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Author Topic: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))  (Read 2808 times)


After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« on: December 18, 2009, 10:42:24 am »
//This is a thread opening up for post ship "landing" in Leringard. It is done here for convenience because of time conflicts and lack of availability for IG time.

Thanks in advance!


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2009, 10:45:46 am »
*Andrew, not being a sailor, helps by staying as much out of the way as his overtall frame allows while the ship hurtles toward Leringard with the increasing storm biting its stern. At the crash, he manages to hang on to the railing, his head slamming forward and his teeth almost biting through his lower lip. For those who fall overboard into the shallows around the shore he jumps in to help - a sailor he's not, but he swims very well. When everyone is accounted for, he looks around at whomever's left. His speech is puffy, as is his lip.*

"The Twin Dragons are close, and I have a room there. I'm going to make some tea - no, scratch that, I'm going to get a good stiff drink - and dry out by the fire. If anyone needs a private place to bathe and change, my room and tub are open to you - consider that an invitation."

*Wiping the blood from his chin, he starts limping toward the city.*


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2009, 11:22:05 am »
Herself in a bit of a state already, Anna sees to Connor, Katrien and Saralen (as necessary) after collecting herself from such a rough landing. Once people are collected and on their feet she is once again glued to Connor's side.

 At the announcement from Andrew, she glances over at Connor with an inquiring look though doesn't bother fighting the sound of the weather with her voice.


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2009, 02:16:58 pm »
Steel is one of those that would have helped keep the ship afloat until the bitter end, working with the sailors, some of whom, being from Leringard, might recognize him. After the crash, he helps any who need it find the beach. The thrashing waters do not appear to worry him despite the fact spanning them takes considerable time and effort. He powers through the waves, relying on strength more than finesse.

Once with those gathered on shore, and at the mention of rest at the Twin Dragon, Steel grunts a response.

"I can't be seen in Leringard like this, or for that matter, at all. If Leringard is indeed where we wish to meet and talk, I will need some added time to prepare. Otherwise, I suggest those that wish to recover in Leringard do so, and we then meet within the next few days at the end of a portal. As long as it is a place I know well, I can be there on any given day."


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2009, 03:15:02 pm »
* Caerwyn, though passingly familiar with the workings of a ship, wisely chooses to stay out of the way, unless and until asked to help. As the ship races its final furlongs toward the shore, he finds the best place he can to weather the impact of the ship's inevetable grounding. When the ship finally comes to rest, he debarks, likely no more wounded than most, and he does what he can to get survivors out of the surf and up above the tide line. He spends some time binding wounds (his own and others) and, once he sees Jaelle in good hands, heads toward the city and The Twin Dragon's Inn, nodding to Andrew Reid's suggestion of the timely need for a stiff drink. *

When Steel speaks, Caerwyn stops, nods once to him, glances over to Jaelle, and replies: "I have Seccea here in town. Let me know where and I'll get word to you as soon as a decision in reached."

* He then proceeds, wind whipping his cloak furiously, into Leringard. *


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2009, 03:26:45 pm »
From the morning after the ritual until present, Connor's endurance has come in waves, seeming to be able to move about and such rather well, though he takes more breaks than he normally would as his body recovers.

For the ship voyage, he stays out of the way with Anna, conserving his energy.  Once the ship is aground and his feet are on land once more, he makes his way in the procession to Leringard at Anna's side, her constant support making the trip a bit easier.

By the time they reach the Twin Dragons, he still seems to have at least a little strength left, but is definitely ready to be off his feet.


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2009, 07:02:31 pm »
After the crash when people start to figure out where they are going to be going, Jaelle moves quietly over to talk to Koro, Viperin, Alessia and a couple of the others to see what they plan to do before she makes any plans.


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2009, 07:17:21 pm »

*Upon returning from the market for the day, stocking up on much needed supplies she is informed of a few people struggling to the Inn, wet and tired.

She walks outside casting a simple shield spell against the rain and walks about looking for people she knows coming through the streets. She sees a few and motions them to the Inn with a kind word. She then disappears with a snap of her fingers.

She reappears behind the bar, moving between it and the kitchen using all her resources to get food and drink ready, using the occasional haste spell when needed.

She looks about for anyone she knows to find out what happened and led to this...

