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Author Topic: Main Campaign Subplot  (Read 167 times)


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Main Campaign Subplot
« on: August 28, 2005, 09:19:00 pm »
What about having a subplot campaign that would make things easier/harder for the epic campaign based upon its results each session?  I'm thinking something in line with levels 7-15 besides the one-shots that pop up here and there.

Any thoughts?

Talan Va'lash

RE: Main Campaign Subplot
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2005, 10:48:00 pm »
the campaign isnt really an epic campaign, its just become that since we're nearing the final stretched where it gets reaaaaly nasty.

Also, not all plot quests are nasty, but a lot are recently so be warned.

I think Talan was level 9 or 10 when he went on his first plot quest (which was also my first plot quest.)  It was and impromptu thing where L shouted "doing an impromptu quest in... oh 10 minutes, meet at X" and I happened to be on at the time.

And really, unless its a really nasty quest with a strict party limit (since every 10 ms of lag adds +1 to the CR of an encounter hehe) come anyway.  If you are making a fun (or helpful) RP contribution NO ONE will challenge the fact that you are level 7 and everyone else is 18+.

On many quests theres a period (30 min, sometimes longer) at the begining where we discuss whats going on, any new information that has surfaced thats pertinent.  Even if the quest is dangerous anyone can come to the begining (i think) and participate and listen to the exchange.  However, if you dont know whats going on being there will likely be a frusterating experience.  

The only advice I have on that is, do some research first.  Find out the background of whats going on.  If you interrupt and ask a smart question, most likely someone will stop to answer it, but its hard to know whats a smart question if you dont know the background.  

Also it would be helpfull to meet someone before the start and make friends, then stand next to them and whisper your questions, its not that people hate you or dont want to answer questions about the background, its that they dont want to interrupt the main flow.

so yeah... just call me "Wild Tangent" becuase... well, I always seem to go off on one.  But, the stuff about questions and info chats before quests is pretty much a good idea for lots of quests.

Forgot what I was originally writing about...

Oh yeah, its possible to get involved in the plot even if you arent capable of surviving some of the more combat oriented plot quests.

Bris is running something soonish thats plot related, not sure of the level req though.

::End Rambling::

-Wild Tangent

PS - the main plot has more subplots than I can even count, I kid you not.


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RE: Main Campaign Subplot
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 11:31:00 pm »
Well I know the issue for me has been getting to the starting point at my level.  I've died twice just trying. :P  Pranzis and Arabel aren't easy to get to even with invisibility.

As for the other general quest etiquette you posted, that kinda falls into the grand codex generic role playing etiqutte that most just seem to forget about.  ;)  So I totally understand those things.  

My point is just that it might be interesting and engaging to have something specifically targetted towards newer players more often.  I see a lot in the 10+ and 15+ categories.  I know I am doing a disservice to some DMs but the only ones I can clearly recall being open to all and in my timezone were idii's and sometimes sakura's.

I was suggesting something akin to the sunday night quests on a lesser scale.


RE: Main Campaign Subplot
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2005, 02:32:00 am »
Getting to Pranzis and Arabel is not difficult at all and can be done without invisibility if you know the way and what to avoid.
  Ask ingame and I am sure someone will be willing to show you. I know that I will quite happily show you the way if requested.


RE: Main Campaign Subplot
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2005, 05:17:00 am »
  I like plot quests as they are now. Lots and lots of other quests tie into the plot, and not every plot quest will be run by Leanthar. My only peeve is that most of the plot quests I've seen are run at the same time, and even though there's a player limit it does exclude people from going on one. (But you do what you can, GMs and players alike)

Talan Va'lash

RE: Main Campaign Subplot
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2005, 08:26:00 am »
Ask Talan, if hes not in the middle of something he'd probably show you the way to arabel and pranzis.  He'll even show you the way to get from hlint to either of those places without having to fight a single monster (well, barring random griffons.)



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RE: Main Campaign Subplot
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2005, 09:15:00 am »
*Gasp* what happens when we win/lose? hum... fastforward 1000 years for the return of Blood part... er.. 3? or 4..i thank 4... yes yes. The return of Blood 4. Dun dun don

