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Author Topic: small encounter idea  (Read 225 times)


small encounter idea
« on: October 12, 2005, 02:24:00 pm »
This could be fun.
A group of players gets together to "clear the haven mines of the evil ogres" (go get some iron, gems, and platinum). They enter the mines and go into haven mine tactics mode (run to the hot spots, buff up and draw the ogres off, a few at a time, into a hallway or doorway for easy dispatch). But this time they get to the first hot spot and there are no ogres. So they think someone is ahead of us. They move to the next hotspot and the same thing no ogres and no veins of metal or gems. Now they think for sure someone ahead of us. At this point they can do one of three things leave and wait, run forward to catch up with the imagined group, or stay in place and wait for spawn (not really allowed).

1. In the event that they decide to leave the GM can make one ogre show up at the edge of the groups vision and run away deeper into the mines. This will most likely get the player to give chase. The next hotspot will meet them with again nothing.
2. If they decide to run forward to catch up, when they reach the next hotspot they will be met with more of the same, nothing.
3. If they wait for spawn the same tactic as in number 1 could be used.

At this point they should get that they are in a mystery. The group continues deeper into the mines. When they get to the lowest level they find a group of ogres protecting their young. The ogres plead with the group not to kill them and explain that a well-armed group came through and killed all the ogre warriors. They further plead with the group to escort them to the grey peaks where they could join with their cousins. Now if there is a paladin in the group this will be quite fun. Of course any good alignment will struggle with this choice. The ogres promise them reward in the form of gold, raw gems, and metal nuggets. So it could go one of three ways they accept the task, they reject the task and leave, or they reject the task and kill the ogres.

1. Accept task: what fun to escort a group of ogres through areas where there are other players and guards and have to explain what they are doing. There can be all kinds of interactions between the ogres and the party on the way. Helping the GM decide if the grey peak ogres will attack and try to kill the party or not.
2. Reject and leave: No fun nothing gained and some alignment shifts to boot.
3. Reject and kill: Massive alignment shifts (maybe). Ogres protecting their young turn out to be very tough! Giving the party a really hard fight with really no reward at the end.

OK there is one of my little ideas for a random fun encounter.

