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Author Topic: Suggestion: Placeable Quest GM  (Read 141 times)

Pen N Popper

Suggestion: Placeable Quest GM
« on: July 21, 2006, 06:52:35 am »
I'm a big fan of player driven events. Sometimes, though, you just need an item or two in order to give it a special touch.
  I'll give an example:
  Bumblebee wishes to hire a rogue or three to go retrieve a package an informant has left in Lanisport. Of course they should just RP that they get the package once in Lanisport, then return to Bumbles and RP that exchange. However, if Bumbles could request a PQ (placeable quest), then there would actually be something in Lanisport. Perhaps a chest with a sealed scroll in an upstairs bedroom somewhere. The rogues would have to sneak in and get it. Perhaps even a pair of deadly guards that need to be snuck past, or simply a trap on the chest. No GM interaction, though, beyond plopping down the placeables.
  How it would work:
  The PC would PM the PGM (placeable GM) withrequest, GM would make accept, reject, or request resubmit based upon feedback. The request would specify location and start time. The placeables would be there for two hours or until server reset. Server resets wipe the placeables and the request must be resubmitted. After two hours, the items may or may not be there any longer (depending on when the PGM came back to clean them up).
  The PQ would have to be scheduled on the player calendar and must happen whether it becomes a PQ or not. This is because they are meant to add flavor to player quests. The quest should be able to stand on its own if no PGM is available.
  Players can request PQs as often as they wish, but priority is given to players that have not had them before. These are, afterall, just player calendar quests with a chance for a few placeables.


Re: Suggestion: Placeable Quest GM
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2006, 06:57:29 am »
If we were to do something like this it would have to be no custom items and just some object in a chest that symbolizes what one is a blank parchment or something. And we couldn't let this get out of hand and grow out of proportions, like many things to do. Would that be acceptable or is it not really what you are requesting or going after?


Re: Suggestion: Placeable Quest GM
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2006, 07:07:14 am »
I think that is a great idea Pen.  

I think it would even be good if an NPC could be dropped somewhere then someone just has to RP
what they are saying...  it's a lot nicer than pretending someone is standing there and talking for the
"invisible person" on player run stuff.

And of course what L said, it's more like a nice symbolic thing worth nothing to anyone that comes
across it not involved in whatever the PC requesting it set up.

Pen N Popper

RE: Suggestion: Placeable Quest GM
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2006, 07:51:37 am »
Yes, I was thinking of generic items. The goal here would be to minimize GM work and maximize player fun. If it takes more than a few minutes for a GM to set up, they should reject the placeable quest request. :-)


Re: Suggestion: Placeable Quest GM
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2006, 07:55:00 am »
I think this is a great idea. When I was running the Orienteering new player events (and I still am, stay tuned for number 5, is it?), I often wanted something like this. We'd usually go looking for something, and when we got there, I'd say, OK, we're here. The other players would look around at the emptiness and say, "This is it?" If there could have been an NPC sitting at a campfire, it would have totally "sold" the experience of delivering a message to the ranger out in the forest. Or a (quite possibly empty, maybe locked?) chest, sitting in the grass, just as the drunk in the Wild Surge had described. Nothing magical or powerful, just something that indicated we'd arrived.

