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Author Topic: The Coup de Grace  (Read 144 times)


The Coup de Grace
« on: March 21, 2006, 08:19:33 am »
I've been interested in having P do a series of CDQs in pursuit of the Final Strike.

Any input?


Re: The Coup de Grace
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2006, 10:26:51 am »
////  I kinda think there is another rogue after it in another set (yes, as in, more than one CDQ) of CDQ's.  You guys could make it a race.  =P


Re: The Coup de Grace
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2006, 11:40:17 am »
Well, heck, I'd better get some things rolling IC, so we can know about each other.

Any other input?


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RE: The Coup de Grace
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2006, 11:59:40 am »
The item is a legend. This means it might not exist and even if it does the chances of finding it are near non-existent at the best.

Furthermore it's a general guideline that there will be no item rewards from a CDQ unless the circumstances are special and the DM deems it as deserved.

Finally you will not be approved for a CDQ if your goal is simply to get an item out of it. Most likely if you would go trough the check list that L posted, the one that you can use to see if an CDQ is necessary for the goal you are aiming for, I think you'd notice that finding the legendary weapon l doesn't qualify as a reason for a CDQ.


Re: The Coup de Grace
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2006, 12:14:53 pm »
Well, the point of the CDQs wouldn't be just to get the item. In fact, I don't really expect that Pyyran would end up getting the item; the whole point would be the development of the character. It wouldn't just be one quest... It would be several, ranging all across Layonara, chasing various leads...

Really, my thoughts are more along the lines of a DM quest series than a bunch of CDQs, and I'd need a DM for the first leg of it anyway. Legend Lore isn't something that you can just toss around.

The Coup de Grace may or may not exist... But Pyyran, for one, is willing to traverse the world in an effort to find it.

Is this just a bad idea, or...?


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RE: The Coup de Grace
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2006, 12:28:47 pm »
I'm just saying that it won't work as a CDQ. Pyyran can chase the pointed thing all over the world and hear every rumor out there, but that's not somehing you really require a DM for. You hear that some farmer saw something he swears was just like it in the hands of that cursed Frindahl orc leader when it slew his family. You gather a group together and go investigate, dying a few times in the progress. Players can create events like that on themselves just fine.

Maybe if you do this for a good long time and keep your character development thread updated a DM will some day decide to toss a more interesting rumor your way. Maybe then it might be something to have a CDQ about.

But outside of that for any kind of a systematic and official search for the Grace to happen most likely a DM would need to be interested on the subject and then run a quest on it, one that is open for everyone interested.


Re: The Coup de Grace
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2006, 01:04:58 pm »
Yep... Right now I'm trying to plant the seeds for the bigger questy thing.

The only thing I need a DM for at the moment is the casting and results of Legend Lore, to point us in the right(?) direction.

Any DMs interested in the idea, though?


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Re: The Coup de Grace
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2006, 01:12:51 pm »
Stephen_Zuckerman - 3/21/2006  11:04 PM

The only thing I need a DM for at the moment is the casting and results of Legend Lore, to point us in the right(?) direction.

You don't need even that as there is no right direction. There are people who claim to have seen it trough the times but who knows what is true. As said earlier the thing might not even exist.

Come up with a story on your own. As long as it's not anything overly complicated or world altering and you don't expect it to be the truth on the matter, you are pretty much free to do as you like. Chasing legends is a hobby in which very little is certain.


Re: The Coup de Grace
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2006, 01:15:24 pm »
So I don't get to actually USE the incense I gathered for the express purpose? Och.

Well. Guess that means a few write-ups, and a few deleted posts.

Any more input is appreciated.

