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Author Topic: Carriage Systems  (Read 316 times)


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    Carriage Systems
    « on: June 23, 2005, 08:43:00 pm »
    Adding carriage systems that go to all big cities would make it easier and more realistic for crafting based PC's. In all reality, no crafter would normally have to fight off lizardmen and griffons to go to a main city to sell his wares. Also, having things like fairs and merchant markets in the cities every once and a while would really help. Or, the whole not being able to sell to merchants thing could be changed. How do they get their weapons anyway? Obviously not from the PC's. And also, the pawnshops inventory clears after everyplayer. Like all "pawnshops" he should continue to accumulate items until the server is reset. That way, if someone goes out and finds an ignot of iron, they sell it, and a crafter could buy it instead of deleting that items into electronic nothingness,



    RE: Carriage Systems
    « Reply #1 on: June 23, 2005, 09:28:00 pm »
    *nods* yep in RL I would 100% agree.  Most of what you stated though we are forced to do to balance out the game (and at least to a point) and keep the economy under semi-control.
      We are limited in what we can do with the system(s) we have... I do like the carriage system and I do have something in mind but there is so much on the teams plate I do not know when/if it will ever get implemented.

    Talan Va'lash

    RE: Carriage Systems
    « Reply #2 on: June 23, 2005, 10:02:00 pm »
    by carriage system do you mean a system like the boat system but overland between cities?


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      RE: Carriage Systems
      « Reply #3 on: June 24, 2005, 02:37:00 pm »
      To Talan: Precisely

      Talan Va'lash

      RE: Carriage Systems
      « Reply #4 on: June 24, 2005, 11:46:00 pm »

      I'd thought about something like this before (i'm sure the thread is around here somewhere) but it would take away a lot of the encounters of PCs on the road.  Granted, most groups passing in haste on their way to their destination would just greet eachother and move on, but often nice RP crops up, or you see someone you know, or someone you want to buy something from etc.

      Also such route would have to be limited to transit between fairly large cities with safe routes between them, as allowing PCs to avoid encounters that are meant to make routes dangerous is not the desirable outcome of such a system.

      Though if there was a random encounter script it could be lots of fun.  hehe, you have to get out and defend the caravan.  Or for a higher price you can hire a guarded caravan.  If something really dangerous tried to waylay the caravan you might have to get out and fight with the guards.  It would be fun.

      These battles could take place on random encounter maps (basically planes with some of those wagons to represent the caravan) that you get sent into much like the card game sends you to the game map.

      The only thing I might have a problem with in such a system is that I often crash when i get sent into the cardgame or the deathvoid... which could be problematic to the caravan and the other PCs along.  oh! gah, having multiple PCs ride the same caravan would be difficult to script i think... though it could probably be done like the PvP card game, you buy a ride for x number of people and wait at the pedestal/npc untill everyone joins.


      RE: Carriage Systems
      « Reply #5 on: June 25, 2005, 01:21:00 am »
      I quite like the idea and I think it is meant for material or goods only.
        For example if you have a large complement of copper that you mined close to Hlint which you need to get to Hampshire, you would use the carriage. Similiar to the bank vaults but just more items allowed. You will place all the copper on the carriage and then make your personal trip by foot to Hampshire. On arrival in Hampshire you will go to the carriage again and be able to get all the copper.
        Great idea to move goods between cities, but retain the fact that PC still have to travel to the destinations which will allow them to interact with people on the way there. And maybe a dice roll for a chance that the carriage gets waylayed enroute and you lose all your goods.
        I am using the bank vault in this fashion already, problem is the vault is limited to 10 items.


      RE: Carriage Systems
      « Reply #6 on: June 25, 2005, 02:19:00 am »
      what about oxen? Load your oxen up and go to the destination city. Or do you want a sure free way of getting your goods to the city. That is not very realistic for the  world we play in. So it would be more for convenience.



      RE: Carriage Systems
      « Reply #7 on: June 25, 2005, 02:49:00 am »
      Oxen is a good option yes, but sometimes the roads are dangerous and sometimes you want to take things across the ocean as well. I think an alternative would work and I dont want a sure free way.
        I suggest that it will cost some gold to do this and you will also have a dice roll of losing everyone as well (even two dice rolls once on handing the goods over and once on receiving it).
        It is an alternative to be used or at least to contemplate.


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        RE: Carriage Systems
        « Reply #8 on: June 25, 2005, 01:12:00 pm »
        Etinfall - 6/25/2005  5:19 AM

        what about oxen? Load your oxen up and go to the destination city. Or do you want a sure free way of getting your goods to the city. That is not very realistic for the  world we play in. So it would be more for convenience.


        I did not mean this to move things from one place to another.  I meant it to move characters form one place to the next. The whole point that makes it "realistic" as you would put it, is that you can still be attacked on the road. Now, if you can persay pay for a guard or take a guard with you and have encounters still, it is realistic.

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        RE: Carriage Systems
        « Reply #9 on: September 01, 2005, 01:35:00 pm »
        Rikshaws in the major cities.
        Gypsy wagons so a character can take their house wherever they go. But only on the open road or on roads through forests. Such things can be attacked by bandits and mercenaries to be used by them or destroyed by them, or even used by an npc to get money out of a character for its safe return. Though unlikely as bandits and mercenaries are not completley honest.
        The great thing about a carriage, is that perhaps it would allow a character to have a portable shop so that instead of accrying everyhting on their back or an ox. They would have something to carry other things in.


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        RE: Carriage Systems
        « Reply #10 on: September 01, 2005, 07:05:00 pm »
        Also, having things like fairs and merchant markets in the cities every once and a while

        See the Leilon Arms. Every friday in the US evenings we have merchants, entertainment, and booze.

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        RE: Carriage Systems
        « Reply #11 on: September 06, 2005, 12:05:00 am »
        Cool wagon for the introduction of Toby Jenkins.

        I was thinking that if it were possible to have wagons that characters can purchase, you could have Livery Stables.
        With carriages that are used for a specific resource.
        - grain wagons
        - coaches (foreign dignitory needs an escort of worthy adventurers to safe guard the trip from point-A to point-B
        - ore wagons
        - treasury wagons (characters could be hired to get a wagon from one city to another)
        - booze wagons (escort to a special celebration)

