pride to be a member and seneschal of your ranks, Words would never suffice to thank you for all the teachings I've achieved with you, All the good and bad ends, All the bussines we made and all the people we helped, I cannot do other than say. It was my pleasure to serve you and wish you the best in the future:

Milady Tegan, Master Beli, Master Kurgin, Caerwyn , Abigail Firesteed, and our retired members  Serissa Winword, and Marcus

Friends amoung friends.

I could not finish this letter without this.

To my two greatest blessings, The moons of my nights.

[SIZE=24]Argos Stargazer :[/SIZE]
Beloved son, Know that your father is proud of you, and with my last breath I wish you the best, Take care of your mother, as you are the only one who can now, you are no longer a boy, you are a man that I am proud to call my son, Even with our diferences, I love you. I'd wish you but the best. I know i might not be the best father for you, But know that I tried the best i could, and eventually should have not done that bad, looking at the man you are now, you are bound to great things, To you I leave .. My redemption , you 've done that already, I free you from the burden your name carries,  To you i leave you My love and my honor.

have a wonderful life, And may the light of Toran shine always in your heart and soul.

And at last but not the least.

[SIZE=24]Iellwen [strike]Stargazer[/strike] :[/SIZE]

My love, My greatest test and my greatest blessing, for all the years of happiness you made me feel, for being my mortal support, the smile at the end of the day.

What  can I say to you that I have not told you now?  I am so happy for being able to share your life, and your love, I might not have been perfect, but know that I always stood true to you, I'd ask you an apology for the duties that forbid me to fullfill the promises I made to you. I give you my last name, Because to me you are my wife, The lady of my life, the one that I will always trully loved and will do. I cannot speak too high of you.

To you.- I leave All the blue roses in the world, All the smiles in the wind, All the sunshines that would fill your heart of joy, But above all I leave you my eternal thankfullness, for being you to me, For the ways you helped me to become the man I am, To you i leave my heart, you healed it anyway, so its yours for self right.

I'd wish you have a wonderful Life, that in time my passing would not bring more tribulations to your soul, I'd wish to be able to be better for you , to make you more happy, But It would be easy to say from the grave, isn't it?

With you at my side i felt I could reach for the sky, all what I have , All that its on my name. It goes to you. I'd ask you only for some things.

First . Don't forget the man who loved you, and how strong is the love he feels for you, I'll be watching for you whenever I am.

Second.- Give respect to Toran, I know it would not be easier, But please take in acout that the gods are not to be blamed on the actions of the mortals, If you sell some of the material things I've had, Please donate 10% to the cause of the church, I've always done that way, And I hope to fiinish my life that way.

Third .- Take care of our Argos, as you did with me all this years,  he is our most precious treasure, he deserves a lovely mother as you are.

I leave to you, All the my material possesions, The house in Leringard, all the things I've gathered in my travels, My journal to remember me, And the memories that nothing can take off us.

I hope with all my soul that I am able to see you when you decide to leave the world behind, Maybe there is a spot in heavens with a peaceful lake and a bed of blue and yellow roses, The grape juice serving with no end and the songs floating around, Maybe ...

I love you my dear Iellwen.

[SIZE=24]Lance Stargazer . Knight of Balance in Toran's service[/SIZE][/FONT]

**After the signature a strange family crest can be seenm described as a shield in white and black colors faceted in two with diagonal zigzag lines in the middle, the drawing of two eyes one in each side of the shield and a sunshine on the top of it

The letter finishes with a small detailed picture of some of them both and attached is the papers of the ownership of the house he has in Leringard*

// Credit to LC for the picture.
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