NWN Discussions and Suggestions > Quests Ideas and Discussion

Points of Interest idea

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Lance Stargazer:
Or to make a new one that serves as part of the purpose to get to lvl 2 or 3 inside the very same tutorial .


--- Quote from: Guardian 452 ---Exactly how many P.O.I.'s are there? a retorical question I dont think that is public knowledge If we had subtle hints to even half of them added to the town criers can you imagine how long it would take to hear the criers talk about each one, and all the other things they say at random? It isnt like Joe Roleplayer can just stop by the crier and get the info on how to find them in a matter of minutes, is it? I ask because I cant recall if I click on a crier... can I "force" him to tell me a bit of info?
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I believe there are 5 on all the major continents, those being Mistone, Alindor, Dregar, Belinara and Voltrex.  There are also a collection of "spelunker" P.O.I.'s that are all underground locations.

Again, I don't really want to give hints to any more than a few to introduce the system. You're supposed to find them. Some of them are really out of the way on purpose.

Also no, you cannot force anything out of the Town Criers.  If a GM or WL sets up an announcement in a specific way, Bardic characters can potentially draw a bit more from them. Bear in mind, there'd be almost no reason for a town crier to go publicly hinting about some far-flung destination with nothing really around it but danger. Forcing IC clues for something that's arguably a half-OOC system seems kind of weird to me.

So yeah, really don't mind hinting (somewhere) to introduce the system (and it probably belongs in a tutorial or walk-through), but I don't care for the idea of dropping hints for all or most or even many of the P.O.I.'s in game.

Guardian 452:
See were mostly in agreement then.  ;)
Setting it up in whatever manner so they understand the system is here... and to go out looking at your own risk.

I do think we should have more explaining why its a P.O.I. at least. Even if its a blurb written on the banner that people can read if they choose to.


--- Quote ---I do think we should have more explaining why its a P.O.I. at least. Even if its a blurb written on the banner that people can read if they choose to.
--- End quote ---

Yeah, that's been suggested before, actually. I think part of the block there is that not all of the locations have anything officially written about them.

I suppose we could always say, "On this spot in 733....nothing happened." *winks*


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