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Author Topic: Dead Dragons- The Cult of the Fleshless Flame  (Read 197 times)


Dead Dragons- The Cult of the Fleshless Flame
« on: May 10, 2005, 05:05:00 pm »
Every time I see a big pile of Dragon bones, I always smirk at the effectiveness of Bloodstone in his work.  Problem is, he's been a bit sloppy about the cleanup, as such remains could possibly be wished ressurected or perhaps risen in a different form.


A cult of draconic fanatics out for revenge on the dragon slayer begin to restore their forefathers of the great dragon slaughtering to rise up and strike Bloodstone.  Such a group would be purely heritical to Rofirein, Pyrtechon and all living dragons (except possibly a few truly twisted chromatics) though would assuredly gain support from god such as Corath and the undead factions of the world.  

The clencher is that while the raisers of such beings intended for them to only attack Blood forces, the ritual to raise them was somewhat faulty, since they'd been dead far too long for an ideal lichifying.  The result, the risen beasts must continually feed on the souls of powerful sorcerers, to "reclaim their blood" as they would put it.  So despite the temporary convenience of Bloodstone under fire, key heroes and spellcasters are now hunted by the dark forces for the dracolich's feast/sacrifices.  After a few encounters, the heroes will be forced into action to pick a side, Their sworn enemy or his sworn enemy whose insatiable hunger can only end in the destruction of all life as we know it.


RE: Dead Dragons- The Cult of the Fleshless Flame
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2005, 05:10:00 pm »
Not a bad idea. But that is not how a Dracolich is formed.  They are formed very nearly the same way as a Lich, only they have to willing agree to die and become an undead as well (much like a lich of course).  So that means you have to convince a live dragon to do it and then get everything prepared.  And it takes a very long time, and is usually quite costly to the 2+ wizards that it takes to do it as well.


RE: Dead Dragons- The Cult of the Fleshless Flame
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2005, 05:33:00 pm »
Aye, hence the failing of an ideal ritual.  What would actually rise would be more like a quasi-sentient bone dragon with vampiristic tendancies, heh.  Still, bone dragons put up a decent fight, and using them as the cult's personal shock troops would be an eerie calling card.  Kind of imagining powerful necromancers and clerics flying boneback over the battlefield like nazgal and legions of lizardmen and powerful undead swarming below.  Likely the only non-draconics they would recruit would be bards and sorcerers.

An excellent leader for such a group would be an ancient red dagon disciple that survived Blood's wars against the chromatics, when he was bred out of desperation from a dying breed.  Held alive by necromancy, he'd looks awesome with those bone wings, dark robes and a staff.  (perhaps Bloodstone himself tore the flesh from his wings and had him imprisoned under some long forgotten rockpile until just recently)  Likely he'd be a mix of cleric and bard, able to flare up the fury of his draconic followers in an instant.

"look upon me and weep, humanity, for you see now past, present and future...  Eternity I am, and the suffering for your crimes on my blood shall be... eternal"

For full dracoliches, the cultists could seek to force metallic dragons into the ritual via holding their young hostage, making for an interesting kidnapping scenario the players would have to resolve.  They would be pressed to find the wyrmling and free it from the cult, then take it back to the dragon at the ritual before it is concluded.

Many possibilities.  Maybe the players fail the rescue attempt, the wyrmling is slain and the dragon goes through with the ritual for revenge on mankind.  Or maybe they save it but they get to the dragon before it is too late, having already made the ultimate sacrifice for its young.