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Author Topic: QUEST SERIES: What Lurks in Shadow  (Read 1050 times)


RE: QUEST SERIES: What Lurks in Shadow
« Reply #60 on: May 05, 2005, 04:12:00 pm »
*Triba walks out shooting a glance at the drow* shhhh *then she addresses the rest of the group*
  I'm going home to get stuff to offer him in bulk. I hope some of you crafters are doing the same. I'll be back on time to go do our thing.
  Giving the tear to Fisterion was an act of trust to two wise people that gained insight on the thought process of the dragons. Shadow feared the tear since it can pierce the planes in which he hides and one of Fisterion's demands was to be able to call power to the Shadow. So by giving the tear to Fisterion we obtained his undenying alliance, whereas the Shadow doesn't know this. You have to remember that the Shadow has lied in hiding for ages in the underdark and his knowledge of the outside world is limited. Even dragons have limits, never forget that. They are powerful but they are not omnipotent and omniscent, even Fisterion himself, living here on the surface mostly knew things his servants told him. He might have not said this but it was clear in his countenance.
  Now... forget about Fisterion, he is happy and is in the alliance now. With Shadow we need to first reimburse his army. They were just his defenders, he is well established in the underdark, they were his servants and thus he was royally pissed when we clobbered them all. I better not come back to empty hands from the rest of you because you won't hear the end of it. We need to remind this guy that the war will reach his hole in the underdark and when it does get there it wont be pretty. Furthermore his presence is now known by the surface since if we know that means others do as well.
  So lets remind him that, lets bloody remind him also of the potential to regain the weave, AND NO I'M NOT SAYING WE ARE OFFERING IT SINCE ITS NOT OURS TO DO SO. But I am saying that if he is reminded of this, just like the green and Fisterion they will be far more receptive. Which is ultimately what this is all about.
  He has absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain or at least keep by joining our cause. If he doesn't reason to that then screw it all cause I got no more ideas and I've had about enough of dragons to last a bloody life time.
  *Triba storms out making a lot of noise and screaming back at the group* I'LL BE BACK IN A FEW DAYS. TAPE THAT DROW'S MOUTH SHUT!!

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: QUEST SERIES: What Lurks in Shadow
« Reply #61 on: May 05, 2005, 11:34:00 pm »
* nods to Triba *

Alright. Let us pray that this will be enough. During the last week I have crafted a large pile of weapons that I would like to offer to this cause. My offer consists of around 20-25 iron weapons, which are mostly blades like long- and greatswords, but there are others as well. Pick them up at my house in Fort Llast before you go.

// I cannot be there tomorrow, so can we just pretend I gave them to someone in the group, and I will trash them? Or hand them to Ed next week or something?


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    RE: QUEST SERIES: What Lurks in Shadow
    « Reply #62 on: May 06, 2005, 07:26:00 am »
    *Hali finally stops pondering what tape is, and what it would do to the Drows mouth, and speaks up* I know its not much but as I've only been tailoring the last ten days, I'll donate my leather armors to this important cause. If the dragon only want shiny things, i dont have much to give.

    I will however like to be there when we call the shadow a coward if it dont accept the gifts we give it... It might even be fun to suggest it to the wyrm.

    *Hali giggles, sits down and drink another of Fenrirs beers*


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    RE: QUEST SERIES: What Lurks in Shadow
    « Reply #63 on: May 06, 2005, 05:51:00 pm »
    *looks up from shadows and says to Hali* You have had one to many beers my friend. One thing you never do is call a dragon a coward to its face.Or a shadow for that matter.*to the rest* I can't give you any help if you wnat items to offer.  Sure I can make some traps if I had the right equipment, but I don't and for now my traps are weak. Though I do know some one who can craft gem stones... Unless you want me to resort to crooked methods I can't give you stuff, but I can fight for you.


    RE: QUEST SERIES: What Lurks in Shadow
    « Reply #64 on: May 06, 2005, 06:15:00 pm »
    *acts like he removes tape from his mouth*

    I can offer gemstones of a sort.  I am not done with all of them as of right now but they are yours to offer to the dragon.  I hope it is enough to placate him and get him on board.  Perhaps as a contingency plan we could tell him that the other dragons thought he wouldnt come out and join up since he likes to hide.  Not necessarily call him a coward, but imply that his brothers did.  Regardless, I will stand by you and your decision.

    *acts like he puts tape back on his mouth*

    Trace Nightwind

    RE: QUEST SERIES: What Lurks in Shadow
    « Reply #65 on: May 06, 2005, 06:28:00 pm »
    I will be bringin some rings I have made and some other goodies. -Bama


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    RE: QUEST SERIES: What Lurks in Shadow
    « Reply #66 on: May 06, 2005, 06:52:00 pm »
    I aswell have an assortment of iron weapons and several armors i am willing to part from, if need be. Tell me if i should get them.



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    RE: QUEST SERIES: What Lurks in Shadow
    « Reply #67 on: May 06, 2005, 10:46:00 pm »
    *walks off while others are thinking and comes boack in* Never mind. My friend does not think of his gems as worthy of a dragon. Don't blame him though, I wouldn't craft gems for such a creature.