The World of Layonara

NWN Discussions and Suggestions => Quests Ideas and Discussion => Topic started by: jadewillow on April 16, 2009, 09:09:43 pm

Title: Tavern Tours
Post by: jadewillow on April 16, 2009, 09:09:43 pm
I'd like to suggest a player run series. There are a number of inaccessible taverns across the lands (Stort, Delanthar, Orcs Watch, etc). Flynn de Ballard would like to sponsor a guided tour to one of these taverns a week (maybe every other week). Would it be possible to get GM assistance to open one of them up and populate it with stuff before each tour? Unique drinks, food, furniture. Nothing terribly complex, but something a little different. The GM would not even need to be there for the actual tour (although that would be great), just open it and put some stuff in there. It could stay that way until the next reboot perhaps.

Of course Flynn would be rating it and putting it on his list of reviews :)


Now that I think of it, it would probably require an update to open the transition. Am I right?