Alton, her halfling innkeepers helper dutifully opens and closes the doors and directs people to the fire to warm and dry themselves, pointing out where they can find food and drinks*


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2009, 07:44:37 pm »
* Caerwyn nods gratefully to Alton, as he pushes back his hood and proceeds to shake out his cloak. Draping it over his bandaged arm, he heads directly for the bar and drags himself up onto a stool. As Tyrian leans across the bar to ask, he shakes his head wearily and fixes her with a stare, despite the consideration she has shown him in passing the odd private note back and forth. *

* He speaks quietly, for her ears alone. * "Whiskey, large... and no questions, please." * He offers her a tired, warm, yet cautionary smile. *


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2009, 07:51:03 pm »
//The party is not at the Leringard docks. Sorry for any confusion, Merlin. They are miles from Leringard when they make landfall.

Clarity edit: They are not at the Leringard docks when they make landfall. Whether they go to the Twin Dragons after is their own business!


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2009, 08:19:58 pm »
Anna affords a little weary smile at the halfling when it is their turn to enter the Inn, guiding Connor and herself out of the way to quietly speak with the halfling before moving on. She spends a moment to thank him and ask after the Lady Tyrian once they arrive.

"Is the Lady Tyrian in? We would speak with her briefly if possible..." She pauses then adds quickly, "I would tend to this door carefully, good sir, as we've just raced a storm to the shore."


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2009, 08:26:16 pm »
//edited My Last Post As I Didn't Quite Know What Was Going On:)//


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2009, 08:41:54 pm »
After Jaelle returns from speaking with some of those involved in the trip, Koro lets it be known that he's not one much for cities and that he needs to spread his wings for a while before returning home. He takes a special time to say his farewells to Pallena and wanders off without much ceremony.

Saralen remain with the clump of the group, while Iona remains alone and when she is sure that none are suffering terribly from the landing, she says quiet farewells and makes her lonely way back to Leringard.

Viperin and Alessia stay at the fringe, some distance away from the group making quiet conversation with Dietro, they wait patiently for Jaelle.

((While I don't mind the thread to state the general actions of those involved, due to the sensitive nature of what was found, if there are any related discussions I would prefer they take place in-game, in the WL forum, IRC or PMs. Simply to keep what is rumor in rumor, and fact, well, as fact. Thank you for putting this together though!))


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2009, 09:20:48 pm »
Jaelle bids a sincerely fond goodbye to Koro--though with a couple of affectionately insulting parting shots thrown in.

She talks to Viperin and Alessia who stay on the fringe of things, and very briefly to Dietro. She listens, nods, and then returns to the group as they head off.

"All are in need of rest, it seems. But the halflings would prefer somewhere quiet, as would Dietro, and Steel obviously cannot stroll into Leringard at the moment. I am going to find somewhere quieter for our companions to rest and then see them off," she says quietly.


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2009, 10:55:26 pm »
*Alton looks up and smiles smelling a bit of dung having cleaned the stables earlier that day*

"Miss, *points* Miss Tyrian is behind the bar there preparing food for the people. I think she even has pie! I'll keep watching the door you go on and get yourself dry"

*she can look up and see Tyrian rushing hurriedly back and forth from the kitchen to the bar area serving as fast as she can and collecting no coins that she can see*

//answered for Alton as he's in bed ;)//


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2009, 11:21:38 pm »
*Andrew straggles in ahead of the brown-and-blue couple, smiling at Alton and requesting a full bottle of Silver Buckle.  He sits down by the fire, leaving the chairs to the others, opens the bottle in a smooth, practiced ritual, and pours three fingers into a short glass.  If Timulty is close, he offers the bottle to him as well.  Andrew drinks, watching the group, and listening.*


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2009, 11:56:10 pm »
Katrien is never too far behind Anna and Connor. The voyage seems to have effected her little, her concern for her brother and Anna weighing heavily on her face.  Her posture belies how tired she is as her limp becomes more prominent.  Flute and sketch pad are rarely out of reach, though the voyage was hardly conducive to either. She does her best to keep up with those heading to the Inn, but turns down spirits or ale in favor of fruit juices or tea.


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2009, 12:40:16 am »
(As is perhaps expected from the post above, Jaelle splits with the group as they head toward Leringard's Twin Dragons Inn to take Viperin, Alessia and Dietro to somewhere quieter.)


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2009, 08:28:47 am »
Sala gratefully accepts a hot toddy and spreads her skirts as she sits by the fire, hoping they will dry soon.  She keeps an eye on the others, watching for signs that further aid might be needed.


Re: After a haphazard landing.... ((Follow up from Ritual RP))
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2009, 01:23:15 pm »
*Tyrian continues to serve drinks and food to those who want it, while quietly asking those she knows about what happened. She opens up the two vacant guest rooms and lets anyone who needs rest use them. She opens her personal suite as well for any that need rest, a bath, or just a place with peace and quiet*

